Almost every new interview with monsta x mentions the Jingleball tour, it just makes me even more excited and nervous shjskakak 😭❤️ thank you for the interview
Thank you for this interview, Korean Unnie! You did a great job, very professional :) and they got to talk about music which is their passion. Thank you again. And Kihyun did say "Dramarama" for his fav song.
I like this interview, it seems different from others ♥️😍 I love how Monsta X has different likes and taste of music but they can complement each other so well to make music together as group. Monsta X is getting the success they deserve since the beginning. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Was just scrolling through youtube to learn some basics like hello and stuff and found this channel and not a day goes by without watching your video.. thank you so much Unnie❤️😊
Thank you so much for your love and support! Interview Part 2 will be released next week as well, so please look forward to it! Follow my Instagram account for chances to get your questions picked up for interviews!
Monsta x really advance in music.. I'm impressed the last part he speaks really well..superb interview.. No doubt monsta x really the big fan now
Great interview. I like the diversity of music genres from the group. i have seen other groups doing some like Twice with the Jackson 5 song. The Disco with Rap/Hip-Hop would be great. maybe some rockabilly stuff too. Now we have to go to the concert
Wow this is so cool she has such good chemistry with all the people she interviews and always gives off such a good and friendly vive I hope to see more interviews like this from her
hi~ thanks for the beautiful interview. i love how they are passionate about music and have so much knowledge like omfg!! the way wonho explained the genre he likes to try. oh my man :")
Wow. Unnie, is like a talk show hostess. So exciting. Monsta x is truly the BEAST and they will slay jingle ball. Everyone is very cool, calm, and concise. Thank you, for sharing.
i've watched some of korean unnie's vlogs and i can say that it helps me to appreciate korean culture more and now watching her with the LOVES OF MY LIFE, MONSTA X is so overwhelming😭
Love Korean Unnie and love love me some MonstaX so both together,I LOVED IT! Good interview. CONGRATULATIONS MonstaX on the Jingle Ball tour here in the US.💚
Finally an interview only about their music :) And also thank you for showing some appreciation to Changkyun, he really deserves it and seemed so happy 💗 ((also yeah let’s not talk about 1hoe’s audacity wearing that shirt))
Good job Unnie, nice interview! I like that you asked music related questions rather than relationship questions. I hope to see more interviews like this in the future!
Wow great interview, i really enjoy it. I could feel the passion for music on their answers and how comfortable they were. Thank you Unnie and everyone who made this ❤
Monsta X trying trapsoul vibes??? YES PLEASE!! STARSHIP LET THEM EXPLORE IT C'MON! This was such a good and chill interview, thank you so much for this!
2:23 sis speaks the truth
U.S. Monbebes who are going to the Jingle Ball tour, pls go all in and scream for Monsta X as loud as u can on behalf of mbbs all around the world
Yes! I definitely plan to!!!
Damn I love when artist get asked music related stuff instead of typical idol questions ! Go monstaX!
jingle ball is gonna be rlly LEGENDARY
4:31 i bet kihyun actually answed "Dramarama" as his favourite song not 드라마 음악 / kdrama song
Yes he did😂😂 I was so confused when I saw "kdrama song" lol
I was just about to say this too lol 😅
how did u know
@@breadkatsu i believe its a mistranslation. btw i came back here again but kihyuns part is edited out?
Almost every new interview with monsta x mentions the Jingleball tour, it just makes me even more excited and nervous shjskakak 😭❤️ thank you for the interview
Wow all of them sounded so professional and know alot about music. I can definitely feel the passion in music from their soul :")
I was shocked about Wonho's answer tho. He is like more about experimental music. That was my fist impression when I heard From Zero.
the fact that *MONSTA X* has become *GLOBAL ARTIST OF THE YEAR* 👑
The way jooheon mimic again the jingle ball. 😂
Great interview, Unnie! The guys seem really down to earth and passionate about their music! 👍👍
This is a great opportunity for them! They're going to perform along with such popular artists. Monsta X 파이팅!
with many group in kpop; 1st question was most relevant.
I'm Glad MonstaX is respected for their hard work, music and Talent
MonstaX fighting!
Thank you for this interview, Korean Unnie! You did a great job, very professional :) and they got to talk about music which is their passion. Thank you again. And Kihyun did say "Dramarama" for his fav song.
I want to listen to all those genres in monsta style..... RIGHT NOW 😚
Awww kungkung getting shy after getting a compliment
Finally wonho can talk while understanding the things
I like this interview, it seems different from others ♥️😍 I love how Monsta X has different likes and taste of music but they can complement each other so well to make music together as group. Monsta X is getting the success they deserve since the beginning. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
The way Jooheon said Camila Cabeo Is Soo cute 😂💓
Was just scrolling through youtube to learn some basics like hello and stuff and found this channel and not a day goes by without watching your video.. thank you so much Unnie❤️😊
Daily dose of Korean Unnie! 😊😊😊Thank youu
Korean Unnie + my boys?? the collab I didn’t know I needed 😭♥️ this was such a lovely interview, thank you!! 💕💓💞
Such an honour they are in the line-up from Jingle Ball Tour. MONSTA X is doing great.
I'm very happy for them !!!!
give yoo kihyun that rock genre song he deserves
언니 you interviewed my boys!!! 감사합니다!!
Thank you so much for your love and support! Interview Part 2 will be released next week as well, so please look forward to it!
Follow my Instagram account for chances to get your questions picked up for interviews!
Korean unnie and monsta x😍😍😍❤❤
I can't wait for the jingle ball tour..❤❤❤
OMG my favorite kpop group thanks for the interview
love monsta x' Shootout (intro song)!! Thanks unnie!!
I'm so happy with the Jingle Ball, like even if I won't be able to attend I want to be there in soul and scream for MonstaX 😍😍😍😍
Awesome! Korean Unnie is the best interviewer. Liked the Monsta X song
Thank u so much unnie 👍🏼❤️Plz support Monsta x n thr music 💗love
They are so cuuutteee
You're so good, Unnie! Jjang, Unnie! And I love MonstaX especially Jooheoniiieeeee!!! Love you, Unnie! 😘❤
Why does Wonho have to look so hot every freaking time? ❤
Monsta X made history in USA breaking through their entertainment industry and well recognized. Amazing monsta X
I enjoyed this interview. Interviewer and idols all have their charm. Great job.. 😊👍
Monsta X will slayyy at jingle ball concert..😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
This interview seemed so laid back. I can see how comfortable and happy everyone was. I went to Jingle Ball for them and man, it was a riot!!
I love their lower-pitched vocal so much. Trapsoul would be a great chance for me to enjoy it to the fullest!
I'm so excited to go to jingle ball 😭😭💖💖💖 I cant wait to support them there!
Monsta X simply the best and sensational group
Monsta x really advance in music.. I'm impressed the last part he speaks really well..superb interview.. No doubt monsta x really the big fan now
Great interview. I like the diversity of music genres from the group. i have seen other groups doing some like Twice with the Jackson 5 song. The Disco with Rap/Hip-Hop would be great. maybe some rockabilly stuff too. Now we have to go to the concert
3:02 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 🤣
Awesome love the interviews👍👍👍
Wow this is so cool she has such good chemistry with all the people she interviews and always gives off such a good and friendly vive I hope to see more interviews like this from her
hi~ thanks for the beautiful interview. i love how they are passionate about music and have so much knowledge like omfg!! the way wonho explained the genre he likes to try. oh my man :")
Can't wait to the second part you worked hard 잘했어!
Wow. Unnie, is like a talk show hostess. So exciting. Monsta x is truly the BEAST and they will slay jingle ball. Everyone is very cool, calm, and concise. Thank you, for sharing.
Omg. Happy for you. Seeing them in a few days!!
cardi b, camilla cabello, dua lipa and monsta x? I LIVE FOR IT
와! 정말 잘했어요 언니! 근데 언니가 더 질문들은 하는 느꼈어요! It felt like Unnie asked more questions than just about music, like the Dalshabet interview!
Let's wait for the interview Part 2!!
Such a great interview unnie! You did great interviewing them! Good luck Monsta X for the upcoming jingle ball! FIGHTING!
Looking forward to that seeexxxxyyyy song next year Changkyun~~😘😂
Korean Unnie Great work. You are getting up there. You studied the questions very good to make sure it was professionally done. So proud of you.
I love you unnie you meet so many k pop
i've watched some of korean unnie's vlogs and i can say that it helps me to appreciate korean culture more and now watching her with the LOVES OF MY LIFE, MONSTA X is so overwhelming😭
Love Korean Unnie and love love me some MonstaX so both together,I LOVED IT! Good interview. CONGRATULATIONS MonstaX on the Jingle Ball tour here in the US.💚
Finally, an intellectual that appreciates Shibuya-kei; I knew Wonho was perfect.
Kihyun's been wanting to try out the rock genre since day1 what a dedicated man
Finally an interview only about their music :) And also thank you for showing some appreciation to Changkyun, he really deserves it and seemed so happy 💗 ((also yeah let’s not talk about 1hoe’s audacity wearing that shirt))
Thanks.i love monstaX so much❤❤❤❤
Waaa 한국 언니를 멋있어요 ^-^ And the line up for the upcoming concert is so lit. Bet it'll be so fun. Good luck Monsta X!
Monsta X how successful!
I love you MONSTA X
Good job guys!!! Monbebe proud of you😘😘
Really good and relaxed interview. Hopefully we get more of these interviews in the future from Unnie!
My boys! Always the best
Our unnie did it... She made it big.. Thank you yah!!!!
i stan all the people and i'm loving it ♡ good job to our mx and unnie! looking forward to the second part~
I love it!
Good job Unnie, nice interview! I like that you asked music related questions rather than relationship questions. I hope to see more interviews like this in the future!
Everyone else: * makes an intro with lots of charisma *
And then there's Wonho with his "Hi"!! So cute 😄😄
Im so excited for their performance at jingle ball😭 So proud of Monsta X 💜
Wow great interview, i really enjoy it. I could feel the passion for music on their answers and how comfortable they were. Thank you Unnie and everyone who made this ❤
Amazing! Great job!
Monsta x doing rock would be great. I look fwd to it!
They are so cute answering the questions💜💜
My babies are shinning💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
감사함니다!!! Do more interviews with more idols i like it a lot😍
OMG MONSTA X 😍😍😍😍😍😍 so luckyyy sending BIG greetings from Croatia (크로아티아) ❤🙊🌍🇭🇷
Sohyun is soooo good at interviewing
Thank you for the interview, I love them so much. 💕
yess i was waiting for this 🤩
We love our Unnie ♡ Thank you for this amazing interview 😍❤
Jingle ball is a spectacular and amazing....
창균오빠 너무멋있어♥♥
Wish I was there😩😍 great keep going 👑
Such a great interview! Thank you!
I'm excited to see "part one" that means there is a part two coming!
Well done Korean Unnie😍😍😍😍👏👏👏
Great interview~! 6minutes is too short! We need more! and also hope to see you interviewing more other artists in the future!
Monsta X 😍😍
몬부심 뿜뿜~♡♡♡♡
사랑해 나의 남자들♡♡♡♡
i m here because of monsta x
korean unnie is a bonus
unnie I m so proud of you ..
greta job unnie! you did great!🙆👏
Thank you 💖💖💖
Monsta X trying trapsoul vibes??? YES PLEASE!! STARSHIP LET THEM EXPLORE IT C'MON!
This was such a good and chill interview, thank you so much for this!