@Kevin Ramos Exactly, Le Engelbert saying that the americas weren't massively impacted by the presence of the Spanish despite Spanish being the primary language of the vast majority the people there.
Yeah, and it probably is a very realistic scene in a sense that the Spaniards would actually destroy something blasphemous as the "Fountain of Youth". The other empires would probably secure and monopolize that site.
Catholics are gentleman and have style. That's why Romanticism is synonymous with Spain, France and Italy, not Norway or New Zealand. You say "Latin lover", not "German lover".
It's funny cause God doesn't exist. The Olympians are watching you all. Spain collapsed so hard you wouldn't believe it, that's why they went to Mexico. Like Italy went to Argentina.
they got little to none camera, but still, in so little time, they did much more than all factions combined with all the cameratime they had, trully faithfull of how glorious the spanish empire was.
Even though Jack Sparrow was the protagonist, it was the Spaniards who were the real heroes by destroying the Fountain of Youth and the greed and evil along with it.
A lot of talking but the English always feared the Spanish no matter how much it hurts some, there is a very famous saying from an English General who says: 'I want to see the Spaniards by land, because if we see them in the sea that Saint George protect us. '
@@crimson1453 yeah you're right, the spanish armada was feared but the Spanish tercios were considered invincible at that time, the armada wasn't because there's not much you can do except add more cannons lmao
@@Ambitwine The Spanish empire was hegemonic in Europe for 140 years, and the largest empire in the world for 300 years, with lands on the five continents 400 years, thanks to the Spanish fleet, which discovered 3 continents, went around the world, and guaranteed the security of the fleet of the Indies, taking the gold and silver to Europe, to remove it from the feudal era, and Hispanicizing America. Of 1200 voyages of the Spanish fleet of Indies, the English captured 2 (in port, without declaration of war) and the Dutch 2. 4 shipwrecks. The most successful and durable convoy in history. The Royal Navy won important battles, such as 1588 (invincible navy), naval battle in Sicily, 1718. Trafalgar in 1805. Cape San Vicente, and many others. But it also suffered colossal defeats, against Spain. Even before. At the Battle of La Rochelle, 1372, Castile sank and captured 48 English ships, without losing any. In 1589, the Spanish fleet defeated Drake's invincible English armada (without storms). England lost 40 ships. Drake and Hawsking, lost 5 battles in the Caribbean and died. At Cádiz, 1625, the English and the Dutch lost 62 ships. In the 1726-29 war, Spain captured hundreds of British warships and commercial ships. In Cartagena de Indias 1741, the British lost 50 ships. The Spanish fleet made a naval blockade of England in 1779-80, capturing two British fleets of 24 and 55 ships, which sank the London Stock Exchange. Spain invaded the Bahamas and Menorca, with the Spanish fleet. Nelson lost two battles in Cádiz, and one in Tenerife, in 1797. Also in Puerto Rico. Remember that Spain sent three invasion fleets against England: 1588, 1596 and 1597. There were three storms. A single sunny day would have prevented the birth of the British Empire. Felipe II of Spain was king of England, before. The Royal Navy was strong, but it always had a weak land army, and it could never make an empire in Europe. The fleet-army relationship was better for Spain, which had a hegemony in Spain in Europe for 140 years (150 million Catholics today, due to the victories of the Spanish empire in Europe: South Germany and Palatinate, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Italy). 590 million Spanish speakers in the world, 550 million Catholics in America and 100 million in Asia and Oceania, because Spain had a decisive naval fleet.
Catholics have a huge eye for aesthetic that every northern Protestant Barbarian dressed like a Texas boomer farmer or David Bowie bad copy can not even imagine.
I have a still alive Spanishs Grandfather from Verín, Galícia in my father's blood line and a Spanish Great-Geandmother from Málaga in my motger's blood line. I have, at least, 30% of my blood composes by Spaniards 😆 🇧🇷👑🇪🇸 When I see the Spaniards in the movie and hear its theme I feel a surge of proudness in me, Spain was an Empire composes by Brave and Deared Warriors and Adventourous Explorers that did great things (Good and Bad) in the Américas and I'm proud to be part of thus glorious history! ¡VIVA AL IMPÉRIO ESPANOL 🇪🇸👑🇪🇸! ¡VIVA AL REY 🇪🇸👑🇪🇸! ¡VIVA LA HISPANIDAD 🇪🇸👑🇧🇷!
@@hiddenhunter5523 What's so unbelievable about an Irish person approving of a dude holding the British flag getting shot in a movie? Lmao, fuck off you pathetic redditor.
"How soon can we sail?" "With the tides." "Someone make a note of that man's bravery. Señorita, the chalices. Por favor." "Only God can grant eternal life, not this pagan water." "Men! Destroy this profane temple!" "You are a fool. You seek in this place what only faith can provide."
Exactly, pagan faith fuck Christianity/Catholicism in this mythical world pagan God gave them the fountain of youth what's their god done ? Jack shit it's quite disgusting people like that who destroy shit that don't fit their narrative. Like isis trying to destroy all the Egyptian statues etc
efectivamente, de la misma manera que ellos siempre han diferenciado corsarios (heroes nacionales como Drake) de piratas, cuando no dejan de ser lo mismo.
@@k6yros También hubo corsarios oficiales en el Imperio Español, pero no eran tan aclamados y exaltados cómo en Inglaterra, y España no se valió de andar atacando y robando oro a los barcos enemigos para construir su imperio.
@@enovos3138 so your saying you would rather be ran by the germans now instead of the Spanish who would still be killing people who didn't meet the criteria that suited them.
@@anti-venom2036 (this is my third time writing this comment, can't tell if the servers are acting up or if Google is censoring key words) Are you saying you'd rather be ruled by Je ws who are flood flooding your nation with north Africa ns and Ara bs, incentivizing the ra pe of women and children, demog raphically replacing you and Arre sting anyone who criticizes it?
Whilst the Spanish Navy had its ups and downs, Its renown was only ever outmatched by the British navy, especially later on toward the time the Spanish Empire began to lose it's grip. The Caribbean was quite an interesting place honestly. Spain's Navy always had such beautiful and unique designs. Even fielding the Santisima class too, having the most guns on a vessel ever, for quite some time. I think this soundtrack captures the might and the awe the Spanish Navy had incredibly well. Edit: Jesus man I didn't realise this comment would kick off so much discussion. 3 years later and I have insane amounts of likes and 294 replies? madness.
That was mainly because Spanish didn't have ships solely designed for trading or transporting stuff. Their galleons were multi-purpose vessels with 54 cannons and outclassed the majority of pirate ships (which were dutch ships most of the time) by far in speed and firepower.
There are a lot of historical inconsistencies in the series but you kind of have to forgive it because those inconsistencies with history exist mainly to make the films more digestible to their intended, younger audiences (i.e. so that they can readily tell whose vessel is whose apart). The ships seen in use by the British, for example, represent the kind of ships of the line that they were sailing around the time of the Napoleonic Wars, late 1700 through early 1800s. In contrasts, a lot of the other vessels seen are more typical of what was sailing in the 1500s through 1600s during the more classical age of piracy (the British, too, would have been sailing such ships... galleons etc. ...during those centuries...being about the same period as the Spanish Armada).
¡Por España! Y el que quiera defenderla, honrado muera. Y el que traidor la abandone, No tenga quien le perdone, Ni en Tierra Santa cobijo, Ni una cruz en sus despojos, Ni la mano de un buen hijo, Para cerrarle los ojos.
Es el juramento de Diego de Acuña. Es más largo, pero es el resumen de lo que los soldados de los Tercios eran. Fieles a España hasta la muerte, jamás se rindieron, o vencían o morían todos.
The English ( 70,000 catholics killed and more than 10,000 jews) France (6000 protestants and 3000 jewish) Italia (10,000 protestants, Portugal (close to 30,000). Most of the European Kingdoms practice the systematic crime against religious believers, it was not 100% Spanish Inquisition. Get mor INFO, please.
Nobody expects the holocaust of the native americans by the british in North America A lot of envy by the Anglo-Saxons you never civilized native american like Spaniards did.
@Jesus Yamarte Hay muy pocos arrogantes, es más la mayoría odia a España. Como dijo Bismark (o se le atribuye a él): "España es lel país más fuerte del mundo, los españoles llevan años intentando destruirlo y aún no lo han conseguido."
@@davidlopez6703 Cierto. En España la gente reniega de su historia, y es una pena. En cierto modo tiene poco que ver con nosotros, lo que sucedió, sucedió, no tiene sentido negarlo y no hay nada de lo que avergonzarse. La historia española es increíble.
I have always loved the look of British ships of the line and the royal navy at this time in general, however I also absolutely adore the distinctiveness of Spanish ships and dress. They were the definite standouts of this movie.
I didn't especially enjoy the movie, but one thing I enjoyed was the fact that they didn't go all "leyenda negra" with the portrayal of the Spanish. It was a refreshing change over the tendency of the old swashbuckling films.
@@thegreatestshenfan933 anda sajón, buscate un balcón, y práctica el "balconing" pero a ser posible que no sea en mi amada patria, vete a manchar de sesos aplastados y alcohol barato algún pub de London, tranquilo, el mundo seguirá rodando sin ti, bueno algunos gusanos morirán alcoholizados cuando se alimenten de tu cadáver, eso sí, pobrecitos!
Walada Viva el Único Gran Emperador Felipe II de Augburgo, que llevó a su máximo esplendor al Imperio, tanto que las demás potencias tenían que aprender español o latín si tenían qu comercializar en sus tierras ahora somos obligados a tener que aprender a l idioma de sus eternos enemigos Los Británicos.
Things to notice: the map says Ponce de Leon 1523 when he actually died in 1521 and is buried in the cathedral in San Juan, PR not on some random ship in Bihimi (the land he tried to find) The fort at the beginning of the movie when it says Cadiz, is actually Fort San Cristobal in Puerto Rico.
The franchise is based on an alternate timeline in which the British and Spanish Empires have taken over the world (look it up), with only pirates standing outside the grasp of ruling powers, therefore some leeway is expected when it comes to historical accuracy.
Pirates: We shall become immortal gods! British: We shall become the world's most powerful empire! Spanish: "whipping their dick out" only god can grant eternal life!
@@followerofchrist5404 Which God exist, there are many religions, even religions thay believe in many gods, I guess the one your parents teached you from kid is the right one, no?
Pues como mi raza es mitad española mitad azteca me hierve la mitad de la sangre pero hierve con mucha fuerza, gran tema y gran película saludos a España!
Es un error pensar que los mexicanos venis de los aztecas ya que a lo sumo representaban el 15 20 %, es mas probable que provengas de los aliados de Cortes. Aunque todo puede ser porque una vez acabada la conquista de Tenocticlan no hubo matanzas y no hubieron, no por las ganas de los indios al terminar la contienda....sino porque Cortes los contiene... por lo que siguieron existiendo y participaron del mestizaje.
Los Aztecas se unieron al imperio y ayudaron con el resto de las conquistas! aqui en España tenemos una familia noble descendiente de la realdad Azteca.
@@crimson1453 Eso fue una vez derrotado, los indios querían aniquilarlos a todos pero Cortés no lo permitió. A raíz de ahí se autorizó la nobleza azteca.
I've heard that this Spanish king did at some point in his life suffer from melancholia, if not depression. Heard it got worse after his plain but loved wife died, though I'm not sure if it's true.
A ver tolai, que seguro que eres un catalufo resentido, a todos nos puede pasar comernos una letra al escribir rápido, así que a dar lecciones de ortografía a tus compatriotas que muchos de ellos no saben ni hablar castellano
no hace falta enfadarse porque he mencionado un fallo en una palabra de tu comentario. relájate no soy de cataluña pero puedo decirte que TODAS las personas que han estudiado en una escuela catalana saben hablar el castellano perfectamente. insultar por internet lo sabemos hacer todos.
Ufff, he conocido gente de Cataluña que prácticamente solo sabía hablar castellano, pero a la hora de escribirlo te sangraban los ojos. Es lo que pasa cuando la educación más básica se da en catalán (sin que se pueda decidir el idioma). Y si se tiene en cuenta el 25% de abandono escolar, pues ya me dirás.
The Spanish Navy, which dominated the seas, from the 16th century to the end of the 17th century, was once the most powerful in the world. How strange that the Captain, being Spanish, is speaking in English, when it is known that the Spanish language was the lingua franca of the time.
I've heard that the lingua franca (international language) is actually French, until it collapses after the revolution and English, with its growing empire spread the new lingua franca, english
@@muhamadsayyidabidin3906 Elisabeth, Shakepseare, Francis Bacon and most of the English nobility knew how to speak Spanish, better or worse, in the 16th-17th century. In Italy, Spanish was widely used. A quarter of the city of Rome was Spanish at some dates in the 17th century, and in Naples and Sicily, it was also widely used. Some Italian and Portuguese writers wrote in Spanish. Spain had a world empire. But it was another time, different from the current overcrowding. French was imposed with Louis XIV, in the German courts, above all, and as the language of the select nobility and some German kings, until the French Revolution. And the illustration had a great influence on making French a language of exchange and diplomacy. That was until 1945. French was the most studied language. English is only imposed with the United States, which made itself, which has 60% of native English speakers, today, and which influenced the world with the economy, political and military power and mass culture. India had banned English by 1960, so English was going to disappear from Asia and Africa (like French in Vietnam) because the British had made very little investment there, and Canada and Australia were very sparsely populated. The United States is the country that expands English in the world, after WW2, when the English empire had died. Without the United States, English would have 200 to 250 million speakers, and French and Spanish, and now Chinese, would be more proficient.
Mi nombre es Carlos Arturo Calderón Muñoz, nací en Santiago de Cali y actualmente resido en San Bonifacio de Ibagué, ambas ciudades se encuentran en Colombia. Hace tiempo que sigo su partido político y debo decirles que me parece un esfuerzo admirable en defensa de la Madre Patria y los valores de la hispanidad, esa apreciación hacia su trabajo conlleva al motivo de esta colaboración: “La culpa de nuestro atraso la tiene España”, “Es que sólo vinieron a robar y a exterminar a los indios”, “Si no fuera por nuestro oro no serían ricos” y un larguísimo etc. Quien esto escribe nació y creció en medio de la leyenda negra en contra de la patria de la cual una gran parte de su sangre desciende. Los nacidos en la América Hispánica nos hemos desarrollado en medio de una ruptura catastrófica, pues en un ataque de traición, guiado por los enemigos de la hispanidad, se nos separó de nuestra madre. Obligándonos a creer que había sido un triunfo de la independencia, cuando en realidad nos habían dejado huérfanos, usando nuestras propias manos para darle muerte a quien nos había dado a luz. Crecí en un medio lleno de odio en el cual maestros, catedráticos y la sociedad en general, inoculaban en las psiques de las nuevas generaciones una endofobia intolerante y brutal. Nos enseñaron a odiar a nuestros ancestros, a llorar por indios y negros y a regocijarnos por las penas de los ibéricos. Nunca nos enseñaron historia, de ser así no hubiéramos podido hacer más que admirar a tan tremendos locos, que por lealtad y honor (palabras tan raras hoy en día) eran capaces de abandonar para siempre su hogar y construir nuevas fronteras en lugares tan lejanos como el extremo sur de América, las estepas rusas o el sudeste asiático. Se rehusaron a que Clío nos hablara del desarrollo, la ciencia, el derecho romano, la cultura helénica, la justicia social y tantas otras maravillas traídas de Europa. Ocultaron el pasado, se abstuvieron de decirnos que los indios se mataban los unos a los otros, cometían genocidios y purgas étnicas. No nos dijeron que muchos de esos nativos se unieron a España, por su propia voluntad, para liberarse del yugo de los que en el “Nuevo Mundo” les oprimían. Callaron el hecho de que muchos de los descendientes de esos indios pelearon hasta la muerte para defender a la corona de las huestes independentistas, que acabaron con ese bello lugar al que le decían el Virreinato de la Nueva Granada, pero al que ahora llamo Colombia. Ahora que veo como la cruzada anti hispánica se ha vuelto visceral y el deseo del mundialismo es fragmentar el suelo ibérico, para que no se presente una muralla infranqueable en el sur europeo, como sucedió por tantos siglos, noto de manera inequívoca el mismo veneno que ha recorrido el lado opuesto del atlántico por más de dos siglos. A mis hermanos españoles los han intoxicado con el odio a su propia sangre, neutralizando sus instintos para que de forma apacible se encaminen al fin de su existencia. La impotencia material me recorre al ver, desde los Andes, como la madre patria está al borde de desaparecer definitivamente. Me rehúso a creer que estoy contemplando el fin de Hispania, la muerte de Gothia. Sé que muchos no podrán entender por qué alguien desde las Américas tendría este nivel de empatía, pero la verdad es que la sangre no se disuelve por efectos del tiempo o el espacio. En realidad, el aislamiento sólo crea nostalgia y por ende la necesidad impetuosa de restablecer el paraíso perdido, al que yo solamente puedo denominarle como España. En honor a los 400 años de la muerte de Cervantes, cito las palabras de quien para mi es el héroe mítico más grandioso de todos los tiempos “El amor no engendra cobardes”. Y la verdad es que yo amo mi sangre, a mis antepasados y a mi Historia, en síntesis, yo amo a España. Siento que como mínimo debo decirle a los que habitan en la Hispania Europea, que no están solos. A pesar de que al territorio español han llegado cientos de miles de invasores provenientes de América, que incitados por el odio y la envidia anhelan destruir todo lo que no sea como ellos, quiero que sepan que todavía somos muchos los que nos sentimos orgullosos de nuestra ascendencia hispánica. Les quiero decir que la propaganda con la que los han bombardeado por casi cuatro décadas, nosotros la hemos resistido por más de doscientos años. Aun cuando los esfuerzos de los enemigos de la hispanidad han sido soberbios no han logrado reducirnos. Porque en la América profunda, todavía somos muchos los que nos enfrentamos al rechazo social por defender nuestro idioma y llenos de gran satisfacción decimos: ¡Qué Viva España! Somos los que se entristecen cuando retiran el retrato de un conquistador y los primeros en saltar de alegría cuando un pasodoble se toma el espacio sonoro. Les puedo decir, sin temor a equivocarme, que España no reside solamente en los cuarenta millones que hoy habitan en el suelo primigenio, sino que se expande por los corazones de muchos otros a lo largo del globo; aquellos que tienen la esperanza inclaudicable de que la hispanidad resurgirá. Porque si España tiene que pelear por otros ocho siglos para reconquistar su ser, estaremos encantados de ser las primeras bajas de esa nueva cruzada Desde la América Española les digo a ustedes, mis hermanos, que no colapsen. Les pido que sigan resistiendo la embestida del salvajismo, porque la verdad es que a ustedes nos los odian por ninguna de las mentiras y exageraciones que se han propagado en su contra. Ustedes son objeto de ataques, porque viven en un paraíso sin igual llamado España; los quieren destruir, porque a los que albergan odio no le gusta admitir que su posición ha sido el fruto de su propia incapacidad. No quieren progresar por sus medios, prefieren destruir a los que han llegado más lejos, para así no tener que afrontar la obvia realidad de que han exteriorizado los rencores que tienen hacia si mismos, porque es más fácil culpar a los demás. Es nuestro deber honrar los sacrificios de todos los que vinieron antes de nosotros para construir esa gran nación; es nuestra obligación dejarles a los que están por venir un mundo mejor que aquel que nosotros recibimos. No sé si llegaré a viejo, pero si de algo estoy seguro es que si lo hago, no le diré a la siguiente generación que les tocó nacer en un mundo sumido en la mierda porque yo no fui capaz de luchar. No les hablaré de España y la hispanidad como un bonito reino de fantasía que existe en la tierra de las hadas, sino como una realidad tangible que vive porque un día le dijimos NO al mundialismo y como masa nos jugamos nuestro derecho a la vida en una épica lucha. Si hoy en día es más importante la comodidad material, los resultados del Barcelona y lo políticamente correcto; si tiene mayor valor doblegar los instintos para disfrutar del Face, la fiesta o el dinero mientras nos exterminan con comodidad. Si todo lo anterior es más valioso que nuestra sangre, prefiero ser lo único que puede ser un hispano, prefiero ser un discípulo del Quijote, un español. Porque “El amor no engendra cobardes” y España es el amor de mi vida. Desde San Bonifacio de Ibagué,
Tío, la historia fue como fue, no me he leído todo lo que has escrito porque me daba pereza, pero con lo que has escrito al principio, voy a intentar abrirte un poco la mente, no literalmente, obvio. Yo soy español y en nuestro caso también hemos sufrido invasiones y robos, aún cuando éramos simplemente peninsulares, por parte de los romanos, de los árabes y más en concreto de los franceses, y aún después de eso hemos salido adelante y somos un país bastante potente, la culpa del como se vive en un país es de los políticos, porque Colombia y el resto de América, tienen una cantidad de recursos impresionante, y si no se explotan es porque a los políticos no les interesa, no tienes que ver más allá de nuestro país, el Pedro Sánchez, pactando con independentistas, etarras... y subiendo los gastos destinados a bebida, aperitivos y demás mierda en su avión privado que usa para todo y que todos los españoles pagamos de nuestro bolsillo, no estuvo bien lo que hicimos, pero eran otros tiempos, no se si te habré ayudado pero bueno, yo he dado mi opinión y cada uno es libre de insultarme si le apetece jajaja
@@borhammer993 Si lees su comentario entero entenderás que sabe más historia que tú y desmiente la leyenda negra, lee su comentario entero antes de hacerte pajas mentales, que te gustará
@@borhammer993 soy español y me da que tú ni sabes que es un virreinato y menos la cruz de Borgoña Que verguenza En lo único de acuerdo es que el estado de un país es como lo dirijan y actualmente España está cayendo en el mismo abujeto que en el 36 antes de la guerra y todo por culpa de este gobierno
Among the great achievements of the Spanish Navy are the discovery of the American continent, (not a country) by the admiral in the service of Spain, Christopher Columbus. The first circumnavigation of the world by Juan Sebastián Elcano. The discovery of the maritime route between Asia and the American continent by Andrés de Urdaneta. The Spanish Armada was the most powerful in the world from the 16th century to the end of the 18th century and continued to be a naval force of world reference until well into the 19th century. Before the Royal Navy was the owner of the seas, its predecessor was the Spanish Navy, who dominated the seas and made Spain the first global empire in world history. PLUS ULTRA
@BARBATUS 89 i mean, yeah the British were murderous slavers but so were the Spanish? Responsible for the death of millions, even more than the British, which is saying something
Who would expect that the most awesome depiction of Spanish Empire would come from a pirate movie? Doesn't matter if you like the 4th movie or not, it had awesome moments.
I like how this guy and the Spanish only had few parts and were really just to fill in blank spots but me and many other people think they are the best
It's such a weird approach to an antagonist. They're propped up as being super important but they don't do anything until the very end where they destroy the MacGuffin and leave. Its great.
Gentlesir PancakeBottoms minus the powerful and mighty albeit on land the British had a superior navy but weaker armies until the 19th century / late 18th century .
Yeah but Spain had a much bigger trade and transport network until the 1700's. Most pirates and even british privateers wouldn't piss of the spanish too much. The empire became fat and lazy though and other europeans like the british was better at running an empire in the long run and had a much more healthy economy.
Gentlesir PancakeBottoms I never understood why they didn’t fully invade Africa wouldn’t have been that hard , considering there land based military power but I suppose it wasn’t worth it and South America was much interesting instead .
Chogath main Late answer. When the Americas was discovered Spain asked the pope to grant them dominion over all new land they explored and the pope granted it. Portugal didn't like it so Spain and Portugal made a deal where they basicly divided the globe in half where Spain got all land west of a made up line or border and Portugal got all land to the east. So Portugal got the coast of brazil essentially and everything to the east like Africa and unexplored territories further east, and Spain got America. The rest of Europe didn't want to play by their stupid rules though;)
Wusi Delta 3.23K subscribers Theodore Groves: [defiantly declaring while holding the flag of the British Empire] "This land is hereby forever claimed in the glorious name of His Majesty, King George.... " [Groves is instantly shot dead by The Spaniard, who has a somewhat irritated look on his face] The Spaniard: [while calmly handing his flintlock pistol to one of his men] "Someone make a note of that man's bravery."
Una banda sonora dirigida para el imperio en el que nunca se ponía el sol. La base de nuestra riqueza y poderío actual es gracias a nuestro imperio, sin el España hoy sería un país apartado de la opinión pública y marginado
BARBATUS 89 ¿A caso he dicho que las colonias y el imperio deban coexistir ahora mismo? ¿Declarar la guerra España? Jajaja no me hagas reír, que ganas tienes de que os demos un paliza de nuevo ¿Nosotros una desgracia para los europeos? Somos el cuarto país de la UE más poderoso, me parece que les interesa más que estemos dentro que fuera de la UE, y si fuéramos una desgracia para la misma jamás nos fueran dejado entrar
BARBATUS 89 jajaja ¿Moralmente? Mira chaval, yo al menos tengo la conciencia muy tranquila con lo que hicieron mis antepasados. Si ellos no fueran creado el imperio español, ni tú ni yo estaríamos aquí ahora mismo ¿Sabes porque? España pasaría a ser un país de segunda en Europa,tal y como pueda ser Hungría o Austria. Economía, social, política... Todo sería distinto actualmente. Gracias al imperio español estamos donde estamos situados hoy, no lo olvides. ¿El resto de Europa? Nosotros no tenemos por que estar pensando en el pasado y culpaando nuestros actos, por que quizás otros lo fueran hecho igual o peor
BARBATUS 89 Usted solo se centra en críticar a España y al resto de Europa, cuando sabe que en la antigüedad existieron muchos imperios no solo en Europa, por ejemplo el imperio mongol o el imperio musulmán.
BARBATUS 89 yo también te doy ma razón en algunas cosas. Yo soy de derechas, me opongo al aborto. Mi postura a la drogas es radical, estoy totalmente conforme que sea ilegal y en cambio a la homosexualidad, me parece bien lo del matrimonio homosexual y por supuesto que se acepten personas asi pero no estoy conforme a la ideología de género, que se trata de meterle a la gente en la cabeza que tienen que hacer y que como se tienen que sentir.
BARBATUS 89 es que dentro de los conceptos democracia y libertad está también la posibilidad de querer a la persona que tu quieras y estar con ella toda la vida, si así desean ambos. Yo no veo mal que haya personas que le atraigan de su mismo sexo, como dije antes estoy en contra de adoctrinar a la gente con la ideología de género.
I wish this movie's portagonist was Blackbeard and the plot be about whether or not someone like him can really have his soul redeemed. Put the focus on him and you can have an interesting movie about one man's journey to redemption by reconciling with his daughter, being guided by Jack to his goals, facing his rival Barbossa, and racing against the Spanish for the fountain of youth.
The most awesome piece of music in the whole darn movie...and it goes to a bunch of minor characters who are barely in the film and whose only function in it is to get the British and Barbossa in the movie.
Don't forget that, during the true "Pirates' Golden Age" in the Caribbean, England was a comparatively tiny, isolated island power whereas the Spanish Empire was pretty much the Rome of the era. The music isn't just about the characters...it's to convey the power they represent.
Er no that's not quite right, Spain lost alot of its power during that period and England wasn't a small isolated island, it already had a pretty large empire and had been on the winning side of the War of the Spanish Succession. And the Anglo-Spanish War was a draw, so again Spain was not Rome, eps after Rocroi.
It's really iffy because early 1500s, the period which the Spaniard's galleons and the Pearl represent, Spain was still very much at the height of its power albeit 'about' to go into decline. The British ships, on the other hand, represent ships that appeared in the late seventeen to mid eighteen hundreds... the Napoleonic era by which time Spanish power had truly dwindled. It's not exactly a linear universe in POTC...suspect they use the diff' ships more just to make it easy for kids to tell which is whose.
flat stern so probably a galleon...faster/English-style galleon as opposed to the 'tall' build spanish galleons (less ranged ship-to-ship combat and more close quarters/boarding warfare oriented... higher superstructures to allow greater vantage points for boarders and musketeers, at the expense of sailing performance).
The battle of cartegena de las indias where the british armada got such a big bloody nose that out of embarrasment they have tried to erase it from the history books
I really like how the Spaniards had their own plot and goals, and once they finished them they left. Brutally efficient.
That's why almost all America is impacted by them.
@@noone7692 False they leave after 300 years, and we still extract more resources than them, so, they would never leave following that logic.
@@leengelbert8701 Tell me what language does most of central and south America speak?
@Kevin Ramos Exactly, Le Engelbert saying that the americas weren't massively impacted by the presence of the Spanish despite Spanish being the primary language of the vast majority the people there.
@Kevin Ramos por la reunificación hermano!
"Someone make a note of that man's bravery."
The only one that had the balls to stand against a Spaniard rip brave soul
He's going to burn in hell if he believes in God. He's a murderer.
@@googlebarbaralernerspectre2581 Well yes, but actually no, probably he went to the Purgatory to have his soul purified through punishment.
@@googlebarbaralernerspectre2581 killing at war time isn't murder
I love how the entire reason the Spanish journeyed to the Fountain of Youth was to destroy it! That is real devotion to your faith right there!
Most effective evangelizing nation.
🙏🙏🙏🇪🇦🇨🇴❤. Viva La Santisima Virgen María. Madre De Dios.
Catholic on top
yes catholicreligion
This Scene where the Spanish destroyed the fountain of youth was the most Catholic Scene i have ever seen
Yeah, and it probably is a very realistic scene in a sense that the Spaniards would actually destroy something blasphemous as the "Fountain of Youth". The other empires would probably secure and monopolize that site.
@@TeaDrinker-eq3md British all the way
The Spanish were probably some of the most devoted Catholics in history
*”You are a fool you’re seeking in this place what only faith can provide”*
"Faith? Faith is light enough to see, but darkness enough to blind."
“For the Pearl...”
What have you done.!!!!?
@@ajshimatheist cope
@@omisantropoIt's literally a quote from the movie 💀
"Señorita, the chalices. Por favor..."
So awesome.
Catholics are gentleman and have style. That's why Romanticism is synonymous with Spain, France and Italy, not Norway or New Zealand. You say "Latin lover", not "German lover".
*"Only God can grant eternal life, not this pagan water"*
"Someone make a note of that man's bravery."
Such a badass line
It's funny cause God doesn't exist. The Olympians are watching you all. Spain collapsed so hard you wouldn't believe it, that's why they went to Mexico. Like Italy went to Argentina.
TheMarker2015 L.S now all latin america have worst life that the poorest of Spaniards.
@@marcostation1000 you are a ignorant and you dont know anything about spaniards or history
The Spanish were the heroes of the movie
they got little to none camera, but still, in so little time, they did much more than all factions combined with all the cameratime they had, trully faithfull of how glorious the spanish empire was.
Just like in real life
@@oolooo except they were kind of villainous in real life.
@@thewizard7396That is an English lie
@@oolooo I'm spanish, dumb Anglo teutonic
the good guys theme
Even though Jack Sparrow was the protagonist, it was the Spaniards who were the real heroes by destroying the Fountain of Youth and the greed and evil along with it.
Viva España
The Olympians are watching over all of you.
and God is watching over you.
@@googlebarbaralernerspectre2581 u are a big clown for real
British: want to take advantage of the fountain. Spanish: destroys it because of it being blasphemous
Oh Spain...
One of the Son of Rome
A lot of talking but the English always feared the Spanish no matter how much it hurts some, there is a very famous saying from an English General who says: 'I want to see the Spaniards by land, because if we see them in the sea that Saint George protect us. '
That is a quote but it goes the other way around xD "I want to see the Spaniards by see, because of we see them on land may Saint George protect us"
@@crimson1453 yeah you're right, the spanish armada was feared but the Spanish tercios were considered invincible at that time, the armada wasn't because there's not much you can do except add more cannons lmao
The Spanish empire was hegemonic in Europe for 140 years, and the largest empire in the world for 300 years, with lands on the five continents 400 years, thanks to the Spanish fleet, which discovered 3 continents, went around the world, and guaranteed the security of the fleet of the Indies, taking the gold and silver to Europe, to remove it from the feudal era, and Hispanicizing America. Of 1200 voyages of the Spanish fleet of Indies, the English captured 2 (in port, without declaration of war) and the Dutch 2. 4 shipwrecks. The most successful and durable convoy in history. The Royal Navy won important battles, such as 1588 (invincible navy), naval battle in Sicily, 1718. Trafalgar in 1805. Cape San Vicente, and many others. But it also suffered colossal defeats, against Spain. Even before. At the Battle of La Rochelle, 1372, Castile sank and captured 48 English ships, without losing any. In 1589, the Spanish fleet defeated Drake's invincible English armada (without storms). England lost 40 ships. Drake and Hawsking, lost 5 battles in the Caribbean and died. At Cádiz, 1625, the English and the Dutch lost 62 ships. In the 1726-29 war, Spain captured hundreds of British warships and commercial ships. In Cartagena de Indias 1741, the British lost 50 ships. The Spanish fleet made a naval blockade of England in 1779-80, capturing two British fleets of 24 and 55 ships, which sank the London Stock Exchange. Spain invaded the Bahamas and Menorca, with the Spanish fleet. Nelson lost two battles in Cádiz, and one in Tenerife, in 1797. Also in Puerto Rico. Remember that Spain sent three invasion fleets against England: 1588, 1596 and 1597. There were three storms. A single sunny day would have prevented the birth of the British Empire. Felipe II of Spain was king of England, before. The Royal Navy was strong, but it always had a weak land army, and it could never make an empire in Europe. The fleet-army relationship was better for Spain, which had a hegemony in Spain in Europe for 140 years (150 million Catholics today, due to the victories of the Spanish empire in Europe: South Germany and Palatinate, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Italy). 590 million Spanish speakers in the world, 550 million Catholics in America and 100 million in Asia and Oceania, because Spain had a decisive naval fleet.
@@Gloriaimperial1 thanks for summing it up so much, I enjoyed every word of the comment 👍❤
@@Ambitwine Thanks for your kind words. Remember that I am only your history teacher, and you are one of my best students from today :D
Chills. The Spanish, the forever Kings of the Seas. Complete domination. Also look at that style damn
Catholics have a huge eye for aesthetic that every northern Protestant Barbarian dressed like a Texas boomer farmer or David Bowie bad copy can not even imagine.
I believe Spain started the European 1700s style too. 🔥🔥🔥
Nah, Spain is the prince of the seas, the Netherlands takes the King of the Seas.
@@김서준-x8b Lol We kicked the Dutch butts here in Las Islas Filipinas when they tried to take it from Spain. 😂😂😂
@@김서준-x8bhow som
When you see 1% Spanish in your DNA test results
As a Filipino nakita ko, or I see or I must say ya veo a opportunity
Hahaha truee
I have a still alive Spanishs Grandfather from Verín, Galícia in my father's blood line and a Spanish Great-Geandmother from Málaga in my motger's blood line. I have, at least, 30% of my blood composes by Spaniards 😆 🇧🇷👑🇪🇸
When I see the Spaniards in the movie and hear its theme I feel a surge of proudness in me, Spain was an Empire composes by Brave and Deared Warriors and Adventourous Explorers that did great things (Good and Bad) in the Américas and I'm proud to be part of thus glorious history!
¡VIVA AL REY 🇪🇸👑🇪🇸!
00000000000001% 😮I'm Spanish
The Spanish Empire,the Iron Fist of The Holy Church.
D e u s V u l t and Viva Cristo rey. Glory to the Holy Mother Church.
Amén, Junto con la Santisima Virgen María.
Noble heirs of Constantin and Charlemagne
As a Filipino who has an Spanish Ancestor, this song gives me alot of goosebump.
Viva España!
Saludos desde Castellón, España. Viva la Hispanidad. PLVS VLTRA.
"How soon can you sail?"
"With the tide."
Meanwhile back in POTC 3
Beckett: how soon can we sail
*Mast Snaps*
I'm of Irish ancestry and when the guy held up the British flag and then got shot. I lost it inside the theatre, and shouted out; "YES!"
Dan M-Brooklyn r/thathappened
😂 lol but what the anglos did to the irish was horrible.
a true Irish good job
@@hiddenhunter5523 What's so unbelievable about an Irish person approving of a dude holding the British flag getting shot in a movie? Lmao, fuck off you pathetic redditor.
The spanish navy ruled the world during more of three centuries, and the spanish empire was the greatest empire of all times,VIVA ESPAÑA POR SIEMPRE!!
Viva la hispanidad🎉🎉🎉
"The story of America was written in spanish". -Thomas Jefferson
of the united states
@@Roctech44América es un continente
Everyone forgets, especially gringos, that AMERICA is a complete continent, not a country, much less a single name for a country.
@@JordyJ. Y Thomas Jefferson se refería a Estados Unidos
"How soon can we sail?"
"With the tides."
"Someone make a note of that man's bravery. Señorita, the chalices. Por favor."
"Only God can grant eternal life, not this pagan water."
"Men! Destroy this profane temple!"
"You are a fool. You seek in this place what only faith can provide."
Exactly, pagan faith fuck Christianity/Catholicism in this mythical world pagan God gave them the fountain of youth what's their god done ? Jack shit it's quite disgusting people like that who destroy shit that don't fit their narrative. Like isis trying to destroy all the Egyptian statues etc
The spaniards' theme is so underrated, and make them look badass, but in irl, they are atrocious, and evil.
@@forminecraftmultiplayeracc2583 What makes you say that? They put an end to human sacrifice in Mesoamerica.
"How soon can you sail?"
"With the tide."
The Spaniards were the true heroes of the movie
"Only God can grant eternal life, not this pagan water" that line always gets me
> locates the temple
> arrives
> destroys pagan bullshit
> declares Christ is king
> leaves
> refuse to elaborate
Piratas del Caribe, una película hecha con el único propósito de hacer creer que "pirata" e "inglés" son cosas distintas, pero no cuela...
efectivamente, de la misma manera que ellos siempre han diferenciado corsarios (heroes nacionales como Drake) de piratas, cuando no dejan de ser lo mismo.
That is a broad statement
Que no se te olvide que también existieron piratas españoles
Being a pirate is celebrated in England
Most of the famous pirates are British
@@k6yros También hubo corsarios oficiales en el Imperio Español, pero no eran tan aclamados y exaltados cómo en Inglaterra, y España no se valió de andar atacando y robando oro a los barcos enemigos para construir su imperio.
Cristobal Colon: *descubre nuevo continente*
España: _Conquistable_
Inglaterra: saqueable
Francia: Yo no juego.
Oh, así me gusta
Reconquista: end
Iberian countries: *Time for ,,conquista"*
Descubrir?? Los europeos Solo usurparon al igual que en africa
Proud of my Spanish heritage!🇪🇸🇵🇷 Fought off the British, Dutch and French while under Spain.
Where was the Spanish in ww1 and ww2 the English and Americans are the best.
@@enovos3138 if it weren't for the British you would be ran by germans now.
@@anti-venom2036 That's a much better alternative to being run by Jews and being replaced by Arabs in our own nations
@@enovos3138 so your saying you would rather be ran by the germans now instead of the Spanish who would still be killing people who didn't meet the criteria that suited them.
@@anti-venom2036 (this is my third time writing this comment, can't tell if the servers are acting up or if Google is censoring key words) Are you saying you'd rather be ruled by Je ws who are flood flooding your nation with north Africa ns and Ara bs, incentivizing the ra pe of women and children, demog raphically replacing you and Arre sting anyone who criticizes it?
Long life la niña, la pinta, and la Santa María.
Whilst the Spanish Navy had its ups and downs, Its renown was only ever outmatched by the British navy, especially later on toward the time the Spanish Empire began to lose it's grip. The Caribbean was quite an interesting place honestly.
Spain's Navy always had such beautiful and unique designs. Even fielding the Santisima class too, having the most guns on a vessel ever, for quite some time.
I think this soundtrack captures the might and the awe the Spanish Navy had incredibly well.
Edit: Jesus man I didn't realise this comment would kick off so much discussion. 3 years later and I have insane amounts of likes and 294 replies? madness.
That was mainly because Spanish didn't have ships solely designed for trading or transporting stuff. Their galleons were multi-purpose vessels with 54 cannons and outclassed the majority of pirate ships (which were dutch ships most of the time) by far in speed and firepower.
There are a lot of historical inconsistencies in the series but you kind of have to forgive it because those inconsistencies with history exist mainly to make the films more digestible to their intended, younger audiences (i.e. so that they can readily tell whose vessel is whose apart). The ships seen in use by the British, for example, represent the kind of ships of the line that they were sailing around the time of the Napoleonic Wars, late 1700 through early 1800s. In contrasts, a lot of the other vessels seen are more typical of what was sailing in the 1500s through 1600s during the more classical age of piracy (the British, too, would have been sailing such ships... galleons etc. ...during those centuries...being about the same period as the Spanish Armada).
POTC I believe only presents a single English RN First Rate in any of the movies. Endeavour is EITC and not official RN.
What about the French navy?
Don't believe the French have any appearance in any POTC movie, if you're asking about the French in POTC.
**Admiral Nelson has left the chat**
Álex Cruz *Captain Salazar has joined the chat*
*Don Blas De Lezo says hi*
@@LuisRincon-wr4dm **Admiral Nelson's arm has left the Canary Islands**
*A hurricane has joined the chat*
*Spain has left the chat*
*The English Armada joins the chat*
*Maria Pita joins the chat*
*Maria Pita kicks The English Armada from the group*
I love Spanish Catholic Empire from Egypt 🇪🇬☦️✝️🇪🇸
The world doesn't deserve such basedness.
¡Por España!
Y el que quiera defenderla,
honrado muera.
Y el que traidor la abandone,
No tenga quien le perdone,
Ni en Tierra Santa cobijo,
Ni una cruz en sus despojos,
Ni la mano de un buen hijo,
Para cerrarle los ojos.
lo mejor es que rima.
@@dieguito3422 será un dicho español hayu mchos
Que temazo en verdad
Es el juramento de Diego de Acuña. Es más largo, pero es el resumen de lo que los soldados de los Tercios eran. Fieles a España hasta la muerte, jamás se rindieron, o vencían o morían todos.
*Nobody expects the* *S* *P* *A* *N* *I* *S* *H* *I* *N* *Q* *U* *I* *S* *I* *T* *I* *O* *N*
The English ( 70,000 catholics killed and more than 10,000 jews) France (6000 protestants and 3000 jewish) Italia (10,000 protestants, Portugal (close to 30,000). Most of the European Kingdoms practice the systematic crime against religious believers, it was not 100% Spanish Inquisition. Get mor INFO, please.
Calm down. All I said was "nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition"
He doesn't get the reference... Damn Heretic.
@@101romex Asmodai..........make him repent.
Nobody expects the holocaust of the native americans by the british in North America
A lot of envy by the Anglo-Saxons you never civilized native american like Spaniards did.
The Spaniards 🇪🇸 🔥
Los Españoles fuimos los amos del mundo. Lo demas es envidia.
Ahora estamos dominado por rojos y pobreza comunista.
@Jesus Yamarte Hay muy pocos arrogantes, es más la mayoría odia a España. Como dijo Bismark (o se le atribuye a él): "España es lel país más fuerte del mundo, los españoles llevan años intentando destruirlo y aún no lo han conseguido."
@@davidlopez6703 Cierto. En España la gente reniega de su historia, y es una pena. En cierto modo tiene poco que ver con nosotros, lo que sucedió, sucedió, no tiene sentido negarlo y no hay nada de lo que avergonzarse. La historia española es increíble.
@Angel Navarro No lo es, esa es pura Leyenda Negra, si deberia haber odió deberia ser en contra de los Masones Ingleses y Ios Franceses
As for the 76 people who disliked this video, someone make a note of their bravery.
That’s a badass line , I love it
I have always loved the look of British ships of the line and the royal navy at this time in general, however I also absolutely adore the distinctiveness of Spanish ships and dress. They were the definite standouts of this movie.
"A los españoles por mar los quiero ver, porque si los vemos por tierra, que San Jorge nos proteja"
Y ni así se salvaban durante esos años, solo hay que ver cosas como la batalla de Cádiz de 1702.
@@holabuenas7200en varias batallas navales los ingleses recibieron palizas de parte de los españoles
@@Masivemaster en muchísimas, por supuesto
Quién es el autor?
Awesome Spanish Empire.
I didn't especially enjoy the movie, but one thing I enjoyed was the fact that they didn't go all "leyenda negra" with the portrayal of the Spanish. It was a refreshing change over the tendency of the old swashbuckling films.
Me and my Catholic boys with Orthodox brothers marching into Jerusalem
Not orthodox
Plus Ultra mis amigos
Muerte a la Espanyol
(Idk, I don't speak cuntish)
@@Elesez Indeed, look at yourself
TheGreatestShenFan 🇪🇸😘
@@thegreatestshenfan933 Largo de aquí, sajón.
@@thegreatestshenfan933 anda sajón, buscate un balcón, y práctica el "balconing" pero a ser posible que no sea en mi amada patria, vete a manchar de sesos aplastados y alcohol barato algún pub de London, tranquilo, el mundo seguirá rodando sin ti, bueno algunos gusanos morirán alcoholizados cuando se alimenten de tu cadáver, eso sí, pobrecitos!
Atlantic ocean was Spanish lake,and no one dare to challenge Spanish might
one year 1805 (I know this was at Cape Trafalgar, not the Atlantic but they still got beaten)
@@Duncan_of_Grant remenber the contraarmada, thats the battle after trafalgar and the brithis lost it
@@manuelgomezsalazar385 before* but yes it was worse than the Spanish Armada
@@biggusdickus819 sorry I thought it was after
@@biggusdickus819 eeee It was after, I google it
"A los españoles por mar los quiero ver, porque si los vemos por tierra que San Jorge nos proteja" oficial Británico
Viva el Glorioso Imperio Español !!!
Walada Viva el Único Gran Emperador Felipe II de Augburgo, que llevó a su máximo esplendor al Imperio, tanto que las demás potencias tenían que aprender español o latín si tenían qu comercializar en sus tierras ahora somos obligados a tener que aprender a l idioma de sus eternos enemigos Los Británicos.
Allways imagine tercios marching, with the flag of burgund flying high above them to this theme - awesome piece of Music!
or mailed knights marching against the Almohads
4:16 when the legendary team enters the battle
Things to notice: the map says Ponce de Leon 1523 when he actually died in 1521 and is buried in the cathedral in San Juan, PR not on some random ship in Bihimi (the land he tried to find)
The fort at the beginning of the movie when it says Cadiz, is actually Fort San Cristobal in Puerto Rico.
The franchise is based on an alternate timeline in which the British and Spanish Empires have taken over the world (look it up), with only pirates standing outside the grasp of ruling powers, therefore some leeway is expected when it comes to historical accuracy.
This is fiction based on reality, of course it would have some different stuff
Pirates: We shall become immortal gods!
British: We shall become the world's most powerful empire!
Spanish: "whipping their dick out" only god can grant eternal life!
Excuse me wtf
Language,have some respect for the lord God
@@followerofchrist5404 god doesn't exist
@@Victor-em8vw yes GOD does but you can keep on thinking that
@@followerofchrist5404 Which God exist, there are many religions, even religions thay believe in many gods, I guess the one your parents teached you from kid is the right one, no?
Pues como mi raza es mitad española mitad azteca me hierve la mitad de la sangre pero hierve con mucha fuerza, gran tema y gran película saludos a España!
Un saludo desde España mi hermano azteca 🇪🇸🇲🇽
Tienes mas sangré tlaxcalteca que otra cosa (eso si vives en el centro y norte del país)
Es un error pensar que los mexicanos venis de los aztecas ya que a lo sumo representaban el 15 20 %, es mas probable que provengas de los aliados de Cortes.
Aunque todo puede ser porque una vez acabada la conquista de Tenocticlan no hubo matanzas y no hubieron, no por las ganas de los indios al terminar la contienda....sino porque Cortes los contiene... por lo que siguieron existiendo y participaron del mestizaje.
Los Aztecas se unieron al imperio y ayudaron con el resto de las conquistas! aqui en España tenemos una familia noble descendiente de la realdad Azteca.
@@crimson1453 Eso fue una vez derrotado, los indios querían aniquilarlos a todos pero Cortés no lo permitió. A raíz de ahí se autorizó la nobleza azteca.
"It appears they think it's not even worth the time to sink us"
Full blown conquistador :)
"You are a fool, you seek in this place what only god can provide"
Perfectly pictures the most powerful country in that time❤
*"I will not have some melancholy Spanish Monarch-a Catholic-gain eternal life!"* - George II Augustus
he didn't even want to.
@@Aldiraider The petulant anglos can't grasp the spanish are not materialistic and atheistic losers like them.
@@LuisRincon-wr4dm Perhaps you need reminding that films aren't real Luis?
I've heard that this Spanish king did at some point in his life suffer from melancholia, if not depression. Heard it got worse after his plain but loved wife died, though I'm not sure if it's true.
@BARBATVS 89 you have my respect there
If the question were "how epic" this would be the answer
long live Corona de Castilla y Aragon
¡Qué viva!
A ver tolai, que seguro que eres un catalufo resentido, a todos nos puede pasar comernos una letra al escribir rápido, así que a dar lecciones de ortografía a tus compatriotas que muchos de ellos no saben ni hablar castellano
no hace falta enfadarse porque he mencionado un fallo en una palabra de tu comentario. relájate
no soy de cataluña pero puedo decirte que TODAS las personas que han estudiado en una escuela catalana saben hablar el castellano perfectamente.
insultar por internet lo sabemos hacer todos.
Ufff, he conocido gente de Cataluña que prácticamente solo sabía hablar castellano, pero a la hora de escribirlo te sangraban los ojos. Es lo que pasa cuando la educación más básica se da en catalán (sin que se pueda decidir el idioma). Y si se tiene en cuenta el 25% de abandono escolar, pues ya me dirás.
Based Chad Spaniards.
The Spanish Navy, which dominated the seas, from the 16th century to the end of the 17th century, was once the most powerful in the world.
How strange that the Captain, being Spanish, is speaking in English, when it is known that the Spanish language was the lingua franca of the time.
The lingua franca was the italian, you know it when you write lingua. :facepalm:
I've heard that the lingua franca (international language) is actually French, until it collapses after the revolution and English, with its growing empire spread the new lingua franca, english
@@muhamadsayyidabidin3906 Elisabeth, Shakepseare, Francis Bacon and most of the English nobility knew how to speak Spanish, better or worse, in the 16th-17th century. In Italy, Spanish was widely used. A quarter of the city of Rome was Spanish at some dates in the 17th century, and in Naples and Sicily, it was also widely used. Some Italian and Portuguese writers wrote in Spanish. Spain had a world empire. But it was another time, different from the current overcrowding.
French was imposed with Louis XIV, in the German courts, above all, and as the language of the select nobility and some German kings, until the French Revolution. And the illustration had a great influence on making French a language of exchange and diplomacy. That was until 1945. French was the most studied language. English is only imposed with the United States, which made itself, which has 60% of native English speakers, today, and which influenced the world with the economy, political and military power and mass culture. India had banned English by 1960, so English was going to disappear from Asia and Africa (like French in Vietnam) because the British had made very little investment there, and Canada and Australia were very sparsely populated. The United States is the country that expands English in the world, after WW2, when the English empire had died. Without the United States, English would have 200 to 250 million speakers, and French and Spanish, and now Chinese, would be more proficient.
Well, he speaks English because it is an American movie. That's all.
The Spanish ruled the waves since 1372, after the British defeat at la Rochelle
Gracias :)
Jajaja un imperio que no existe ya jajaja ridículo, además el verdadero reino siempre será al andaluz
@@AlejandroRamos-gx8xh A ver, no seamos crueles: te has vuelto a confundir la caja de los platanos y la de los supositorios
Plus Ultra...pero ahora lo que haybque hacker es mejorar España poruqe hay mucho politico inepto , corrupto y demasiados
This theme just feels so goddamn powerful, I fucking love it. Don't know any other song like it. Especially the beginning. 🤩
Mi nombre es Carlos Arturo Calderón Muñoz, nací en Santiago de Cali y actualmente resido en San Bonifacio de Ibagué, ambas ciudades se encuentran en Colombia. Hace tiempo que sigo su partido político y debo decirles que me parece un esfuerzo admirable en defensa de la Madre Patria y los valores de la hispanidad, esa apreciación hacia su trabajo conlleva al motivo de esta colaboración:
“La culpa de nuestro atraso la tiene España”, “Es que sólo vinieron a robar y a exterminar a los indios”, “Si no fuera por nuestro oro no serían ricos” y un larguísimo etc. Quien esto escribe nació y creció en medio de la leyenda negra en contra de la patria de la cual una gran parte de su sangre desciende.
Los nacidos en la América Hispánica nos hemos desarrollado en medio de una ruptura catastrófica, pues en un ataque de traición, guiado por los enemigos de la hispanidad, se nos separó de nuestra madre. Obligándonos a creer que había sido un triunfo de la independencia, cuando en realidad nos habían dejado huérfanos, usando nuestras propias manos para darle muerte a quien nos había dado a luz.
Crecí en un medio lleno de odio en el cual maestros, catedráticos y la sociedad en general, inoculaban en las psiques de las nuevas generaciones una endofobia intolerante y brutal. Nos enseñaron a odiar a nuestros ancestros, a llorar por indios y negros y a regocijarnos por las penas de los ibéricos. Nunca nos enseñaron historia, de ser así no hubiéramos podido hacer más que admirar a tan tremendos locos, que por lealtad y honor (palabras tan raras hoy en día) eran capaces de abandonar para siempre su hogar y construir nuevas fronteras en lugares tan lejanos como el extremo sur de América, las estepas rusas o el sudeste asiático. Se rehusaron a que Clío nos hablara del desarrollo, la ciencia, el derecho romano, la cultura helénica, la justicia social y tantas otras maravillas traídas de Europa.
Ocultaron el pasado, se abstuvieron de decirnos que los indios se mataban los unos a los otros, cometían genocidios y purgas étnicas. No nos dijeron que muchos de esos nativos se unieron a España, por su propia voluntad, para liberarse del yugo de los que en el “Nuevo Mundo” les oprimían. Callaron el hecho de que muchos de los descendientes de esos indios pelearon hasta la muerte para defender a la corona de las huestes independentistas, que acabaron con ese bello lugar al que le decían el Virreinato de la Nueva Granada, pero al que ahora llamo Colombia.
Ahora que veo como la cruzada anti hispánica se ha vuelto visceral y el deseo del mundialismo es fragmentar el suelo ibérico, para que no se presente una muralla infranqueable en el sur europeo, como sucedió por tantos siglos, noto de manera inequívoca el mismo veneno que ha recorrido el lado opuesto del atlántico por más de dos siglos. A mis hermanos españoles los han intoxicado con el odio a su propia sangre, neutralizando sus instintos para que de forma apacible se encaminen al fin de su existencia.
La impotencia material me recorre al ver, desde los Andes, como la madre patria está al borde de desaparecer definitivamente. Me rehúso a creer que estoy contemplando el fin de Hispania, la muerte de Gothia. Sé que muchos no podrán entender por qué alguien desde las Américas tendría este nivel de empatía, pero la verdad es que la sangre no se disuelve por efectos del tiempo o el espacio. En realidad, el aislamiento sólo crea nostalgia y por ende la necesidad impetuosa de restablecer el paraíso perdido, al que yo solamente puedo denominarle como España.
En honor a los 400 años de la muerte de Cervantes, cito las palabras de quien para mi es el héroe mítico más grandioso de todos los tiempos “El amor no engendra cobardes”. Y la verdad es que yo amo mi sangre, a mis antepasados y a mi Historia, en síntesis, yo amo a España. Siento que como mínimo debo decirle a los que habitan en la Hispania Europea, que no están solos. A pesar de que al territorio español han llegado cientos de miles de invasores provenientes de América, que incitados por el odio y la envidia anhelan destruir todo lo que no sea como ellos, quiero que sepan que todavía somos muchos los que nos sentimos orgullosos de nuestra ascendencia hispánica.
Les quiero decir que la propaganda con la que los han bombardeado por casi cuatro décadas, nosotros la hemos resistido por más de doscientos años. Aun cuando los esfuerzos de los enemigos de la hispanidad han sido soberbios no han logrado reducirnos. Porque en la América profunda, todavía somos muchos los que nos enfrentamos al rechazo social por defender nuestro idioma y llenos de gran satisfacción decimos: ¡Qué Viva España! Somos los que se entristecen cuando retiran el retrato de un conquistador y los primeros en saltar de alegría cuando un pasodoble se toma el espacio sonoro.
Les puedo decir, sin temor a equivocarme, que España no reside solamente en los cuarenta millones que hoy habitan en el suelo primigenio, sino que se expande por los corazones de muchos otros a lo largo del globo; aquellos que tienen la esperanza inclaudicable de que la hispanidad resurgirá. Porque si España tiene que pelear por otros ocho siglos para reconquistar su ser, estaremos encantados de ser las primeras bajas de esa nueva cruzada
Desde la América Española les digo a ustedes, mis hermanos, que no colapsen. Les pido que sigan resistiendo la embestida del salvajismo, porque la verdad es que a ustedes nos los odian por ninguna de las mentiras y exageraciones que se han propagado en su contra. Ustedes son objeto de ataques, porque viven en un paraíso sin igual llamado España; los quieren destruir, porque a los que albergan odio no le gusta admitir que su posición ha sido el fruto de su propia incapacidad. No quieren progresar por sus medios, prefieren destruir a los que han llegado más lejos, para así no tener que afrontar la obvia realidad de que han exteriorizado los rencores que tienen hacia si mismos, porque es más fácil culpar a los demás.
Es nuestro deber honrar los sacrificios de todos los que vinieron antes de nosotros para construir esa gran nación; es nuestra obligación dejarles a los que están por venir un mundo mejor que aquel que nosotros recibimos. No sé si llegaré a viejo, pero si de algo estoy seguro es que si lo hago, no le diré a la siguiente generación que les tocó nacer en un mundo sumido en la mierda porque yo no fui capaz de luchar. No les hablaré de España y la hispanidad como un bonito reino de fantasía que existe en la tierra de las hadas, sino como una realidad tangible que vive porque un día le dijimos NO al mundialismo y como masa nos jugamos nuestro derecho a la vida en una épica lucha.
Si hoy en día es más importante la comodidad material, los resultados del Barcelona y lo políticamente correcto; si tiene mayor valor doblegar los instintos para disfrutar del Face, la fiesta o el dinero mientras nos exterminan con comodidad. Si todo lo anterior es más valioso que nuestra sangre, prefiero ser lo único que puede ser un hispano, prefiero ser un discípulo del Quijote, un español. Porque “El amor no engendra cobardes” y España es el amor de mi vida.
Desde San Bonifacio de Ibagué,
Grandes palabras amigo
Tío, la historia fue como fue, no me he leído todo lo que has escrito porque me daba pereza, pero con lo que has escrito al principio, voy a intentar abrirte un poco la mente, no literalmente, obvio. Yo soy español y en nuestro caso también hemos sufrido invasiones y robos, aún cuando éramos simplemente peninsulares, por parte de los romanos, de los árabes y más en concreto de los franceses, y aún después de eso hemos salido adelante y somos un país bastante potente, la culpa del como se vive en un país es de los políticos, porque Colombia y el resto de América, tienen una cantidad de recursos impresionante, y si no se explotan es porque a los políticos no les interesa, no tienes que ver más allá de nuestro país, el Pedro Sánchez, pactando con independentistas, etarras... y subiendo los gastos destinados a bebida, aperitivos y demás mierda en su avión privado que usa para todo y que todos los españoles pagamos de nuestro bolsillo, no estuvo bien lo que hicimos, pero eran otros tiempos, no se si te habré ayudado pero bueno, yo he dado mi opinión y cada uno es libre de insultarme si le apetece jajaja
No habela es Español, señor
@@borhammer993 Si lees su comentario entero entenderás que sabe más historia que tú y desmiente la leyenda negra, lee su comentario entero antes de hacerte pajas mentales, que te gustará
@@borhammer993 soy español y me da que tú ni sabes que es un virreinato y menos la cruz de Borgoña
Que verguenza
En lo único de acuerdo es que el estado de un país es como lo dirijan y actualmente España está cayendo en el mismo abujeto que en el 36 antes de la guerra y todo por culpa de este gobierno
Among the great achievements of the Spanish Navy are the discovery of the American continent, (not a country) by the admiral in the service of Spain, Christopher Columbus.
The first circumnavigation of the world by Juan Sebastián Elcano.
The discovery of the maritime route between Asia and the American continent by Andrés de Urdaneta. The Spanish Armada was the most powerful in the world from the 16th century to the end of the 18th century and continued to be a naval force of world reference until well into the 19th century.
Before the Royal Navy was the owner of the seas, its predecessor was the Spanish Navy, who dominated the seas and made Spain the first global empire in world history.
at 1:02 you can barely hear the song Dies Irae. for those who do not know what Dies Irae means, it means the Day of Wrath
0:16 This part is so Epic. The power!
I love the Spanish guitar!
Achievement Earned:
*Crushed Under Crusaders Boots*
Spanish Empire!!!
BARBATUS 89 Brit’s are 100x cooler only an American or Spaniard would say that
@BARBATUS 89 i mean, yeah the British were murderous slavers but so were the Spanish? Responsible for the death of millions, even more than the British, which is saying something
@BARBATUS 89 Dude, I'm not British, I'm an Australian immigrant living in france
@BARBATUS 89 something tells me you didn't take history at school or uni…
Just a hunch
Who would expect that the most awesome depiction of Spanish Empire would come from a pirate movie? Doesn't matter if you like the 4th movie or not, it had awesome moments.
¡Santiago y Cierra España!
I like how this guy and the Spanish only had few parts and were really just to fill in blank spots but me and many other people think they are the best
It's such a weird approach to an antagonist. They're propped up as being super important but they don't do anything until the very end where they destroy the MacGuffin and leave. Its great.
This song really hammers home what an empire is, powerful, mighty and glorious but utterly without restraint.
Or compassion.
Well said. That description of an empire is especially fitting to the spanish empire.
Gentlesir PancakeBottoms minus the powerful and mighty albeit on land the British had a superior navy but weaker armies until the 19th century / late 18th century .
Yeah but Spain had a much bigger trade and transport network until the 1700's. Most pirates and even british privateers wouldn't piss of the spanish too much. The empire became fat and lazy though and other europeans like the british was better at running an empire in the long run and had a much more healthy economy.
Gentlesir PancakeBottoms I never understood why they didn’t fully invade Africa wouldn’t have been that hard , considering there land based military power but I suppose it wasn’t worth it and South America was much interesting instead .
Chogath main Late answer. When the Americas was discovered Spain asked the pope to grant them dominion over all new land they explored and the pope granted it. Portugal didn't like it so Spain and Portugal made a deal where they basicly divided the globe in half where Spain got all land west of a made up line or border and Portugal got all land to the east. So Portugal got the coast of brazil essentially and everything to the east like Africa and unexplored territories further east, and Spain got America. The rest of Europe didn't want to play by their stupid rules though;)
La Gran "Hispaña".
España eterna
@@thegreatestshenfan933 Your mom gay.
@@thegreatestshenfan933 La Monarquía Univerisal Hispánica se ríe de la perfila albión.
Apelativa apelativa yo me la pelo tú la miras
Plus Ultra
2:43 - 3:31 is can be only Spanish Music. That music has Spanish guitar.
Spain: I came I saw I conquered
"Vine, vi y vencí"
@@Jehan-David_de_Saint_Mars si, la traducción de la frase que puse que pertenece a César en la Galia
"Vini, vidi, vici"
@@helloimyomommy ya es la traducción en inglés
The moment they entered the scene.. that music
One of the greatest soundtracks of all time
On Stranger Tides is good
Aqui estamos los hijos de Santiago 🇯🇪🇪🇦✝️ , Viva España !
Although Barbossa is my favorite character I can't deny it is funny when the spanish ignore him XD
Wusi Delta
3.23K subscribers Theodore Groves: [defiantly declaring while holding the flag of the British Empire] "This land is hereby forever claimed in the glorious name of His Majesty, King George.... "
[Groves is instantly shot dead by The Spaniard, who has a somewhat irritated look on his face]
The Spaniard: [while calmly handing his flintlock pistol to one of his men] "Someone make a note of that man's bravery."
Epic Spansh theme 00:15
Listening to this while taking my Spanish Exam
There is no patch of dirt or land in this world without a SPANISH GRAVE!
your welcome - The English
@@smexyskelator3209 No, your deads are under the sea, ours are buried on land, even there were found spanish corpses in mongolia
@@aeiou6766 Then you do not have a true understanding of history
@@smexyskelator3209 Ehm, no, I know what I'm saying, The Spanish Crown made expeditions in Ulan Bator (Mongolia)
Sad , we have Portuguese graves here though.. but no difference to me
An iberian is an iberian
Una banda sonora dirigida para el imperio en el que nunca se ponía el sol. La base de nuestra riqueza y poderío actual es gracias a nuestro imperio, sin el España hoy sería un país apartado de la opinión pública y marginado
BARBATUS 89 ¿A caso he dicho que las colonias y el imperio deban coexistir ahora mismo?
¿Declarar la guerra España? Jajaja no me hagas reír, que ganas tienes de que os demos un paliza de nuevo
¿Nosotros una desgracia para los europeos? Somos el cuarto país de la UE más poderoso, me parece que les interesa más que estemos dentro que fuera de la UE, y si fuéramos una desgracia para la misma jamás nos fueran dejado entrar
BARBATUS 89 jajaja ¿Moralmente? Mira chaval, yo al menos tengo la conciencia muy tranquila con lo que hicieron mis antepasados. Si ellos no fueran creado el imperio español, ni tú ni yo estaríamos aquí ahora mismo ¿Sabes porque? España pasaría a ser un país de segunda en Europa,tal y como pueda ser Hungría o Austria. Economía, social, política... Todo sería distinto actualmente. Gracias al imperio español estamos donde estamos situados hoy, no lo olvides. ¿El resto de Europa? Nosotros no tenemos por que estar pensando en el pasado y culpaando nuestros actos, por que quizás otros lo fueran hecho igual o peor
BARBATUS 89 Usted solo se centra en críticar a España y al resto de Europa, cuando sabe que en la antigüedad existieron muchos imperios no solo en Europa, por ejemplo el imperio mongol o el imperio musulmán.
BARBATUS 89 yo también te doy ma razón en algunas cosas. Yo soy de derechas, me opongo al aborto. Mi postura a la drogas es radical, estoy totalmente conforme que sea ilegal y en cambio a la homosexualidad, me parece bien lo del matrimonio homosexual y por supuesto que se acepten personas asi pero no estoy conforme a la ideología de género, que se trata de meterle a la gente en la cabeza que tienen que hacer y que como se tienen que sentir.
BARBATUS 89 es que dentro de los conceptos democracia y libertad está también la posibilidad de querer a la persona que tu quieras y estar con ella toda la vida, si así desean ambos. Yo no veo mal que haya personas que le atraigan de su mismo sexo, como dije antes estoy en contra de adoctrinar a la gente con la ideología de género.
But of course we get the most epic soundtrack in the movie! 😏😎
4:14 makes me feel in a spanish ship of the line turning to attack under a stormy day in the Caribbean waters
amazing Dies Irae leitmotif in the backgorund of this
The Pope gave Spain half the world for a reason. These guys were putting in work for the church. XD
You are right
I wish this movie's portagonist was Blackbeard and the plot be about whether or not someone like him can really have his soul redeemed. Put the focus on him and you can have an interesting movie about one man's journey to redemption by reconciling with his daughter, being guided by Jack to his goals, facing his rival Barbossa, and racing against the Spanish for the fountain of youth.
Viva el imperio en que nunca ponia el sol! PLVS VLTRA!
This theme is truly epic
The most awesome piece of music in the whole darn movie...and it goes to a bunch of minor characters who are barely in the film and whose only function in it is to get the British and Barbossa in the movie.
Don't forget that, during the true "Pirates' Golden Age" in the Caribbean, England was a comparatively tiny, isolated island power whereas the Spanish Empire was pretty much the Rome of the era. The music isn't just about the characters...it's to convey the power they represent.
Er no that's not quite right, Spain lost alot of its power during that period and England wasn't a small isolated island, it already had a pretty large empire and had been on the winning side of the War of the Spanish Succession. And the Anglo-Spanish War was a draw, so again Spain was not Rome, eps after Rocroi.
It's really iffy because early 1500s, the period which the Spaniard's galleons and the Pearl represent, Spain was still very much at the height of its power albeit 'about' to go into decline. The British ships, on the other hand, represent ships that appeared in the late seventeen to mid eighteen hundreds... the Napoleonic era by which time Spanish power had truly dwindled. It's not exactly a linear universe in POTC...suspect they use the diff' ships more just to make it easy for kids to tell which is whose.
flat stern so probably a galleon...faster/English-style galleon as opposed to the 'tall' build spanish galleons (less ranged ship-to-ship combat and more close quarters/boarding warfare oriented... higher superstructures to allow greater vantage points for boarders and musketeers, at the expense of sailing performance).
Sad thing is the two best parts of this rather weak film is the side characters and plot of the Spanish with their music.
How it feels to play Spain in EU4
Spain was the most superior on the ocean
And on the land.
@@ultimoespanol8175 Y también cuando se trata de chocar espadas...
that's where you're wrong kiddo
@@shiroyasha4995 Who was then?
The Martians
@@reymenders5437 The British on the seas, the land is debatable between Prussia, France and Russia.
The battle of cartegena de las indias where the british armada got such a big bloody nose that out of embarrasment they have tried to erase it from the history books
Aunque Barbossa es mi personaje favorito, no puedo negar que es divertido cuando los españoles lo ignoran XD
Epico 👌