A trouble/helpdesk ticket system, awesome. This is a good project for us developers to learn and use for their own projects. Is it possible to add Kanban to this? and can the trouble/helpdesk ticket system can be broken up to projects. So if I am working on project 1 and another programmer is working on another project. We can have our QA testers use the system to help both developers on their project.
Hi Netrunner1987, thank you. Currently I dont have plan to include the Kanban Board. but let me see ya the possibility if we include this. Because I think its good Idea. and also yes this system able handle multiple project. In this system product = project. we can easily adding many product we want to handle
Thank you for this greet job...
Wating for next part
the new part is up now :D. thanks for watching
Bagus bang, membantu saya belajar c#
Makasih ya, udah nonton disini
waiting for more tutorials
A trouble/helpdesk ticket system, awesome. This is a good project for us developers to learn and use for their own projects. Is it possible to add Kanban to this? and can the trouble/helpdesk ticket system can be broken up to projects. So if I am working on project 1 and another programmer is working on another project. We can have our QA testers use the system to help both developers on their project.
Hi Netrunner1987, thank you. Currently I dont have plan to include the Kanban Board. but let me see ya the possibility if we include this. Because I think its good Idea. and also yes this system able handle multiple project. In this system product = project. we can easily adding many product we want to handle
we need add notifications
Yes sure. There is ticket discussion later. And will have notification when someone comment it