Quran 2:136 Say, ˹O believers,˺ “We believe in Allah and what has been revealed to us; and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and his descendants; and what was given to Moses, Jesus, and other prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them. And to Allah we all submit.”
Excellent Vidéo! Isa Al - Masih (Pbuh) was born miraculously. No other prophet was born this way. However, “ Allah” protects all the prophets from blasphemy because they were chosen by God. Muhammad (Pbuh) was the last and final prophet. If anyone in this entire world claims to be a prophet, the angels will throw that being in hell and let him burn for millions of years. There is no greater sin than blasphemy which is why it is punishable by death in the “ Torah” and “ Quran.” When Muslims kill for blasphemy they are always rewarded by Jibril. Alhamdulillah!
In my opinion Lord Krishna is GOD himself. Jesus was the son of GOD. As a Hindu, I rever Jesus Christ. He also visited India and remained here for 14 years to gain wisdom. So he has a special connection with my country.
Is Mohammad a spiritual being or normal human being? Let me clarify first.When Jesus says when I go to the Father, I will send the spirit of truth.Does it refer to Mohammad or the Holy Spirit who came down on the day of Pentecost as per the word of Jesus.
Jesus came to make way for all nation to follow his will and God.and it his people to bring back to God for it God will is the way and truth for we thank God for bless love Aman Aman Jesus Christ ❤❤❤❤
One day all muslims shall believe prophet Muhammad was Allah and Allah was prophet Muhammad.aayesha openly told mohd, Y your Allah is always ready to fulfill your desire without delaying,he sends aayats.
There was both humanity & divinity in Jesus Christ.Muslims only believe the humanity part.Ignore the other part which claims his divinity.There are several scriptures which claims His divinity for which Jesus was about to be stoned by the Jews.Because Jews very well understood that Jesus was making himself equal with God.These all scriptures are blind to the Muslims or they are purposefully doing so.
Original Old Testament was written in Hebrew and Aramaic, NOT ARABIC. Original New Testament was written in Greek and NOT ARABIC. Allah's Law ie Ten Commandments was written in Hebrew and NOT ARABIC. Muslims cant understand Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek and have to translate into Arabic. Meaning to say Jew Christian and muslim worship SAME GOD / ALLAH.
@@RenzoManmusic what is the difference between creating and giving birth to something? If I say I created this car or I gave life to this car what's the difference? Or you are confused by the word birth? Birth is the same as making,creating,giving life etc just an English word my guy or girl
@@RenzoManmusic you mean the word birth? Or the procedure itself? Name one natural or spiritual things which is not of God s doing only one? If giving birth is God s doing why can't god allow his spirit to be given birth to it self?
@@devinebeing21 God gifted his living creatures with the ability of giving birth. And also gifted us with a little knowledge of making non living things like cars, chairs,plates etc. But for God himself, is the creator of everything either living or non living. But all living things gives birth.
Jesus is the Only one without sins. And Jesus said no one is good except God alone is Good. Hence Jesus is God because he alone is Good. The different between man and God is that man did sins but God cannot do sins. While Jesus is never did sins in his entire life hence he Prove that he is God. Jesus also proved that he is man by taken all the sins of all people on earth and having himself full of sins which make him fully man, and due to the sins in him he died but because all the sins that he have is not of himself hence he able to rose again from his dead while sins can’t rose from dead. Jesus conquered sins (dead).
In John 8:58 Jesus Christ has said that he was Existing before Abraham. What is the meaning of that. Why Zakir Naik wants Jesus to say I am God worship me. When Jesus Christ claimed clearly that he was Existing before Abraham. Only God can Exist before Abraham because a person who is born just 2000 years back is saying that he was Existing before Abraham who was born thousands of years before. Therefore Jesus Christ proves that he is God by saying he was Existing before Abraham. Zakir Naik don't have common Sense a what? to understand this simple language which Jesus Christ Spoke. Kindly Reply if anybody can answer to these proves which I am putting in front of You'll.
What about: this Melchizedek was king of Salem and priest of God Most High. He met Abraham returning from the defeat of the kings and blessed him, and Abraham gave him a tenth of everything. First, the name Melchizedek means “king of righteousness”; then also, “king of Salem” means “king of peace.” Without father or mother, without genealogy, without beginning of days or end of life, resembling the Son of God, he remains a priest forever.
That all may honor the son just as they honor the father . Whoever does not honor the SON does not honor the FATHER John 5 23 YESHUA (Jesus ) is more supreme .more than a prophet . Mohammed contradicts JESUS.
In religion there is no one higher or lower. Your thinking itself is bias. Try learn to stay in between higher and lower. There is space that we have to grab upon.
As ever many are not knowledgable Who is greater? By Quran? By Bible? In Quran Jesus is Mother most blessed above all women of all nations Pure child Simultitude of Adam With mother a sign to the world Is mercy to manking Is messiah Comes back at end time Is the Spirit if Allah. Produce about Mohamed in Quran and see
How did Muslim brothers didn't understand that Jesus is greater than Muhammed. Please dear muslims read the Bible you would understand who is Jesus Christ.
احسن الظن في الناس وكأن كل الخير فيهم، واعتمد على نفسك كأنه لا خير في الناس.🎉🤲🧕Free Palestine From Palestine, Gaza City call from Gaza from the midst of war death, hunger, destruction and pain. To the lovers of goodness, a kind greeting to every Muslim from a Palestinian mother from Gaza. The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “We will never diminish the money you have given in charity.” narrated by Muslim ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"""""""""""""""""""💔 """"""""""""""""""""""""'""""""""" """" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "'" ""''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''🤲 I have four orphan children, and we are in the midst of a war of extermination, displacement, hunger, pain, wounds, and deprivation. They were martyred in this war. My family and now I'm alone without a father. Today, I make this appeal to you from among the rubble and destruction, my brothers. I live under difficult circumstances, an unjust siege, and a blind war that destroyed my city in which I live, and my home that houses my children’s dreams. Today, I found myself living on top of the ruins of my home in a tent no more than a few meters long, with me and my four children. This is a very difficult thing that no human being can bear. I live in very difficult conditions without food, water, and flour due to the siege, and we drink water. Polluted due to lack of money and my children’s fear of war, and now I am asking for help and assistance in order to restore the smile of life to my children, and I am in dire need of your contribution in order to rebuild my house that was demolished, and I ask (00970592511969)To donate, WhatsApp wrote to you these short words that do not express a little of the pain and wounds that we are experiencing in Gaza, and I write these words to you while tears do not leave my eyes from the pain and cruelty of life. I hope that you will be supporters of my cause in all parts of the world and the ugliness of the injustice that we live in every day, but every minute. We lose loved ones every day. And do not forget the difficulty of life in a small tent that does not exceed a few meters. God was a protector for us from the heat of summer and the cold of winter in the tent, and today all my dreams are to drink a drop of cold, clean water in the summer and feed my children. Praise be to God in any case, this is God’s command. Note: I have a child who is sick in the eye, and he is forbidden by the doctor’s prescription from high heat and sunlight. How can he be in a very hot tent? Therefore, I ask you to help me in maintaining my house. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""يارب قد دقت الدنيا بنا وانت ارحم الراحمين نداء انا عندي اربع طفال ونحن فى ظل حرب الاباده والتهجير والتجويع والالم والجراح والحرمان لقد استشهدوا في هذا الحرب اسرتي وانا الان وحيدة بلا اب واليوم ارسل ندائي هذا من بين الركام والدمار لكم يا إخوتي انا اعيش في ظل ظروف صعبة و حصار ظالم وحرب عمياء ولقد دمرت مدينتي التي اعيش فيها و دمر بيتي الذي يؤوي احلام اطفالي واليوم لقد وجدت نفسي اعيش فوق ركام بيتي في خيمه لا تتجاوز عدت امتار انا واطفالي الاربعه هذا امر صعب جداً لا يتحمله إنسان واعيش ظروف صعبه جداً بدون طعام وماء و طحين بسبب الحصار ونشرب الماء الملوث بسبب قلت الاموال وخوف اطفالي من الحرب والان اطلب يد العون والمساعدة لكي اعيد بسمة الحياة الي اطفالي وانا في امس الحاجه الي المساهمه لكي اعيد بناء بيتي الذي هدم و ارجو منكم المساهمة كتبت لكم هذي الكلمات القصيرة التي لا تعبر الى القليل من الالم والجراح الذي نعيشه فى غزة واكتب لكم كلماتي هذه والدموع لا تفارق عيني من الالم وقسوة الحياة ارجو منكم ان تكونو مناصرين إلى قضيتي في جميع انحاء العالم وقبح الظلم الذي نعيشه في كل يوم بل كل دقيقه ونحن نفقد الاحبه كل يوم. ولا تنسو صعوبة الحياة في خيمة صغيرة لا تتعدى بعض الامتار كان الله لنا معين من حم الصيف والبرد الشتاء فى الخيمة واليوم كل احلامي ان اشرب نقطة ماء باردة ونظيفه في الصيف وطعام اطفالي. الحمدلله على كل حال هذا امر الله.~~♡~♡~ ~♡~♡~/♡~♡~/~♕😭🎉😭🎉😭🎉😭🎉😭😭🎉😭😭🎉🎉~~♡~/♡~♡~♡~/♡/♡//♡/♡//♡/♡/♡//🤝🤝🤝🎍🤝🤝
Zakir has forgotten that Adam sinned and was moved out of the garden of Hidden by God.....But JESUS the Lord of Lords and King of Kings defeated sin in every way ,died and rose again into heaven ...You cannot denied the Supremacy of Jesus with a book( koran) written 800 years after Jesus lifetime.
But we can deny with the book you believe the Bible right? 1.John 5:30. Jesus (pbuh) said: I cannot do anything on my own; I judge as I hear, and my judgment is just, because I do not seek my own will but the will of the one who sent me. 2.Book of acts 2:22 Jesus(pbuh) the Nazorean was a man commended to you by God with mighty deeds, wonders, and signs, which God worked through him in your midst, as you yourselves know. 3.Book of acts 3:13 The God of Abraham, [the God] of Isaac, and [the God] of Jacob, the God of our ancestors, has glorified his servant Jesus(pbuh). 4.Matthew 24:36 But about that day and hour no one knows, neither the angels of heaven, (nor the Son) , but only the Father. For as the days of Noah were, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. These verses prove Jesus is a man a Prophet all the miracles he did is god who did through him. And I know you still won't agree these Bible verses. Bcoz quran clearly says the heart is blind nor the eyes.
You have misquoted Biblical references to argue your case (Supremacy of Christ ) without realizing the CONTEXT of the particular references . To understand the text particularly , I propose you read in CONTEXT John 5 30( read verse 16 to 30.) Act 2.22 (read verse 15 to 40 )Acts 3.13 (read verse 11to 26.) mathew 24 36( read verse 36 to 51)and Mathew 25 .1 to 13 . Further more You have denied the full text of acts 3 .13 (not fully referenced ).why and how was that ? Bro don't use scriptures partly or selectively to suit your opinion or belief this would cause you to more delusion and distortions. God bless and top day to you. not fully referenced. Bro its not right to select scripture out of context to suit your opinions or beliefs. This would bring more delusion and distortion to you
Muhammad pbuh is the final messenger. Isa pbuh is also one of messengers send by Allah swt to mankind of their time to remind about worshipping one god not 3:1 or 1:3. Don’t get confused. How can a god walk and get persecuted by humans to defeat sin… True God is Almighty and All forgiving. No need human sacrifice.
@@fixxzitt Jesus said to the Jews .Before Abraham was I AM. (John 8 58 .) Moses asked God.If the Israelis ask ,what is, His name? (Gods name) what will I say to them? And God said , I AM WHO I AM. (Exodus 3 13. ) YESHUA(Jesus) existed before Abraham. He is the only one who spoke to Moses through the burning bush. He is more than enough the first and the last. Alpha and omega .Revalation 1 18 Isa which you mentioned as a prophet is a different Isa thought by your prophet mohammed who existed 600 years after (YESHUA) Jesus existence and lifetime. Get your facts correct ! right.
Why is Zakir misquoting the Bible? The comforter that jesus is taking in the Bible is “the Holy Spirit “ not Mohammad. Not only this there are so many wrong interpretations here.
lanuyang 😢 you translate dude. See what you come up with! And for every translation by Zakir bring on your favorite and show zakir is wrong. You do not have any guts.
You said it yourself: "Whoever deny me" Even Islam agrees that Jesus is important prophet and all Muslims must believe in Jesus. NOT as God but as a messenger
@@ahmedfalahy9337 You don't realize that believing Jesus to be an important prophet is , a DENIAL " Jesus pure words . I AND THE FATHER ARE ONE. John 10.30 Note .They wanted to stone him for he, made himself eqaul with God . (Blesphemy) And he said.Before Abraham was I AM. John 8.58 .These profound statements are undeniable attesting the Supremacy of Christ the MESSIAH. AMEN.
If in purpose , Can it be reveal whoever prophet apart from Jesus according to your knowledge said similar words I AND THE FATHER ARE ONE or BEFORE ABRAHAM WAS I AM.
Quran 2:136
Say, ˹O believers,˺ “We believe in Allah and what has been revealed to us; and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and his descendants; and what was given to Moses, Jesus, and other prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them. And to Allah we all submit.”
The difference is Jesus and will always be now and forever. Through Jesus all will be judged and are being judged now.
John 14:6. I am the way, the truth and the life. NO ONE comes to the father except through me. Pl. read the mentioned verse dear engg. student
But doesn’t mean he is god,he was just a prophet of god
Why zakir don't used Bible verses to answer the question, but used kuran verses to interpret
Excellent Vidéo! Isa Al - Masih (Pbuh) was born miraculously. No other prophet was born this way. However, “ Allah” protects all the prophets from blasphemy because they were chosen by God. Muhammad (Pbuh) was the last and final prophet. If anyone in this entire world claims to be a prophet, the angels will throw that being in hell and let him burn for millions of years. There is no greater sin than blasphemy which is why it is punishable by death in the “ Torah” and “ Quran.” When Muslims kill for blasphemy they are always rewarded by Jibril. Alhamdulillah!
Where is your last and final prophet now?
@@KuleKeapau-nz2ls Are you saying we have all been forsaken by God? Maybe you think it is just the Muslims who have been forsaken? What say you?
In my opinion Lord Krishna is GOD himself. Jesus was the son of GOD. As a Hindu, I rever Jesus Christ. He also visited India and remained here for 14 years to gain wisdom. So he has a special connection with my country.
Is Mohammad a spiritual being or normal human being? Let me clarify first.When Jesus says when I go to the Father, I will send the spirit of truth.Does it refer to Mohammad or the Holy Spirit who came down on the day of Pentecost as per the word of Jesus.
The Holy Spirit was already there in the womb of Elizabeth before Jesus was born so it can’t be the Holy Spirit. So it’s obviously prophet Mohamed.
When Jesus said father they thought ,biological father 🫠😪🥴
Jesus is more than a prophet can't you see it.They will still deny it
Adam was created for a propose and it was stated in the book of jenesis...
Allah is okay, but the believers.
Allah is satan, this is reality and God Elohim is my witness
Jesus came to make way for all nation to follow his will and God.and it his people to bring back to God for it God will is the way and truth for we thank God for bless love Aman Aman Jesus Christ ❤❤❤❤
John 8:5
Jesus's second coming - First soothadi to zakir naik
One day all muslims shall believe prophet Muhammad was Allah and Allah was prophet Muhammad.aayesha openly told mohd, Y your Allah is always ready to fulfill your desire without delaying,he sends aayats.
What do mean?
@@Ridamridhu wtf you r saying r u out of sense please go to doctor it's my suggestion to you brother
@@Ridamridhu r u Cristian?
@@Ridamridhu r u Cristian?
There was both humanity & divinity in Jesus Christ.Muslims only believe the humanity part.Ignore the other part which claims his divinity.There are several scriptures which claims His divinity for which Jesus was about to be stoned by the Jews.Because Jews very well understood that Jesus was making himself equal with God.These all scriptures are blind to the Muslims or they are purposefully doing so.
Original Old Testament was written in Hebrew and Aramaic, NOT ARABIC.
Original New Testament was written in Greek and NOT ARABIC.
Allah's Law ie Ten Commandments was written in Hebrew and NOT ARABIC.
Muslims cant understand Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek and have to translate into Arabic. Meaning to say Jew Christian and muslim worship SAME GOD / ALLAH.
Messiah meaning God with us😅
Bible interpret it self from bible along not koran.
Jesus was born out of the holy spirit,isn't that superior? God gave birth to himself in human form
This is the worst statement in front of God. God is acreater who creates anything in the other way. GOD doesn't give birth.
@@RenzoManmusic what is the difference between creating and giving birth to something? If I say I created this car or I gave life to this car what's the difference? Or you are confused by the word birth? Birth is the same as making,creating,giving life etc just an English word my guy or girl
@@devinebeing21 Giving birth is natural and God given.
@@RenzoManmusic you mean the word birth? Or the procedure itself? Name one natural or spiritual things which is not of God s doing only one? If giving birth is God s doing why can't god allow his spirit to be given birth to it self?
@@devinebeing21 God gifted his living creatures with the ability of giving birth. And also gifted us with a little knowledge of making non living things like cars, chairs,plates etc. But for God himself, is the creator of everything either living or non living. But all living things gives birth.
Jesus is the Only one without sins. And Jesus said no one is good except God alone is Good. Hence Jesus is God because he alone is Good. The different between man and God is that man did sins but God cannot do sins. While Jesus is never did sins in his entire life hence he Prove that he is God. Jesus also proved that he is man by taken all the sins of all people on earth and having himself full of sins which make him fully man, and due to the sins in him he died but because all the sins that he have is not of himself hence he able to rose again from his dead while sins can’t rose from dead. Jesus conquered sins (dead).
Answer the question? The questioner does not like to explain what you explain.
In John 8:58 Jesus Christ has said that he was Existing before Abraham. What is the meaning of that. Why Zakir Naik wants Jesus to say I am God worship me. When Jesus Christ claimed clearly that he was Existing before Abraham. Only God can Exist before Abraham because a person who is born just 2000 years back is saying that he was Existing before Abraham who was born thousands of years before. Therefore Jesus Christ proves that he is God by saying he was Existing before Abraham. Zakir Naik don't have common Sense a what? to understand this simple language which Jesus Christ Spoke. Kindly Reply if anybody can answer to these proves which I am putting in front of You'll.
What about: this Melchizedek was king of Salem and priest of God Most High. He met Abraham returning from the defeat of the kings and blessed him, and Abraham gave him a tenth of everything. First, the name Melchizedek means “king of righteousness”; then also, “king of Salem” means “king of peace.” Without father or mother, without genealogy, without beginning of days or end of life, resembling the Son of God, he remains a priest forever.
Jesus said if tell you Jesus is here is there don, t answer them matt24v23 Christian finished
Fine then Adam was before abraham and jesus so adam is a bigger god the jesus? 😂 Follow adam not jesus then
Jesus 💯devine
There is one more person whos nither father nor mother whos name is melkeysy in bible
That all may honor the son just as they honor the father . Whoever does not honor the SON does not honor the FATHER John 5 23 YESHUA (Jesus ) is more supreme .more than a prophet . Mohammed contradicts JESUS.
He uses his knowledge not wisdom to convince the other faiths
He has neither knowledge nor wisdom.
In religion there is no one higher or lower. Your thinking itself is bias. Try learn to stay in between higher and lower. There is space that we have to grab upon.
As ever many are not knowledgable
Who is greater?
By Quran?
By Bible?
In Quran
Jesus is
Mother most blessed above all women of all nations
Pure child
Simultitude of Adam
With mother a sign to the world
Is mercy to manking
Is messiah
Comes back at end time
Is the Spirit if Allah.
Produce about Mohamed in Quran and see
The cleverest lier.😂😂😂
This is blasphymy
How did Muslim brothers didn't understand that Jesus is greater than Muhammed. Please dear muslims read the Bible you would understand who is Jesus Christ.
Mohammed not even comparable with peter. john etc disciples. ...Then How can someone him compere with Jesus, The Lord of Glory. ..
muhammed was a Great WOMANISER
Stufy Islam and ask this q to Rabbi Tovia Singer@@arunjadhav1700
Jesus Christ is God Amen he died on the cross and for sure he will come back again.
So you are praying a god who died
احسن الظن في الناس وكأن كل الخير فيهم، واعتمد على نفسك كأنه لا خير في الناس.🎉🤲🧕Free Palestine
From Palestine, Gaza City
call from Gaza from the midst of war death, hunger, destruction and pain. To the lovers of goodness, a kind greeting to every Muslim from a Palestinian mother from Gaza. The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “We will never diminish the money you have given in charity.” narrated by Muslim
"""" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "'" ""''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''🤲
I have four orphan children, and we are in the midst of a war of extermination, displacement, hunger, pain, wounds, and deprivation. They were martyred in this war. My family and now I'm alone without a father. Today, I make this appeal to you from among the rubble and destruction, my brothers. I live under difficult circumstances, an unjust siege, and a blind war that destroyed my city in which I live, and my home that houses my children’s dreams. Today, I found myself living on top of the ruins of my home in a tent no more than a few meters long, with me and my four children. This is a very difficult thing that no human being can bear. I live in very difficult conditions without food, water, and flour due to the siege, and we drink water. Polluted due to lack of money and my children’s fear of war, and now I am asking for help and assistance in order to restore the smile of life to my children, and I am in dire need of your contribution in order to rebuild my house that was demolished, and I ask (00970592511969)To donate, WhatsApp wrote to you these short words that do not express a little of the pain and wounds that we are experiencing in Gaza, and I write these words to you while tears do not leave my eyes from the pain and cruelty of life. I hope that you will be supporters of my cause in all parts of the world and the ugliness of the injustice that we live in every day, but every minute. We lose loved ones every day. And do not forget the difficulty of life in a small tent that does not exceed a few meters. God was a protector for us from the heat of summer and the cold of winter in the tent, and today all my dreams are to drink a drop of cold, clean water in the summer and feed my children. Praise be to God in any case, this is God’s command. Note: I have a child who is sick in the eye, and he is forbidden by the doctor’s prescription from high heat and sunlight. How can he be in a very hot tent? Therefore, I ask you to help me in maintaining my house.
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""يارب قد دقت الدنيا بنا وانت ارحم الراحمين نداء
انا عندي اربع طفال ونحن فى ظل حرب الاباده والتهجير والتجويع والالم والجراح والحرمان لقد استشهدوا في هذا الحرب اسرتي وانا الان وحيدة بلا اب واليوم ارسل ندائي هذا من بين الركام والدمار لكم يا إخوتي انا اعيش في ظل ظروف صعبة و حصار ظالم وحرب عمياء ولقد دمرت مدينتي التي اعيش فيها و دمر بيتي الذي يؤوي احلام اطفالي واليوم لقد وجدت نفسي اعيش فوق ركام بيتي في خيمه لا تتجاوز عدت امتار انا واطفالي الاربعه هذا امر صعب جداً لا يتحمله إنسان واعيش ظروف صعبه جداً بدون طعام وماء و طحين بسبب الحصار ونشرب الماء الملوث بسبب قلت الاموال وخوف اطفالي من الحرب والان اطلب يد العون والمساعدة لكي اعيد بسمة الحياة الي اطفالي وانا في امس الحاجه الي المساهمه لكي اعيد بناء بيتي الذي هدم و ارجو منكم المساهمة كتبت لكم هذي الكلمات القصيرة التي لا تعبر الى القليل من الالم والجراح الذي نعيشه فى غزة واكتب لكم كلماتي هذه والدموع لا تفارق عيني من الالم وقسوة الحياة ارجو منكم ان تكونو مناصرين إلى قضيتي في جميع انحاء العالم وقبح الظلم الذي نعيشه في كل يوم بل كل دقيقه ونحن نفقد الاحبه كل يوم. ولا تنسو صعوبة الحياة في خيمة صغيرة لا تتعدى بعض الامتار كان الله لنا معين من حم الصيف والبرد الشتاء فى الخيمة واليوم كل احلامي ان اشرب نقطة ماء باردة ونظيفه في الصيف وطعام اطفالي. الحمدلله على كل حال هذا امر الله.~~♡~♡~
Zakir has forgotten that Adam sinned and was moved out of the garden of Hidden by God.....But JESUS the Lord of Lords and King of Kings defeated sin in every way ,died and rose again into heaven ...You cannot denied the Supremacy of Jesus with a book( koran) written 800 years after Jesus lifetime.
But we can deny with the book you believe the Bible right?
1.John 5:30.
Jesus (pbuh) said: I cannot do anything on my own; I judge as I hear, and my judgment is just, because I do not seek my own will but the will of the one who sent me.
2.Book of acts 2:22
Jesus(pbuh) the Nazorean was a man commended to you by God with mighty deeds, wonders, and signs, which God worked through him in your midst, as you yourselves know.
3.Book of acts 3:13
The God of Abraham, [the God] of Isaac, and [the God] of Jacob, the God of our ancestors, has glorified his servant Jesus(pbuh).
4.Matthew 24:36
But about that day and hour no one knows, neither the angels of heaven, (nor the Son) , but only the Father. For as the days of Noah were, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.
These verses prove Jesus is a man a Prophet all the miracles he did is god who did through him.
And I know you still won't agree these Bible verses. Bcoz quran clearly says the heart is blind nor the eyes.
You have misquoted Biblical references to argue your case (Supremacy of Christ ) without realizing the CONTEXT of the particular references .
To understand the text particularly , I propose you read in CONTEXT
John 5 30( read verse 16 to 30.) Act 2.22 (read verse 15 to 40 )Acts 3.13 (read verse 11to 26.) mathew 24 36( read verse 36 to 51)and Mathew 25 .1 to 13 .
Further more You have denied the full text of acts 3 .13 (not fully referenced ).why and how was that ? Bro don't use scriptures partly or selectively to suit your opinion or belief this would cause you to more delusion and distortions.
God bless and top day to you.
not fully referenced. Bro its not right to select scripture out of context to suit your opinions or beliefs. This would bring more delusion and distortion to you
Muhammad pbuh is the final messenger. Isa pbuh is also one of messengers send by Allah swt to mankind of their time to remind about worshipping one god not 3:1 or 1:3. Don’t get confused. How can a god walk and get persecuted by humans to defeat sin… True God is Almighty and All forgiving. No need human sacrifice.
Jesus said to the Jews .Before Abraham was I AM. (John 8 58 .)
Moses asked God.If the Israelis ask ,what is, His name? (Gods name) what will I say to them? And God said , I AM WHO I AM. (Exodus 3 13. )
YESHUA(Jesus) existed before Abraham. He is the only one who spoke to Moses through the burning bush. He is more than enough the first and the last. Alpha and omega .Revalation 1 18 Isa which you mentioned as a prophet is a different Isa thought by your prophet mohammed who existed 600 years after (YESHUA) Jesus existence and lifetime. Get your facts correct ! right.
if Jesus pbh is defeated sins why he died for your sins according to you ?
Why is Zakir misquoting the Bible?
The comforter that jesus is taking in the Bible is “the Holy Spirit “ not Mohammad.
Not only this there are so many wrong interpretations here.
Qur'an says Allah aur Rasool ki ataut kro.
Mohd was Allah and Allah was mohd Essence of Quran is this
@@Ridamridhu I think you understand the meaning.
Jesus christ my lord and Savior doesn't need your peace zakir..because he is the peace and give peace to us...
😂 even Jesus will ask Allah to save him on that last day and he will be the follower of the last Prophet Muhammad s.a.w 😊
Jesus is God, you know!!
No Allah is only almighty God !!!
How can a God die if your bible said jesus died 😂
@@filmmania7162 You forgot that the gospel claimed that Jesus had risen from the grave and met his followers
Zakir naik don't translet the bible on your own understanding don't mislead the people.
lanuyang 😢 you translate dude. See what you come up with! And for every translation by Zakir bring on your favorite and show zakir is wrong. You do not have any guts.
Your explanation is not satisfactory you are telling lies
Which lie did he tell?
Jesus said, whoever deny me before men, I will deny him before my father. Islam is pure EVIL.
You said it yourself: "Whoever deny me"
Even Islam agrees that Jesus is important prophet and all Muslims must believe in Jesus. NOT as God but as a messenger
You don't realize that believing Jesus to be an important prophet is , a DENIAL " Jesus pure words . I AND THE FATHER ARE ONE. John 10.30
Note .They wanted to stone him for he, made himself eqaul with God . (Blesphemy) And he said.Before Abraham was I AM. John 8.58 .These profound statements are undeniable attesting the Supremacy of Christ the MESSIAH. AMEN.
"I and the Father are One" ... *in purpose*
God and all the prophets, including Jesus, are guidance for mortals towards Monotheism
If in purpose , Can it be reveal whoever prophet apart from Jesus according to your knowledge said similar words I AND THE FATHER ARE ONE or BEFORE ABRAHAM WAS I AM.
Jesus said if tell you Jesus is here is there don, t answer them matt24v23 Christian finished