I'm really confused about what the yuumi does, it doesn't look like she's proccing your passive when you attack. Also you said you were going to get liandy's at the beginning of the video
The idea is for the sup to get lyandries, and the main reason it worked so well was singed poison or during yuumi R. I think lulu, teemo, and maybe tank sups would work way better if bami counts.
Hell yeah, people can finally witness this game
Roughly 5 mins in there was a question about being slowed. Nami e was cast on cait and then the next three autos slowed.
Love this style of vids even after all these years. Cozy feeling
been trying out renata and i main yuumi. this is perfect.
I thought the combo was Renata lulu be sure pix procs Renata passive on every auto when they're attached to her
My old school laptop hasn't been turned off in just under 80 days
I'm still wondering how necessary Yuumi was (and if it could work with a Lulu instead), but this was way more gas than I expected.
if Pix bolts trigger it, I could see lulu being better than a yuumi.
Checking the wiki, it says that Pix respects enchantment redirection, the same as Yuumi's Best Friend passive, so I would assume so.
That was a very cool botlane build, I love it!
This looks like a lot of fun
I will try to recruit a friend to try this with me.
day 1 heimadinger jg - that is all
Ap Janna ?
Comment left for the day 1807,5.
I'm really confused about what the yuumi does, it doesn't look like she's proccing your passive when you attack. Also you said you were going to get liandy's at the beginning of the video
The idea is for the sup to get lyandries, and the main reason it worked so well was singed poison or during yuumi R. I think lulu, teemo, and maybe tank sups would work way better if bami counts.
I was here (in chat)