Thank you for making this video! I just found a broken intake valve spring on my 3.7 and needed to see the best way to get it out of the #5 position. I will be making the assist tool for sure!
You are an amazing MECHANIC....I am a mechanic...working in industry for 30 years...I would give you a few points of advice.... but I don't want to insult you....but all I can say.....THERE IS A RIGHT TOOL FOR AN EVERY job....TO be done RIGHT.....But you do amazing JOB ;)...I do Like VICTOR RAINZ products.... but if it was me... I would use OEM MOPAR seals... which are made in Germany.... probably by VICTOR RAINZ :) .... GREAT VIDEO
Thanks for posting. What was the oil consumption on this engine? My ‘04 Dakota has 320, 000 miles and uses about a qt every 1,000 miles. My truck doesn’t seem to smoke and the plugs look pretty clean.
Check the PCV system real carefully. On this truck, the valve stem seals were the issue, but if you aren’t seeing smoke during cold starts or after idling a while, my next guess would be the PCV.
@@RedeemedMechanic thanks. I replaced the PCV valve itself, and there was no change. I’ve heard there’s more to check. I’d really appreciate your thoughts. Maybe make another video showing how to check the PCV system? 🤔
I like to see how you did the drivers side and what did you use to install the keepers back on? Thanks for sharing already did the passenger side but had a hell os time with the keepers
I had to remove the brake booster. The little tool just wouldn’t clear otherwise. A small glob of grease on the blade of a small screwdriver was the best method for sticking keepers back in.
When I idle and turn around my new cat converter 02 sensors give me an error code. Truck smokes after turning around on with the front end of a steep incline. O2 error code went away with Cat Clean. Then it came back. New cat converter has less than 15k. I think it’s the valve seals. Just bought a new ranger and I’m keeping the Dakota as a dog work truck.
No they merely seal oil out of the cylinder. Those seals should never even see compression because the valves are supposed to seal them off during the compression stroke. However, the rocker lash adjusters can cause misfires if they are bad, because the valve may not open fully. If you find low compression, before you tear things down too far check those lash adjusters.
@@RedeemedMechanic thank you for the reply... surprisingly compression was fine. I feel like I should do a leak down test to make sure it's not the rings... I have brand new plugs and coils in there. Only bank 1 is misfiring. All three cylinders on that bank. Fuel pressure good. O2 Sensors on that bank are bad. Both have circuit high and low codes. Was hard for me to believe the O2 sensors would cause such a severe misfire... so I was lead to either the cat being clogged or bad, or compression. Like I said compression is good, leak down I haven't tried yet. Haven't taken out an o2 sensor yet either to see if it runs a little better, nor have I installed a new one.
@@benhajdu4040 maybe try swapping the sensors from left to right bank ? That would diagnose two concerns at once. First, if the misfires move to the other bank it will tell you if the 02’s are causing the misfire. It will also tell you that the O2 circuit codes are caused by the sensors and not their wiring. You could also test exhaust back pressure while the sensors are out.
@@RedeemedMechanic wow, great advice! Thank you very much redeemed! I appreciate it greatly. Will let you know how it goes tmrw. Still in vacation mode today. Cheers!
Valve guides are usually changed at the machine shop. You need a drift for the specific guide size. And you usually push them out from the combustion side of the head (if they can be driven). Otherwise, if they can’t be pressed our, you have to drill or ream them out with a precision bit.
Thank you for making this video! I just found a broken intake valve spring on my 3.7 and needed to see the best way to get it out of the #5 position. I will be making the assist tool for sure!
Started today working on that with a Grand Cherokee,thanks for sharing the procedure, very helpful.
@ 22:38 " It's a keeper!!" Ha!! Love my Matco ratchets! Good to see one in your hand too!
You are an amazing MECHANIC....I am a mechanic...working in industry for 30 years...I would give you a few points of advice.... but I don't want to insult you....but all I can say.....THERE IS A RIGHT TOOL FOR AN EVERY job....TO be done RIGHT.....But you do amazing JOB ;)...I do Like VICTOR RAINZ products.... but if it was me... I would use OEM MOPAR seals... which are made in Germany.... probably by VICTOR RAINZ :) .... GREAT VIDEO
What does this job cost? I need to have this done to my 2006 dakota 3.7. Looks like more than I want to tackle.
Thanks for posting. What was the oil consumption on this engine? My ‘04 Dakota has 320, 000 miles and uses about a qt every 1,000 miles. My truck doesn’t seem to smoke and the plugs look pretty clean.
Check the PCV system real carefully. On this truck, the valve stem seals were the issue, but if you aren’t seeing smoke during cold starts or after idling a while, my next guess would be the PCV.
@@RedeemedMechanic thanks. I replaced the PCV valve itself, and there was no change. I’ve heard there’s more to check. I’d really appreciate your thoughts. Maybe make another video showing how to check the PCV system? 🤔
I like to see how you did the drivers side and what did you use to install the keepers back on? Thanks for sharing already did the passenger side but had a hell os time with the keepers
I had to remove the brake booster. The little tool just wouldn’t clear otherwise. A small glob of grease on the blade of a small screwdriver was the best method for sticking keepers back in.
@@RedeemedMechanic thanks a lot I will try this Tomorrow 👍🏼
@@RedeemedMechanic thanks that helped a lot 👍🏼
Excelente video explicativo!!!!! Muy detallado todo!!!!! Muchas gracias por compartir tus conocimientos. Saludos
Me alegro de que haya ayudado!
(I hope this means “I’m glad it helped” but I’m trusting Google translate.)
When I idle and turn around my new cat converter 02 sensors give me an error code. Truck smokes after turning around on with the front end of a steep incline. O2 error code went away with Cat Clean. Then it came back. New cat converter has less than 15k. I think it’s the valve seals. Just bought a new ranger and I’m keeping the Dakota as a dog work truck.
How was doing the back on the driver's side? I plan to take the brake booster off for that side.
I ended up removing the booster. It was just a hair too tight to access the back two rockers.
@@RedeemedMechanic Awesome, i appreciate your content also!
@@tyrantdragon000 thanks!
Did this repair fix the smoking issue. Thanks great video!
Yes it did. Engine still runs great. I just saw this vehicle the other day for other reasons.
Can these seals cause misfires? I have a 3.7 that has one bank misfiring... about to do a compression test.
No they merely seal oil out of the cylinder. Those seals should never even see compression because the valves are supposed to seal them off during the compression stroke.
However, the rocker lash adjusters can cause misfires if they are bad, because the valve may not open fully.
If you find low compression, before you tear things down too far check those lash adjusters.
@@RedeemedMechanic thank you for the reply... surprisingly compression was fine. I feel like I should do a leak down test to make sure it's not the rings...
I have brand new plugs and coils in there. Only bank 1 is misfiring. All three cylinders on that bank. Fuel pressure good. O2 Sensors on that bank are bad. Both have circuit high and low codes. Was hard for me to believe the O2 sensors would cause such a severe misfire... so I was lead to either the cat being clogged or bad, or compression.
Like I said compression is good, leak down I haven't tried yet. Haven't taken out an o2 sensor yet either to see if it runs a little better, nor have I installed a new one.
@@benhajdu4040 maybe try swapping the sensors from left to right bank ? That would diagnose two concerns at once. First, if the misfires move to the other bank it will tell you if the 02’s are causing the misfire. It will also tell you that the O2 circuit codes are caused by the sensors and not their wiring.
You could also test exhaust back pressure while the sensors are out.
@@RedeemedMechanic wow, great advice! Thank you very much redeemed! I appreciate it greatly. Will let you know how it goes tmrw. Still in vacation mode today. Cheers!
This guy did entirely waaaaaaaaay tooooomuch work, very unnecessary, but hay he did the job correctly
I been up and down YT on this subject. And yet nobody produced a video on replacing Valve guides. Just springs and seals. Haha.
Valve guides are usually changed at the machine shop. You need a drift for the specific guide size. And you usually push them out from the combustion side of the head (if they can be driven). Otherwise, if they can’t be pressed our, you have to drill or ream them out with a precision bit.