I've been surprised at how many veteran players constantly lament that they can never find enough L4 resos. I've NEVER run low since figuring this out a few weeks after reaching L8: Every time you solo capture a portal, only deploy your first 6 resos (8-7-6-6-5-5), making the portal L4. Glyph hack it, THEN go back and throw on your two R4s. At the very least, you'll probably break even on resos... and over time, your supply will slowly continue to build.
There are multiple strategies for making multi-layered fields (AGAIN, THESE ARE GOOD): The first one is what I would call "drawing the crossbow". It requires you to farm as many keys from the anchor-portals as there will be layers in the finished product ( Some tips for that in a different comment). You will also have to link the anchor-portals together before you can start "drawing the crossbow". (SIDE-NOTE: anchors are portal A and B, the rest is C1, C2, C3, etc with C1 being the closest to both of the anchors) You start at C1 (your person) and link it to both anchors, you go to C2 and link to both anchors too. after that you link C2 to C1 (the Key for that can be hacked while you are at C1 anyways and i wish you the best of luck that you get one at the first try and dont have to waste a heatsink just for one key, i hate waiting so i do that anyways). now on to C3 and doing the same thing, link to the anchors first, then link to C2. Keep going untill you reach your last C-point. The benefit of this strategy is that you dont have to go back and forth between portals for no reason, depending on the distance and terrain (very hilly in my area and im not a mountain climber) this can be very exhausting. The downside of this strategy is: you have to be able to put down the heatsink and the multihack in the anchors, if you already put a shield in there 4 month ago or other players armored the portal up, you are basicly done with this strategy. If that is the case though, here is a strategy where A can be fully modded without heatsink or multi-hack and B is free for your mods. You start by farming the keys off of B using your mods, then you go to C1 and start linking all of the C-portals to B (make sure to get a key from C1 and C2, can't harm to hack the other C-portals too, you'll need the keys later). after you linked all the C-portals to B, you can go to A and link A to C1 and C2 (while you are there, try to get some keys for A too). now you go back to C2 and link that to C1. Go back to A and link to C3, go to C3 and link it to C2, go to A and link to C4, go to C4 and link it to C3, and so on. this will give you the same amount of fields as the crossbow-method. for every key to A you can save one trip to and back from A by linking from the C-portal TO A instead of the other way around. this method is obviously for conserving keys to one of the Anchors (usually because you only have one or two keys and the portal is burned out). This method has multiple CONS: 1. You walk ALOT between A and C and its pretty annyoing. 2. You can only have 8 OUTgoing links from a portal, so if A already has 2 links before you even start that lowers the amount of layers you can get. the good part is that you can still get that sexy multilayered field even if you cant really farm keys for A. Both of these strategies are only for ONE person, if you have a friend there is much better options with alot less retarded walking back and forth. I appologize if this is hard to read because of bad grammer or spelling or because i cant provide an image to help you getting the point. While the first method is pretty obvious, thinking about the second one has thought me alot about efficient linking and good linking in areas where there arent portals perfectly set up in a line. I hope someone actually reads this, Greetings, Iltscha (Enlightened)
It's always best to stand right on top of the portal firing your weapons. You will deal significantly more damage equally to all resonators as well as having the best chance of knocking off shields.
This might not be a "PRO" tip but it's a thing that could help some players: Many players dont want to make multilayered fields because it need alot of preparation in form of farming the keys of the anchor-portals (they think). but in reality its quite easy to set up a quick and dirty farm by droping one Heatsink and one Multi-hack (i use rare for the anchors). This allows 12 hacks in about 25 minutes (13 hacks if you hack before droping the mods in). If you are not completely unlucky you should get at least 10 keys out of those 13 hacks (remember to glyph-hack). (if you want more Hacks-before-burnout you can drop in the multi-hack first and use up the additional hacks-before-burnout, with 5 minutes of the waiting game inbetween each one, and then drop the heatsink which resets all the hacks on that portal giving you a fresh timer and hack-counter. I don't like to wait 5 minutes so I use both at the same time (after the first hack).
Iltscha You seem like a number player. You should really like one of the upcoming videos "ingress efficiencies". A full spreadsheet with calculations that will be used in it is here bit.ly/1IhulhR
About the suggestion of using low level busters to pop mods. You still seem to take just as much spike damage from the portal regardless of weapon level, so although this saves weapons it also does use more power cubes.
Don't know if this will help anyone but this is my discovery. I often put my phone in my pocket when I am out and about playing Ingress which can cost me some kit, including a full capsule (I'm still bummed about that). I've since discovered to a) lock my phone so Ingress is still running but I need to unlock the phone to get the screen to respond, it may also stop the game too so not always useful. or b) got into your inventory and change the selection to something you either don't mind loosing or you don't have in your inventory such as media. You can't loose what you haven't got. I can now walk happily with my phone in my pocket or bag and it now can't go throw my inventory around like confetti at a wedding
Great tips, great production value. I'm sharing these vids with our new players! You could probably do more frequent shorter videos for those with goldfish-like attention span :D
Can you explain how the unit of measurement is measured when describing stickiness. And how it will effect how many XMP bursters or Ultra Strikes I'll need to use to take out the different levels of shields.
abi Rich So sadly we don't know exactly how the formula works since Niantic hasn't told us. The info that was gleaned was from data that was scraped from the intel map from what it sends the web browser. Obviously higher is better, but also we know that a stickiness of 0 doesn't mean it immediately fly's off with just 1 hit. To my knowledge there hasn't been any large enough studies done to conclusively say approximately how many more bursters it takes on average to knock off a AXA vs Common. However I will say from my own experience that it seems like blast distance/force matters and a lvl 1 burster seems to knock off shields A LOT quicker when you're standing right on top of the portal and do a long press for increased attack.
But level one to four bursters will only alert the portal owner of the attack and he/she can recharge! I use the MasterBlaster! Go in at a 100% then more ;)
Anders Hagström With a heavily shielded portal you'll run into the exact same problem of the portal owner being alerted since you're attacks will only do 1-4% damage, so if the person is watching their phone they'd still be able to recharge before you could kill it.
Collin Williams Yeah well! I always use Ultra Strikes for the shields and then bursters. Love your tips and videos. Greetings from Resistance Sweden! ;)
chrisg905 You are likely "speed capped" Imagine that when you do an action in ingress Hack, attack, deploy a ripple goes out in all directions from where you are. That ripple travels at 60km/h (about 37mph) I you get "ahead" of that ripple or travel to the next portal faster then the ripple then it won't let you do anything until that ripple catches up with you. Luckily after 30 minutes the "ripple" disappears so even if you hacked in california at 3:00pm and magically teleported to hong kong you could hack a portal at 3:30pm since the 30 minute time limit would be up
Collin Williams But sometimes its random? right? i play on bike and even i get it often. enemy porals tend to give sometimes nothing (if you dit no glyph hacking or just fucked it up)
Hi, I don't completly agree with the "links-between-city-borders" strat if you are not planing on making these fields. I life in a suburban area with citys around 5-10 km away from each other and medium portal density inside the citys and the occasional portal or two on top of a hill or in a castle in the middle of nowhere. Some people thought it would be a good idea to link all the citys together with 5-10 km links ENCLOSING many portals within the fields and separating single portals from a cluster. While it can be a great idea to make a huge portal to get the MU for the badge or the stats or the ranking, it might hinder other players, especially low level players who need the AP over the MU (many fields ---> much AP ; one big field ---> low AP). just putting my oppinion out there. I like your videos.
Iltscha "douche linking" and maximum fielding was covered in fielding 101, and 201 and I completely agree it's not good to throw random links. Having the keys is more for strategic use later on for special events. For example the recent shard event whe3re you had to move shards across the portal network by linking 2 portals that were lvl 7/8 at specific "jum intervals". In cases like this having keys to far away places is not only handy but necessary. So the key trade is all about planning for the future not just to throw links for the sake of links.
Are there other ways to gain more than one portal keys for one portal? one that i know is by drop the key, then hack the portal and retake the dropped key.
Collin Williams Help me please, I have a question. When I deploy resonators they stay too close to the portal, I mean that they dont do a perfect circle, whats do i do??
the resonators are deployed the same distance from the portal that you are standing. So if you want the resonators far away from the portal you need to stand farther away from the portal itself. The optimal deploy is to have the portal on the very edge of your orange circle and then deploy there which will put all resonators 42 meters away from each other
Michel Santhiago you can deploy all at the same point you do not have to walk around the portal is just your overall distance from the portal when you deploy that determines where they get placed
+Anonymous 360 we actually don't know what the numbers mean exactly. The numbers were pulled from raw data gleaned by the great guys at fev games, but we're not exactly sure how it works. All we know is the higher the stickiness number the less likely the shield is to fly off when someone attacks it
+John Groot Turret is for defending and will be more fully explained in the slated ingress 102 episode (yeah I know it's taking me forever to finish it)
chrisg905 Generally I would say 2 turrets and a force amp. with 2 Force amps the attack frequency is 2.0 with the force at 2.5 and hit bonus at 30%. With 2 turrets the frequency is 2.0 and force is 2.5, but the hit bonus is 60%. Since a lot of attacks can drain the XM beyond capacity I'd say having more frequent attacks is more beneficial especially if the 4th mod is a shield
I've been surprised at how many veteran players constantly lament that they can never find enough L4 resos. I've NEVER run low since figuring this out a few weeks after reaching L8: Every time you solo capture a portal, only deploy your first 6 resos (8-7-6-6-5-5), making the portal L4. Glyph hack it, THEN go back and throw on your two R4s. At the very least, you'll probably break even on resos... and over time, your supply will slowly continue to build.
There are multiple strategies for making multi-layered fields (AGAIN, THESE ARE GOOD): The first one is what I would call "drawing the crossbow". It requires you to farm as many keys from the anchor-portals as there will be layers in the finished product ( Some tips for that in a different comment). You will also have to link the anchor-portals together before you can start "drawing the crossbow". (SIDE-NOTE: anchors are portal A and B, the rest is C1, C2, C3, etc with C1 being the closest to both of the anchors) You start at C1 (your person) and link it to both anchors, you go to C2 and link to both anchors too. after that you link C2 to C1 (the Key for that can be hacked while you are at C1 anyways and i wish you the best of luck that you get one at the first try and dont have to waste a heatsink just for one key, i hate waiting so i do that anyways). now on to C3 and doing the same thing, link to the anchors first, then link to C2. Keep going untill you reach your last C-point. The benefit of this strategy is that you dont have to go back and forth between portals for no reason, depending on the distance and terrain (very hilly in my area and im not a mountain climber) this can be very exhausting. The downside of this strategy is: you have to be able to put down the heatsink and the multihack in the anchors, if you already put a shield in there 4 month ago or other players armored the portal up, you are basicly done with this strategy. If that is the case though, here is a strategy where A can be fully modded without heatsink or multi-hack and B is free for your mods. You start by farming the keys off of B using your mods, then you go to C1 and start linking all of the C-portals to B (make sure to get a key from C1 and C2, can't harm to hack the other C-portals too, you'll need the keys later). after you linked all the C-portals to B, you can go to A and link A to C1 and C2 (while you are there, try to get some keys for A too). now you go back to C2 and link that to C1. Go back to A and link to C3, go to C3 and link it to C2, go to A and link to C4, go to C4 and link it to C3, and so on. this will give you the same amount of fields as the crossbow-method. for every key to A you can save one trip to and back from A by linking from the C-portal TO A instead of the other way around. this method is obviously for conserving keys to one of the Anchors (usually because you only have one or two keys and the portal is burned out). This method has multiple CONS: 1. You walk ALOT between A and C and its pretty annyoing. 2. You can only have 8 OUTgoing links from a portal, so if A already has 2 links before you even start that lowers the amount of layers you can get. the good part is that you can still get that sexy multilayered field even if you cant really farm keys for A. Both of these strategies are only for ONE person, if you have a friend there is much better options with alot less retarded walking back and forth. I appologize if this is hard to read because of bad grammer or spelling or because i cant provide an image to help you getting the point. While the first method is pretty obvious, thinking about the second one has thought me alot about efficient linking and good linking in areas where there arent portals perfectly set up in a line. I hope someone actually reads this, Greetings, Iltscha (Enlightened)
Yes! Good comment!
It's always best to stand right on top of the portal firing your weapons. You will deal significantly more damage equally to all resonators as well as having the best chance of knocking off shields.
Love the casual criticism of iPhone users. Also laughed at the level 1 items annoying people you don't like. x)
Thanks for the moment in the totals at the end in the video. I appreciate it.
This might not be a "PRO" tip but it's a thing that could help some players: Many players dont want to make multilayered fields because it need alot of preparation in form of farming the keys of the anchor-portals (they think). but in reality its quite easy to set up a quick and dirty farm by droping one Heatsink and one Multi-hack (i use rare for the anchors). This allows 12 hacks in about 25 minutes (13 hacks if you hack before droping the mods in). If you are not completely unlucky you should get at least 10 keys out of those 13 hacks (remember to glyph-hack). (if you want more Hacks-before-burnout you can drop in the multi-hack first and use up the additional hacks-before-burnout, with 5 minutes of the waiting game inbetween each one, and then drop the heatsink which resets all the hacks on that portal giving you a fresh timer and hack-counter. I don't like to wait 5 minutes so I use both at the same time (after the first hack).
Iltscha You seem like a number player. You should really like one of the upcoming videos "ingress efficiencies". A full spreadsheet with calculations that will be used in it is here bit.ly/1IhulhR
About the suggestion of using low level busters to pop mods. You still seem to take just as much spike damage from the portal regardless of weapon level, so although this saves weapons it also does use more power cubes.
Great videos thanks for doing it keep up the good work. Would love a video on how to best use the Intel map.
I'm trying to watch but this guy needs to cut back on the Red Bull or something.
Don't know if this will help anyone but this is my discovery. I often put my phone in my pocket when I am out and about playing Ingress which can cost me some kit, including a full capsule (I'm still bummed about that). I've since discovered to a) lock my phone so Ingress is still running but I need to unlock the phone to get the screen to respond, it may also stop the game too so not always useful. or b) got into your inventory and change the selection to something you either don't mind loosing or you don't have in your inventory such as media. You can't loose what you haven't got. I can now walk happily with my phone in my pocket or bag and it now can't go throw my inventory around like confetti at a wedding
I just play this for the music :D
Great tips, great production value. I'm sharing these vids with our new players! You could probably do more frequent shorter videos for those with goldfish-like attention span :D
Can you explain how the unit of measurement is measured when describing stickiness. And how it will effect how many XMP bursters or Ultra Strikes I'll need to use to take out the different levels of shields.
abi Rich So sadly we don't know exactly how the formula works since Niantic hasn't told us. The info that was gleaned was from data that was scraped from the intel map from what it sends the web browser. Obviously higher is better, but also we know that a stickiness of 0 doesn't mean it immediately fly's off with just 1 hit. To my knowledge there hasn't been any large enough studies done to conclusively say approximately how many more bursters it takes on average to knock off a AXA vs Common. However I will say from my own experience that it seems like blast distance/force matters and a lvl 1 burster seems to knock off shields A LOT quicker when you're standing right on top of the portal and do a long press for increased attack.
I really like your talking speed =) Most people talk so slow, I forget what they started to say halfway through :D
These are great! Good work buddy!
But level one to four bursters will only alert the portal owner of the attack and he/she can recharge! I use the MasterBlaster! Go in at a 100% then more ;)
Anders Hagström With a heavily shielded portal you'll run into the exact same problem of the portal owner being alerted since you're attacks will only do 1-4% damage, so if the person is watching their phone they'd still be able to recharge before you could kill it.
Collin Williams
Yeah well! I always use Ultra Strikes for the shields and then bursters. Love your tips and videos. Greetings from Resistance Sweden! ;)
Why do I sometimes get "Hack acquired no items" when I hack a portal?
chrisg905 You are likely "speed capped" Imagine that when you do an action in ingress Hack, attack, deploy a ripple goes out in all directions from where you are. That ripple travels at 60km/h (about 37mph) I you get "ahead" of that ripple or travel to the next portal faster then the ripple then it won't let you do anything until that ripple catches up with you. Luckily after 30 minutes the "ripple" disappears so even if you hacked in california at 3:00pm and magically teleported to hong kong you could hack a portal at 3:30pm since the 30 minute time limit would be up
Collin Williams But sometimes its random? right? i play on bike and even i get it often. enemy porals tend to give sometimes nothing (if you dit no glyph hacking or just fucked it up)
Slow down man!
do you glyph at the speed you talk? thats amazing actually
+André Pinto I've pulled a 75% speed bonus on a lvl 8 glyph, So I can glyph with some of the best.
+Collin Williams wouldnt expect less from incrediblehulk
Hi, I don't completly agree with the "links-between-city-borders" strat if you are not planing on making these fields. I life in a suburban area with citys around 5-10 km away from each other and medium portal density inside the citys and the occasional portal or two on top of a hill or in a castle in the middle of nowhere. Some people thought it would be a good idea to link all the citys together with 5-10 km links ENCLOSING many portals within the fields and separating single portals from a cluster. While it can be a great idea to make a huge portal to get the MU for the badge or the stats or the ranking, it might hinder other players, especially low level players who need the AP over the MU (many fields ---> much AP ; one big field ---> low AP). just putting my oppinion out there. I like your videos.
Iltscha "douche linking" and maximum fielding was covered in fielding 101, and 201 and I completely agree it's not good to throw random links. Having the keys is more for strategic use later on for special events. For example the recent shard event whe3re you had to move shards across the portal network by linking 2 portals that were lvl 7/8 at specific "jum intervals". In cases like this having keys to far away places is not only handy but necessary. So the key trade is all about planning for the future not just to throw links for the sake of links.
I have question: If I drop an item and nobody takes, is he going to be there forever?
Are there other ways to gain more than one portal keys for one portal? one that i know is by drop the key, then hack the portal and retake the dropped key.
you can also put the key in a capsule. and now thanks to the glyph hacking options the more complex option can give you more than one key
+Collin Williams i'm very glad that you replied.thank you very much collin .
Thanks! These were some handy tips. :-)
Collin Williams Help me please, I have a question. When I deploy resonators they stay too close to the portal, I mean that they dont do a perfect circle, whats do i do??
the resonators are deployed the same distance from the portal that you are standing. So if you want the resonators far away from the portal you need to stand farther away from the portal itself. The optimal deploy is to have the portal on the very edge of your orange circle and then deploy there which will put all resonators 42 meters away from each other
Collin Williams ok, but I can deploy all the resonator at the same point or I have to walk around the portal?
Michel Santhiago you can deploy all at the same point you do not have to walk around the portal is just your overall distance from the portal when you deploy that determines where they get placed
Collin Williams Thank you very much Collin!
You don't need to connect to the wifi network to get its location, in my experience.
Just wanna ask on the stickiness factor? What do you mean by 150,000? 450,000? and 800,00? is that XM? sorry, quite new here. Thanks!
+Anonymous 360 we actually don't know what the numbers mean exactly. The numbers were pulled from raw data gleaned by the great guys at fev games, but we're not exactly sure how it works. All we know is the higher the stickiness number the less likely the shield is to fly off when someone attacks it
What does a turret do? Is it for defending or attacking?
+John Groot Turret is for defending and will be more fully explained in the slated ingress 102 episode (yeah I know it's taking me forever to finish it)
how do you use MUFG
Just say Shazam!
Pretty funny bro. Love the tips, but the quick jokes are great. Made me think "should I portal gradma's grave?"
Niantic fixed the item dropping at portal and can't get the item.
What is better, 2 turrets and an amp or 2 amps and a turret?
chrisg905 Generally I would say 2 turrets and a force amp. with 2 Force amps the attack frequency is 2.0 with the force at 2.5 and hit bonus at 30%. With 2 turrets the frequency is 2.0 and force is 2.5, but the hit bonus is 60%. Since a lot of attacks can drain the XM beyond capacity I'd say having more frequent attacks is more beneficial especially if the 4th mod is a shield
are you from Utah? I'm in Logan!
Acif28 Yep. I'm based down in SLC by Liberty park.
Great video but cut back on the caffeine. You spoke so fast that I got exhausted half way into it.
Steve O I know. Couldn't watch the whole thing. Exhausting listening to him gibber jabber.
Are u on the enl
I play fiercely for the enlightened but party with and instruct all
I had to check if I am still a 2 times speed xD
iTards... thanks.
hellstrike and portalshields ,
Pro tip.....rolling level 8 farms are best done in a limo. ALL HAIL THE SHAPERS! 👽 🐸 👽 46&2
Will some one plz make a itard has no back button meme lmao
hold fire longer
Thor is a resistance player.
Had to lower play speed. Suck fast talking!
My tips:
Portal keys, portal keys, portal keys.
Always recharge before you deploy.
You stress me up.
Can you speak a little slower next time?
Aleš Nejdr Sorry that's my natural speaking pace, but I'll try to slow down a touch and enunciate better in the future
Not all good news....
Urgh, listen to everyone in the comments.. Slow down! Dafaq r u doing? So many words and so much swollowing! Urgh