SB_11.5.36 - Appreciation & taste for holy names come when we respect all even those who insult us !

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 ก.ย. 2024
  • ŚB 11.5.36
    कलिं सभाजयन्त्यार्या गुणज्ञा: सारभागिन: ।
    यत्र सङ्कीर्तनेनैव सर्वस्वार्थोऽभिलभ्यते ॥ ३६ ॥
    kaliṁ sabhājayanty āryā
    guṇa jñāḥ sāra-bhāginaḥ
    yatra saṅkīrtanenaiva
    sarva-svārtho ’bhilabhyate
    kalim - the Age of Kali; sabhājayanti - they praise; āryāḥ - progressive souls; guṇa-jñaḥ - who know the true value (of the age); sāra-bhāginaḥ - who are able to pick out the essence; yatra - in which; saṅkīrtanena - by the congregational chanting of the holy names of the Supreme Lord; eva - merely; sarva - all; sva-arthaḥ - desired goals; abhilabhyate - are attained.
    Those who are actually advanced in knowledge are able to appreciate the essential value of this Age of Kali. Such enlightened persons worship Kali-yuga because in this fallen age all perfection of life can easily be achieved by the performance of saṅkīrtana.

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