Circulus casus, non circulus vitiosus - Anafilaksa i anafilaktički šok - kl. asist. dr Nemanja Dimić

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 25 ธ.ค. 2024
  • Circulus casus, non circulus vitiosus - Kolo Avanture, ne vrzino kolo!
    I ciklus- treći webinar - Anafilaksa i anafilaktički šok
    Treći webinar našeg ciklusa održao je kl. asist. dr Nemanja Dimić, specijalista anesteziologije, reanimatologije i intenzivne terapije.
    Asist. dr Nemanja Dimić je klinički asistent na Katedri Hirurgije sa anesteziologijom Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu. Radio je na kao anesteziolog na Institutu za hirurško-ortopedske bolesti “Banjica”, Beograd.
    Od 2020 godine zapsolen je KBC ,,Dr Dragiša Mišović“- Dedinje. Dr Nemanja Dimić je doktorand našeg fakulteta (Uža naućna oblast: Epidemiologija)
    Autor je brojnih naučnih radova.
    U organizaciji webinara su učestvovali članovi LK Beograd ali su svi studenti medicine i lekari dobrodosli bez obzira na kom fakultetu studiraju i gde rade, kao i svako koga data tema interesuje!
    Prusustvo na 50% webinara po svakom ciklusu donosi sertifikat za učešće u ovom projektu.
    Circulus casus, non circulus vitiosus - Kolo Avanture, ne vrzino kolo!
    I cycle - the third webinar - Anaphylaxis and anaphylactic shock
    The third webinar of our cycle was held by cl. asist. Dr. Nemanja Dimić, specialist in anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive care.
    Assist. Dr. Nemanja Dimić is a clinical assistant at the Department of Surgery with Anesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade. He worked as an anesthesiologist at the Institute for Surgical and Orthopedic Diseases "Banjica", Belgrade.
    Since 2020, KBC "Dr Dragisa Misovic" - Dedinje has been employed. Dr. Nemanja Dimić is a doctoral student at our faculty (Narrow scientific field: Epidemiology)
    He is the author of numerous scientific papers.
    Members of LK Belgrade participated in the organization of the webinar, but all medical students and doctors are welcome, regardless of which faculty they study and where they work, as well as everyone who is interested in this topic!
    Attendance at 50% of webinars for each cycle brings a certificate of participation in this project.
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