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- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.พ. 2025
Although a lot of people think that being a blogger means that you only spend time entertaining, it’s not true. Being a blogger means a lot of hard work otherwise you won’t be successful at all. You always find new ways to increase followers and please them with new photo ideas and interesting posts. As Instagram is incredibly popular now there are tons of bloggers and most photos are awfully boring, we are here to share new cool photography ideas with you. We will help you to make your photos special without any fancy camera or expensive editing software. Even if you are not a blogger, you will learn cool tricks to make awesome photos and share them with your friends!
Let’s start from the trick that girls may use to make romantic photos. This trick is especially good for those who have long hair. You will need some flowers and the help of your friend. Watch the tutorial! One more idea for girls is a tutorial on how to make photos with flowers and gifts. And the best idea is how to look skinnier in photos or add some curve, you will choose 😊
Another cool idea we may even call a prank. Put a pillow on the floor in your bathroom, stand in front of the mirror, press play and drop your phone. Harry Potter lovers will adore this tutorial. Check out!
Are you a travel blogger? Or even if you simply love traveling and want to make the memory of your trips, try to make ‘’change location’’ photos. Ask your friend to help you!
Don’t buy an underwater camera as you will use it only once or twice, you can make underwater photos using a clear vase and your phone. We know that you want to make perfect shots with minimum effort!
00:09 Photo trick for girls
00:52 Levitation photo hack
02:12 Do you love Harry Potter?
05:03 Romantic photo idea
08:21 Prank your boyfriend
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Subscribe to 5-Minute Crafts GIRLY: goo.gl/fWbJqz
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The Bright Side of TH-cam: goo.gl/rQTJZz
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Music by Epidemic Sound: www.epidemicso... This video is made for entertainment purposes. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, safety and reliability. Any action you take upon the information on this video is strictly at your own risk, and we will not be liable for any damages or losses. It is the viewer's responsibility to use judgment, care and precautions if one plans to replicate.
The following video might feature activity performed by our actors within controlled environment- please use judgment, care, and precaution if you plan to replicate. - แนวปฏิบัติและการใช้ชีวิต
0:38 Wooooooahhh!!! That makes me sort of dizzy 😝
I had a headache
Same 😂😂😂😂
Can u sub sub to me u sound cool
The girl at the end has different coloured eyes!
That is SOO COOL!!
Oh yeas
I noticed that to i went to the comments to see if anyone else noticed
Ya it’s so cool
Yeah so amazing
She has heterochromia
12:00 did anyone notice her eyes and how they are different colors? or is that just me? Give a like if it's not just me.
EDIT: thanks you for all the likes. never gotten this many.
Ugh again that type of comment
Yep it's a type of genetic mutation called hetrochromia. It's quite rare, but I have it too. I guess it's cool but a lot of comments get made about it, so much so it's not as cool as you may think. Loads of people just say it's fake and it's contacts-
Yes her eye's are of different colours the last girl..
X Unity X why are you here if you’re gonna be rude
Cool pictures
One more thing we need..
A friend
오애나 oof.
İ'm really need a friend :(
I have no friends...😢😢😢😔
@@ivanmtkov8789 I'll be your friend!
@@animalcrackersinmysoup4760 I can be your friend :)
Why am I watching this I dont even have instagram
Same xD
steven Gomez yeah! XD
steven Gomez um idk
Good question why are you watching this when you don't have iy
I love this channel very very very much , how sweet 😍😍😍😍
Did anyone realise at 12:00 One eye is blue and the other is green! It looks soo nice xx
🧛♀️ 😘 😘 😘 ٩ من شان مرحبا 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 الله
Wow! It' look very NICE!
It looks a bit more like grey to me though.
I just realised so cool
She has henechromia
Secrets exposed!!!!
Ooh my first like! Why is it blue btw?
Omg so many likes! THANK YOU
I don't know
What is btw?
@@effortcivilengineersinteri3784 Its a short way to say "by the way".
@@effortcivilengineersinteri3784 by the way =btw
Effort civil Engineers&Interiors
Btw=By the way
Harrrryyyyyyy pottter..loved ur Gryffindor scarf😎!!!!!!
Omg eye blue green 😮😮😮
Me: *watches video*
Sister: I think you need friends to do these hacks
Edit: thx for all da likes!!!
He so funny
@@2277514 you are also mean!!!!!! You are saying rhat to her sis!!!!!
40% New videos 60% old videos😔
Who agree like
The only like beggar I can agree with
Then dont watch
%10 new %90 old
Nah i think more of *00,01%* new and *99,99%* old
I am agree with you dear
I love the last one 2 different color eyes AMAZING 😍😍😍I LOVE IT
Oh Thats the hack? I didnt get it at first.
Helaena Lozare no. The girl has heterocromia i guess
That bath pic scared him for life 😂🤣
Pickachuuuuuuuuuuuu lol
OK I think this channel should be called:
5 repeatable crafts
Skypie no it should be called :
15 repeatable hacks
@@vspeditzz2267 lo
Omg I was thinking the same
I need to say that they post same compilation every day or they combine old vids and post them again like they where new! *No hate*
Sasa Kod you are right
*I Agree But How Do Say This Is No Hate When It Is Hate?*
Yeag no hate
I hate 5 minute crafts
Isabel Cruz
Omg she has two colored eyes! That soooo cool! I’ve always wanted two color eyes.
My mom asked me what are you watching
Me:how to be an instagram star
@Kaylie Happy I felt bad that you don’t have any subs so I subbed I hope I made your day 😀
Awwwwwww thanks!
Sub to me pls I’m sad :c
@@jk97prblx29 is it cause your jealous or your having a bad day?
Bad day I went to school :((
4:27 When you take flappy bird to the next level
Roblox Is The best lol.
I dont understand
@@berriblu5580 Roblox isn't the best rn
Lol 😂
Umm where did they get that random car door from😂
Cool hcks
Emma... your eyes was unbelievable ☺
How to have cool insta pics?
Step 1: have someone to help...
Step 2: A good phone with a better camera....😩
Photoshop :)
I have the galaxy a20 and the camera quality is so good
Step 3: Have an instagram 😂😂
Narola Jamir I have the I phone 11 and
11:58 The girl have two colors in her eyes 🤩🤤💛✨
Miloš 116 🙃?
I think they where saying its cool and it is really pretty
Angel Denom yes sweetie 🤭💛
Her eyes colour are different 😜
Amazing 🥰😍😘😘😘😘
3:35 i wanna be cool someday
*takes ladys handbag*
Charlotte Small why you gotta be so rude
Did anyone else notice her eyes where two different colors that’s cool
Saylor Petrey she is Frankie stein
Preet Bhatti lol
Saylor Petrey it’s the affect of the light
@@wolfieoliver2153 she was born with it its a mutation
It was always that way
Wait,the girl who was doing the flaslight thing at last has 2 different eye colour.cool
I saw that tooooo 🙃🤯
Yes 😧
I saw it too
Ya I think she has heterochromia.heterochromia is when you have 2 different eye color
Wow really so nice 👍 👍👍👌👌
Omg she has two colored eyes! That soooo cool! I’ve always wanted two color eyes.
I don’t know why so much hate this is actually amazing
5:07 imagine that having to deal with this 💀 🤣 😂
😱😱😱 Amazing 😱😨
In THE End she has two colors Eyes! I love it ❤️❤️
~Polish fan ❤️💕
I love your instagram hacks "5 MINUTE CRAFTS❤"!!They are just WOW!!!From these hacks I have 13k followers 😄😃😆
@@Oagungengen Hey 😖why is this question 😷?I am a man,and I am BREATHING 😛😛😛😛😛😛
Tea Hadri no you don’t
Im the only one who still watch the whole SAME video with DIFFERENT TITLE?😂
There's a video just like this but different music and arrangement
Me too
,zgqz bloo44, 5 3qqqqa
Bif9 i
The first one was v. Nice I love it. BTW lysm💞💞💞
Omg love them all watch it alll the time
I just watch i dont actully use the hacks. It's just really entertaining. Please do more.😀
Hey she has two different colour eyes! Cool!
I tried with friends It came out so so good I can't wait to see more of your videos 😍
2:14 look at the tattoo she is a illuminati😲😲
Yes 😲😲😲
@@secretgardens_inmymind hlo
@@DreamGirl-fx2uo Hi
Nah she’s a witch lol
2:02 Imagine walking through the park, taking your cat for a walk, and suddenly you see this
Didn't kno u could walk a cat😂🤣
Sumaiyya Afrin um okay, if your being sarcastic She actually didn’t say anything related to that. And if your not, okkkk.l
@@joshuachhour7284 but she said walking your cat and sumaiyya afrin was making a joke my gosh
Kate Bock oh I must be dumb, Sorry for that!
I like cats, so I walk cats, ANYTHING wrong with that?@@sumaiyyaafrin7219
Did anyone else notice that in the last one she had two different colored eyes like if you did comment if you didn’t
yes that 's right
Yea she had two eyes differently coloured
Ashli Clinger I did
Omg ya blue and brown
I was just about to ask if its contacts
You need a few friends to do these hacks
Alright, just need to get some friends first..
(Im dying inside)
Eres bien bonita ya te tengo de muñeca
You are not alone
Omg the last hack I saw that her eyes were hazel and blue
Mine is black n Brown not lieing
I k r i commented the same thing
Two clor🧐😯
Amazing 😍😍😍😍
11:59 Oh my gosh HER EYES
Kaun kaun Dekh raha hai
(1) students: like karo 👍👍👍
(2) others: comment Karo 👍👍👍
99% of people will not read this comment n u r the rare n lucky 1%
May your day goes awesome after reading this.
Archi sadana thank you!
Thanks YEET
Archi sadana my days gunna end in about two hours tho
Archi sadana umm ok ty?
@@gracerassette5503 but still good luck
Wow this are amazing and I love this
0:48 she had 2 different colored eyes it’s beautiful
11:59 I love your eyes!!
8:23 what a conversation.....
i love your eyes they look so pretty!
12:00 Her eyes are beautiful, omg :O
Musica adventista
Reginaj Garaycvv, h$vvvb
Videos are amazing but stop repeating those old videos
Ras bihari Singh I know!
Ras bihari Singh who r u talking to?
Contact @joshhack1_ on Instagram for all your Hacks or social media solution.
videos arent amazing
4:33 was funny😂😂😂🤣🤣👍👍
4:27 can't stop laughing....😂 😂
Yeah! I like it very much too)
Does anyone notice the girl at the last clip had double colored eyes?
She’s always had that
Yes I did!
lau hingchi yes
Good thing I’m not the only one, but seriously, I wish I could have double colored eyes
I love 5 minute crafts!
They r not 5 min sometimes
I agree
11:13 that's a nice idea
Selfie stick in no time)
@@5MinuteCraftsTH-cam Can you see my channel pls I really love yours?
This won't make us instagram stars any more because people who have instagram won't ♡ our picture now because they'll know it's fake
100 subs without a video challenge I subbed to you
OnlineGirlPlay Gamez omg I have 12.0k subs on instagram
It is fake tho
@@Blxssom_Olive can u sub to me i make vids
@@Blxssom_Olive my goal is to reach 40 subs
Did anyone notice that when she said there was bad lighting she has two different colored eyes
Even after she STILL had two different colored eyes!! Finally, someone other than me noticed!! Thank you Noah!
12:00 wow the girl has two different coloured eyes. 🤩🥰
You Indian??
@@binotaojha4317 раз на опдлощрлордрржимтоиттттттоиитлопзегщпг ащагппшршен князь рАпогнраооподлооолоооооооооооооооооооооооооооололллллллоооооооооооолоооооооооооооооллллллоллоооооолоооооооооооооооллооооол
2:10 why stay there and let someone flick you
I’d run for my life lol 😂
I like this idea and add some more🎦🎦🎦🎦🎦
11:59 Omg.. Your eyes !! 😍 I know that, they aren’t real..😭
NekoRosa #35 they are real
Who love 5 minute crafts hit like 😙😘
I subscribed to you at 1 million😲😍😢
Its good video you are pro🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😍😍😍
12:00 different eyes colors?😮😍
Da thumbnail; just me Who think That the "IRL" was cooler than "Instagram"? 😅
Hund-Meja Veggo nope
I thought so too
What is IRL?????
@@dayanaplayzgames4209 in real Life?
@@hund-mejaveggo319 thx and one more question what does xd stand for??
So you are doing tutorial for Tik tok videos?
I too think so
In 2:46 which button you pressed ?
It should be called 5 minute crafts liking their own posts for 12 minutes
Bahahaha this comment is underrated I swear!!! 😂
D V oh u r fan of twice i am also
They did the same exact thing in the TH-cam channel 123 go and they did the reverse thing too.....🤭
Adeline Martin their the exact same people 🤔🙄
@@alesiyaab Yes correct!
It's so great 🥰😍
I don’t like to drag people but it’s triggering at the 10:58 mark you can tell it’s photoshopped but nice try A+ for effort
if u just like watching these for fun but never do them 😂💕
my favorite crafter is the dud that look like jesus... ya know! with the man bun!?!?
I tried the drop your phone one it totally worked ! I got like 48 hits in the first two mins
I searching a guy who is blessing all parents😂😂😂😂😂
2:19 it taught us how to do half of the trick how do you do the other half?
Me: oohhh I'm gonna be famous on Instagram!
Also me thinking: ugh this freaking quarantineeeeee !!!!!
Imagine seeing this irl
Me: who has the time, money, and supplies to do the stuff on your channel?!
5 minute crafts: US
Anyone lazy in bed while watching this?
Nitika Ramesh MEEEEEE
Nitika Ramesh me😎
Okey 👍👏
Just nice wow so not excitable
0:42 phone in the bin. Outside of the bin looks like a bigger bin.
Lol im a potterhead too
3:03 They're driving in a car rather than a horse.