I get these high-voltage batteries from Amazon, there’s a lot floating out there. Here’s some I use on my mini b and there are powerful URGENEX 2S Lipo Battery 7.4v... www.amazon.com/dp/B08XZQ3NV1?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Does 22 mph out of the box with a 2s lipo & stock gearing which is plenty fast for this size. I've had 1:16th scale rc cars slower then that heh. There used too be a carisma 12,000 kv brushless motor for these cars which I'd imagine would get this between 25 - 30 mph with the same gear ratio & 2s lipo. The wltoys 400 mah 2s lipo should fit in the original battery compartment if you want something smaller & lighter then the 2s lipo you are using atm, might be better for grippy surfaces as well without flipping it.
you can still by the carisma 12000kv brushless motor, but using it is another matter, it is really too powerful for the size of the standard carisma GT24 rally cars. The new standard 8000 kv brushless motor is plenty powerful for all the new stock powered GT24 rally cars on sale .
Yeah, I just bought this one for fun and I figured upgrading the battery for it would make it faster but it ended up exceeding my expectations because it’s really fast with just an upgraded battery. I have yet to mess with the gearing.
No Way it does 40 MPH ..Where did you get those numbers from man? Also you said at the start '' It is Brushed '' - Its brushless all the way. Just read your box. And what's a freakin '' Mega Amp '' got to do with this car?? lol Think you need to learn about what's what before reviewing as you will find yourself being scrutinized by the RC community bro
0:31 Upgrade so good the camera fell into a coma
what fan?
5v fans from amazon. they are mini computer fans
what battery did you use
I get these high-voltage batteries from Amazon, there’s a lot floating out there.
Here’s some I use on my mini b and there are powerful
URGENEX 2S Lipo Battery 7.4v... www.amazon.com/dp/B08XZQ3NV1?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
40mph I doubt that. 22mph on a 2s. I have 3 of these. 27mph with the upgraded 12,000kv. But 40? Nope.
It’s literally 25mph out the box. So with the lipo and gear it’s definitely 35-40
Same here 12000kv motor on 2s and 27mph maxed out
Does 22 mph out of the box with a 2s lipo & stock gearing which is plenty fast for this size.
I've had 1:16th scale rc cars slower then that heh.
There used too be a carisma 12,000 kv brushless motor for these cars which I'd imagine would get this between 25 - 30 mph with the same gear ratio & 2s lipo.
The wltoys 400 mah 2s lipo should fit in the original battery compartment if you want something smaller & lighter then the 2s lipo you are using atm, might be better for grippy surfaces as well without flipping it.
you can still by the carisma 12000kv brushless motor, but using it is another matter, it is really too powerful for the size of the standard carisma GT24 rally cars. The new standard 8000 kv brushless motor is plenty powerful for all the new stock powered GT24 rally cars on sale .
Yeah, I just bought this one for fun and I figured upgrading the battery for it would make it faster but it ended up exceeding my expectations because it’s really fast with just an upgraded battery. I have yet to mess with the gearing.
No Way it does 40 MPH ..Where did you get those numbers from man?
Also you said at the start '' It is Brushed '' - Its brushless all the way. Just read your box.
And what's a freakin '' Mega Amp '' got to do with this car?? lol
Think you need to learn about what's what before reviewing as you will find yourself being scrutinized by the RC community bro
yes brushless and thanks for the love