넘 고맙고 감사한 일 입니다 그나마 이렇게 좋은분을 만나 일년 이상을 사랑받으며 좋은 환경에서 살다 갔네요 골든리트리버야 다음생엔 절대 아프지말고 좋은 가정에 사람으로 환생해서 훌륭한 사람이 대거라 이 영상을 보면서 감사함과 눈물로 보았어요 다시한번 감사드려요 천사님❤❤❤
This F*cking channel is fake. They torture animals to stage rescues. It's beyond disgusting. Report it! How to spot the online animal abuse: Fake animal rescue videos are actually very easy to spot, once you know what to look for. The trends are often the same; the scene, location, even the animal, appear in multiple videos. To spot fake animal rescue videos, look for repetitive themes and settings. Often, the same animals and locations even appear in multiple videos on the same channel. The fake clips are almost always accompanied by extremely cheesy music, along with subtitles with poor grammar. Additionally, the behaviour of the ‘rescuer’ towards the animal can be a giveaway; in fake animal rescues, they are often mishandled. Another telltale sign of a fake animal rescue video is the way the creator responds to criticism. If they respond rudely, or turn the comments off all together, then it’s almost certainly a fake. These channels often have millions of views per video and have hundreds of thousands of subscribers on You Tube. animalfriendlylife.com.au/tips-for-spotting-fake-animal-rescue-videos/#:~:text=To%20spot%20fake%20animal%20rescue,with%20subtitles%20with%20poor%20grammar.
I’m crying too. My sixteen year old Yorkie is fading and I cry most nights when I watch him sleep. I will miss him so much. I’m glad this dying Golden Retriever died in comfort and knew love and compassion.
Я рыдаю😭😭😭сколько этому несчастному малышу пришлось выдержать боли страданий от болезни так ещё и от предательства какой то гниды😭😭😭как же жалко бедных животных😭😭😭 за что им все это!!!это же лучшие существа на планете!!!
Die hunde sind Keine Kreaturen das sind die besseren Menschen auf Erden der den hund so wehgetan hat und sich nicht gekümmert hat der.sollte sehr hat bestraft werden das ist eine Kreatur und kein Mensche
At lease he got to walk again. And every time you pet your fur baby it’s like hugging them. You know that wonderful fur baby is in a better place. Subhumans are so very cruel. Rest well you beautiful baby🌼🐾🌈🐾🌈🐾❤️🦮❤️
I’m a 60 year old man and this made me cry.Steady deserved so much better.But you came along and rescued him,and made his final days peaceful he new you took care of him and loved hi,he will always remember you.R.I.P STEADY🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🐶🐶
I cannot hold my tears watching this drama unfold. Thank you for saving Steady and give his final days some happiness. May God bless you wonderful people who care for steady.
I am ex U.S. military and pride myself in being tough. I will admit this made me cry. Thank you for doing what you could to show this poor baby that it was loved.
This F*cking channel is fake. They torture animals to stage rescues. It's beyond disgusting. Report it! How to spot the online animal abuse: Fake animal rescue videos are actually very easy to spot, once you know what to look for. The trends are often the same; the scene, location, even the animal, appear in multiple videos. To spot fake animal rescue videos, look for repetitive themes and settings. Often, the same animals and locations even appear in multiple videos on the same channel. The fake clips are almost always accompanied by extremely cheesy music, along with subtitles with poor grammar. Additionally, the behaviour of the ‘rescuer’ towards the animal can be a giveaway; in fake animal rescues, they are often mishandled. Another telltale sign of a fake animal rescue video is the way the creator responds to criticism. If they respond rudely, or turn the comments off all together, then it’s almost certainly a fake. These channels often have millions of views per video and have hundreds of thousands of subscribers on You Tube. animalfriendlylife.com.au/tips-for-spotting-fake-animal-rescue-videos/#:~:text=To%20spot%20fake%20animal%20rescue,with%20subtitles%20with%20poor%20grammar.
Oh, writing thru tears. Having just lost my 12 year old ShihTzu from cancer, I couldn't finish watching. Thank you for showing it love. Old dogs are never a burden ❤
🙏🙏Blessings forever GOD loves y'all too forever tell everyone you know and don't know. Jesus loves y'all too forever. Teach everyone how to see and enjoy their blessings too forever❤
Humans are burden in my life..but animals are loving kind and understanding even if animals can't talk like humans but their smart kind and loving..but humans are Brainless Cruel & EVIL
This was extremely heart breaking, but it had to be aired to the world, life is so limited by time, that we seem to witness so much a longevity of suffering more so than the longevity of prosperity! It’s hard to be alive when then is seemingly so much suffering & neglect, but everyone must be conscious that there is an opposite to everything in the world ! Thus whence their exist suffering, there is a potential to change the course line of such & reach out to someone or some creature & give it quality of life until natures end! It’s people like you that refuse to be idle to suffering like so many & to remain un-involved, unlike this moronic person that attempted to obstruct good natured people like yourselves from intervening to save this dog from suffering out its last days in the street! It’s people like this weak moronic individual that side with & adheres to his personal floored legal perspective of dog ownership more so than the moral elements of common sense & his personal lack of empathy to thus poor dogs suffering! PS: Strong minded & righteous people with a greater will power of moral defiance to stop suffering are those with inherited abilities & potential to become strong moral leaders! Unfortunately, there does not seem to be enough people of your same high levels of morality & empathy to make a strong movement to influence the majority that are too willing or easily intimated to stand idle & do nothing, simply because nobody is making the first move as a leader enticingly motivating others to follow! If most people were like your veterinary team, suffering of both mankind & all creatures would shift greatly to prosperity more so than tyranny 👍
Расплакалась… Такой замечательный пёс! Обожаю эту породу. Так здорово, что он ушёл не на улице, преданный хозяевами. Что почувствовал доброту и ласку человека и в свои последнии дни… ❤❤❤
Thank you so much for giving this wonderful dog , a very happy ending , to a sad life . Your love meant a lot in there last days. I wish there were more people in this world like you. God bless you.
Плачу,сама прощалась со своими любимцами,теперь они на радуге,уже не больно и не страшно!!!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️ А человеку СПасибо,что дал ему такой теплый ,ласковый и последний год жизни Стойкого!!!
I’m crying right now too thinking of my beloved dog BAMA. HE also is running along the rainbow GOD BLESS THE PEOPLE WHO MADE THIS DOGS LAST YEARS COMFORTABLE.
Thank you for taking him off the streets and giving him the best life and lots of love he probably never knew. I wish these horrible situations never existed for animals or anyone.
Deirdre Pearse watching from New Zealand. Video made me cry. Our God who is Jesus Christ has this dog living on Heaven with him with a new body and perfect health and happiness
This F*cking channel is fake. They torture animals to stage rescues. It's beyond disgusting. Report it! How to spot the online animal abuse: Fake animal rescue videos are actually very easy to spot, once you know what to look for. The trends are often the same; the scene, location, even the animal, appear in multiple videos. To spot fake animal rescue videos, look for repetitive themes and settings. Often, the same animals and locations even appear in multiple videos on the same channel. The fake clips are almost always accompanied by extremely cheesy music, along with subtitles with poor grammar. Additionally, the behaviour of the ‘rescuer’ towards the animal can be a giveaway; in fake animal rescues, they are often mishandled. Another telltale sign of a fake animal rescue video is the way the creator responds to criticism. If they respond rudely, or turn the comments off all together, then it’s almost certainly a fake. These channels often have millions of views per video and have hundreds of thousands of subscribers on You Tube. animalfriendlylife.com.au/tips-for-spotting-fake-animal-rescue-videos/#:~:text=To%20spot%20fake%20animal%20rescue,with%20subtitles%20with%20poor%20grammar.
Aber er durfte noch mal glücklich sein danke an diesen Mann j er musste nicht allein sterben ..manche Leute sind einfach abscheulich 😢umso schöner das er nixhmal jemanden kennenlernen durfte der ihn auch krank sehr liebt u ihn nicht allein läßt ❤😢
Diakhir hayatnya dia msh merasakan cinta n drawat penuh kasih sayang oleh orang2 baik dia pasti senang n bahagia sekarang karena sudahbterbebas dari rasa sakit n penderitannya. Terima kasih atas kepedulian orang2 baik padanya
Gracias por darle una muerte digna por cuidarle y darle el amor que necesitaba,seguro que ahora estará feliz sin dolores ni enfermedades.Tu tienes también que sentirte feliz por darle tanto amor.Descansa pequeño
Я расплакалась от такой "картинки"Спасибо тому ,кто помог этому песику.Здоровья вам и всех благ ЛЮДИ ,БУДЬТЕ ЛЮДЬМИ!!!!ОН ЖИВОЙ И ЕГО ТАК ЖЕ БОЛЕЛО КАК ВАС , НИКОГДА НЕ ОБИЖАЙТЕ ЖИВОТНЫХ.,У ВАС ЖЕ ЕСТЬ СЕРДЦЕ???????😢😢❤
Im sobbing. Thank you for saving this baby and making their last days full of love. How people can just abandon their sweet babies who unconditionally love us…
Поражена добротой и чувствительностью последнего хозяина собачки.Какой же молодец !Спасибо вам и низкий поклон ! Песик в последние дни своей жизни все-таки был счастлив .И это благодаря вам .
Сколько страданий и боли пережил бедный пёс, до слёз жалко,спасибо вам добрые люди за спасение ,облегчили страдания больного пса,столько любви и заботы!!! Низкий поклон вам 🙏😢
Господи, как хорошо ,что вы встретились ему на этом коротком промежутке времени и согрели его своим теплом, что он умер в заботе и любви. Дай вам бог здоровья и всякого благословения
He was loved and cared for the last year/months of his life. Thank you for letting him feel that. May your next life be warm and happy and full of love Steady❤🙏🐶
Que historia más conmovedora, deseo MIL bendiciones para las personas que ayudaron al perrito, le dieron mejores días y lo acompañaron hasta el final. Un saludo cariñoso al cielo de los perritos para el Golden Retriever.
Lloro de rabia y de pens,rabia por el dueño que abandono al pobre animal a su suerte y de pena porque cuando encontro al alguien bueno en su camino le quedaba poco tiempo de vida.🐶🐶🐕🦺❤❤❤
Damm!! This video broke my heart and filled my eyes of tears... I have a small dog that I've adopeted. I named him Woody. He was abandoned in a convenicence store here in Brazil. He was very tinny, weak, hungry and thirsty. I took care of him, took him up to a vet, gave him a bath, all vacines, and bought a lot of toys (that he loves). In the next April Woody will be 2 years living with us. Woody was the best thing that happened in my life, he is my friend and I treat him as a son. I frequently take him up to the parks to play. The last trip, he was with us to the beach and he was very happy. In the first moment he was scared with the sea, but after first steps in the water he got confident and got into swiming (it was very funny) Eveytime I notice in his eyes wich thankfull he is (differently when I found him, his eyes was so sad and scared). I would never imagine myself abandoning him again like was by his idiot stupid former tutor. I know that one day he will get older and he will passed way, and this break my heart (I prefer do not think about it), but when this day come, I will be in his side until the last day, don't matter the situation I will be there.
Плачу, и не могу сдержаться. 😢 Слезы рекой текут по щекам. Мой Лео тоже погиб, и я до сих пор страдаю от его потери. Покойся с миром малыш, нет преданней собаки, в этом мире.😢😢😢
Тоже рыдаю😭😭😭всех безумно жалко и кошечек и собачек и медвежат и слонят И так далее. !!! Гореть всем гнидам в аду кто издевается,обижает и бросает этих чудесных беззащитных созданий😭😭😭
Как можно бросить своего питомца, своего друга, который прожил с тобой много лет, а теперь болен😢 Предательство- это черта только одного существа на этой планете, человека. Тот, кто должен был стать венцом творения, стал наказанием этого мира. Единицы пытаются дарить любовь и заботу нуждающимся, но как их мало в сравнении с подлыми и малодушными😢 Спасибо этому человеку, который дал собаке любовь, заботу и утишение в последнее время жизни🙏
🙏🙏Blessings forever GOD loves y'all too forever tell everyone you know and don't know. Jesus loves y'all too forever. Teach everyone how to see and enjoy their blessings too forever❤
Many people turn a blind eye to abandoned dogs, but we thank you for protecting them and taking such good care of them. I think this sweet dog was very happy in the end🌈🐶💖Thank you to all the staff who protected him💖🙏
넘 고맙고 감사한 일 입니다 그나마 이렇게 좋은분을 만나 일년 이상을 사랑받으며 좋은 환경에서 살다 갔네요 골든리트리버야 다음생엔 절대 아프지말고 좋은 가정에 사람으로 환생해서 훌륭한 사람이 대거라 이 영상을 보면서 감사함과 눈물로 보았어요 다시한번 감사드려요 천사님❤❤❤
감사하면 님도 시골길 죄다 뒤져서 떠돌이 개 구조해서 님이 집안에다 모두 기르세요.
감사하기만 하지말고 님도 실천을 하라구요.
뭐라고 할 말을 잃고 눈물만 흘렸습니다.. 그리고 아픈 아가를 구해 주셔서 치료와 사랑으로 따뜻하게 품어 주시고 끝까지 함께 해 주셔서 천사님께 고마운 마음으로 감사 드립니다.👍👍👍 아가야 별나라에 다서 영원히 행복하렴~❤❤❤😂😂😂
O mesmo digo eu.
Sem palavras as lágrimas dizem tudo e.😢😢😢
😭🥺God bless you baby 😘🥺
Pienso que este ángel ha debido recibir euthanasia como regalo de amor antes de dejarlo sufrir tan largo tiempo en esa condición de enfermedad
Grand Merci a vous pauvre bête tellement triste .vous êtes des anges pour ces créatures. ❤
This F*cking channel is fake. They torture animals to stage rescues. It's beyond disgusting. Report it!
How to spot the online animal abuse:
Fake animal rescue videos are actually very easy to spot, once you know what to look for.
The trends are often the same; the scene, location, even the animal, appear in multiple videos.
To spot fake animal rescue videos, look for repetitive themes and settings.
Often, the same animals and locations even appear in multiple videos on the same channel.
The fake clips are almost always accompanied by extremely cheesy music, along with subtitles with poor grammar.
Additionally, the behaviour of the ‘rescuer’ towards the animal can be a giveaway; in fake animal rescues, they are often mishandled.
Another telltale sign of a fake animal rescue video is the way the creator responds to criticism.
If they respond rudely, or turn the comments off all together, then it’s almost certainly a fake.
These channels often have millions of views per video and have hundreds of thousands of subscribers on You Tube.
I’m crying my eyes out. How can people be so cruel? Thank you for showing him love and kindness during his final days. Rest well, Steady.
I’m crying too. My sixteen year old Yorkie is fading and I cry most nights when I watch him sleep. I will miss him so much.
I’m glad this dying Golden Retriever died in comfort and knew love and compassion.
People can be dispecable
Poor old Soul
Me too. Crying my eyes out.
Glad he was able to spend what time he had left, with a lovely owner.
botaram quente no roskof do caramelo. mas o caramelo vivera sempre viva o caramelo
botaram pra funer no caramelo
눈을 감을 때까지 지켜 주시고 옆에 함께 있어주셔서 너무 감사합니다~
눈물 나도록 감동 받았어요~~♡
평생 복 많이 받으시고 행복하세요~👍
눈물이 ㅠㅠ 구조 해 주셔서 감사합니다 건강하시고 세상에 복이란 복은 다 받으시길 기원 하겠습니다 ~~♡♡♡
Я рыдаю😭😭😭сколько этому несчастному малышу пришлось выдержать боли страданий от болезни так ещё и от предательства какой то гниды😭😭😭как же жалко бедных животных😭😭😭 за что им все это!!!это же лучшие существа на планете!!!
Lamentável um animal tão dócil ficar nessas condições. descanse em Paz.🐶⚘️🕊🪽🇧🇷
Die hunde sind Keine Kreaturen das sind die besseren Menschen auf Erden der den hund so wehgetan hat und sich nicht gekümmert hat der.sollte sehr hat bestraft werden das ist eine Kreatur und kein Mensche
꾸준이가 오래동안행복하길
우리 아가. 편히 잘가소서
병의 고통에서 훨훨 자유로워 지소서
다음생엔 꼭 선처에 태어나 모든 복락 누리며
구조자님~개의 마지막 치료와 돌봄을 아끼지 않고 제공해주셔서 감사합니다.
꾸준히가 감사한 맘을 갖고 무지개 다리를 건넜을거예요~
눈물이 나오네요.
Thank you for giving him a comfortable ‘retirement’. May you be blessed ♥️
😢❤ Thank you for giving him the love and care that he needed.
Gracias me asen recuperar un poco la esperanza en el ser humano
Deus abençoe muito você que cuidou desse pobre cachorrinho muito lakes para você ❤❤❤❤👏👏👏👏
Grazie infinite siete stati degli eroi
At lease he got to walk again. And every time you pet your fur baby it’s like hugging them. You know that wonderful fur baby is in a better place. Subhumans are so very cruel. Rest well you beautiful baby🌼🐾🌈🐾🌈🐾❤️🦮❤️
너무 눈물이 나네요
아가 아품없는 곳에서 편히 쉬렴
짧지만 아가 가는길 따뜻하게 보듬어 주시고 사랑주셔서 감사합니다
복 많이많이 받으세요
Какие милые и добрые ребята,счастья вам и здоровья за этих бедных,безпомощных животных,которых вы спасаете,а они за вас просят у бога для вас.
I’m a 60 year old man and this made me cry.Steady deserved so much better.But you came along and rescued him,and made his final days peaceful he new you took care of him and loved hi,he will always remember you.R.I.P STEADY🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🐶🐶
I cannot hold my tears watching this drama unfold.
Thank you for saving Steady and give his final days some happiness.
May God bless you wonderful people who care for steady.
Как больно, когда уходят-животные! Плачу.!
I am ex U.S. military and pride myself in being tough. I will admit this made me cry. Thank you for doing what you could to show this poor baby that it was loved.
Aaaawww...poor crybaby...go to mummie, she´ll give you a lolly...
Being though does not mean that you have a cold heart. Thank you for your service, Sir. Much love from Europe ❤
This F*cking channel is fake. They torture animals to stage rescues. It's beyond disgusting. Report it!
How to spot the online animal abuse:
Fake animal rescue videos are actually very easy to spot, once you know what to look for.
The trends are often the same; the scene, location, even the animal, appear in multiple videos.
To spot fake animal rescue videos, look for repetitive themes and settings.
Often, the same animals and locations even appear in multiple videos on the same channel.
The fake clips are almost always accompanied by extremely cheesy music, along with subtitles with poor grammar.
Additionally, the behaviour of the ‘rescuer’ towards the animal can be a giveaway; in fake animal rescues, they are often mishandled.
Another telltale sign of a fake animal rescue video is the way the creator responds to criticism.
If they respond rudely, or turn the comments off all together, then it’s almost certainly a fake.
These channels often have millions of views per video and have hundreds of thousands of subscribers on You Tube.
Лети в свій рай , світле життя
Thank you for your service sir...🇨🇦 ❤
저희집 강아지도 1년전 항암중에 무지개다리를 건넜어요. 영상 보는내내 눈물이 멈추질 않네요.
아픈 강아지의 마지막을 사랑으로 채워주시고, 외롭지않게 함께 해주셔서 고맙습니다 ❤
부디 강아지 천국에서 행복하게 뛰놀기를 바래 🙏
Я плачу. У меня недавно умерла моя любимая собака от рака. Я очень сочувствую. И благодарю этого человека. Вы молодец, вы ангел.
Oh, writing thru tears. Having just lost my 12 year old ShihTzu from cancer, I couldn't finish watching. Thank you for showing it love. Old dogs are never a burden ❤
che tristezza avra sofferto tanto e una razza di cane meravigliosa che bastardi non ha retto abbandono piccolo💞💞💞💞❤❤❤😥😥
🙏🙏Blessings forever GOD loves y'all too forever tell everyone you know and don't know. Jesus loves y'all too forever. Teach everyone how to see and enjoy their blessings too forever❤
Humans are burden in my life..but animals are loving kind and understanding even if animals can't talk like humans but their smart kind and loving..but humans are Brainless Cruel & EVIL
This was extremely heart breaking, but it had to be aired to the world, life is so limited by time, that we seem to witness so much a longevity of suffering more so than the longevity of prosperity!
It’s hard to be alive when then is seemingly so much suffering & neglect, but everyone must be conscious that there is an opposite to everything in the world !
Thus whence their exist suffering, there is a potential to change the course line of such & reach out to someone or some creature & give it quality of life until natures end!
It’s people like you that refuse to be idle to suffering like so many & to remain un-involved, unlike this moronic person that attempted to obstruct good natured people like yourselves from intervening to save this dog from suffering out its last days in the street!
It’s people like this weak moronic individual that side with & adheres to his personal floored legal perspective of dog ownership more so than the moral elements of common sense & his personal lack of empathy to thus poor dogs suffering!
PS: Strong minded & righteous people with a greater will power of moral defiance to stop suffering are those with inherited abilities & potential to become strong moral leaders!
Unfortunately, there does not seem to be enough people of your same high levels of morality & empathy to make a strong movement to influence the majority that are too willing or easily intimated to stand idle & do nothing, simply because nobody is making the first move as a leader enticingly motivating others to follow!
If most people were like your veterinary team, suffering of both mankind & all creatures would shift greatly to prosperity more so than tyranny 👍
Too much of this goes on, people being indifferent to suffering. Animals deserve respect.
They are gods gifts to us
Warning ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ You are being played by bad actors
@@jaqualinerowe5944well if you really care then stop watching these videos and they will no longer have the incentive to do this.
Quem fez essa crueldade vai pagar! Quem planta colhe! Deus abençoe vc que salvou e cuidou e deu dias felizes pra ele!
Расплакалась… Такой замечательный пёс! Обожаю эту породу. Так здорово, что он ушёл не на улице, преданный хозяевами. Что почувствовал доброту и ласку человека и в свои последнии дни… ❤❤❤
Thank you so much for giving this wonderful dog , a very happy ending , to a sad life . Your love meant a lot in there last days. I wish there were more people in this world like you. God bless you.
마음아픕니다 ㅜㅜ 저도 노령견 을 키우고 있지만 진짜 끝까지 함께 한다는 마음으로
사랑으로 함께 해야 합니다
모든 노령견 들이 행복하게 지내길
진심 바래봅니다
구해주셔서 정말 감사 드립니다
Qué pena pobre angel!!!
감사합니다.고맙습니다.눈물납니다.담생엔 행복하기를~~~~
The same here.❤😢
Плачу,сама прощалась со своими любимцами,теперь они на радуге,уже не больно и не страшно!!!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️
А человеку СПасибо,что дал ему такой теплый ,ласковый и последний год жизни Стойкого!!!
También estoy llorando, la vida es difícil cuando estos momentos llegan. Dios nos reconforta. Bendiciones para ti y tu familia.
I’m crying right now too thinking of my beloved dog BAMA. HE also is running along the rainbow GOD BLESS THE PEOPLE WHO MADE THIS DOGS LAST YEARS COMFORTABLE.
At least in his last days he died being loved and cared for instead of on the ground, alone and hungry. Thank you for taking care of him.🥰
Thank you for taking him off the streets and giving him the best life and lots of love he probably never knew. I wish these horrible situations never existed for animals or anyone.
He llorado mucho pero cuanta indiferencia pero gracias Dios sus últimos días conoció amor.
Não abandonem seus anjos de patas pois eles nunca nos abandonam. Obrigadooooo a todos que lhe deram amor e conforto nos momentos finais
마지막까지 보살펴주시고 지켜주신 천사님 감사드려요
담 생애는 인간으로 태어나서 행복하게 살길바란다
도와주신분들 너무 고맙습니다. 사는날까지 끝까지 보살펴주세요 정말 고마워요 ❤❤
너무 슬퍼서... 말이 안나오네... 천사같은 멍멍아... 그곳에선... 아프지말고...편안하자...
즐겁지만 않았던 여정~
가여운 강아지 고생 많았다 그래도 맛난것도 먹고 사랑을 듬북 받고 떠나니 다행이야
보살펴주신 손길 감사합니다^^
Impossible to hold back the tears. Lost my golden 23 years ago and still miss him dearly.
Беги по радуге малыш, мягкий тебе облачков❤❤❤❤ как хорошо что последние годы жизни ты прожил в любви и тепле❤❤❤❤❤
This made me CRY! WHY? Are people that Cruel? Yes! It’s sad! Some, but not all, ARE! Lord, keep that sweetheart safe in Heaven!
Deirdre Pearse watching from New Zealand. Video made me cry. Our God who is Jesus Christ has this dog living on Heaven with him with a new body and perfect health and happiness
indeed. if anyone cannot provide love and care until the end of their pet dogs then don't ever buy...
This F*cking channel is fake. They torture animals to stage rescues. It's beyond disgusting. Report it!
How to spot the online animal abuse:
Fake animal rescue videos are actually very easy to spot, once you know what to look for.
The trends are often the same; the scene, location, even the animal, appear in multiple videos.
To spot fake animal rescue videos, look for repetitive themes and settings.
Often, the same animals and locations even appear in multiple videos on the same channel.
The fake clips are almost always accompanied by extremely cheesy music, along with subtitles with poor grammar.
Additionally, the behaviour of the ‘rescuer’ towards the animal can be a giveaway; in fake animal rescues, they are often mishandled.
Another telltale sign of a fake animal rescue video is the way the creator responds to criticism.
If they respond rudely, or turn the comments off all together, then it’s almost certainly a fake.
These channels often have millions of views per video and have hundreds of thousands of subscribers on You Tube.
불쌍한 강아지의 마지막을 외롭고 무섭지 않게 돌봐주셔서 고맙습니다 😢😢😢
멍별에서 즐겁게 뛰어놀며 지내렴 😢😢😢
Тому кто ее бросил. Грех ему. Грешник Адский. А тем Людям которые помогли Собаке. Здоровья и Всех Благ. Как и Собачке. Спасибо тебе Человек
Gracias por darle una oportunidad de conocer el verdadero amor en sus últimos días. Dios Bendiga en abundancia 🙏
❤❤❤😢ich musste so weinen aber er durfte endlich spüren das man ihn liebt
Aber er durfte noch mal glücklich sein danke an diesen Mann j er musste nicht allein sterben ..manche Leute sind einfach abscheulich 😢umso schöner das er nixhmal jemanden kennenlernen durfte der ihn auch krank sehr liebt u ihn nicht allein läßt ❤😢
😢😢😢😢❤❤❤gracias amigo, le diste o mejor de ti, lo merecía, Dios te bendiga u bendiga tu familia.
Ya hay un ángel más en el cielo😢
助けてくれて有り難うございます✨ 只々😭😭 治療を受け 皆さんに愛情いっぱい頂き コノコは幸せの🌈の橋を渡れた事 優しい人に出会えた事に感謝です いい笑顔を見る事もでき嬉しいです 色んな治療を受ける事ができ幸せだったと思います 人の優しさを感じとりよく頑張ってくれました 有り難う…安らかにネンネしてね🙏🙏💞💞💞
Diakhir hayatnya dia msh merasakan cinta n drawat penuh kasih sayang oleh orang2 baik dia pasti senang n bahagia sekarang karena sudahbterbebas dari rasa sakit n penderitannya. Terima kasih atas kepedulian orang2 baik padanya
Brother you are really an angel.. Keep it up .your love for animals is infinite.. Steady may your soul rest in peace❤
Thank you for your kind gesture.
아이 구해 주셔서, 정말 감사드립니다... 아이의 마지막길 편안하고 행복하게 보살펴 주셔서 정말 감사드립니다 ~
아이 구해 주신 분과 아이, 영원한 축복이 함께 하시기를 기도드립니다 ~
마지막 길 끝까지 보살펴 주신 분들 너무 감사 드립니다...... 항상 행운이 가득하시길........
Спасибо вам добрые люди, что последние дни пёсик жил в любви. Не могу сдержать слезы.
자꾸자꾸 눈물이나네요....
이영상보는 내내 하늘에 별이된 울 강쥐 생각이납니다~이아이가
하늘나라에서 행복하기만 바랍니다~
Благодарность и всех земных благ, тем людям, которые спасали собачку, покойся с миром, мягких облачков тебе собачуля
남자분구해주시고다정하게해주셔서 진심으로 감사드립니다천복을 받으실거예요~고마우신분 천사입니다 눈물이 계속흐릅니다 또한번 감사드립니다 건강하세요~
This story made me cry.
Doggies teach us to love & how to take care of people. You were so so good to this doggie.
May you b blessed in this life.
Gracias por darle una muerte digna por cuidarle y darle el amor que necesitaba,seguro que ahora estará feliz sin dolores ni enfermedades.Tu tienes también que sentirte feliz por darle tanto amor.Descansa pequeño
Hola des México si va acabar es precisona
눈물난다. 아가야 얼마나 힘들었니. 구조해주시고 마지막 사랑주신분 고맙습니다
Я расплакалась от такой "картинки"Спасибо тому ,кто помог этому песику.Здоровья вам и всех благ ЛЮДИ ,БУДЬТЕ ЛЮДЬМИ!!!!ОН ЖИВОЙ И ЕГО ТАК ЖЕ БОЛЕЛО КАК ВАС , НИКОГДА НЕ ОБИЖАЙТЕ ЖИВОТНЫХ.,У ВАС ЖЕ ЕСТЬ СЕРДЦЕ???????😢😢❤
I can't stop crying. I can only be thankful that this beautiful dog was given a chance at happiness in the last moments of his life.
하늘나라에선 아프지 말고 편히 쉬렴~
아이곁애서 끝까지 돌봐주신 천사분 복 많이 받으세요...
Im sobbing. Thank you for saving this baby and making their last days full of love. How people can just abandon their sweet babies who unconditionally love us…
This brought tears am crying. RIP sweet one. So sorry for your loss
Поражена добротой и чувствительностью последнего хозяина собачки.Какой же молодец !Спасибо вам и низкий поклон ! Песик в последние дни своей жизни все-таки был счастлив .И это благодаря вам .
Oh what can I say. My tears dorping .Thank-you for giving a life for him.good lord will bless you loving sir❤
Сколько страданий и боли пережил бедный пёс, до слёз жалко,спасибо вам добрые люди за спасение ,облегчили страдания больного пса,столько любви и заботы!!! Низкий поклон вам 🙏😢
Angelito mío!! Cuánto sufrimiento! Gracias a Dios existen buenas personas qué los rescatan y ayudan. Muchas bendiciones!!
세상에 이런일이 천사 같은 분 만나 댕댕이 큰다행 정말로 눈물이 나는구나 감사합니다 ❤❤❤❤
Thank you to anyone who helped, I know there is a lot to help, but thank you very much. God blesses.
Господи, как хорошо ,что вы встретились ему на этом коротком промежутке времени и согрели его своим теплом, что он умер в заботе и любви. Дай вам бог здоровья и всякого благословения
다음 생애에는 꽃길만 걷기 바란다. 좋은 곳에서 편히 쉬기길...정말 고맙습니다 !!
Мужчина вы подарили ему счастье,низкий поклон вам.
Вы человек с большой буквы,спасибо за его дни наполненые вашей любовью
No puedo dejar de llorar ..mi niña hermosa. . .mil gracias por ser tan buenas personas....gracias por ayudar a esta niña hermosa...hermosa. .🙏😭😞
Спасибо вам огромное за ваше милосердие и спасение несчастних животних
He was loved and cared for the last year/months of his life. Thank you for letting him feel that. May your next life be warm and happy and full of love Steady❤🙏🐶
Steady will always be with you, right by you. You will see her again! Thank you loving her so much, I know she loves you too 💞
Спасибо за любовь и заботу и что скрасили последние дни собаки ....плачу
Que historia más conmovedora, deseo MIL bendiciones para las personas que ayudaron al perrito, le dieron mejores días y lo acompañaron hasta el final. Un saludo cariñoso al cielo de los perritos para el Golden Retriever.
胃がんだろうがなんだろうが 、最後まで見届けるのが飼い主の勤めだろ!家族を人一倍に見守ってきたんだろ!
애기가 몸과 마음이 병들어버렷네요ㅠ 구조되면 그래도 회복되는게 보이는데ㆍ 아가야 ㆍ아픔없는곳에 행복하고 좋은집으로 환생하거라
Piękna historia o opiece i miłości.Dziękuję. ❤ Kiedyś wszyscy się spotkamy i przytulimy❤
가엾은아기를 구해주셔서 ,돌봐주셔서 고맙습니다..마지막생을 외롭지않게 보내주셔서 고맙습니다 그리고 수고많으셨습니다....
넘 맘아파 눈물이~~~~~
Lloro de rabia y de pens,rabia por el dueño que abandono al pobre animal a su suerte y de pena porque cuando encontro al alguien bueno en su camino le quedaba poco tiempo de vida.🐶🐶🐕🦺❤❤❤
무지개 다리 건너가면서 고맙고 감사하게 생각했을겁니다. 도와주신분들 정말 복받으실 겁니다.
Вы спасаете животных и Мир А Господь пусть спасет Вас и Ваших близких
Damm!! This video broke my heart and filled my eyes of tears... I have a small dog that I've adopeted. I named him Woody. He was abandoned in a convenicence store here in Brazil. He was very tinny, weak, hungry and thirsty. I took care of him, took him up to a vet, gave him a bath, all vacines, and bought a lot of toys (that he loves).
In the next April Woody will be 2 years living with us. Woody was the best thing that happened in my life, he is my friend and I treat him as a son. I frequently take him up to the parks to play. The last trip, he was with us to the beach and he was very happy. In the first moment he was scared with the sea, but after first steps in the water he got confident and got into swiming (it was very funny)
Eveytime I notice in his eyes wich thankfull he is (differently when I found him, his eyes was so sad and scared).
I would never imagine myself abandoning him again like was by his idiot stupid former tutor.
I know that one day he will get older and he will passed way, and this break my heart (I prefer do not think about it), but when this day come, I will be in his side until the last day, don't matter the situation I will be there.
Good for you, you have a big heart. I don't want a dog right now but dang I could not walk away from an abandoned dog and not do anything.
Gracias por ayudarle hasta el último momento se merecen el cielo ❤️🐾
Köpeğe yardım eden herkesten Allah razı olsun sevgi ve şevkat gösterdiğiniz için sonsuz teşekkürler.
Плачу, и не могу сдержаться. 😢 Слезы рекой текут по щекам. Мой Лео тоже погиб, и я до сих пор страдаю от его потери. Покойся с миром малыш, нет преданней собаки, в этом мире.😢😢😢
Тоже рыдаю😭😭😭всех безумно жалко и кошечек и собачек и медвежат и слонят И так далее. !!! Гореть всем гнидам в аду кто издевается,обижает и бросает этих чудесных беззащитных созданий😭😭😭
Thank you for giving Steady love and care before he passed away. He didnt die lonely or unloved. You all made him so happy in his last year of life ❤
Как можно бросить своего питомца, своего друга, который прожил с тобой много лет, а теперь болен😢 Предательство- это черта только одного существа на этой планете, человека. Тот, кто должен был стать венцом творения, стал наказанием этого мира. Единицы пытаются дарить любовь и заботу нуждающимся, но как их мало в сравнении с подлыми и малодушными😢
Спасибо этому человеку, который дал собаке любовь, заботу и утишение в последнее время жизни🙏
🙏🙏Blessings forever GOD loves y'all too forever tell everyone you know and don't know. Jesus loves y'all too forever. Teach everyone how to see and enjoy their blessings too forever❤
Děkuji že jste dál tomuto krásnému pejskovi poslední chvíle života v lásce jste anděl díky brečím abrecim❤
Many people turn a blind eye to abandoned dogs, but we thank you for protecting them and taking such good care of them. I think this sweet dog was very happy in the end🌈🐶💖Thank you to all the staff who protected him💖🙏
너무 울었어요 아이가 편히 갈 수있도록 도와주셔서 감사합니다