Praise jesus in our father in heaven bother thank you for your love thank you for goodness and the direction you shall i want to be and thank you for your son who died on the cross angeles the strength to carry on to these chimes to wait for you to return jesus i thank you father and jesus versus name amen
@@FelipeEscobar86It's two different kinds of fear. The type of fear we should avoid through our faith is the fear that is the result of pride and wavering faith as opposed to the fear of God which is out of reverence and respect to our creator.
@@FelipeEscobar86For this is the will of my Father that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in him has eternal life and I will raise him up on the last day John 6:40
i feel we are truly approaching the end, we must do our part to wake up the sleeping, Jesus doesn’t want us to perish, feed your children the words of God, stay close to the holy books, i pray you all stand strong. may God bless you 🤍
@@martinkent333The evidence was written about worldwide. There's fossil marine life found on all mountain tops. Your ability to find more information is in your hands so try using your brain.
You are doing a great job! Finally someone is finally telling the truth! I thought I was almost alone out here! What church do I go to? 😢I already suffered violent attacks in church and at home for Jesus sake! I saw the power of God!! The best days of my life so far!
I'm so sorry you lost your mother this morning. I know how that feels I've lost everyone except for my older brother a year older than me have faith we will see this the man of sin we will have to go through some things but we will go home and be comforted God bless you I pray the Lord finds you some comfort in your heart
It never ceases to amaze me how anyone could read Matthew 24 and still believe in the any-moment doctrine of imminency as advocated by pretribulationists, meaning that 1) Jesus' second coming and rapture can happen at any moment in spite of the signs and things that must happen first according to scripture and 2) that the elect will not be expected to endure to the end but, rather, we would be gathered up prior to the darkening of the sun and moon.
So you're saying to sin all you want as there's still time? I've read it all my life and what's said is after the tribulation in their time for when the Temple will be destroyed. What am I missing?
@@GoHomeKamala "sin all you want as there's still time"... good golly, how in the world do you read that into anything I said? Of course I don't support such an idea! Please compare scripture with scripture and listen to how our Lord and Savior describes the last days before his second coming in the entire chapter of Matthew 24. Then compare scripture with scripture and you will find that the sun and moon being darkened in Jesus' revelation through John at the 6th seal then go back and see the things we are to "endure to the end" in the 1st through 5 seals. We're not appointed to wrath, so we're gathered up when the sun and moon are darkened, prior to the bowl judgements which is God's wrath on the Earth. I'm not 100% convicted on this interpretation, but I'm pretty close. I try not to be dogmatic on eschatology. It's important to note that faithful men and women in Christ who have devoted their lives to eschatology come down on different sides of interpretations like these. I lean on my reading of the entire chapters of Matthew 24 and 25 and Revelation and see great congruity between the two in support of my position.
@@davekpghpa I agree with you, however because if the totality of scriptures that address the second coming. First I don’t give as much weight to the “not appointed to wrath” argument because I try dissect scripture in its context. The context there is salvation because the scripture goes on to say “not appointed to wrath but to salvation” Also Paul wrote in Thessalonians in response to the concern that Christ had already returned in some secret manner (sound familiar) that certain things must happen first and one of those was the “man of sin be revealed” and the only way I can see that happening with 100% certainty is for us to witness him “taking his seat and proclaiming himself to be God” That obviously doesn’t happen until much later in the seven year timeline. This stew of doctrines has its roots in the most rabid form of dispensationalism, which includes the doctrine of imminence and stems from the forces of antisemitism within the church. Read Martin Luther’s writings to see how rabid it was and is in some sectors of the church even today. My Bible tells me that we are grafted in, not a separate tree, it also tells me that we WILL suffer persecution and tribulation and to rejoice to be purified in such a manner. It tells me that God will be with us and see us through whatever comes our way. It doesn’t tell me anywhere that we’re are a special people who will be protected from all trials. The idea that lack of belief in imminence equals “sin all you want” is literally ridiculous, God can demand your soul at any moment, that’s the only imminence anyone should need. Also there is a failure to rightly view the seven years in proper divisions of time. Most consider the entire seven years to be tribulation and Gods wrath, when in fact most of the seven years is the wrath of Satan upon humanity through the AntiChrist, and False Prophet, as he knows his time is short. God is allowing this for his purposes and even releasing the worst of Satans rebellious angels that were imprisoned millennia ago. Gods wrath is near the end as he intervenes to stop the Demonic forces seeking to destroy Israel and most if not all of humanity. We are moved to safety when Christ returns in his one and only return after the dead are resurrected, the second coming is not “part A & part B” it is the one and only return of Christ, in all power & glory, with his holy angels and his redeemed of Earth, to crush the head of the serpent.
I attended bible studies when I was a kid in the nineteen seventies. The world has become exactly as the Bible said it would become before the coming Rapture 🙏🏼. I pray for Jesus to return soon to take us away from this sinful evil world.
I told my pastor that I believe Jesus prophecy! His face went purple and he screamed at me to get out!! He said (you know I don't believe that!) I asked him what Jesus said that he didn't agree with?? He called me a rebellious man and lost it! He kept screaming (I'm not discussing that with you) over and over again!
I presume the speaker 23:56 means that the wording is strong and successfully evocative in conjuring the fervor of such a advent of unrivaled pr.estige rather than it meaning that the Celestial constructs actually are similarly brought to account and evoke effect and be effected through ego or pathos? Like the wording is appreciated because it's very distinct and stark regardless of the more fantastical picture it purvey or propriates?
❤📯💫🌷To the true Saints of God Stay strong n Jesus name for u r the ones carry the truth Share it keep sharing ppl need Jesus out there tell them share the word of the living God the gospel of Jesus...Repent Repent 🙏 😔 & read his true Word of God out there...🌷💫📯❤
I thought the elect would have been raptured before the abomination of desolation. Even so, Jesus will come in His perfect time. We must be ready. Maranatha.
the earth ís flat plane, not a spinning ball. there is no "outer space". "For the pillars of the earth are the Lord's; he has set the circle of the earth upon them." - 1. Book of Samuel 2:8 - Bible 1933/1938
I started with Jesus prophecy as a master outline to keep track of what happened in the book of revelation! Noah was sealed throughout the entire flood! God's wrath wasn't for Noah! The Hebrew people were sealed by the blood when God poured out his wrath! I will take up my cross and follow him to the end of the tribulation! Based on previous experience God's wrath won't be poured out on me! Hurt only those men who have not the seal of God! The holy ghost is my seal, or does the sealing!
No, but we will know just look around like today this U.S. prez is no good ! If u can't c it I don't know what to tell u but u need Jesus the only begotten son of the living God Almighty through his son Jesus, read the Bible it's all there...📖
@@marilenejonez2561 yep this potus is a puppet for satan for sure. It's looking like we are close to His return. I hope more and more people are waking up and seeing that only by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ are we saved and asking for forgiveness in His name and being baptized, turning away from sin and become the watchman we all need to be. 🙏
This very good until you got to one taken one left behind. That is not the rapture go back and read Luke 17: 34 - 37. To be taken is taken to death most likely beheaded. The rapture teachings are Thess 4:13-17 1Cor 15:50-53 and Matt 24: 29-31. Jesus say repeatedly DO NOT BE DECEIVE and you will suffer tribulations but do not fear. For 1800 years the church understood this time line of the rapture. Until.. in 1830 John Nelson Darby came up with this false teaching as a false treacher. Unfortunately Scofield put it in his study Bible and it became the new tradition. Please do your research
If Jesus is God, then I am God too: Jesus always says “my Father in heaven,” and that is exactly where God has always been. Jesus has the Father’s power and spirit living in him, but we are told to become one even as they are one (John 17:22). We are told that we are given the same power and spirit that lives in Jesus, and that we must have and use that power to reach heaven (Luke 10:19). Jesus healed, casted out devils, and cured diseases; and true Christians must do the very same thing. Jesus speaks on behalf of the Father, and we must do the same. If any evil befalls us, no harm will come to us (Mark 16:16-18). As God said in 2 Corinthians 6:16, “I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” Jesus is the only way, truth, and life that leads *to the Father;* we are to follow him, or we will not know God (John 14:6).
Don't get carried away with trying to reach Heaven. Jesus would need to lay his hands on you so you could receive this power. We have the Holy Spirit once we're baptized Acts 2:38 and it's exactly what we need today. Then the lesser gods that were here had powers so Jesus had competition. The Jews were worshipping these lesser gods. I don't think you will raise people from the dead you claim. It's what I understand you to say.
I do not know who puts all the photographs together for these spots, but PLEASE I BEG OF YOU, stop putting pictures of grown adults with masks in here! It gives me PTSD about how sheep are so easily misguided! No more mask pictures!
Ah interesting how so much of what you said is true BUT like so many you make out everyone goes heaven. We dont! Revelation 7 tells who go to heaven and who stay on earth. Revelation 21 tells of our hope for those who come through the great tribulation. Rapture means taken up yes 144000 will go to meet Jesus in the clouds when he calls them from the dead. We really all need to let go of false doctrines passed on over the last 2000 years. Jesus continually tells us not to be decieved. We individually should be praying more in more to reveal his truth to us through the holy spirit. We need to do our homework and seek truth. We cant be twisting scripture to what we want them to mean. That's satan's way Gods way is truth because truth is what sets us free. Thanks for making me do my homework.
u need to spread this information more widespread if u believe this is the truth instead of one lil measly comment that nobody even liked. not tryna be rude i just dont see the point in u saying this if u ain gone tell more people.
Ppl this is false teaching. The beginning of the last days started in 1948 when the Nation of Israel became a Nation again. This was by the Word of the Lord in Mat.24. For instance, the last days did not begin with the Lord's resurrection but the "Christian dispensation" began. This 'dispen- sation' has three parts to it like WW3, and the 3 conversions of Israel in the Christian Dispensation. The parts of the 1) Christian dispensation are; 2) the last days beginning in 1948 when Israel was declared a Nation by the Belfour Declaration of 1917. 3) when the covenant for peace is signed with antichrist (who comes out of South Egypt according to the Prophet Daniel). This will begin the 7 year tribulation. Therefore #3 is called the 'latter part' of the last days. So we have the 1) Christian dispensation, 2) the last days and, 3) the latter part of the last days. What ppl fail to not perceive (by Abba Patyr' own hand) is that he 'signs of the times' are actually the birth pangs of "the sign of the times" which is Armageddon. The latter is the 3rd part of WW3. The 1st is with Russia's Union formed by Putin. (Ezek.38:-39:1-5.30:5.) They will fail in the Arabian desert when they assemble to invade Israel and then come against America. When the Arabian desert looks like Ramadan it will mark the end of political and spiritual communism by the Might Hand of the Elohim of Israel. Once Russia's leader w, N'Korea/Africa, China, Iran, Turkey, Egypt (is covert and survives to song the peace covenant), and all Islam nations are gone that will form the one world government. (Trump is in league with Putin for two world Dictators which was their discussion in private) The 2nd part of WW3 will occur 3 1/2 years after the signing of the covenant in the middle of the 7-year tribulation. It will fail but then succeed. The power of earth has to be given to satan. First, he will die in battle with the 3 Rulers who gave him political power to sign the covenant with the Jews. Satan then goes to heaven for his usual accusing but finds the Lamb's Supper in full swing, and is kicked out for good this time. (Rev.12:1-) He falls down to the body he left (antichrist) and he arises from the dead. He kills the 3 Rulers (who were the only restrainers - II Thes.2:1-) and takes over the earth. The 3rd part of WW3 is Armageddon. Ppl trust no man! But repent of your evil ways to be saved from the punishment to come upon the whole world. The Elect is safe by a life-preserving covenant with Abba Patyr'.
if u truly believe this is the truth that God has gifted u with then u need to spread this information via videos or something. dont let everyone be misinformed. if not then dont bother
@@jmiey holmes I have been spreading the word of the Lord for 40 years. But the pearls are not meant for swine (ppl in general) But I have been authority by Abba PAtyr' to uproot pull down and destroy false teachers, false doctrine but I will be coming with it soon. I am waiting for the Heavenly Father to give me the word. Until then I do what I do. Have you repented of your sinful ways? P.S. you will see the end of the world as you know it within a decade
@@annt.7785 you dont know what you are saying. The land was given back to the Jewish ppl through the Belfour Declaration in 1917, and then re-formed as a Nation in 1948. That marked the beginning of the generation the Lord spoke about in Matt.24. Have you ever read the bible cover to cover? You need to or read it again
God wants us to put on his armour and make the STAND against the evil! We will have FAITH over FEAR! God bless everyone,
Faith over fear while in fear of God what a conundrum.
Praise jesus in our father in heaven bother thank you for your love thank you for goodness and the direction you shall i want to be and thank you for your son who died on the cross angeles the strength to carry on to these chimes to wait for you to return jesus i thank you father and jesus versus name amen
@@FelipeEscobar86It's two different kinds of fear. The type of fear we should avoid through our faith is the fear that is the result of pride and wavering faith as opposed to the fear of God which is out of reverence and respect to our creator.
@@FelipeEscobar86For this is the will of my Father that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in him has eternal life and I will raise him up on the last day John 6:40
Glory be to the Most High God
200,000 raped altar boys who cannot sleep at night? Really?
Glory be to the most high God Amen
Lord help us to be ready when you come🙏🙏🙏🙏
i feel we are truly approaching the end, we must do our part to wake up the sleeping, Jesus doesn’t want us to perish, feed your children the words of God, stay close to the holy books, i pray you all stand strong. may God bless you 🤍
@@martinkent333The evidence was written about worldwide. There's fossil marine life found on all mountain tops.
Your ability to find more information is in your hands so try using your brain.
God Bless You 🙏🏼
Behold, I come quickly hold that fast which thou hast that no man take thy crown Revelation 3:11
Type Moses online and discover that there is no evidence for Exodus and Moses. Any education?
Great teaching. Thank you!
You are doing a great job! Finally someone is finally telling the truth! I thought I was almost alone out here! What church do I go to? 😢I already suffered violent attacks in church and at home for Jesus sake! I saw the power of God!! The best days of my life so far!
God wins over evil.aleluya amen❤
Blessed is that man that maketh the Lord his trust,....Psalm 40:4🙏
Were there. Divine beings are being identified and are learning about their new contracts. Immortals already walk among us. ❤
You mean demons walk among us.Gods angels encamp around us always.
I lost my mother this morning.
Please come back soon.
So sorry for your loss. Praying 🙏for your comfort and strength.❤
I'm so sorry you lost your mother this morning. I know how that feels I've lost everyone except for my older brother a year older than me have faith we will see this the man of sin we will have to go through some things but we will go home and be comforted God bless you I pray the Lord finds you some comfort in your heart
It never ceases to amaze me how anyone could read Matthew 24 and still believe in the any-moment doctrine of imminency as advocated by pretribulationists, meaning that 1) Jesus' second coming and rapture can happen at any moment in spite of the signs and things that must happen first according to scripture and 2) that the elect will not be expected to endure to the end but, rather, we would be gathered up prior to the darkening of the sun and moon.
So you're saying to sin all you want as there's still time? I've read it all my life and what's said is after the tribulation in their time for when the Temple will be destroyed.
What am I missing?
Satan's biggest lie fed to us through altered bibles and reference books:(
@@GoHomeKamala "sin all you want as there's still time"... good golly, how in the world do you read that into anything I said? Of course I don't support such an idea!
Please compare scripture with scripture and listen to how our Lord and Savior describes the last days before his second coming in the entire chapter of Matthew 24. Then compare scripture with scripture and you will find that the sun and moon being darkened in Jesus' revelation through John at the 6th seal then go back and see the things we are to "endure to the end" in the 1st through 5 seals. We're not appointed to wrath, so we're gathered up when the sun and moon are darkened, prior to the bowl judgements which is God's wrath on the Earth.
I'm not 100% convicted on this interpretation, but I'm pretty close. I try not to be dogmatic on eschatology. It's important to note that faithful men and women in Christ who have devoted their lives to eschatology come down on different sides of interpretations like these.
I lean on my reading of the entire chapters of Matthew 24 and 25 and Revelation and see great congruity between the two in support of my position.
I agree with you, however because if the totality of scriptures that address the second coming.
First I don’t give as much weight to the “not appointed to wrath” argument because I try dissect scripture in its context.
The context there is salvation because the scripture goes on to say “not appointed to wrath but to salvation”
Also Paul wrote in Thessalonians in response to the concern that Christ had already returned in some secret manner (sound familiar) that certain things must happen first and one of those was the “man of sin be revealed” and the only way I can see that happening with 100% certainty is for us to witness him “taking his seat and proclaiming himself to be God”
That obviously doesn’t happen until much later in the seven year timeline.
This stew of doctrines has its roots in the most rabid form of dispensationalism, which includes the doctrine of imminence and stems from the forces of antisemitism within the church.
Read Martin Luther’s writings to see how rabid it was and is in some sectors of the church even today.
My Bible tells me that we are grafted in, not a separate tree, it also tells me that we WILL suffer persecution and tribulation and to rejoice to be purified in such a manner. It tells me that God will be with us and see us through whatever comes our way.
It doesn’t tell me anywhere that we’re are a special people who will be protected from all trials.
The idea that lack of belief in imminence equals “sin all you want” is literally ridiculous, God can demand your soul at any moment, that’s the only imminence anyone should need.
Also there is a failure to rightly view the seven years in proper divisions of time. Most consider the entire seven years to be tribulation and Gods wrath, when in fact most of the seven years is the wrath of Satan upon humanity through the AntiChrist, and False Prophet, as he knows his time is short.
God is allowing this for his purposes and even releasing the worst of Satans rebellious angels that were imprisoned millennia ago.
Gods wrath is near the end as he intervenes to stop the Demonic forces seeking to destroy Israel and most if not all of humanity.
We are moved to safety when Christ returns in his one and only return after the dead are resurrected, the second coming is not “part A & part B” it is the one and only return of Christ, in all power & glory, with his holy angels and his redeemed of Earth, to crush the head of the serpent.
Soon baby SOON. Raise your heads. Look up! Our Lord is coming SOON!!
Keep me in prayer please yall
we are living during the book of revelation. nearly or at halfway through...
Good wins everytime over evil
GODS spiritual.Light covers All
Darkness & Evil
GOD 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌
Amen 🌹 ✝️ 🙏 🌹 ✝️ 🙏 🌹 ✝️
Love ❤ you ♥️ Lord ❤ Jesus ❤
Pray God comes into my life and makes everything right
Amen 📯 Amen 💖💫💖💫🌷👍👍
Amen Jesus 👏🏼
I attended bible studies when I was a kid in the nineteen seventies. The world has become exactly as the Bible said it would become before the coming Rapture 🙏🏼. I pray for Jesus to return soon to take us away from this sinful evil world.
The BIBLE is Not a history book the Bible is a time machine!.
I told my pastor that I believe Jesus prophecy! His face went purple and he screamed at me to get out!! He said (you know I don't believe that!) I asked him what Jesus said that he didn't agree with?? He called me a rebellious man and lost it! He kept screaming (I'm not discussing that with you) over and over again!
Looks just like them robots that's millions to millions in numbers. Thank GOD that, this battle is not ours/mines, it's JESUS Fight! Amen ❤
I presume the speaker 23:56 means that the wording is strong and successfully evocative in conjuring the fervor of such a advent of unrivaled pr.estige rather than it meaning that the Celestial constructs actually are similarly brought to account and evoke effect and be effected through ego or pathos? Like the wording is appreciated because it's very distinct and stark regardless of the more fantastical picture it purvey or propriates?
1:11 sorry if obvious but I'm new to such religious scripts and say, what was the pentecost thing elucidated? Like what did it propose/ proove?.
❤📯💫🌷To the true Saints of God Stay strong n Jesus name for u r the ones carry the truth Share it keep sharing ppl need Jesus out there tell them share the word of the living God the gospel of Jesus...Repent Repent 🙏 😔 & read his true Word of God out there...🌷💫📯❤
I thought the elect would have been raptured before the abomination of desolation. Even so, Jesus will come in His perfect time. We must be ready. Maranatha.
Force is with you
Romans 8:29🙏
For more on this topic, No King But Caesar & The Return Of The Melchisedec is available online at Advantage Books. Peace to all.
Have you seen : 06. Revelation
Shepherds Student yet ?
the earth ís flat plane, not a spinning ball. there is no "outer space".
"For the pillars of the earth are the Lord's; he has set the circle of the earth upon them." - 1. Book of Samuel 2:8 - Bible 1933/1938
Malachi 4:5-6
What is the middle letter of Pr(i)de? What is the middle letter of Tr(u)th? Which one are u?
Jaime febus' forgotten family now from Brooklyn
I started with Jesus prophecy as a master outline to keep track of what happened in the book of revelation! Noah was sealed throughout the entire flood! God's wrath wasn't for Noah! The Hebrew people were sealed by the blood when God poured out his wrath! I will take up my cross and follow him to the end of the tribulation! Based on previous experience God's wrath won't be poured out on me! Hurt only those men who have not the seal of God! The holy ghost is my seal, or does the sealing!
How many is 19%? I wonder what is the actual number of prophecies that's written about in the bible left to be fulfilled?
Does anyone have a number?
No, but we will know just look around like today this U.S. prez is no good ! If u can't c it I don't know what to tell u but u need Jesus the only begotten son of the living God Almighty through his son Jesus, read the Bible it's all there...📖
@@marilenejonez2561 yep this potus is a puppet for satan for sure. It's looking like we are close to His return. I hope more and more people are waking up and seeing that only by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ are we saved and asking for forgiveness in His name and being baptized, turning away from sin and become the watchman we all need to be. 🙏
I know it's hundreds that were fulfilled. To me this is what is important. The main one you won't miss out on.
@@marilenejonez2561All politicians are bent. Power is their ONLY goal.
@@Sunny25611 the truth
Does the Bible say no one will know the time or the place ?
This very good until you got to one taken one left behind. That is not the rapture go back and read Luke 17: 34 - 37. To be taken is taken to death most likely beheaded.
The rapture teachings are Thess 4:13-17 1Cor 15:50-53 and Matt 24: 29-31.
Jesus say repeatedly DO NOT BE DECEIVE and you will suffer tribulations but do not fear.
For 1800 years the church understood this time line of the rapture.
Until.. in 1830 John Nelson Darby came up with this false teaching as a false treacher. Unfortunately Scofield put it in his study Bible and it became the new tradition.
Please do your research
If Jesus is God, then I am God too:
Jesus always says “my Father in heaven,” and that is exactly where God has always been. Jesus has the Father’s power and spirit living in him, but we are told to become one even as they are one (John 17:22). We are told that we are given the same power and spirit that lives in Jesus, and that we must have and use that power to reach heaven (Luke 10:19). Jesus healed, casted out devils, and cured diseases; and true Christians must do the very same thing.
Jesus speaks on behalf of the Father, and we must do the same. If any evil befalls us, no harm will come to us (Mark 16:16-18). As God said in 2 Corinthians 6:16, “I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” Jesus is the only way, truth, and life that leads *to the Father;* we are to follow him, or we will not know God (John 14:6).
Don't get carried away with trying to reach Heaven. Jesus would need to lay his hands on you so you could receive this power. We have the Holy Spirit once we're baptized Acts 2:38 and it's exactly what we need today. Then the lesser gods that were here had powers so Jesus had competition. The Jews were worshipping these lesser gods.
I don't think you will raise people from the dead you claim. It's what I understand you to say.
Wait ur saying there will be wars , famine’s and earthquakes?
And that already happened ?
We’ve had those things since the beginning of time ! 🤷🏻♂️
I do not know who puts all the photographs together for these spots, but PLEASE I BEG OF YOU, stop putting pictures of grown adults with masks in here! It gives me PTSD about how sheep are so easily misguided! No more mask pictures!
You mean the second coming of the bible god, who is the anunnaki...azazel
Rapture will be not secret. Everyone eye will see him.
God turn me from this junkee into a soul saving champion please is all
What history book? Its a fairy tale!!!! Not history.
Ah interesting how so much of what you said is true BUT like so many you make out everyone goes heaven.
We dont!
Revelation 7 tells who go to heaven and who stay on earth.
Revelation 21 tells of our hope for those who come through the great tribulation.
Rapture means taken up yes 144000 will go to meet Jesus in the clouds when he calls them from the dead.
We really all need to let go of false doctrines passed on over the last 2000 years.
Jesus continually tells us not to be decieved.
We individually should be praying more in more to reveal his truth to us through the holy spirit.
We need to do our homework and seek truth.
We cant be twisting scripture to what we want them to mean.
That's satan's way Gods way is truth because truth is what sets us free.
Thanks for making me do my homework.
u need to spread this information more widespread if u believe this is the truth instead of one lil measly comment that nobody even liked. not tryna be rude i just dont see the point in u saying this if u ain gone tell more people.
read a little bit of history
Ppl this is false teaching. The beginning of the last days started in 1948 when the Nation of Israel became a Nation again. This was by the Word of the Lord in Mat.24. For instance, the last days did not begin with the Lord's resurrection but the "Christian dispensation" began. This 'dispen- sation' has three parts to it like WW3, and the 3 conversions of Israel in the Christian Dispensation.
The parts of the 1) Christian dispensation are; 2) the last days beginning in 1948 when Israel was declared a Nation by the Belfour Declaration of 1917. 3) when the covenant for peace is signed with antichrist (who comes out of South Egypt according to the Prophet Daniel). This will begin the 7 year tribulation. Therefore #3 is called the 'latter part' of the last days.
So we have the 1) Christian dispensation, 2) the last days and, 3) the latter part of the last days. What ppl fail to not perceive (by Abba Patyr' own hand) is that he 'signs of the times' are actually the birth pangs of "the sign of the times" which is Armageddon. The latter is the 3rd part of WW3.
The 1st is with Russia's Union formed by Putin. (Ezek.38:-39:1-5.30:5.) They will fail in the Arabian desert when they assemble to invade Israel and then come against America. When the Arabian desert looks like Ramadan it will mark the end of political and spiritual communism by the Might Hand of the Elohim of Israel.
Once Russia's leader w, N'Korea/Africa, China, Iran, Turkey, Egypt (is covert and survives to song the peace covenant), and all Islam nations are gone that will form the one world government. (Trump is in league with Putin for two world Dictators which was their discussion in private) The 2nd part of WW3 will occur 3 1/2 years after the signing of the covenant in the middle of the 7-year tribulation. It will fail but then succeed. The power of earth has to be given to satan.
First, he will die in battle with the 3 Rulers who gave him political power to sign the covenant with the Jews. Satan then goes to heaven for his usual accusing but finds the Lamb's Supper in full swing, and is kicked out for good this time. (Rev.12:1-) He falls down to the body he left (antichrist) and he arises from the dead. He kills the 3 Rulers (who were the only restrainers - II Thes.2:1-) and takes over the earth. The 3rd part of WW3 is Armageddon.
Ppl trust no man! But repent of your evil ways to be saved from the punishment to come upon the whole world. The Elect is safe by a life-preserving covenant with Abba Patyr'.
if u truly believe this is the truth that God has gifted u with then u need to spread this information via videos or something. dont let everyone be misinformed. if not then dont bother
@@jmiey holmes I have been spreading the word of the Lord for 40 years. But the pearls are not meant for swine (ppl in general) But I have been authority by Abba PAtyr' to uproot pull down and destroy false teachers, false doctrine
but I will be coming with it soon. I am waiting for the Heavenly Father to give me the word. Until then I do what I do. Have you repented of your sinful ways?
P.S. you will see the end of the world as you know it within a decade
But that wasn't the true Israel, neither the people or the land, so go figure that one out 😂😂.
@@annt.7785 you dont know what you are saying. The land was given back to the Jewish ppl through the Belfour Declaration in 1917, and then re-formed as a Nation in 1948. That marked the beginning of the generation the Lord spoke about in Matt.24. Have you ever read the bible cover to cover? You need to or read it again