The lamp hack is VERY, VERY, CLEVER and is useful, too. BRAVA!! I have to amend my comment. These are the most unique craftings I have seen in a very long time. This lady is unbelievably imaginative and uses only household items. She is truly a conservationist and a very smart one at that. Again BRAVA, BRAVA, BRAVA!!
Интересные идеи ❤Спасибо Вам!
МОЛОДЕЦ ,неугомонная Вы наша!!!🤗😄
Огромное спасибо за ваши идеи. Новых вам идей.
The lamp hack is VERY, VERY, CLEVER and is useful, too. BRAVA!!
I have to amend my comment. These are the most unique craftings I have seen in a very long time. This lady is unbelievably imaginative and uses only household items. She is truly a conservationist and a very smart one at that. Again BRAVA, BRAVA, BRAVA!!
Very good thanks
Наконец мы Вас увидели в зеркальном отражении.
Тоже видео но отзеркалено.