I believe it was unintended, but I'm enjoying a few more weeks of developer serendipity. They never should have changed it in the first place. Makes Hotshot and Sniper rifles outstanding (with headhunter).
@@duskairable Morten Ryberg responded in the comments of THIS SPECIFIC VIDEO (to RogueGold) that its going to change again. *And* there is another entry for it on the Trello board. I wish it were not the case, because TU17.0 Determined is in fact super awesome, but don't get attached to it for the long-term.
Been back using it for a week now. Love that it's back. Have the sniper version on my main character and a rifle and pistol versions on my secondary one. So much fun and so nice to have a change from my AR or Status builds. 😁👍
I ran a similar build with airaldi holdings and vigilance. Chest and backpack rolled to weapon handling and headshots, and to the rest of the pieces.i kid you not, you can land a headshot simply shooting behind cover without aiming down the sight. Its a fun and satisfying buils.
Super surprised to hear that this was actually an intentional decision the devs made. I really hope the talent is kept this way. I think the build definitely serves a purpose in every agents load outs.
Ooooh baby! I was just playing with my co-op Div buddy the other night and noticed this happening, I was sure it was a bug. LOVE that it was intended! Thanks for the video with the confirmation about it.
Been using this since the update. So much fun. Makes you feel like a Hunter. >:D Edit: If you notice that Determined isn't working. Switch weapons, and switch back. It's happened multiple times to me and switching always fixes it.
My version of the build for those who might be interested. Bighorn White Death Determined Prophet sidearm (with perfect determined) 4x Hotshot, including backpack, DEF cores 2, OFF cores 4 Chainkiller Vest Dodge City Gunslinger holster Striker Shield Spotter Drone The prophet sidearm with the gunslinger holster is remarkably useful for a quick shot on any elite that runs up on you. Most of the time it stuns them for a second and completely removes their armor, making a second shot an easy kill. The Bighorn is the perfect AR made to synergize with all the HS dmg bonuses in this build and also allows you to push occasionally or defend yourself when needed. It also has extreme dmg:ammo value when used in semi-auto mode, seriously what other AR can you use as a DMR hitting over 1.5M dmg per bullet? The white death is the centerpiece of course, and the only thing left to say about it is that using the ACOG scope allows you to be a bit more aggressive if you don't need the extra 45% HS dmg to get your total to 150%. The only frustrating part of the build is against helmeted enemies like the Hyena rushers. You can hit them with 24M damage and just because they have a helmet they will not only survive but break your determined streak.
Hello from the future! I was very confused to see "perfect determined" on my gear and wondered why tf there were so many videos praising a clearly useless talent.
Woah this is basically the build I made for myself everything is the same besides Scorpio back up and use the ninja backpack for the extra buffs and to complete the hotshot set with 3 pieces and also get the 5% damage to armour from the chest plate then use the airaldi mask for the 10% marksman and 15% headshot, love the build so satisfying when you start connecting headshots and then the ability one shot big bosses after clearing out some of his minions lol
Anyone else have it where the Determined icon isn't showing up? I tried it with several marksman rifles and it's not showing the icon at all. Not to mention it's not giving headshots on body shots like in Rogue's video here (After a headshot kill that is). Can't get the dang talent to work at all. I even crafted a brand new rifle and transferred determined onto it, and it's still not working. Exceedingly strange.
@@RogueGold HEHEHE, No offense, but the equivalent of the IT department asking me if I turned it off and on gave me a laugh. Thanks for the response. I tried un and re equipping, and also crafting some new rifles and adding determined, several different types of marksman rifles. Still not working. It's very odd. I'll submit a bug ticket and see what comes of it. Have a great day and thanks for the videos.
Found out what the problem with this is. I was doing my testing in the shooting range, and apparently the talent doesn't trigger properly there. Just an FYI for anyone.
Really good video, I use the Sawyer knee pads instead of the item with vigilance on as you can rapidly increase your damage as well and I need the armour. I play in a group so lets hope they don’t change it again to weaken determined. I am pretty good at head shots but the higher level appointments can really motor around making it a tough ask not to miss one
Honestly one of the best walk-backs they've done. I never understood why they nerfed it in the first place (or gave us that garbage brand set and exotic for S11) Doesn't the backpack give you a Mulligan though? Not saying Vigilance is wrong - it's frankly at its best on a sniper build, but the backpack is worth considering for people on console and/or may not be fully confident in their aim (plus stuff happens) Other than that only thing I can suggest for funsies would be to slap on a regulas if you got one for your sidearm and watch the fireworks - literally! 🎉🎉🎉 Great for indoors/CQB segments. *Edit: Achilles Pulse also worth considering especially when fighting heaviea or dogs so you don't lose your streak.
With as many hours as I have in the game, why did I not know this build existed... I watched a lore vid from NGN who used a build with determined and I was like, "WHAT, SAY LESS!" typed in the search and here I am, and I couldn't be happier. This will make farming public executions and bounties a breeze. I got stuck on trying to make the NinjaBike backpack work, and while I got some ok builds, the backpack left me wanting more.
I run a similar one but instead I use the ninja with the other gear set forgot the name of it but gives more head dmg for each shot at enemy with the one brand set where it gives you 15% headshot and marksman rifle I can go solo heroic all directives in all control and activities with provided you have the skill to it :) and enjoy👍
I hope this is intended change and not because they temporarly reverted to old build because of that bug at season start. I like to run it without scope and Airaldi bag with bloodsucker. Some more defence and still enough headshot damage for headhunter to one shot named heroic bosses that don't have breakable helmets.
I run weapon handling/headshot damage. There's no point in using crits for secondary status as your focus on the build is headshot damage. with the amount of HSD you got from all your pieces, mods and white death, youre more than likely to start chain killing your determined from the get go. I would suggest using the nemesis as your secondary weapon as you can initiate your headhunter kills with the nemesis and then swap to the white death for determined which you will get faster since youll have the proc bonus from headhunter in play.
I was thinking they accidentally missed this with the build or something. I tried using it with the weapon that has 'perfect determine' and it doesn't seem to work. But if you use normal 'determine' it works, as long as you unequip and re-equip the weapon with it.
I use the same build, only difference is an airaldi bp with vigilance. It is really strong. Not going to lie though, it does feel OP to me. As much as I enjoy it. I have yet to use a build that clears out level 4 control points quicker than this build does
The build looks like it performs amazingly! Silly question everyone- how do I get the damage numbers to cascade next to your character as opposed to over enemies heads? I play on the pc.
Haven't tried it using the normal determined version, but i dont think it works with the perfect version. I see the buff activating on the first headshot, next shot to the body counts towards the headshot, but then the 3rd is just a body shot
Am I the only one on console having determined being glitchy? Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't proc... i back out of game.. log back in and then it works.... I also cannot use a my specialist sniper to stack the damage and then use an 1886 to max out the chain killer at all. Am I the only one? I've uninstalled and reinstalled. I've googled it and see no one talking about this issue.
I uh may have something a little embarrassing going on in my pants after seeing you one shot those two rogue agents. That was hawt and I hate mmr's in this game. Guess I'll have to give it a look.
I did understand why the reverted the talent in first place. I'm pretty sure they didn't want it to be so BROKEN lol But it's so nice it's back! I only have one question: what's the real difference between Determined and its perfect version? 🤔
the perfect version is on crappy guns, mostly. the 'real' answer is that perfect is a critical headshot (your CHD is added to your HS damage to determine the final damage as the multiplier). except, especially with headhunter, it's irrelevant for your 2nd shot 99.9% of the time. so you are stuck with the same functionality but on the Relic/G28 (completely underpowered to get repeat kills off the determined proc) or 686 magnum/Prophet (which is actually a decent gun in terms of power, but since it's not working like the normal version its not worth building into and is weaker than the D50 regardless).
I hate trying to get headshots playing on console. If they would let you roll determined onto a shotgun I'd be all over this gear set. But they don't so I'll pass
Does not work for me. Tried pistols and sniper rifles. After first headshot second body shot counts as a headshot but nex one like normal body shot, I did them in less that 5 sec...
BRB...going to go rebuild my fave sniper build... TY for this, btw! (edit: The White Death is for sale right now at [I think] DZ-East checkpoint vendor for about 152 DZ creds)
no, mantis doesn't have the determined talent that's basically needed for the bodyshots counting as headshots, but if you aim for head only then mantis should work
@christiansoto9721 You'll still deal a lot of damage using the Mantis, but if you specifically want to use Determined that's only available on high-end marksman rifles
@@j.a.eaglestarsmart1005 so you are using the mantis and the white death, which has determined...the mantis does not have determined, but thats what you wrote.
first of all nice vid:D.question i see alot of those vids instakilling mobs what is nice and all but how to deal with helmet dude's and chunga's becaus everytime im up against one nothing will 1 shot lol. sure it works awasome for herioc normal non armour mobs but anything with some kind of heavy armour the build does nothing if we are talking about instakilling. so do i miss out on somthing or not understanding somthing other wise all those big numbers are kinda a wasthe becaus you only need 10-11m? to instakill all normal herioc mobs anywhays pls let me know love to learn.
Any enemy that has the chip-off type armor can't be one shot, as the armor barrier will absorb any extra damage beyond its breaking point. You need 2 shots to take them down
@@RogueGold okej i got it. so worse case scenario 1vs1 against chunga what to do?. becaus basicly my problem with the build is 2 things chungas and the build randomly all of a sudden hitting nothing with all buffs up.
@RisingReap Your charged shot will break whatever armor spot you hit, try landing a headshot and then the second shot will kill them once the armor is gone. Alternatively be sure you have a good automatic secondary equipped to swap to in cases like those
Noooooo! I was primarily going off of the KIB where it states it's working as intended (trello.com/c/RfJzK9Id/107-gear-the-determined-talent-has-the-incorrect-description). Thank you for the clarification, though!
Well RIP on our dreams Morten. 💀 I assumed the intent of the stated change on the Trello board (which confused everyone in lieu of current behavior) was to have it such that follow-up 'natural' headshots do not consume the proc? Yes? So basically it becomes a bit of a 'do over' talent for 'natural' headshots? And, I also assume, that the Perfect and regular versions should have the same functionality? Can you confirm that skill kills and skills 'dying' will also not consume Determined procs?
@@RogueGold yeah just be sure to lead with nemesis….take a red or a purple first. Be sure to have a player to deal with doggos. And then chunga helmets will require nemesis. I don’t think 24 mil is enough for legendary helmet break.
Ok so I'm following you correctly. Determined was 'nerfed' to begin the year 5 correct? Then in the recent patch, they reverted back to Pre year 5/PTS version? So it's back to its top tier MMR talent list?
The talent was introduced in Season 11, and functioned the way it currently does in-game. In one of Season 11's hotfix patches, they nerfed it. Now with the start of Year 5 it's back to the original design. I don't know how it ranks against others, I don't do much numbers/lists like that, but its damage consistency is unmatched due to the ease of headshots!
@@RogueGoldso I tested this, this afternoon, and in the range it works like you said it should but I took it out to a CP and it wasn't staying procc. I had to do the 'trick' to get it going. That trick is to swap an MR to anything else then back to the MR and that worked. Now, I had the GE active so maybe that interaction with determined was causing issues in my playthrough? I don't know. I'll continue testing as it's glorious to 1 shot everything that isn't a heavy. Thanks Rogue 👍🏼
i gues we are at the point of the game where they gonna let us have anything and everything couse the st elmos feel op and then we get this back i like it
Sniping being my favourite thing in this game, i just can't get myself to use determined. Bodyshots are simply not satisfying as the headshots. So i find myself still aiming for the head even though determined is procced.
I honestly don't like this. If I'm hopefull about the narrative side things from this Dev team, that was showed with the new "manhunt" system, the gameplay side of things, or should I say, the game dificulty side of things, I really don't like how much easier the game keeps getting. Obviously, if I don't like this particular gameplay style, I simply won't use it, but I'm sad that there's really no Challenge in the "normal" gameplay (outside of Raids and Legendaries), and no need for team/build synergie. I understand that this is good for (atract) new players, and that ends up being good for the game overall, but I guess I'm just sad that I will never have the same feeling (and dynamics) that I had in the "infamous" patch 1.3 from TD1. Also, I understand that the game being easier makes it to possible to have A LOT more viable builds, but I wished that the Devs had some kind of balance, where the game would be easy most of the time, but there would still be reasons for having team/build synergie and communication...
good news, any build you don't like, you don't have to use! you know, kinda like how MMRs/sniper builds have been for the entire game until Determined was introduced in 17.0.
This should never work like this in the game and it's obviously bugged and the devs came with the excuse "intended" just because they have a horrible year 5 launch were they basically almost ruined the entire game (game it's worst than ever) and they accidentally reverted back determined to his broken state at it was before. This it's breaking the game and it's sad to see "content creators" doing videos about this for la lame views behaving like this is so cool and crap when the stupid talent ruin the game 💩
When I’m division history has the normal version of a talent been better than the perfect version go use the relic and tell me it’s working as intended I love how y’all division creators who show up over others spread so much misinformation I watched dod’s video and he showed it was bugged
I’m extremely surprised that they reverted determined! 😊
But I’m loving it
I believe it was unintended, but I'm enjoying a few more weeks of developer serendipity. They never should have changed it in the first place. Makes Hotshot and Sniper rifles outstanding (with headhunter).
It was included in the patch notes , so it was not unintended.
It's intended, the dev confirmed it 😊
@@duskairable Morten Ryberg responded in the comments of THIS SPECIFIC VIDEO (to RogueGold) that its going to change again.
*And* there is another entry for it on the Trello board.
I wish it were not the case, because TU17.0 Determined is in fact super awesome, but don't get attached to it for the long-term.
@@grumpyoldman6503let's hope not. This makes sniper builds actually fun. So tired of running striker and just running and gunning everything
Been back using it for a week now. Love that it's back. Have the sniper version on my main character and a rifle and pistol versions on my secondary one. So much fun and so nice to have a change from my AR or Status builds. 😁👍
Thanks for the refresher I missed last season, gonna have try this looks awesome
Indeed it is!
This set up is great for taking down the black tusk headshot challenge for your league event
For sure!
That pair of rogue agents were like: What the hell are we doing here? Two seconds later they were both gone!!!
I ran a similar build with airaldi holdings and vigilance. Chest and backpack rolled to weapon handling and headshots, and to the rest of the pieces.i kid you not, you can land a headshot simply shooting behind cover without aiming down the sight. Its a fun and satisfying buils.
Super surprised to hear that this was actually an intentional decision the devs made. I really hope the talent is kept this way. I think the build definitely serves a purpose in every agents load outs.
Thank you Massive. Truly.
Ooooh baby! I was just playing with my co-op Div buddy the other night and noticed this happening, I was sure it was a bug. LOVE that it was intended! Thanks for the video with the confirmation about it.
Thanks for watching! Enjoy!
You can actually get away with 3 pieces hotshot, ninja and picaros with HS damage. Only lose about 4m damage (20m consistent shot) and at 1.4m armour.
Been using this since the update. So much fun. Makes you feel like a Hunter. >:D
If you notice that Determined isn't working. Switch weapons, and switch back. It's happened multiple times to me and switching always fixes it.
My version of the build for those who might be interested.
White Death Determined
Prophet sidearm (with perfect determined)
4x Hotshot, including backpack, DEF cores 2, OFF cores 4
Chainkiller Vest
Dodge City Gunslinger holster
Striker Shield
Spotter Drone
The prophet sidearm with the gunslinger holster is remarkably useful for a quick shot on any elite that runs up on you. Most of the time it stuns them for a second and completely removes their armor, making a second shot an easy kill. The Bighorn is the perfect AR made to synergize with all the HS dmg bonuses in this build and also allows you to push occasionally or defend yourself when needed. It also has extreme dmg:ammo value when used in semi-auto mode, seriously what other AR can you use as a DMR hitting over 1.5M dmg per bullet? The white death is the centerpiece of course, and the only thing left to say about it is that using the ACOG scope allows you to be a bit more aggressive if you don't need the extra 45% HS dmg to get your total to 150%.
The only frustrating part of the build is against helmeted enemies like the Hyena rushers. You can hit them with 24M damage and just because they have a helmet they will not only survive but break your determined streak.
That's what the Achilles is for.
I hate hyena rushers! Their movement is super erratic and as you said, determined is lost when you hit them!
Just shoot them in the body....
Perfect determined has not been reverted
Just FYI, normal Determined is reverted. Perfect Determined is still in its nerfed state.
I started trying to use my Prophet build again and was like... WTF, this didn't get fixed. Now it makes sense.
Hello from the future! I was very confused to see "perfect determined" on my gear and wondered why tf there were so many videos praising a clearly useless talent.
Woah this is basically the build I made for myself everything is the same besides Scorpio back up and use the ninja backpack for the extra buffs and to complete the hotshot set with 3 pieces and also get the 5% damage to armour from the chest plate then use the airaldi mask for the 10% marksman and 15% headshot, love the build so satisfying when you start connecting headshots and then the ability one shot big bosses after clearing out some of his minions lol
Anyone else have it where the Determined icon isn't showing up? I tried it with several marksman rifles and it's not showing the icon at all. Not to mention it's not giving headshots on body shots like in Rogue's video here (After a headshot kill that is).
Can't get the dang talent to work at all. I even crafted a brand new rifle and transferred determined onto it, and it's still not working. Exceedingly strange.
Usually if you un-equip and re-equip the gun its on, it'll start working again
@@RogueGold HEHEHE, No offense, but the equivalent of the IT department asking me if I turned it off and on gave me a laugh.
Thanks for the response.
I tried un and re equipping, and also crafting some new rifles and adding determined, several different types of marksman rifles.
Still not working. It's very odd.
I'll submit a bug ticket and see what comes of it.
Have a great day and thanks for the videos.
Found out what the problem with this is. I was doing my testing in the shooting range, and apparently the talent doesn't trigger properly there.
Just an FYI for anyone.
Really good video, I use the Sawyer knee pads instead of the item with vigilance on as you can rapidly increase your damage as well and I need the armour. I play in a group so lets hope they don’t change it again to weaken determined. I am pretty good at head shots but the higher level appointments can really motor around making it a tough ask not to miss one
Sawyer's rock, good pick!
Oh man this heads up will be useful for apparel event farming on heroic.
I have to put back my build then
Honestly one of the best walk-backs they've done. I never understood why they nerfed it in the first place (or gave us that garbage brand set and exotic for S11)
Doesn't the backpack give you a Mulligan though? Not saying Vigilance is wrong - it's frankly at its best on a sniper build, but the backpack is worth considering for people on console and/or may not be fully confident in their aim (plus stuff happens)
Other than that only thing I can suggest for funsies would be to slap on a regulas if you got one for your sidearm and watch the fireworks - literally! 🎉🎉🎉 Great for indoors/CQB segments.
*Edit: Achilles Pulse also worth considering especially when fighting heaviea or dogs so you don't lose your streak.
The backpack is a good safety cushion for sure. Achillies is a good shout!
With as many hours as I have in the game, why did I not know this build existed... I watched a lore vid from NGN who used a build with determined and I was like, "WHAT, SAY LESS!" typed in the search and here I am, and I couldn't be happier. This will make farming public executions and bounties a breeze. I got stuck on trying to make the NinjaBike backpack work, and while I got some ok builds, the backpack left me wanting more.
Heck yeah! Enjoy, it's a blast!
I run a similar one but instead I use the ninja with the other gear set forgot the name of it but gives more head dmg for each shot at enemy with the one brand set where it gives you 15% headshot and marksman rifle I can go solo heroic all directives in all control and activities with provided you have the skill to it :) and enjoy👍
Never seen Rogues killed via one-shots. Wow!🎉
I hope this is intended change and not because they temporarly reverted to old build because of that bug at season start.
I like to run it without scope and Airaldi bag with bloodsucker. Some more defence and still enough headshot damage for headhunter to one shot named heroic bosses that don't have breakable helmets.
I run weapon handling/headshot damage. There's no point in using crits for secondary status as your focus on the build is headshot damage. with the amount of HSD you got from all your pieces, mods and white death, youre more than likely to start chain killing your determined from the get go. I would suggest using the nemesis as your secondary weapon as you can initiate your headhunter kills with the nemesis and then swap to the white death for determined which you will get faster since youll have the proc bonus from headhunter in play.
My setup for Determined is 3 piece Overlord, Chainkiller, Vigilance Backpack, and Coyote Mask.
Great news👍thanks for the video
Thanks for watching!
I was thinking they accidentally missed this with the build or something. I tried using it with the weapon that has 'perfect determine' and it doesn't seem to work. But if you use normal 'determine' it works, as long as you unequip and re-equip the weapon with it.
wow didnt know it got reverted ty so much for the vid
👍 Thanks for watching!
I hope they keep it like this do PVE and do whatever for PVP lol been using Determined and it’s a blast haha
I use the same build, only difference is an airaldi bp with vigilance. It is really strong.
Not going to lie though, it does feel OP to me. As much as I enjoy it. I have yet to use a build that clears out level 4 control points quicker than this build does
I though the One-Shot was a lot of fun to use. I'm glad that its back... I think it's time to run back to the stash and try this out.
Is this build still working? Before I start grinding...
Yep! Just used it earlier for Season Pass farming :)
i use Airaldi Holdings backpack because Marksman Rifle DMG i get from it and bloodsucker Talent
The build looks like it performs amazingly! Silly question everyone- how do I get the damage numbers to cascade next to your character as opposed to over enemies heads? I play on the pc.
Settings -> UI -> Scrolling Combat Text: Change to "Floating"
@@parallelgeek much appreciated 🙏 👍
Can someone confirm for me when determined effect is removed. Armour including helmets. Anything else?
Haven't tried it using the normal determined version, but i dont think it works with the perfect version. I see the buff activating on the first headshot, next shot to the body counts towards the headshot, but then the 3rd is just a body shot
Yeah apparently the Perfect version wasn't updated
does it work with perfect determined? doesnt seem to be working for me
Cleared the CP before the back up even showed up 🤣 aaaaand the hunters 😂😂❤
Am I the only one on console having determined being glitchy? Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't proc... i back out of game.. log back in and then it works.... I also cannot use a my specialist sniper to stack the damage and then use an 1886 to max out the chain killer at all. Am I the only one? I've uninstalled and reinstalled. I've googled it and see no one talking about this issue.
Usually if you un-equip and re-equip the weapon with Determined it'll fix it
A question sir do i need to farm a backpack and chest hapsberg brand which will give 15%hsd 20% mmr
Or difference would be worthless?
With the vigilance and headhunter of course
Any combination of the Providence, Araldi, or Habsburg brands for those two pieces will serve you very well 👍
They reverted it back... Idk how to get perfectly determined on the white death cuz normal determined does reset after the guaranteed headshot is used
My regular Determined works just the same as pre-TU20. Was using this same build to farm the Season Pass
What about the Relic? Is that a good gun to use?
I have a question - will that build deal more damage, if you change the Chainkiller and The Gift for 2 pieces Habsburg with same stats and talent?
I haven't fully tested that, but it would be close one way or the other
@@RogueGold With Habsburg you have 10% SR damage vs 5% total weapon damage in Walker
@nozemi9074 The extra damage you gain from Perfect Chainkiller likely evens them out pretty darn close
@@RogueGold Huh. So, there is no point to rebuild this build with that brand set?
@nozemi9074 I really think it'll be just about the same damage either way, so use whichever you have better pieces of!
I uh may have something a little embarrassing going on in my pants after seeing you one shot those two rogue agents. That was hawt and I hate mmr's in this game. Guess I'll have to give it a look.
Is this also working on the Pistol with Perfect Determined?
I haven't used a pistol variation personally, but I know many do!
Great build, will try after golden bullet haha. Waiting next patch to fix this one pepega
I did understand why the reverted the talent in first place. I'm pretty sure they didn't want it to be so BROKEN lol
But it's so nice it's back!
I only have one question: what's the real difference between Determined and its perfect version? 🤔
the perfect version is on crappy guns, mostly.
the 'real' answer is that perfect is a critical headshot (your CHD is added to your HS damage to determine the final damage as the multiplier). except, especially with headhunter, it's irrelevant for your 2nd shot 99.9% of the time.
so you are stuck with the same functionality but on the Relic/G28 (completely underpowered to get repeat kills off the determined proc) or 686 magnum/Prophet (which is actually a decent gun in terms of power, but since it's not working like the normal version its not worth building into and is weaker than the D50 regardless).
@@grumpyoldman6503 Thanks for the info!
I hate trying to get headshots playing on console. If they would let you roll determined onto a shotgun I'd be all over this gear set. But they don't so I'll pass
How do you get the white skin for the white death?
It was a reward from a past Season pass. Not accessible at the moment I'm afraid, but keep an eye on the store in case they add it in 👍
@@RogueGold RIP thank you
Dammit. I just deleted my Determined Hotshot build...
Does not work for me. Tried pistols and sniper rifles. After first headshot second body shot counts as a headshot but nex one like normal body shot, I did them in less that 5 sec...
Try un-equipping and re-equipping the gun
Great build, the devs didn’t want us to have fun with this one Lmaooo
What's the difference between the perfect talent and the normal one
Perfect gives you a guaranteed critical headshot as opposed to just a headshot
This build is perfect for one of my friends he loves snipers.
I think the most dmg i got with this build and the Nemesis was around 54 Million dmg in a single shot
It was insane
BRB...going to go rebuild my fave sniper build... TY for this, btw!
(edit: The White Death is for sale right now at [I think] DZ-East checkpoint vendor for about 152 DZ creds)
Nice, good shout!
White Death drop on Countdown (3 on 6 runs)
Where did you get that shirt/ or top
It's one of the full outfits, only equippable when you have the Sharpshooter Specialization active
@@RogueGold I didn’t remember it being black
Is the white death sniper dz exclusive? If not then the rng gods haven't been on my side for a few weeks
It is not. Wishing you good RNG!
I can't build this, I can't change the talent on either of my White Death(s).
How do you get the scope he has?
You get it from the Sharpshooter Specialization skill tree, from unlocking the Rifle damage node 👍
How do i get the white death sniper ?
It just drops randomly. More likely on targeted loot drops for sniper rifles.
@devilefra It's in the general loot pool, best chances to drop when playing targeted Marksman Rifle content 👍
This build works with Mantis?
no, mantis doesn't have the determined talent that's basically needed for the bodyshots counting as headshots, but if you aim for head only then mantis should work
@christiansoto9721 You'll still deal a lot of damage using the Mantis, but if you specifically want to use Determined that's only available on high-end marksman rifles
my white death wont let me change my talent, am i missing something?
I've heard similar reports recently, so it may be a new bug with the latest update. Just confirming- you haven't already Recalibrated another stat?
@@RogueGold I have not done anything to either of my white deaths
@edwardgustii7457 👍 I'll be sure to get that reported then!
I was able to change mine today maybe they fixed it with the new patch
I was able to change it today. Also is anyone getting the manic(or however it is spelled) blueprint over and over Everytime you deconstruct stuff?
Thank you, RG. I use it with the Mantis.
No you dont... 🤣
@@predator70nc46 lol. Actually, I have about 3 sniper builds I use that weapon combo on.
@@j.a.eaglestarsmart1005 so you are using the mantis and the white death, which has determined...the mantis does not have determined, but thats what you wrote.
Nice that Way you can reset your decoy
@@predator70nc46 oh no. I meant the Relic, which has determined, with the Mantis.
first of all nice vid:D.question i see alot of those vids instakilling mobs what is nice and all but how to deal with helmet dude's and chunga's becaus everytime im up against one nothing will 1 shot lol. sure it works awasome for herioc normal non armour mobs but anything with some kind of heavy armour the build does nothing if we are talking about instakilling. so do i miss out on somthing or not understanding somthing other wise all those big numbers are kinda a wasthe becaus you only need 10-11m? to instakill all normal herioc mobs anywhays pls let me know love to learn.
Any enemy that has the chip-off type armor can't be one shot, as the armor barrier will absorb any extra damage beyond its breaking point. You need 2 shots to take them down
@@RogueGold okej i got it. so worse case scenario 1vs1 against chunga what to do?. becaus basicly my problem with the build is 2 things chungas and the build randomly all of a sudden hitting nothing with all buffs up.
@RisingReap Your charged shot will break whatever armor spot you hit, try landing a headshot and then the second shot will kill them once the armor is gone. Alternatively be sure you have a good automatic secondary equipped to swap to in cases like those
how you people get max out mod
It's all RNG! Been collecting these for years.
It is unintentional that you can chain body shots so enjoy it now 😊
Noooooo! I was primarily going off of the KIB where it states it's working as intended (trello.com/c/RfJzK9Id/107-gear-the-determined-talent-has-the-incorrect-description). Thank you for the clarification, though!
Well RIP on our dreams Morten. 💀
I assumed the intent of the stated change on the Trello board (which confused everyone in lieu of current behavior) was to have it such that follow-up 'natural' headshots do not consume the proc? Yes? So basically it becomes a bit of a 'do over' talent for 'natural' headshots?
And, I also assume, that the Perfect and regular versions should have the same functionality?
Can you confirm that skill kills and skills 'dying' will also not consume Determined procs?
This all red build can actually run legendary…..
I need to try it!
@@RogueGold yeah just be sure to lead with nemesis….take a red or a purple first. Be sure to have a player to deal with doggos. And then chunga helmets will require nemesis. I don’t think 24 mil is enough for legendary helmet break.
The rogues at the end were fucked. Great build, I have all the pieces already just need to re roll the white death talent
You hit for almost 2m more with sawyers knee pads and 3pc hotshot.
Ok so I'm following you correctly.
Determined was 'nerfed' to begin the year 5 correct?
Then in the recent patch, they reverted back to Pre year 5/PTS version?
So it's back to its top tier MMR talent list?
The talent was introduced in Season 11, and functioned the way it currently does in-game. In one of Season 11's hotfix patches, they nerfed it. Now with the start of Year 5 it's back to the original design. I don't know how it ranks against others, I don't do much numbers/lists like that, but its damage consistency is unmatched due to the ease of headshots!
@@RogueGoldso I tested this, this afternoon, and in the range it works like you said it should but I took it out to a CP and it wasn't staying procc. I had to do the 'trick' to get it going. That trick is to swap an MR to anything else then back to the MR and that worked.
Now, I had the GE active so maybe that interaction with determined was causing issues in my playthrough? I don't know.
I'll continue testing as it's glorious to 1 shot everything that isn't a heavy.
Thanks Rogue 👍🏼
i gues we are at the point of the game where they gonna let us have anything and everything couse the st elmos feel op and then we get this back i like it
0:26 except u cant count yourself as a Sniper if u shoot bodyshot after Headshot. If u manage to keep shooting Headshot u keep determined buff active.
Sniping being my favourite thing in this game, i just can't get myself to use determined. Bodyshots are simply not satisfying as the headshots. So i find myself still aiming for the head even though determined is procced.
And just after I trashed all my Hotshot gear
If you have the blueprints it's super easy to craft a perfect piece!
So is it a bug or not?
Instead of chc go for weapon handling.
Rogue Agent: Let's go him
2nd Rogue Agent: Yeah
Both go down, n nobody knows what happen😂😂😂
Lol too good!
I honestly don't like this.
If I'm hopefull about the narrative side things from this Dev team, that was showed with the new "manhunt" system, the gameplay side of things, or should I say, the game dificulty side of things, I really don't like how much easier the game keeps getting.
Obviously, if I don't like this particular gameplay style, I simply won't use it, but I'm sad that there's really no Challenge in the "normal" gameplay (outside of Raids and Legendaries), and no need for team/build synergie.
I understand that this is good for (atract) new players, and that ends up being good for the game overall, but I guess I'm just sad that I will never have the same feeling (and dynamics) that I had in the "infamous" patch 1.3 from TD1.
Also, I understand that the game being easier makes it to possible to have A LOT more viable builds, but I wished that the Devs had some kind of balance, where the game would be easy most of the time, but there would still be reasons for having team/build synergie and communication...
good news, any build you don't like, you don't have to use!
you know, kinda like how MMRs/sniper builds have been for the entire game until Determined was introduced in 17.0.
kinda hate how many covers this... It will just be nerfed and il be back to a boring build..
How I wish most of the game was. More realistic. Instead you have to unload entire magazines into someones face to kill them. 😒
So you want your character to also die with one shot?
Or you only want the realism that benefits you?
@@aATENEA I would have preferred it to be more sim-like, yes.
I mean firing dozens of rounds into a guy with a hoody is kind of ridiculous no?
This should never work like this in the game and it's obviously bugged and the devs came with the excuse "intended" just because they have a horrible year 5 launch were they basically almost ruined the entire game (game it's worst than ever) and they accidentally reverted back determined to his broken state at it was before. This it's breaking the game and it's sad to see "content creators" doing videos about this for la lame views behaving like this is so cool and crap when the stupid talent ruin the game 💩
Yeah, now being a sniper is worth nothing; no skill needed
@@aATENEA if you could hit HS 100% of the time, there was never a reason for you to use Determined in the first place.
Stop moaning fucking hell 😂😂
Lol this is bugged can’t wait to see y’all cry when it goes back to normal
It's working as intended: trello.com/c/RfJzK9Id/107-gear-the-determined-talent-has-the-incorrect-description
When I’m division history has the normal version of a talent been better than the perfect version go use the relic and tell me it’s working as intended I love how y’all division creators who show up over others spread so much misinformation I watched dod’s video and he showed it was bugged
@@RogueGold literally read the talent bro there a bug with headhunter that’s why it stacks it’s not supposed to stack
@@PHREEEEZY21 Exactly, they spread misinformation for lame views meanwhile the stupid talent ruins the game.
I don't know this game wasn't supposed to be a call of duty so ı dare say the talent is breaking the game