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Relaxing classical music: Beethoven | Mozart | Chopin | Bach | Tchaikovsky | Rossini | Vivaldi🎶🎶 #67
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 14 ก.พ. 2025
- Look and listen to these wonderful works, let the relaxing classical music transport you into a world of peace and tranquility. Press play and let these wonderful musical notes convey emotions and bring you some relaxation and happiness. 🎶🎶
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© Video copyright: The Classical
Dear everyone who reads this, we don't know each other but I wish you all the best in life and happiness
*Thanks!* (from Brazil 🇧🇷)
Thank you, you too
gracias, y para tí también. uy.
@@themadelaola7368same to you m8 😊
To the person reading this, Good Luck! Don't stress, everything will be fine. No matter what difficulty you are facing right now, you can overcome it! You are strong and brave.
Thank you! The same for you :D
Many thanks
Music is wonderful
❤GodBlessed to you and everyone
Yes. Everything will be alright in time 🙂Thank you.
É maravilhoso ler todos esses comentários, trazem paz e muita energia positiva. Agradeço e desejo a todos, que assim como eu, sinto leve e agradecido por tudo e todos. Felicidades! Era o que eu precisava nesse momento. Obrigado!😊
To whoever is reading this. Remember to find a safe space for you to be yourself ! You are amazing you are loved and the world is a better place with you in it. Life is a journey not a destination and healing is not linear. May your life be fulfilling and may you over come all challenges that you face 💕 you deserve your winning season.
Thank you.i wish you good life 😊
@@sharonaf16 Thank you ! I wish you the same! :)
Gracias por tu alentador deseo
Whoever finds this, I hope your life is filled with meaningful moments, good health, and endless joy
Tks for a beautiful rendition
Auto fill
My father was a music teacher and music appreciation was knowing and understanding classical music. I loved to see the ballerinas dance on tv. I wanted to be one but I was born broken. Daddy said I had brittle bones and.my ankles were too weak. But when life really realy gets.me down I close my eyes and play it and imagine i am a ballerina. I dance.in my head ,.this is how I bring MYSELF out of the darkness 💯❤
That's Beautiful, I love watching ballerinas and I love classical music, GOD Bless
The wonderful part of being human is intelligence. You have an abuncance of intelligence and are whole in spirit!. Thank you for sharing your spirit with the rest of us flawed and loving people!!
What counts is YOU are the one enjoying it! The satisfaction is the same and probably deeper when you live it in your own soul. Soul is authentic! Wish I were like you. Your experience is teaching. Many thanks for sharing this.
@@mikepaten8500 Thank you😁🥰❤
@@thelmajohnson985 you deserve the best. Your message taught me we are all lucky to be alive. We have means to make our dreams come true as we have a brain and our soul understand desires. Lots of love ❤️ 🧡 🥰 roses 🌹 🌷
Thank you for this beautiful healing music and video.. Wishing who reading this All is well 🙂
언제나 아침마다 듣는 음악입니다. 나의 마음을 편안하게 해 줍니다.
전쟁지역은 하루 빨리 전쟁이 끝나 평화의 시기가 오기를 바랍니다.
I wish our many governments would realize that most people feel the way you and I do about war. I wish we could all live in peace.
선거에서 누구에게 투표를 하는냐에 따라 천국과 지옥으로 나뉩니다..
Когда мне одиноко или грустно, я часто включаю расслабляющую музыку, чтобы успокоить душу. Мягкие и нежные звуки подобны теплым объятиям, заставляя меня чувствовать себя успокоенным и умиротворенным. Я понимаю, что музыка может быть хорошим другом в трудные времена.
سلام به همه مردم دنیا
ممنون از امیدواری که میدین و همه رو تشویق میکنید تا به دنیا مثبت نگاه کنن و با انرژی و شاد باشن.
اینها همه برای مردمی که توی خاورمیانه زندگی میکنن کمی سخته اینجا ما آرامش نداریم.
من ایرانی هستم .جوانان ایران شجاع، باهوش و نسل جدید آگاه ولی سیاستمداران و مدیران ما خوب نیستن و جوانان ما رنج میکشن به امید روزی که ایران به دست جوانان شجاع ،آگاه ،و لایق اداره بشه به امید آن روز❤❤
Peace to you and yours. I wish that all the youth of Iran will grow to be leaders who will help to bring peace.
My blessing and hope that everything will be alright in the end. My support from Belgium.
I hope so !🙏🙏
God bless you....❤❤❤❤❤
Живемо ми в часі і в просторі. А музика - стимул душі, бо спонукає нас на дії творчі, коли ми слухаємо її у тиші.
What lovely messages people leave what divine music
❤ я желаю всем мира и Божественной Любви ❤❤❤❤❤
I love your song
Such wonderful music
Таня Пукалева, ты самая красивая в моих глазах и я буду любить тебя вечно.❤
to the person listening to this keep going!!!
tyou too
Absolutamente comprobado: La Música es la Terapia del Alma.❤
Para mí alma es calma, sosiego tranquilidad en medio una tormenta que estoy viviendo, gracias a Dios por darnos seres con un corazón sensible ❤
esattamente cura il nostro spirito, mente e corpo. questa musica dona tranquillità. ottimo pezzo musicale. Tu sei grande Mozart, Beethoven ❤️🫰
Gracias X esta hermosa musica❤
Beautiful. Takes me back to the 17th Century in parts.
Такие душевные композиции ❤
A fool in his heart says there is no God....viva maestro
Exquisite :) wishing everyone a happy, healthy, rich and prosperous New Year!
Música real que nunca pasará de moda
I to jest spełnienie marzeń...❤
I Love this music
ottimo lavoro, complimenti
Nice music with the beautiful flower...I feel calm and soothing
Csodálatosabbnál csodálatosabb művek. Élvezet hallgatni.🌹
Ruhu dinlendiren müzikler. Klasik müzik vazgeçilmezim❤
Tuyệt vời...
São músicas imortais e belamente executadas. Lindas !!
Que bela iniciativa!!!!! Curtindo aqui....Obrigada pelo presente😍😍😍
Thank goodness for my computer, to listen this beautiful music
En los momentos en qué cualquier pensamiento te desborda llega el lenguaje de la música,no es patrimonio de la conciencia sino de la supraconciencia
Эта музыка… вся жизнь
God bless you!
Preciosa todo tipo de música 🎼 clásica 🎉🎉❤❤
So, so beautiful! Thank you for the amazing songs
Hello good morning friend
.Beautiful rexalaxing classical music singing my dear friend Thank you for amazing .
I'm Listening "The Beautifull Music" of the " MUST GREATEST MUSICIANS IN ALL THE WORLD "! "I LOVE YOU ALL"
THANKYOU! 💞💝💙💙💙💙🌠🎵🎹🌟🎹🎶🌠💙💙💙💖💞 Geny, Rom, Italy
Love ratan tata junior. Always ❤❤
Спасибо за прекрасную музыку ❤❤❤
Essas melodias aquietam a minha alma!❤❤❤❤❤
Bella y extraordinaria música.....mis oidos se deleitan con delicadas notas musicales....gracias
Soo beautiful 👏👏❤️❤️🙏
Very good. 😊😊
parfait pour travailler sereinement
Beautiful music. Thank you!
So good...
Most úgy érzem, hogy egy kicsit le kell pihennem mert álmos vagyok. Ti is azt csináljátok. Nyugodjatok egy kicsit, az mindenkinek jó. Köszönöm a szép zene részleteket.
Puvir esta relaxante musica ckassica qysndo dentro do teu ser ha um coracso que fervilha peli desdjo do amor mas ela vem psra abrsndsr tamanha furia em nis d podermos ter a certeza de que este amir existe mas ele tambem precisa do repouso e da paz que somente os classicos teem a capacidade de nos atribuir, nos reoassar a calma a alma e trazer uma tranquilidade impar e veja agora com a musica Marriage D'amour que e tida voltada para os coracies que amam
❤ Дякую за збірку.
Son mis favoritas, increíble 😮
Thank for the music.
so peaceful
Recomand cu căldură acest buchet de liniște și pace sufletească. Sunteți obosit după servici sau altă muncă, ascultați aceste bucăți minunate.
Considero o Maximo no Genero Musical.
Nos acalma, nos tranquiliza pela Suavidade do Som.
Eu considero o Maximo!
gracias y deseo lo mejor para las personas que se toman el tiempo de desear PAZ Y BIEN en nuestras vidas.
Lo mejor de lo mejor gracias por hacerlo posible y compartirlo un aliento de calma y júbilo para el alma escuchar esta lista de música tan sublime para el alma
Obrigada pelas lindas melodias...essas músicas me deixaram bem serena. Continuarei a ouvir. ❤
Cerrar tus ojos sentir la melodía el amor propio se desliza un sentimiento puro con el dulce tacto al recordar la maravilla celestial tu😊😊❤
Una caricia a el alma...un beso 😘 al ❤...paz a la mente🙏 GRACIAS ☺️
Tôi không hiểu về âm nhạc, tôi không phân biệt được âm nhạc sâu sắc và chữa lành. Với tôi, đơn giản là nghe, thích và nghe lại. Chỉ vậy thôi. Tuy nhiên, các comments ở dưới thì thật tuyệt vời, các bạn nghe nhạc, hiều nhạc và các bạn đầy tình yêu thương.
It's beautiful. ❤️
Es maravilloso despertar escuchando esta Música, que nos permite introducirnos en el yo interno y descubrir sentimientos tan puros como el Amor, la Solidaridad.y tener la capacidad de enviar mensajes de lindos deseos para todos los que estamos conectados. Gracias , Gracias y que también ustedes tengan días llenos de bondad , sin obstáculos. Gracias por compartir este espacio.❤😊
非常祥和愉悅的音樂 感謝您製作優美的音樂洗滌人心 Many thanks !
Incredible ❤
ja nie moge zyc bez muzyki ich moich ulubiencow to dziala kojaca jak balsam dla ciala i ducha
Hermoso ❤
ako lang ba? pag naririnig ko mga ganitong music. parang feel mo may past life ako at may mga feelings akong di maipaliwanag. or gawa gawa lang to ng utak ko. haha
Cierra los ojos y siente la melodía de amarte a ti mismo, un sentimiento de pureza y serenidad.
I'm learning the first song now. Passacaglia.
Buen día!!
Es preciosa la música clásica, me da plenitud, melodías para mi alma y mi corazón, es un deleite escucharla, sencillamente extraordinaria y maravilloso.
Música que sana y calma.
Esta musica es fantastica y relajante. Me encanta! ❤❤
Essas músicas imortais nos dão uma vida longa, no dia a dia. Parabéns pela divulgação.
Muchas gracias ❤
Gloria a Dios ❤
These wondrous pieces are so familiar to me, but I do not know the names and composers. Can someone list them here? That would be so very helpful. My grandfather used to play several of them. 1st one is Passacaglia - Handel, 2nd is Mariage d'Amour - Paul de Senneville
1st one is Passacaglia - Handel, 2nd is Mariage d'Amour - Paul de Senneville
1st one is Passacaglia - Handel, 2nd is Mariage d'Amour - Paul de Senneville
B m b ,
U of , 比 😊 爸爸。 9 n b ,
N b,
¡¡Hermosa música!! Es todo un deleite oír tan bellas melodías. Gracias.
j'apprends le piano depuis 5 ans , ce mariage d'amour est une merveille, pas si facile j'ai commencé à 78 ans, mais toutes ces jolis morceaux me font avancer. Merci
essas musicas são imorais, nossa alma se alimenta, Gratidão por vcs existirem ❤
I really love this music video~so beautiful, so peaceful, and it help me to release my anxiety.Thank you.
List all songs, please! :D
마음이 편안해집니다.❤
i love it
Hermoso! Hermoso!
Como é prazeroso, dormir com essas canções, nos leva a lugares incríveis, conhecer lugares mesmo sem visitar ❤❤
Me encanta