37 Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” - Matthew 22 34A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. 35By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another - John 13
@@vivienwong2045 Hi there! I'm sorry 😞 I don't know because I moved to London 31 years ago. I do miss hk but now hk , you know I feel sad 😥. Maybe you can try Google it.
好想好想當面與Vivian 姊姊聊聊與主耶穌的經歷過程。
❤ 陳蜜蜜 留言
37 Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” - Matthew 22
34A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. 35By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another - John 13
多谢 ,在加拿大冬日来临之时遇到这么好的片子,是上帝的指引。
太好了 !多谢你们。看得出制作这影片的弟兄姐妹都是蒙福的。愿主大大使用这一条影片去让更多弟兄姐妹得到鼓励,成长,让主耶稣的爱能接触更加多渴望爱,寻求爱的世人们。
Amen 🙏
Jesus is the only Way.
God bless you Vivian! you have a deep faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ!
God be praised!
其實能遇到一班真心有愛的弟兄姊妹真不容易! 我返左十年教會, 越來越覺得冇愛....未返教會之前覺得世界很美好,返教會後反而看到世界黑暗的一面😥 好似唔返教會的時候自己和神比較近!
人多就問題多。你可去 fb找「殷琦]嘅 page睇吓會否和此作者理念較近?仲有 d100嘅基督教節目都可能幫到你。有時靈命成長可能要靠自已(如環境不容許下)
問題係出於班弟兄姐妹係咪清心愛主。如果佢地心靈唔好,好多人與人之間既問題會出現。其實最好就係去搵間能夠幫你和神近的教會,能夠支持你心靈的教會。我返緊既教會對我很大支持。有興趣的話可以介紹你 :)
其實我地每一個都係「罪人」(即係自私自利、自我為中心、冇放神喺第一位既人).. 所以返得教會既信徒都知道、承認自己「唔係好人」,大家都係靠著對上帝認罪、悔改黎同上帝從新建立關係.. 所以返教會既唔一定係「好人」、「聖人」,不過各人都係慢慢咁去學習變得更似主耶穌、變得更好.. 世界就係因為黑暗,我地先見到上帝既光(美好、公義、愛...)我地應該要去學習點樣同上帝建立個人既關係,而唔受到其他人或者外在環境既影響.. 教會應該係一個讓人去敬拜、讚美、學習愛上帝同愛其他人既地方.. 試諗下,我地咁衰、咁唔值得被上帝去愛既罪人,上帝竟然願意俾佢最愛既兒子釘喺十字架為我地死... 教會裡面我地覺得「唔值得既人」,耶穌都為佢地死喎!咁我地係咪要學下點樣去愛「唔值得愛既人」呢?或者,對其他人再細心觀察、了解、建立關係,可能讓你明白到點解佢地會係咁呢?
i can't wait to see all of you bro/ sis in the air !!
Any day now brothers and sisters.. any day now.. many predicted 2021.. even non-christians..
Thanks so much for sharing. God’s blessed us all safe and healthy.
好多謝 Vivian 同 Kimman 分享🙏
Didnt know Vivian is Christian 💙 God is Love 🙏
Can't wait to watch the next one.🙏
May I ask where’s the museum in hk?
@@vivienwong2045 Hi there! I'm sorry 😞 I don't know because I moved to London 31 years ago. I do miss hk but now hk , you know I feel sad 😥. Maybe you can try Google it.
Hi , Vv , So Good , Yes!:)
Goodmorning , Vv ,Yeah!;)
I never thought she was a Christian. Would want to do evangelistic missions in other Cantonese and English countries? Please reply
非常好的节目~! 希望可以有普通话版本~ 让更多的华人看到
因為新約聖經係記載耶穌(神的兒子)由出生、傳道、被釘十字架、死後復活的事迹。頭4卷書由唔同既人寫成,其後好多都係使徒保羅(保羅既時候,當時耶穌已經復活、升天)寫俾唔同教會既書信... 新約仲有其他作者係喺耶穌升天之後寫成既...
咁好多猶太教徒係唔相信耶穌係神的兒子,只係當佢為先知.. 亦唔相信佢可以死左3日之後復活,所以佢地相信舊約所講既「彌賽亞」(即係救世主)仲未黎.. 於是乎新約既講法/教導對佢地黎講就「唔成立」。
If there's English text on screen would be wonderful for my children
A love like this