For any FNF newcomer: Yes, this is actually madness combat related. cheshyre is the main musician of the madness series(except madness 8 and some other episodes ) i would reccomend checking out more of his work, he deserves more recognition
Just wanted to clarify that Cheshyre did the soundtrack for every canon episode except madness 1,2, partially 3 and 4(calliope and madness 4 main theme are there but other songs are used as well)8 like you mentioned, dedmos adventures, and I think Dissenter and An Experiment
By pure curiosity I checked Madness Combat, the first episodes did not sticked with me but the rest is amazing! The music is amazing and that's why I'm here. Also Deimos best bro.
I just realized this is just a really messed up remix of that generic carnival song. What a brilliant choice, considering who's the one causing all this chaos.
@@silverflight01 Pretty much accurate, but there are a few corrections and additions you could add. Madness 5: Kill Jeb and Tricky Madness 8: End the Madness and purge Nevada (only Jeb's goal, failed) Madness 9: Defeat The Auditor and revive Hank Madness 11: Survive Auditor Hell and kill Tricky and his army made from the Auditor Halo
Honestly, Sanford screaming out in pain/frustration after Tricky bats him into that wall is what really gets me. He's not like Hank, he's not like the Auditor. He's just a normal guy who's been fighting nonstop, has just come across his best friend's mutilated body, has now been dragged into a literal Hell with an enemy that's toying with and torturing him, and you can *really* tell everything's finally starting to catch up to him here.
I feel like Sanford, unlike Hank, is an actual good guy and "hero" as Hank had previously killed a bunch of people before for the heck of it, and enjoyed it, but Sanford is doing it because he hates the Auditor and the madness going on. Then again, I don't know the full Madness Combat lore, so take it with a grain of salt.
@@Cheshyre really is! I got into Madness Combat through , you guessed it , fnf , and I'm glad I did , and I wish I'd found it sooner , Expurgation , Clown Song OF Death , Madness 9 , Calliope , so many cool songs that could've given me so much nostalgia On another note I love how you mixed in that circus esque music , really accentuated *who* is in control in this situation
@@Files_Loathing i came earlier than fnf, but i respect you, i came from alone in the madness, a flash game and frankly, some day you'll feel nostalgia watching this
It sounds like something made out of pure insanity. it fit MC11 insanely well, you truly outdid yourself with this music just like how Krinkels outdid himself with the animation.
It pisses me that goddamn "BEEP BEEP BOOP BOOP BEEP" got 19 million views while OG Expurgation got only 1.7 millions. It's twice as all MC11 views what the hell
@@Artyomann What matters is that some of those people were introduced to MC in the process, so it's more people who get to share in how awesome MC is. Besides, the FNF version was made as loving homage to MC11, and that's worth appreciating.
@@TwilightFlower9 Another fun fact, gladiators didn't always fight to the death. Usually they just fight until one submits or something but they weren't killed since they were expensive.
I like to imagine that everything happening in the Madness universe is localized entirely within Nevada and no one outside of Nevada knows what’s happening.
Nevada is kinda like the only real place in Madness world. Everything else is madness, blurry and diluted. In the game, Nevada is often used as an equal word for "world".
This is the sound of Cheshyre, a sound I can recognise almost exclusively now without even checking the song info. He has his own style and adapts it with such aplomb to every work he can match. This one fit the darker tone of MC11 so well and as such helped MAKE the tone of it. Stellar work as always, man.
Eleven minutes of pure, unadulterated, corrupted clown circus godsend. I was WAITING for this track to come out just right after I watched MC11. I wonder how this song will stand the test of time. MC from 1 to 10 all have a timeless soundtrack. I am certain 11 will follow suit. One big thanks, Cheshyre. An underrated genius!
I liked the design of tricky the clown. His hair really implies the horns of the devil. His insanity of relentless killings. And finally, the ability to control the matrix
When the sky turns black, the earth floats and buildings fall, as all order is far from what it once was, the world is soaked in chaos; and so, the wind becomes a distorted melody, that in one sentence describes the only law that nature now follows: *Madness*
@@silverflight01 why would they be dead? i mean sure hank died a lot but sanford? nah, I think they live cuz in MC10 the auditor explode and the episode ended, how in the hell would they be dead?
Circus theme leitmotif at 6:00 is really awesome. I think that's where the inspiration for the FNF version of the same use of the leitmotif came from. Pretty cool that they got that inspiration from the original.
@@hydrangealynx that's not what I meant. I probably should have worded it better but I was tired af. What I meant to say is that we shouldn't talk about FNF here as this isn't FNF its madness.
@@darealps1hagrid ok dude, I’m just saying it’s cool that the mod actually referenced the original expurgation theme from Madness. I know you guys don’t like fnf, you don’t have to tell me. At least appreciate the fact that MC is getting more recognition
Feel 8 years younger listening to this work of art ever since Madness Combat 10 came out back in 2011. Thanks Cheshyre for the music mate and keep up the hard work.
I swear Cheshyre has an improbability drive of his own. Madness 3: The Musician has been engaged, Madness 4: Player Two has been eliminated, Madness 5: Upgrading….. Madness 6: Processing….. Madness 7: “I’ve made a banger, catch me if you can sucka-C” Madness 9: rip Deimos…….. Madness 10: *Behold* a banger *eXpUrGaTiOn* Banger Required, *Banger AQUIRED*
Came here from FNF, little did I realize I missed a complete GOLDMINE of something grand growing up (seriously, thanks youtube about 5-6 years TOO LATE). Never got this recommended nor any fan-animations, didn't even hear about the 'Project Nexus 2' kickstarter until 2 months ago. Barely knew what Newgrounds was! Man, I really never had nostalgia, nor an open mind back then. (I used to not like seeing other people's opinion, I've improved since then, still working on smaller kinks.)
This, this... This right here is the truest example of art being borderline perfect. WAY beyond perfect. Cheshyre, you're a genius, and I mean it. Massive kudos to you for bringing more and more amazing music to this world!
I honestly love how this song came out and how it fits with the animation, the brutal seriousness of the beginning sounds like the world could end followed by the middle being filled with circus-like sounds as it falls into madness, only for it to go back to the be all end all theme at the finale. Fucking amazing
The carnival jingle is a serious earworm, gets in there deep and pulls you back to this song. Plus the start of the song almost sounds like something from LISA, I love it.
As a kid, I listened to ur work nearly everyday, heck, even now i still listen to MC 5.5, 7 and 10, they are my favorite songs of all your works. Now Im 22, and I still enjoy ur music like its the first day. Keep with the work Ches, u are truly awesome.
Hank: Oh fuck it, Why not kill this guy who punched me in the face cause I wanted to turn off his boombox? And anyway what's the worse that can happen? The worse that can happen:
Damn dude, this is amazing. Cheshyre is amazing, Madness Combat is amazing, Krinkels is amazing. I originally found out about Madness Combat, or more specifically, Tricky, from Friday Night Funkin'. I didn't know Mandess Combat existed back then and I thought Tricky was just another character from fnf mods that was trying to be harder than Whitty. BOY WAS I WRONG. After I found out about Madness Combat, I've become obsessed with it and it's community. I have watched every single Madness Combat video uploaded by Krinkels and I've loved every second of it. Cheshyre's spectacular music really helped Again, amazing music Cheshyre). So, here I am today. Thank you Krinkels, thank you Cheshyre, thank you Madness Combat. Interesting how if Friday Night Funkin' hadn't led me here, I wouldn't have known about this incredible series. So, thanks Banbuds.
The whole thing is damned beautiful to behold, harmonious in it's chaos, Cheshyre has once again captured the madness that is Madness Combat, and of particular highlight to me is the subdued highlight starting @6:06... that is sound with which I want to fall asleep to, whatever hellish nightmares might await me be damned.
At 1:42 I like how you have Tricky's theme mixed into the "madness". Its all out chaos at this point in the story and the music captures how the Auditor absorbed Tricky and Tricky taking over. They're in a place arguably worse than what the Improbability drive could muster. It almost sounds as every song from 8+ is combined to bring this moment here
I discovered Madness Combat through FNF. I then left the FNF fandom due to petty drama. One of the things that happened since I left was me getting more attatched to Madness Combat. I am so glad I left the FNF fandom.
There's something about the trilling melody at 6:53 that just sounds so wonderfully demented... it's the perfect musical encapsulation of a sadistic, twisted smile on the face of a demon with the power of a god. Absolutely perfect music for the finale-but-maybe-not of Madness Combat.
Violence required *mc12 required* on a serious note cheshyre and locknar are on the first place when it comes to my music choice locknar is something more for a rave while cheshyre is incredible to listen to alone and once again cheshyre surpasses evryone's expectations (note:i have reached a point where i can see the animation as the song progresses like with the rest of the animations in the series because the song fits so well and is soo memorable yet another easily overlooked detail of masterpiece that makes this series what it is if madness ever stops soo will a part of my soul, also the choir is the best part of the song for me)
I'm over here attempting to make a MadCom animation on Scratch for a school assignment, and this track just hits so hard. Got me bopping in class, and probably making my teacher worried for my health- too much that Improbility Drive got me jumpin! Love the work Cheshyre, honestly!
There used to be a couple of comments saying ‘Wrong Expurgation’ or ‘This isn’t the clown song” a while back. They’ve disappeared now, and most of them now are just trolls.
"Damn i didnt know fnf had the "hey thats from something" type of community" *- Me, Who watched the entire fucking madness combat series because of fnf* Edit: Sorry i dont know how to describe the fnf fandom
This theme blew my mind when I heard it play in MC11. The way it just mixed in with the animation was epic and jaw dropping! Keep up the good work man!
GOD this fits really well with MC11 and lived up to what I could have ever hoped for for a soundtrack out of it. I was 11 when the previous came out, it's insane to see 11 finally come out.
@@1sock650 the whole series they've been fucking up reality, so that's either the thorn, or maybe tricky is the thorn not sure. And here it's gotten even worse than before, kinda like a lodged thorn getting infected
At first I wasn't exactly happy with this one, but right now I can feel the emotions. Especially the bit that starts around 5:10. It certainly conveys the confusion of being thrown into hell and the rush of trying to navigate it (or being thrown around) to escape.
This one is my favorite piece from you, as a long time madness fan. the emotions that can be felt through the melody. it gives me shivers. fantastic work
I feel like Cheshire is the kind of guy who, if you told him you had depression, would arrive at your front door with two smoothies and a kitten within 10 seconds, and I have no idea where this came from.
Wow, I remember when I saw this series of small, excellent work, my childhood has been revived by this magnificent series and these magnificent soundtracks. Thanks for everything and greetings from Argentina.
I couldn't hear that much of the whole entire OST cause of all the gun shots, but now that I can hear it loud and clear... It sounds amazing, you make the best music ever, keep up the great work man!
For any FNF newcomer: Yes, this is actually madness combat related. cheshyre is the main musician of the madness series(except madness 8 and some other episodes ) i would reccomend checking out more of his work, he deserves more recognition
Just wanted to clarify that Cheshyre did the soundtrack for every canon episode except madness 1,2, partially 3 and 4(calliope and madness 4 main theme are there but other songs are used as well)8 like you mentioned, dedmos adventures, and I think Dissenter and An Experiment
By pure curiosity I checked Madness Combat, the first episodes did not sticked with me but the rest is amazing!
The music is amazing and that's why I'm here.
Also Deimos best bro.
I was introduced to Madness Combat because Jonochrome used some of the music from Madness for Riddle School.
Noooo tricky is original from FNF *cry* guys is just sarcasm,and chesyre do pretty soundtracks :)
@@chezs7073 LOL
Things I'm thankful for: TH-cam recommends I re-listen to this often.
If YT commands it then so it shall be, my friend.
@@KrinkelsNG that's right chesyhre is perfect and you're the father of M.C
Song is so perfect
memes required... MEMES ACQUIRED
Hank: "Ayy dawg, can I get some VIOLENCE?"
The Auditor: "Only a spoonful!"
Hank: *[Pulls out comically large spoon]*
@@Super_Citizen_Paimon Deimos: you see the joke here is-
@@justsomedud6682 deimos: my lungs...
I just realized this is just a really messed up remix of that generic carnival song. What a brilliant choice, considering who's the one causing all this chaos.
You're late with the comment Camila.
what carnival song? mc1?
Camila? Ves mandess combat? Y te imaginaba mas family friendly(?
Stop What?Camila?
Glitchtale, right?
Madness combat 1 plot: Kill the sheriff
Madness combat: expurgation plot: *D O O M E T E R N A L*
Nah fam that’s madness 2 you’re thinking of
Madness 2-3: Kill the Sheriff
Madness 4: Kill Tricky
Madness 5: Kill Jebus
Madness 6+7: Kill Tricky
Madness 10: Kill Auditor
Madness 11: Survive Tricky's hell (and kill him)
I might be a bit off
@@silverflight01 Pretty much accurate, but there are a few corrections and additions you could add.
Madness 5: Kill Jeb and Tricky
Madness 8: End the Madness and purge Nevada (only Jeb's goal, failed)
Madness 9: Defeat The Auditor and revive Hank
Madness 11: Survive Auditor Hell and kill Tricky and his army made from the Auditor Halo
@@taiekvana So that place indeed belongs to Auditor? Interesting! Thanks for the info.
@@berdo2595 It could also be purgatory, but I am not sure.
When you have to put in "madness combat" with "expurgation" to find the actual song
I need to type "expurgation cheshyre" bcuz of fnf
i mean i like both versions equally- oop there's the mob again
the fnf version got 1 million views in a few days compare this... wtf man
Or just madness combat 11 ost that’s how I got this
@@Du57Ywe should be grateful that it brings more attention to this.
Honestly, Sanford screaming out in pain/frustration after Tricky bats him into that wall is what really gets me. He's not like Hank, he's not like the Auditor. He's just a normal guy who's been fighting nonstop, has just come across his best friend's mutilated body, has now been dragged into a literal Hell with an enemy that's toying with and torturing him, and you can *really* tell everything's finally starting to catch up to him here.
This comment is great and it makes a lot of sense
I feel like Sanford, unlike Hank, is an actual good guy and "hero" as Hank had previously killed a bunch of people before for the heck of it, and enjoyed it, but Sanford is doing it because he hates the Auditor and the madness going on. Then again, I don't know the full Madness Combat lore, so take it with a grain of salt.
He is sick and tired of tricky and the auditors bull crap
@@girlballsyuri as well as Deimos,probably.
I feel like Sanford and deimos are the only Quotation good guys they dont seem like psychos
Cheshyre required
Cheshyre acquired
666th like
I think Cheshyre just had a stroke.
Absolute Banger Required....
*Absolute Banger Acquired...*
Nice, lol. Thanks!
@@Cheshyre really is! I got into Madness Combat through , you guessed it , fnf , and I'm glad I did , and I wish I'd found it sooner , Expurgation , Clown Song OF Death , Madness 9 , Calliope , so many cool songs that could've given me so much nostalgia
On another note I love how you mixed in that circus esque music , really accentuated *who* is in control in this situation
@@Files_Loathing i came earlier than fnf, but i respect you, i came from alone in the madness, a flash game and frankly, some day you'll feel nostalgia watching this
Ownage: 100%
Beginning Of The Decade:Fighting Over A Boom box
*Ending Of The Decade:Fighting Over A Jesus' Halo In HELL*
Techically in Nevada... watever, close enough
@@tomasvlasak2292 Tricky litterally dragged Sanford and Hank into this hellhole below Nevada, so, fair to say it was hell..
inside the auditor actually
Hell _is inside the Auditor and nobody is happy with that fact_
its jebus
Show me the real Expurgation
* Fnf mod *
I said, the *Real* Expurgation
* Cheshyre *
And Krinkels
Fnf expurgation is a banger too not gonna lie
It's nice Expurgation (Cheshyre)
@@wayv7973 11 likes
fun fact:The "J" in "Hank J Wimbleton" stands for "Motherfucker" I did not make this up,Krinkels (the maker of madness combat) has confirmed this
But then it would be Hank M Wimbleton
@@zanegrimm2697 it's a internal meme from newgrounds
@@zanegrimm2697 i don't make the rules. Krinkels does
Not exactly. He said "what happens in the toons/games is canon, what we're discussing on discord is not."
"So Hank's middle name isn't motherfucker"
I'd fit more if it was" Hank Jackass Wimbleton"
This theme fits for every FPS games, like Killing Floor, or games similar. The song is just too macabre, and fits completely fucking well in MC11
especially for killing commies whilst wearing an animal mask
@@Alxrru good commies are dead commies
Payday 2
It sounds like something made out of pure insanity.
it fit MC11 insanely well, you truly outdid yourself with this music just like how Krinkels outdid himself with the animation.
This song reminds me to the generic clown/circus music and it fits perfect with tricky and mc11
It fits mc 11 INSANLY well
I see what you did there.
It has those "carnival" type tunes mixed into the madness. I like it.
Awesome duo with Krinkels
Made it 1k likes, thank me later
It pisses me that goddamn "BEEP BEEP BOOP BOOP BEEP" got 19 million views while OG Expurgation got only 1.7 millions. It's twice as all MC11 views what the hell
We'll get there eventually. It's all about timing, I think...
@@Artyomann What matters is that some of those people were introduced to MC in the process, so it's more people who get to share in how awesome MC is.
Besides, the FNF version was made as loving homage to MC11, and that's worth appreciating.
expurgate (v.) - "remove matter thought to be objectionable or unsuitable from (a book or account)."
Clown expurge u
except, uh, for that one time in the end of mc11 he actually was expurgated
his matter wasn't removed though so was he really expurgated
@@theHatted you do not kill clown
@@CatzRuleGaming clown kills you
dam you still replying after 2 years
@@WHATSAHANDLEIDKIDK *bold of you to assume that i am not clown*
Hey did anyone else notice that the music at 1:49 (and other times) sounds like a remix of circus music? Nice attention to detail for The Clown.
That was my favorite part
@@bukele333 Wow. Interesting
@@bukele333 But how different are gladiators from clowns, really? They fought and died horribly for entertainment.
69 likes, make a wish!
@@TwilightFlower9 Another fun fact, gladiators didn't always fight to the death. Usually they just fight until one submits or something but they weren't killed since they were expensive.
Madness combat 10: AUUUUUU
Madness combat 11: DADADA
almost sounds like a stand cry.
@@Novamatter It is in fact similar to MUDA MUDA MUDA, yes.
Plus someone trying to start their car in MC11.
I don't hear that part.
@@Novamatter You can hear it in the background at 3:51 to 4:33 and it's in the forefront at 7:24
Violence required... *VIOLENCE ACQUIRED...*
Stupid required...*STUPID ACQUIRED...*
@@bd12shotgun why are you hating on him bro
Oh hello there, never expected to find you around this community, DarkSignal.
@S'Arais Vanu ?
Uh pal I think you need to put a place on the * So The Bold letters will activate?
pro tip:
When Tricky screams "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANK!", Sanford actually covers his ears
details are amazing yeah
yeah, he covers his unexistent ears
I noticed that befor3 I saw your comment (no hate)
wait a minute this isn't tip it just a fact
It went from a guy wanting a boombox for himself to murdering zombiefied demon clowns in hell
All because of improbability!
and that's why it's so dope.
Cause everything happend just cause hank went: "why not".
I like to imagine that everything happening in the Madness universe is localized entirely within Nevada and no one outside of Nevada knows what’s happening.
i like to imagine nevada is a giant hole to the mantle layer of the earth with floating island and everything else in the earth is just normal
What happens in Nevada stays in Nevada.
Until you go to Nevada then you get turned into a grunt or a zombie
Fighting clown demons with the powers of a god at this time of day at this time of year in this part of the world localized entirely in nevada
Nevada is kinda like the only real place in Madness world. Everything else is madness, blurry and diluted. In the game, Nevada is often used as an equal word for "world".
This is the sound of Cheshyre, a sound I can recognise almost exclusively now without even checking the song info. He has his own style and adapts it with such aplomb to every work he can match.
This one fit the darker tone of MC11 so well and as such helped MAKE the tone of it. Stellar work as always, man.
Thank you very much!
unrelated but blaze is the best fem sonic character
@@somemadnessfan4763 what the fuck
We went from Chicken Dance to this-
Wouldn’t have it *ANY* other way
A broken universe
We went from people being launched into a marshmellow to people being tortured by a reality shifting psychopathic clown
@@NewArmies and he was having fun he wasn't playing dirty
Butterfly affect
You and Matt are like the best duo ever
nah, they are literarily the best duo ever lol
They're like Sanford and Deimos
@Zyel Zephael You always need a Guy called Matt that got your back. Always...
The Swain silently crying..
I’m gonna use the phrase “the Cheshyre to your Krinkles” like a yin yang symbol.
Now I wanna make a yin yang but with krinkle’s and Cheshyre’s profile pictures.
Cheshyre and Krinkles goes great together like peanut butter with choclate.
will you be the cheshyre to my krinkels
@@MinccinoIsGay ok 😳
A quick letter to FNF Fans:
This is indeed Madness Combat-related so I would appreciate it if you guys stopped saying "This ain't tricky", Thanks
Too much possers here
People say that?
I like both, so don’t worry.
literally who the fuck is actually saying this?
I've yet to meet these people
@@rhysthereddragon1326 me too. watched mc when i was younger. forgot it. played the tricky mod. rewatched madness combat.
Alternate title: The Circus Goes To Hell
How yall mfs look ripping off MAG Hank's red arm.
Wow, my comment can actually stand out...
Trending in Nevada: clowns
Yeah tricky does send them to hell and I hear clown music
Eleven minutes of pure, unadulterated, corrupted clown circus godsend. I was WAITING for this track to come out just right after I watched MC11.
I wonder how this song will stand the test of time. MC from 1 to 10 all have a timeless soundtrack. I am certain 11 will follow suit.
One big thanks, Cheshyre. An underrated genius!
It's become my favorite.
That should tell you how well this aged.
I liked the design of tricky the clown. His hair really implies the horns of the devil. His insanity of relentless killings. And finally, the ability to control the matrix
@@fofo-ms6ck auditor is a coward.
To be accurate, the Auditor is a sort of manipulator.
@@anotherordinaryguy4992 you have him confused with The Sheriff because The Auditor has actually fought people head on
@@spectralknightgaming8364 yeah but he relies more on power than anything else
@@nixmane2477 He was "born" with it, not given. He won't let his natural gifts go to waste.
Producers like you shouldn't be getting this little attention, this is absolutely the right atmosphere needed for the video
When the sky turns black, the earth floats and buildings fall, as all order is far from what it once was, the world is soaked in chaos; and so, the wind becomes a distorted melody, that in one sentence describes the only law that nature now follows:
That was very poetic. That's kinda how I was feeling.
@@Cheshyre Thanks man, i feel the same listening to your music :>
Not only the madness its too the eternal combat
A madness combat
the earth is already floating
The earth always floats 🤨
Mc3: *sheriff* and *The Sun* died
Mc8: *Jebus* died
Mc9: *Deimos* died
Mc11: *tricky* died
What are we going to expect in the mc12?
Engage improbability drive
Mc11: Tricky, Sandford and Hank died :'c
@@donjuan4576 The fan wiki left Sanford and Hank's fates as ambiguous, but they might as well be dead too.
@@silverflight01 why would they be dead? i mean sure hank died a lot but sanford? nah, I think they live cuz in MC10 the auditor explode and the episode ended, how in the hell would they be dead?
That intro was God Tier
So true
Stanford: fucking hell my ears
Чё ты орёшь полудурок, тут я !
Hank: *punches*
Tricky: *rips arm off*
Somewhere in an alternate universe Tricky is the protagonist and hank is the one with the Improbability Drive.
And Auditor died in ep 8?
Somewhere in Utah
@@theceoofeggmansempire5214 he is alive
@@JustABrazillianDude i meant that in AU instead of Jeb we've Auditor and instead of Jeb we've Auditor
Your best work so far, keep it up!
stop bully peoples
Anyone else picking up circus vibes from this tune?
@@jobie2406 yup. entry of the gladiators
@@rgessimai6128 ye he bullied Gabe
git outta ere jsoull
Can't wait for MC12!!!!
Can't whait for she love me but she doesn't love me :'V
Mc12 will come in 10 years from now
@@conradunderwood6742 plz no
@@bd12shotgun Cringe.
@@conradunderwood6742 in 69 years
1:58 is my favorite part because it fits so damn well when sanford just comes out of the hole in a floating island
Mine has to be 5:17 it fits so well with Sanford getting slammed against a wall and really shows that he’s in pain
I heard this song on MC11 and I thought: Could a song and an animation be more perfect for each other than that?
And what did you decide?
@@Cheshyre First place, my friend! 😉
Really ... Your songs are amazing.
So, from what I've gathered, Hank and Sanford accomplished nothing, and the Auditor's still alive.
Besides killing a god named tricky
But now Tricky dead forever. Probably...
@@threeraisins yeah he is,how the fuck is he supossed to come back
@@sudden_night1 reincarnation?
@@matimate8172 Ÿ̵̨̢̩̗͔͎̥̥͎̗͈́̿̈͑̅̐͘O̶̺͕̰͔͙̳̲̰̭̾͂͊̿̅̈̍̉U̷̫̤͋̾̾̔͐̌̃̓̏̒̍͠ ̷̝̥͓̳̞̟̰̫̉̊̏̿̒̽̓̕͝͝Ĉ̶̡̰̪̫͖̭̰͔̫͙̼̜͉̪̻Ä̸̢̛̺̗̹̰̙́͒̅́̈́͐̽̊̅N̵̫̉̈̓̆̈́͂͑͑́̏̊̏͊͌̅N̶̢̨̧͔̱̲͉͎̤̣̠̜̦̝͓̊̈̐̂̓̃͝͠Ǫ̵͙̠̓͗̉́͋̌͋́̐͘T̶̢̪̞̬̤͖̼̬̺̮̳̩́͗̐͑̑͌́͂̊̓͋͠ ̷̧̘̩̯̮̙̮̜̳̹͙̪̯͂͒̀̾̐̀̇͝K̴̨͚͇̹̻̥̹͌̒̽͜͝͝Į̸͍̟̲̬̜̜̫̗͓̼̱̾̂͊͐͆̊̈́͑̔̆̚̚̚L̷̬̜̩̀̋̆́̆͘͝͝L̵̡̧̢͕̫̻̞̲͚͖̬̙̠̜͌͌̓͂̇̓̉̈̃ ̶̛̱͐̆̈́͝C̸̡̧̛͚̮̙͖̼̟͎̰̯̈́̈́͜͝ͅͅL̵̰̹͚̭̭͖̯̱̝͖̺̯̒̂͑̏̓̈́̿͜O̵̡̗̰̪̩͓͗͛̈́̂̈́̌̕W̴̧̛̤͎̭̙̝̼͉͇̰͍͉̪̾̔̈́̽Ń̴͕̙͂̅̚͜͝͠
Circus theme leitmotif at 6:00 is really awesome. I think that's where the inspiration for the FNF version of the same use of the leitmotif came from. Pretty cool that they got that inspiration from the original.
we don't talk about FNF here
@@hydrangealynx that's not what I meant. I probably should have worded it better but I was tired af. What I meant to say is that we shouldn't talk about FNF here as this isn't FNF its madness.
@@darealps1hagrid ok dude, I’m just saying it’s cool that the mod actually referenced the original expurgation theme from Madness. I know you guys don’t like fnf, you don’t have to tell me. At least appreciate the fact that MC is getting more recognition
Fnf is part of the newgrounds fandom and so is Madness combat, why can't people accept that?
Same with 1:33
Feel 8 years younger listening to this work of art ever since Madness Combat 10 came out back in 2011. Thanks Cheshyre for the music mate and keep up the hard work.
arrrgh! I want a Madness Combat souls game so freaking bad now!
I believe it was madness combat 11
Correct me if I'm wrong tho
I swear Cheshyre has an improbability drive of his own.
Madness 3: The Musician has been engaged,
Madness 4: Player Two has been eliminated,
Madness 5: Upgrading…..
Madness 6: Processing…..
Madness 7: “I’ve made a banger, catch me if you can sucka-C”
Madness 9: rip Deimos……..
Madness 10: *Behold* a banger
*eXpUrGaTiOn* Banger Required, *Banger AQUIRED*
Madness 12: D o o m E t e r n a l
Madness 4: Ownage 100%
Came here from FNF, little did I realize I missed a complete GOLDMINE of something grand growing up (seriously, thanks youtube about 5-6 years TOO LATE). Never got this recommended nor any fan-animations, didn't even hear about the 'Project Nexus 2' kickstarter until 2 months ago. Barely knew what Newgrounds was!
Man, I really never had nostalgia, nor an open mind back then. (I used to not like seeing other people's opinion, I've improved since then, still working on smaller kinks.)
Welcome to Madness,welcome to Newgrounds
Strap yourself in for the ride
i also got introduced into madness through fnf, best thing to ever happen to me
@@Melswoop same man
@@Melswoop same
This, this... This right here is the truest example of art being borderline perfect. WAY beyond perfect. Cheshyre, you're a genius, and I mean it. Massive kudos to you for bringing more and more amazing music to this world!
Thank you so much!
Let me just say that the image kinda looks like a xenomorph using the Snapchat dog filter.
@@claratamba-marowa8383 How do you know if it was an insult, could’ve been a compliment
@@wgbee1242 dude, this doesn’t look like a compliment at all in my eyes.
I honestly love how this song came out and how it fits with the animation, the brutal seriousness of the beginning sounds like the world could end followed by the middle being filled with circus-like sounds as it falls into madness, only for it to go back to the be all end all theme at the finale. Fucking amazing
You and Krinkles are like that duo when someone asks for a better duo
The carnival jingle is a serious earworm, gets in there deep and pulls you back to this song. Plus the start of the song almost sounds like something from LISA, I love it.
Virgin FNF Tricky Mod Expurgation vs Chad MC 11 Expurgation
Feel to free screenshot
Fnf vs tricky mod its great...but madness combat is a LEGEND
Chad liking both things at once.
@@PotatioBaconio the true chad
God, I miss listening to your work
did u lose ur ears
As a kid, I listened to ur work nearly everyday, heck, even now i still listen to MC 5.5, 7 and 10, they are my favorite songs of all your works. Now Im 22, and I still enjoy ur music like its the first day. Keep with the work Ches, u are truly awesome.
Them: Avengers is the most ambitious crossover in history.
Me: Cheshyre and Krinkles on a project.
I love this!
Oh? I don't understand
Hank: Oh fuck it, Why not kill this guy who punched me in the face cause I wanted to turn off his boombox? And anyway what's the worse that can happen?
The worse that can happen:
And maybe more worse things can happen...
@@OsnoloVrach wtf a dinosaur
@@OsnoloVrach i tought they were extinct
Heh funi pizza mozzarella
Damn dude, this is amazing. Cheshyre is amazing, Madness Combat is amazing, Krinkels is amazing.
I originally found out about Madness Combat, or more specifically, Tricky, from Friday Night Funkin'. I didn't know Mandess Combat existed back then and I thought Tricky was just another character from fnf mods that was trying to be harder than Whitty. BOY WAS I WRONG. After I found out about Madness Combat, I've become obsessed with it and it's community. I have watched every single Madness Combat video uploaded by Krinkels and I've loved every second of it. Cheshyre's spectacular music really helped Again, amazing music Cheshyre). So, here I am today. Thank you Krinkels, thank you Cheshyre, thank you Madness Combat.
Interesting how if Friday Night Funkin' hadn't led me here, I wouldn't have known about this incredible series. So, thanks Banbuds.
I’m not afraid to say same
Not same
Same just founded out end of may,before the 2v comes out
And i have no regrets..
Same dude. Long live the Madness.
y'know an artist has peaked when they get a subgenre named after them
Came from the raging insanity of FNF. Stayed for the epic madness of Chesyre.
I recently re-discovered Madness Combat.
Techno now only reminds me of bloodshed.
Ah, it's good to be back.
Welcome, welcome, it's good to have you back.
@Victor Luigi Bruh, who'd be stupid enough to say that?
Edit: Oh...wait
@@silverflight01 Sort by newest and scroll a bit
@@OpinionThief Same can be said for when you check the comments of Krinkles' video.
@@silverflight01 lol
Who tf disliked this song.
How are there any dislikes on this?
This song is fire
They were like “ThIs IsNt ExPuRgAtIoN fRoM fNf”
Probably FNF fans
I put a mountain/volcano that is flaming bcz it is in the episode expurgation
@Charles Calvin ye correct
@@DragonBombGaming wolfyred
The whole thing is damned beautiful to behold, harmonious in it's chaos, Cheshyre has once again captured the madness that is Madness Combat, and of particular highlight to me is the subdued highlight starting @6:06... that is sound with which I want to fall asleep to, whatever hellish nightmares might await me be damned.
That was downright poetic! Thank you so much! Stay tuned for more to come...
It's like a circus song with chaotic dubsteps!
BEST madcom soundtrack. Cheshyre you fucking rock man.
The smooth and hidden circus tune makes this piece way better and worth admiring, insane and clownish, fits tricky so well.
this was one of the most tense soundtracks in a madness combat episode ever, absolutely incredible!
Nevada would have been normal if the sheriff didn't press the god damn button
@@Real_bosspo if the boombox guy didn't exist
@@basicperson if hank didn't exist
*If Deimos didnt exist
The music flowed perfectly with the latest animation, man it feels good to have Madness back again. I love it.
I love the way the bpm changes constantly, so smooth.
2021, I came back to listen to this masterpiece
Now I can't stop hearing Madness Combat 10's Main Theme's sounds
MC10's theme was a masterpiece
2024, anyone?
At 1:42 I like how you have Tricky's theme mixed into the "madness". Its all out chaos at this point in the story and the music captures how the Auditor absorbed Tricky and Tricky taking over. They're in a place arguably worse than what the Improbability drive could muster. It almost sounds as every song from 8+ is combined to bring this moment here
*Perfect as always, Cheshyre!*
make charlie do moistmeter on madness 11
,as all things should be..
the cooler expurgation 0:00
The Original and Cooler Expurgation
the song
Awesome soundtrack Cheshyre,it is chaotic and amazing,just like the MC11 was.Keep up the good work.Much love from Serbia.
@Flame Fist Channel nisi brate
Violence Required
Violence *Acquired*
*That's how hank work*
@@AsianSaIad XD that's how mafia works
*That's how Nevada works*
@@fefega LOL
@Codex NDFTricky level 1 crook
Can't imagine it's went to a guy punch another with a boombox to Jebus halo
It went from someone’s boombox’s volume being a little high to the universe breaking apart
Menacing as hell. Works so good with episode 11’s atmosphere. You nailed it as usual dude.
I discovered Madness Combat through FNF. I then left the FNF fandom due to petty drama. One of the things that happened since I left was me getting more attatched to Madness Combat.
I am so glad I left the FNF fandom.
You should be glad of yourself, like i.
Oh hi dedede
Exact same thing happened with me
Same for me. I just HATE the fnf community now it's like undertale shit repeating itself
Same for me, welcome to the madness
5:17 gives me chills everytime i hear it.
that choir in the background, or whatever it is, gives me chills down the spine and i love it.
Hell yeah
@@Cheshyrechesh i love ur work
There's something about the trilling melody at 6:53 that just sounds so wonderfully demented... it's the perfect musical encapsulation of a sadistic, twisted smile on the face of a demon with the power of a god. Absolutely perfect music for the finale-but-maybe-not of Madness Combat.
Violence required *mc12 required*
on a serious note cheshyre and locknar are on the first place when it comes to my music choice locknar is something more for a rave while cheshyre is incredible to listen to alone
and once again cheshyre surpasses evryone's expectations (note:i have reached a point where i can see the animation as the song progresses like with the rest of the animations in the series because the song fits so well and is soo memorable yet another easily overlooked detail of masterpiece that makes this series what it is if madness ever stops soo will a part of my soul, also the choir is the best part of the song for me)
I'm over here attempting to make a MadCom animation on Scratch for a school assignment, and this track just hits so hard. Got me bopping in class, and probably making my teacher worried for my health- too much that Improbility Drive got me jumpin! Love the work Cheshyre, honestly!
Lol, I hope the animation goes well! Thank you so much!
POV: You’re seeing more comments complaining about FNF fans than actual FNF fans.
Is it me or is the annoying fans to more people complaining about annoying fans then fans in the comments a continuous cycle?
There used to be a couple of comments saying ‘Wrong Expurgation’ or ‘This isn’t the clown song” a while back. They’ve disappeared now, and most of them now are just trolls.
I swear to god i ain't giving up until i find one
@@supaluigifan seems like it.
"Damn i didnt know fnf had the "hey thats from something" type of community"
*- Me, Who watched the entire fucking madness combat series because of fnf*
Edit: Sorry i dont know how to describe the fnf fandom
I love madness combat so much,with it's style and insanity.
And I'd never found out about this gem without fnf.
@@mr.sentryanddispenser yeah
I watched madness combat at 2015
@@OverKillWan Pog
If irl had background music this would play on the shool toilets
I'm gonna play this music on a school toilet
No kidding.
@@a.t.p.engineer7154 *shool toilet
This theme blew my mind when I heard it play in MC11. The way it just mixed in with the animation was epic and jaw dropping! Keep up the good work man!
GOD this fits really well with MC11 and lived up to what I could have ever hoped for for a soundtrack out of it. I was 11 when the previous came out, it's insane to see 11 finally come out.
OG flash gamers and flash watchers know what this is
I was wondering how much time had to pass to have the soundtrack of MC11, well i shouldnt have expected less, good job cheshyre
then it skips to a red guy vomiting red fire
I still don't understand what that means
@@1sock650 the whole series they've been fucking up reality, so that's either the thorn, or maybe tricky is the thorn not sure. And here it's gotten even worse than before, kinda like a lodged thorn getting infected
Who would win?
A shadowy , powerful, demonic and nigh invulnerable gateway of what seems to be Hell manifested into a physical form
A clown
Clown definitely
Yeah, you're right
@@bartosz1320 bruh clown, he destroyed auditor in somewheres of madness 9-10.
@@TheBuilderPro2024 the end of 10 i think
C: clown with a "fuck physics" machine
At first I wasn't exactly happy with this one, but right now I can feel the emotions. Especially the bit that starts around 5:10. It certainly conveys the confusion of being thrown into hell and the rush of trying to navigate it (or being thrown around) to escape.
Man cheshyre's masterpieces never fail to get me hyped but this one was just incredible
This one is my favorite piece from you, as a long time madness fan. the emotions that can be felt through the melody. it gives me shivers. fantastic work
I feel like Cheshire is the kind of guy who, if you told him you had depression, would arrive at your front door with two smoothies and a kitten within 10 seconds, and I have no idea where this came from.
nostalgia required... NOSTALGIA ACQUIRED
I swear the Cheshyre cat gets more and more terrifying and crazy each time
yeah got A heart from A Madness combat Creater thats
Wow, I remember when I saw this series of small, excellent work, my childhood has been revived by this magnificent series and these magnificent soundtracks. Thanks for everything and greetings from Argentina.
Thank you for the kind words! I'm glad I could be a part of it! Hello from the United States!
I couldn't hear that much of the whole entire OST cause of all the gun shots, but now that I can hear it loud and clear... It sounds amazing, you make the best music ever, keep up the great work man!
the original expurgation