This person truly loves the art and culture of his homeland, it is not only the words like some others that just said without showing. He is an amazing person, he truly loves his country. I am Khmer, and present of many Khmer people would like to say thank you and thank you so much for spending ur love to support our culture. Wish u all the best in ur life, We love u, Tes Sakhon.
Well done man. You have done an amazing job. You make Khmer dance alive. It is part of our Khmer culture which exists for hundreds of year. Khmer Pride.
shit boy and dark skin !!! Do you know? The word " lecon " and "ละคอน, ละโขน ,โขน "are the same word . With roots from the family of Java - Indonesia lecon that the court is " cultural " activities that are characteristic of people in Southeast Asia .
Dance Of masked or wearing a mask theater is a theater that features the country's oldest native of performance Pre-Angkor. It is believed to have started in the 9th century through chamleak-lub on the walls of Angkor. Angkor era of masked, developed exclusively by men in traditional dance at the Royal Palace Khmer. The real reason remains unclear, but the researchers have shown that due to the stage of the conflict Hinduism with Buddhism in Jayavarman 7 (1243- 1295). Many, including the dancing girls were killed and a mistress so trained male dancers to create a dance based on staff redundant Buddhist. Another thing about the specific performance of masked Ramayana, the legendary era of the Khmer Ramayana. Performances include storytelling tell you who played a significant role in acting and classical orchestras orchestra Pinpet. Opera is popular in contemporary cousin, and later also became the favorite wife of King Sihanouk. Then there are 8 professional troupe and is then divided by war but now the only remaining group is at Wat Svay distance of 15 km from the city. Two new groups began in the war, including Thom and theater groups from the Department of Fine Arts and the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts. And now Sodhachivy also part of the schedule at the University of Fine Arts. Dear Thailand People I am Cambodia I have our own culture before your country was born, you can come to Angkor Wat and look at the Wall you will see ល្ខោនខោល.
everyone has known it comes from Ramayana but Kh innovative new idea so that it in consistent with own culture a little bit , whereas siam brazenly exaggerated about own's culture, to emphasize that siam seems like has culture nothing even language but just created own's language instead the old One. Take note some 12 provinces being in existing there you will be knowing its historical, and the root of aboriginal people!!! This is make you open ur eye of Empire Khmer!!!
Love you
Very good
May God continues protecting and keeping you safe. Good luck may your wish come true.
This person truly loves the art and culture of his homeland, it is not only the words like some others that just said without showing. He is an amazing person, he truly loves his country. I am Khmer, and present of many Khmer people would like to say thank you and thank you so much for spending ur love to support our culture. Wish u all the best in ur life, We love u, Tes Sakhon.
I really love him♥️
គោរពស្រឡាញ់បង ចំពោះការតាំងចិត្ត សូមសរសើរបងខ្លាំងណាស់ 🇰🇭
Very inspiring that he keeps this art going. Do not let the haters bring you down.
សែនស្រលាញ់បង ណាស់
I'm so proud of you bong!!! Don't let people's bring you down!! Be proud who you are bong!! Keep the khmer culture alive!!
ពិតជារំភើបមែន 😻😻
ខ្ញុំគាំទ្របង ស្រឡាញ់បងណាស់
ថែខ្ញុំផង ទាន់ខ្ញុំនៅ😔
ល្ខោនខោល ជារបស់ខ្មែរ🇰🇭😘
I love you idol❤️💞
This guy is amazing.
good job
ខ្ញុំសូមបញ្ចេញមតិថា ទោះគាត់ជាបុរស ឬភេទទី៣ក៏ដោយ គាត់នៅតែមានតម្លៃ
គាត់មានតម្លៃជាងបុរសនិងស្រ្ដីមួយចំនួនទៀត អាចនិយាយអោយស្រួលស្ដាប់គឺ ក្មេងសម័យឥឡូវមួយចំនួន ភាគច្រើននៅតាមជនបទ....
សេង សុខនបានចូលលើកស្ទួយវិស័យសិល្បៈបុរាណខ្មែរ...
ខ្ញុំសួរអ្នកទាំងអស់គ្នាថា ភេទទី៣ ដែលជួយលើកស្ទួយវិស័យសិល្បៈបុរាណខ្មែរ ចូលរួមក្នុងសង្គម ហើយជាមួយនឹងក្មេងប្រុស ក្មេងស្រីដែលដើរខុសផ្លូវ ឆ្កួត មិនអោយតម្លៃជាតិសាសន៍ខ្លួន មិនចូលរួមក្នុងសង្គម បានតែបំពុលសង្គមថែម តើយកមួយណា...?
So proud of him, the Cambodia traditional dance live is live with you Sakun
He is so talented and we support his spirit of helping to preserve our culture.
អរគុណច្រើនដែលបងជួយអភិរក្សទម្រង់ល្ខោនមួយនេះ ឲ្យកូនខ្មែរបានស្គាល់
Well done man. You have done an amazing job. You make Khmer dance alive. It is part of our Khmer culture which exists for hundreds of year. Khmer Pride.
Nice going su su Bong
អូនសុខន អូនជាមនុស្សដ៍អស្ចា
ខ្ញុំ ស្រឡាញ់ ល្ខោនខោល នោះខ្ញុំក៏ស្រឡាញ់បងប្រុសដែរ😘😘😘q
អរគុណនូវទឹកចិត្តបង ខ្ងុំក៏ស្រឡាញ់ របាំប្រពៃណីតែខ្ងុំគ្មានពេល គ្មានឪកាស បានរាំទេ
Proud of you!!! Keep go on
ខ្ញុំគាំទ្របង អ្នកណាថាយើងអ្វីកុំយកចិត្តទុកដាក់និងវាអី ពួកមនុស្សបែបនោះគ្មានបានជួយអ្វីយើងទេ វាបានតែថាពីគេទេ!
ប្អូន សុខន បងស្រលាញ់ចូលចិត្ត
ប្អូនណាស់ ពិតមេនណា
ស៊ូៗបន្តទៀត ណាបង❤❤❤
បងគឺជាមនុស្សម្នាក់ដែលពូកែបំផុតបងមានចិត្តក្លាហានធ្វើអ្វីដែលបងស្រលាញ់ ទោះបងកើតមកមិនមែនជាមនុស្រីតែបងបានធ្វើឲមនស្សុស្រីមួយចំនួនសូមខ្មាស់ដែរខ្ញុំគាំទ្របងជានិច្ច ស៊ូៗណាបង
ក្នុងនាមខ្ញុំជាមនុស្សភេទដូចបងដែរខ្ញុំគាំទ្របងជានិច្ចណា កុំខ្វល់ពីសម្តីអ្នកដទៃមនុស្សដែរថាឲយើងនិងគ្មានបានធ្វើអ្វីសម្រាប់សង្គមទេមានតែបំផ្លាញ
ខ្ញុំចូលចិត្តបងខ្ញុំស្រលាញ់បងកុំយំអីកុំតូចចិត្តអី បងជាមនុស្សដ៍អស្ចារ្យសម្រាប់ពួកយើង
ITZY stand បងនិយាយត្រវ
Love Khmer
អូ! ខ្ញុំកោតសរសើរអ្នកខ្ញុំសរសើរអ្នកខ្លាំងណាស់! តាមខ្ញុំគាត់គឺជាមនុស្សក្លាហានណាស់! ហើយខ្ញុំជានិមិត្តរូបព្រោះខ្ញុំក៏ជាមនុស្សដែលមានតួអង្គបែបនេះដែរ! ខ្ញុំអាណិតអាសូរហើយសូមអោយគាត់បំពេញក្តីសុបិន្តរបស់គាត់! កុំសោកស្តាយចំពោះការបដិសេធរបស់អ្នកដទៃ!
ไหนเขมรชอบด่าไทยว่าประเทศเกย์ นี่ไงประเทศเขมรก็มีกระเทยเล่นเป็นสีดา...ว่าแต่เขา
พวงศวิตร แว่นรัมย์ มันก็มีทุกประเทศเเหละ
ខ្ញុំ ស្រលាញ់ និង ពេញ ចិត្ត ណាស់ ! បង សូមអោយជោគជ័យណាបង
មនុស្សស្រីអាចសម្ដែងមនុស្សប្រុសប្រុសក៏អាចរាំស្រីបានដែលអោយតែរាំបានល្អមើល គាំទ្រទាំងអស់ ខ្ញុំគាំទ្របង
You have done a great job. I really appreciate it. I would like to know when will your next performance. So I can join and watch your performance.
Proud of this young man, I don't care if he is gay, He helps keep Khmer ancient culture continued.
You are right.
I agree. He is very beautiful. He devotes himself a lot for art.
Tes Sokhon, I'm proud of you. Keep up the good work and keep your beautiful chin up.
Oh lady boy (kateiland)
So what???
បងសុខនរាំបាល្អណាស់គាតជាi dol ញ៊ុំ
You can teach yourself the dance of the song with the title "kom pong rot yerng" . Is it ok?
+Sem S you should add Sokhon as friend on Facebook and ask him for more information
คุณหนูผี ที่รัก สุดยอด
ស៊ូៗៗ ខ្ញុំគាំទ្របង កុំអស់សង្ឃឹមអីណា....
កុំយំបងតស៊ូឡេីង ខ្ញំុស្រលាញ់បង
កុំខ្វល់នឹងសម្តីចាបព្រាបអីបង ចាត់ទុកថាសម្តីពួកនោះគឺជាការលើកទឹកចិត្ត ខុំគាំទ្របង ស្រលាញ់បង
ស្រលាញ់រូបនាក់! សម្តីអស់នោះតិចណាស់ ជាងសម្តីជាច្រើនទៀត!!!
Do what want
បងខ្ញំុចង់ហាត់ល្ខោនខោលជាអាជីពភ្ទាល់ខ្លួនតើអាយុមានបានចូលបាន ហើយការបង់ថ្លៃកាសិក្សាអស់មានដែរហើយហាត់យូរអត់ខ្ញំុចង់ឈប់រៀនណាស់ដើម្បីដើរចូលសិល្បះខ្ញំុលើកស្ទួយសិល្បះខ្មែរគ្រប់ទម្រង់ ជួយណែនាំផងបង
ខ្ងុំអាយុ ១៥ ឆ្នាំ។តេីខ្ងុំអាចហាត់រៀនបានទេ?
You should try to contact people at the art school or you could add Sokhon on Facebook and ask more infromation from him.
it thai
โขนไม่ไช่มีแต่ประเทศไทย ประเทศลาว ม่าเลเสีย กัพูชา ก็มี มึงมัว กลับไปเรียนใหม่ คอยมาพูด..
+สามารถ ภักดิ์ดี អាឬមី នេះអាញ់ ក៏ និយាយរឿងសៀមហែងដែរ ថាប្រទេសរបស់ហែងមិនមែនជាអ្នកបង្កើតល្ខោនខោលនេះទេ
អាញ់ ក៏ មិនថាជារបស់ប្រទេសអាញ់តែម្នាក់ឯណា អាឆ្កួត ខ្លាចគេល្អជាងប្រទេសខ្លួន ឬ អី? អាសៀមចបជីក
gy6ih3% k
Khmer unashamedly,The basic story is taken from India .Dance system and Apparel was acquired from Indonesia .
Khmer, do you know Ramayana from india??
shit boy and dark skin !!! Do you know?
The word " lecon " and "ละคอน, ละโขน ,โขน "are the same word . With roots from the family of Java - Indonesia lecon that the court is " cultural " activities that are characteristic of people in Southeast Asia .
Dance Of masked or wearing a mask theater is a theater that features the country's oldest native of performance Pre-Angkor. It is believed to have started in the 9th century through chamleak-lub on the walls of Angkor. Angkor era of masked, developed exclusively by men in traditional dance at the Royal Palace Khmer. The
real reason remains unclear, but the researchers have shown that due to
the stage of the conflict Hinduism with Buddhism in Jayavarman 7 (1243-
1295). Many, including the dancing girls were killed and a mistress so
trained male dancers to create a dance based on staff redundant
Another thing about the specific performance of masked Ramayana, the legendary era of the Khmer Ramayana. Performances include storytelling tell you who played a significant role in acting and classical orchestras orchestra Pinpet. Opera is popular in contemporary cousin, and later also became the favorite wife of King Sihanouk. Then
there are 8 professional troupe and is then divided by war but now the
only remaining group is at Wat Svay distance of 15 km from the city. Two
new groups began in the war, including Thom and theater groups from the
Department of Fine Arts and the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts. And now Sodhachivy also part of the schedule at the University of Fine Arts.
Dear Thailand People I am Cambodia I have our own culture before your country was born, you can come to Angkor Wat and look at the Wall you will see ល្ខោនខោល.
Dear รินรวี ศิริมหาทัพศาสตรา please do more research...I think Wikipedia would tell you enough about this...
+รินรวี ศิริมหาทัพศาสตรา ประเทศลาว ม่าเลเสีย กัพูชา เขาก็มี เข้าใจผิดแล้วพี่สาว
ประเทศไทย. เอย....
everyone has known it comes from Ramayana but Kh innovative new idea so that it in consistent with own culture a little bit , whereas siam brazenly exaggerated about own's culture, to emphasize that siam seems like has culture nothing even language but just created own's language instead the old One. Take note some 12 provinces being in existing there you will be knowing its historical, and the root of aboriginal people!!! This is make you open ur eye of Empire Khmer!!!