She decided she likes trash. He finally admitted what she had been telling him the whole time. He yelled at her treated her badly and after that conversations she still accepted him. There is something wrong with her. We all knew he was trash.
I would rather be on my own then be with a scumbag like this!!!, omg is she kidding right now where is her dignity and self respect, she is a beautiful looking woman!!, im sorry if my husband said that to me about another woman I’d open the door kick him out with his luggage and wish him good luck!!!
I agree. Men always think they're being "honest" when they actually tell their wife that they still think about the other woman and compare the wife to her and would be with her if he and the wife separated. What an idiot! Telling her that is like sinking a knife into her heart. She'll never be able to forget those words and spend the rest of her life wondering if he's still thinking about the other woman. I hate that the writers end up these dramas with the wife taking him back. He doesn't deserve a future with her. She should hold out for a man who will be faithful to her, not settle for second best.
Como una mujer puede perder su dignidad por un cabron que le dice que la otra tiene más cualidades que ella, como se puede acostarse con un pendejo que en su corazón tiene a otra mujer.....vaya final más desgraciado no tenia que haberlo perdonado, un final triste y muy feo
You tell her all the things you want and she hasn't given to you and you tell her that the other woman is in your heart, too, in case things don't work out with her, he can find his way to the other woman. You tell her that you compare your wife with the other woman. Only someone living in a fantasy world would accept this kind of "love". What a jerk and he hasn't changed.
Él es un sinvergüenza que compara a su amante con su esposa y le da más valor a la amante en su corazón , encima se lo dice y se queda tan fresco el muy cabron, y ella al final también es tonta porque una mujer no debe de perder su autoestima y dignidad por un tipejo que al final sigue pensando en la otra y no en su esposame hija,,,,,,un par de trompetas buenas merece el tipo
Oh hell no! It’s not like he realizes that the other girl was trash, and he has only loved his wife all along! He basically told his wife she’s better than you and I hoped we would break up so I could try with her, but hey she’s getting married so I’m all yours. I would of given him the bird and went and found happiness either alone or with a man who was dedicated to me and me alone. His trifling butt can stay on the sidelines hoping his side piece divorces, or find another fool to believe his lies!
Hell, yeah! I would have started with HIS less than desirable qualities starting with my pinkie (in a vulgar reference) and going 0 to 60 in less than 3 seconds. I would have added insult to injury and gone alphabetically on my listing. Then I would have told him HOW he let me down and HOW I'll pick myself up and go on WITHOUT HIM! I'll raise our daughter to look out for scum like him and have my parents help me raise her to be a better human being than him. How's that for passive aggressive?! I would have walked away while his jaw was still on the ground.
He is a gaslighter for sure.. her saying she didn't feel secure has nothing to do with money and the nerve to say he compared them and the other woman had advantages... Dude if you gotta choose then don't choose me😂
O cara é um palhaço. Imagino se fosse ela com outro homem... acho que ela nunca deveria voltar com ele, afinal ela não esqueceu dele ou fez comparação com outro no coração triste para um final.
Meu Deus!! O cara diz que a amante tem qualidades que ela não tem, na comparação entre as duas, até idealizou como seria se separasse da esposa. E essa esposa ainda fica com ele,????? Dê um pontapé nele rápido.
He’s back talking his wife round because his bit on the side is getting married. Wish his wife finds out. Something about those two I couldn’t take to. If she wasn’t getting married he would have cheated on his wife in a heartbeat a real piece of sh-t.
Self esteem and self respect is an invaluable tool no woman should be without. Ditch the scumbag and don’t look back. You don’t want someone like that to be father to your children especially your daughters
Certa mulheres me fazem me sentir envergonhada por ser mulher, ela era sua segunda melhor opção! Eu mandaria ele catar coquinho, as mulheres não precisam mais depender dos homens, eu faria o mesmo com ele, o compararia com outro homem, ressaltanto todas as qualidades que o outro tem e ele não, será que ele engoliria? Aff....... Escritores desrespeitosos com as mulheres.
What a stupid ending. The wife was made to look stupid and gullible. If the other women didn't leave him first he wouldn't have stayed with his wife. Guess the wife has no issue being a doormat.
Of course these writers wat us to know that its ok for men to cheat and be abusive and the wives are too forgive and take them back so the men can repeatedly do their shit again its so sad and pathetic
@@clairepocaigue4624 Exactly, it looks like he still get in touch with his woman Xiaobai in his computer while his wife is playing with their kid. A cheater will always be a cheater.
Depois de tudo que ele falou sobre a outra, eu não ficaria com ele mesmo, e ele só ficou com a esposa porque a outra foi embora e a esposa aceitou ficar com ele mesmo depois de tudo
Would he want her back if she did what he did??? I think not. Seriously these women need to love themselves more. If he can cheat and lie and be that extra he'll do it again cause he can.
I did not appreciate it that she took him back after his confession. After all what she has gone through , she should reject him. What guarantee does she have that he will not cheat again? No, so why take the risk. A cheater will always be a cheater. Cheating is not only physically but mentally and emotionally. He confessed to his woman that he likes her and he has her in his heart. He confessed to his wife also but I do not know that she still accepted him. Another doormat wife.😡
She wants emotional security. You didn't draw boundries with that other chixk and she know it! Had the roles been reversed...wonder how "understanding" and we are bounsd to face nonesense he would have accepted. You determin in your heart to be faithful, no matter who comes you set solid bounderies and don't cross them. It takes integrity and honor...things seemingly missing in a lot of these male cdrama characters.
He’s a dumbazz too sh was talking about emotional security and he was talking about money… EQ is ZERO. I think th mistress was lucky to escape him and I’m really sorry for the wife. He totally looks down on her and uses her for his own ego.
De verdad que locura ver una mujer ser tan patetica este hombre le dice que la otra mujer tiene mejores cualidades que ella se ve que no esta arrepentido nada que no la quiere y ella de tonta lo acepta de nuevo es un traidor asqueroso seguro que si vuele aparecer la otra mujer le va ser infiel nuevamente sigue pensando en ella ve sus cuentas por la computadora 😮que locura
After the husband confessed about having feelings about the other woman and comparing her to the wife, he was still accepted by the wife. This is bad ending. Wife should have been able to stand on her own with her daughter. Divorce the husband and let him live a lonely life alone.
Eu até ficaria com ele, mas com minhas regras, me redescobriria e nunca viveria mais em função dele, só ficaria somente para mostrar que posso ser muito poderosa, mas que ele nunca mais irá me alcançar, ai sim pediria o divórcio e falaria que comparado com outros ele deixa a desejar!
É inadmissível q esse cara tenha uma vida boa e um final feliz com a amante e uma criança depois de tdo q eles fizeram a esposa sofrer. Prova de q a perfídia compensa. Esse pedido de retorno ao relacionamento foi fake, apenas pra aplacar a consciência pra lá de pesada. Há tendência atual para a desconstrução dos relacionamentos e das instituições, dando mais valor ao q é fulgás e efêmero, assim a sociedade será cada vez mais manipulável.
As a man myself, I am proud of the women in this comment section who said that the wife was wrong in getting back with that scumbag husband. Had this been 30 years ago, women here would have celebrated their reconciliation thinking that peace between a wife and her snake husband is more sacred than the woman's own self worth. Amen?
In this drama, she chooses to share her scumbag husband, because he told his wife he loved another woman for years and was hoping wife will break up with him, so he could be with the other woman, and walla! wife took him back to live happily ever after with scumbag, biatch, and her. Yaay!
Como pudo perdonar después de escuchar que la amante tenía mejores cualidades y que tenía revuelto el corazón??? Este es el peor final y ella una sometida
Exactamente pienso lo mismo que tú, yo me di e todo lo que le dijo a ella hasta última hora la humilló que era menos que la amante y que me lo quiten de las manos, jamás volvería ni querer verlo
Типичный китайский сценарий. Измены, предательства в течение всего сериала и в финале за 5 минут до окончания сериала все всем ни за что прощают и все счастливы. Никаких жизненных уроков для предателей. Идиотизм. У жены как и всегда прощают всё. Никакого самоуважения.
O discurso do malandro não colou. Ainda disse q a amante tem mais pontos positivos q a esposa. Só pra cara dele. FICA COM A AMANTE ENTÃO seu sujeitinho sem qualidade.
Then we wait for his next dalliance 🙄🙄🙄 Some women love misery and deserve all the heartache and pain that go with their stupid choices. Cheating is a choice, they say. So is allowing it to happen.
No , don’t take him back. He is all talk and what he is said are all lies. He is full of crap. His mistress left him so he goes back to his wife. Please don’t take him back. … Move on, he still have his mistress in his heart. What is past is past, you can never get back.
What does all that BS he is sprouting have to do with being a good and faithful husband. Yes, we change as we grow older. We are suppose to become more wiser and knowledgeable. Cheating, mentally or physically, is about self control. You make a choice to cheat. It is naive to think that as a human being that we can't be tempted, can't be attracted or drawn to someone other than a spouse. We are not perfect, HOWEVER, we make the conscious decision to cross line. If you choose to, you deserve every negative consequence that comes to you. In regards to this drama, I hadn't watched it or seen too many clips so I don't know if they showed her being pursued by any man or her showing interest but I wonder if they would have showed him being like the typical cheating man. Showing him being jealous, possessive etc. Would they written this same tired ass explanation?
Omg why take him back? The mistress has advantages his wife doesn’t? And he’s daydreamed about leaving her and going to the mistress? No respect for women at all!! 😰🙀🤬😩😡
If the woman goes back with the husband I will definitely said the writer is a man because no woman can take a man back who doesn't respect her. He is still comparing her to his mistress.
This guy is so pathetic actually both of them🤦♀️he has so many excuse then he starts to admite that he had feelings for his mistress went as far as telling his wife that he was compairing them and if they really do seperate he was going to be with her 🤦♀️she should let him go so he can be with her🤦♀️👊
What happen before this espisole/. Why did he have to find her. I wish there were more clips. I wish I had the full episodes of this movie. At least I could tell what the sequence of events are. Even if they’re in another language.
Such a weak woman and let's him gaslight her again his a scumbag and know when to cry conveniently and once he cheats its easier for him to lie and cheat again it won't make a difference whose he with.
I hope she will not take him back. He is such a jerk and I hate his character. All he did is for himself not for his wife. Go back to your mistress and don’t ever come back. A cheater will always be a cheater. Once you divorce or left someone, just move on and never look back. Leave the past behind.
que como mujer de comparen y encima te digan que son problemas (cuando es traicion) que se dan en la sociedad y que lo deben resolver juntos , es ridiculo En que mundo vive este hombre . Final pesimo faltando el respeto a la mujer
I won't give him the second chance in the first place can people tell me how many times people can fall in love first he loved her then he realised that someone else is also there then what is the meaning of love. I don't want this kind of love who broke me and suddenly says I still need you.. sorry i don't want it.
Finnaly...end story...woman always give much more tolerance n do it for her son n family or much more reason to reconcilation under name of love....woman still hurt heart...n not be for her self... unbelievable... PLEASE don't cheat woman.. she is human.. not a almost plays woman emotional what ever is to got what he wants happy him self..
ЭтКак можно не любить и неуважать себя? Его бывшая жена годится только быть прислугой для бывшег мужа и любовницы во время их любовных утех. Меня тошнит от бесхарактерных женщин, засунуаших себя в помойное ведро....
The wife should stop crying and just walk away. No need to entertain this ruthless man who doesn't respect and appreciate you. Tell him to go to be with his mistress.
I think the emotional cheating is worse than physical. If he got drunk and slept with a woman one time i could see forgiving him, possibly. But to know that he has another woman still in his heart and compares you to her, how could you ever trust him? You can't compete with his heart so I would leave him for good in a heartbeat😂😂😂
Es la tercera serie de este actor con perfil idéntico. El siempre actuando de hombre simpaticón con las "otra" mujer , quien es siempre mas hermosa que la esposa y envolvedora como una araña. A la esposa siempre la ponen como una mujer simplona, por no decir estúpida, crédula y que siempre lo termina perdonando, como si el galancito fuera un regalo del cielo!.....
Беги, девочка, не оборачиваясь от этого предателя. Предавший раз, остается предателем навсегда. Продажная шкурка. Будет верен ей до следующей денежной тети?
this mfr actually said that he would love to have time to spend with his wife but he can't because of life BUT he had all the time in the world to spend with his ex going out to eat drink hang out and have random conversations about their mutual feelings what a piece of 💩The writers did their best to make this unfaithful husband the tragic hero of the story trying to make us sympathize with him and his choices to continually lie to his wife How do you trust him now HOW And worse, after what he told her to her face how he feels about that side chick she chose to stay with him and have a kid pathetic, no self-respect He admitted that he loves his wife but that there's also another woman in his heart that he would be with if they ever separated WHY WOULD YOU TOLERATE THAT BS FROM YOUR HUSBAND??? - I have to say this actor owned his role as the fast talking hustler, he has a story for every situation and manipulates people quickly by just continuing to talk and talk and his facial expressions are on point, he did a great job with his role.
Просто ей деваться некуда, ребенок да и одной остаются не хочется , а тут сладкие речи , верит в то что сама хочет верить , это сущность многих женщин , жертвенность
Como ella cree en sus mentiras siempre, este desgraciado es un sinverguenza el final muy feo no tenia que perdonarlo ¿ Y esa mujer con 7n bebe al final, es la esposa o la querida ?
Que tipo de mujer aceptaría algo asi primero el engaño la negación del hombre y todavía acusándola de que ella es la del problema, después quedarse con el aun sabiendo todo lo que le dice que la amante es mejor que ella ,es esto la sociedad machista ,y ella no puede ser mas estupida
Pobre mujer. Unos padres indiferentes a sus sentimientos y un marido manipulador. Negando constantemente, su relacion de jugueteo con la asistente. Encima se lo confiesa. Lo que es equivalente a decirle que siempre le mintio cuando la trabaja de celosa y buscadora de problemas. Un matrimonio se puede salvar a cualquier precio?
Wife should also tell him other man is better than him. These chinese writers wants to prove us cheating husband are good and shuld forgive them. Scumbags
Эмиграция и туристическая поездка это совершенно разные вещи. Любовники не имеют друг перед другом никаких обязательств, то есть мнусов нет, а есть сплошные плюсы- все время праздник. Нет бытовых проблем, только не отягощенная реальностью радость общения. Толкут воду в ступе в этой дораме, витает в облаках этот недотепа. Тяжело жить повседневной жизнью согласна, семья это труд и еще раз труд. Кто-то должен следить за порядком в доме, за наличием денег в семейном кошельке. Это не так уж весело, приходится по взрослому трудиться, а работать никто не любит. Жизнь во всей красе!
all chinese drama most and the end husband put pity dog and stupid wife forget him🙄🙄after all the wife suffer whole drama and husband like a puppy with new owner she forget it😒🙄🙄🤣🤣🤣 by the way give the drama name
Вот не знаю как вам, но я смотрю на него и думаю: ну вот я его прощаю и..., его нужно обнять, не говоря о поцелуях. И мне стало так противно до тошноты. Просто ппц. Актёр играет легко и достоверно. Этот взгляд, сидение на корточках.
He want to be a selfish man which he still is by what he is saying, I met my boyfriend in college he ask to break up after a year came looking for me I went back quit my job but he never changed .We broke up again he keep phoning me I did go met up with him he said nothing I wanted to hear. His brother phoned me a few years later to tell me he was killed In a accident impaired & talking on his phone
Imagine telling her the other woman is better omg I would have kicked him out she is sadly lacking in self respect
She decided she likes trash. He finally admitted what she had been telling him the whole time. He yelled at her treated her badly and after that conversations she still accepted him. There is something wrong with her. We all knew he was trash.
I would rather be on my own then be with a scumbag like this!!!, omg is she kidding right now where is her dignity and self respect, she is a beautiful looking woman!!, im sorry if my husband said that to me about another woman I’d open the door kick him out with his luggage and wish him good luck!!!
I agree. Men always think they're being "honest" when they actually tell their wife that they still think about the other woman and compare the wife to her and would be with her if he and the wife separated. What an idiot! Telling her that is like sinking a knife into her heart. She'll never be able to forget those words and spend the rest of her life wondering if he's still thinking about the other woman. I hate that the writers end up these dramas with the wife taking him back. He doesn't deserve a future with her. She should hold out for a man who will be faithful to her, not settle for second best.
Como una mujer puede perder su dignidad por un cabron que le dice que la otra tiene más cualidades que ella, como se puede acostarse con un pendejo que en su corazón tiene a otra mujer.....vaya final más desgraciado no tenia que haberlo perdonado, un final triste y muy feo
You tell her all the things you want and she hasn't given to you and you tell her that the other woman is in your heart, too, in case things don't work out with her, he can find his way to the other woman. You tell her that you compare your wife with the other woman. Only someone living in a fantasy world would accept this kind of "love". What a jerk and he hasn't changed.
En serio le dice eso, apenas lo voy a ver, que poco hombre no es posible que se comporte así!
Ya llegue ahi que desvergüenza de decirle que la amante es mejor que ella, yo lo dejo ahi plantado como arbol!
with that speech i would have been gone for good who needs a man that offers nothing and is constantly blaming you nah i am out for good
Él es un sinvergüenza que compara a su amante con su esposa y le da más valor a la amante en su corazón , encima se lo dice y se queda tan fresco el muy cabron, y ella al final también es tonta porque una mujer no debe de perder su autoestima y dignidad por un tipejo que al final sigue pensando en la otra y no en su esposame hija,,,,,,un par de trompetas buenas merece el tipo
Oh hell no! It’s not like he realizes that the other girl was trash, and he has only loved his wife all along! He basically told his wife she’s better than you and I hoped we would break up so I could try with her, but hey she’s getting married so I’m all yours. I would of given him the bird and went and found happiness either alone or with a man who was dedicated to me and me alone. His trifling butt can stay on the sidelines hoping his side piece divorces, or find another fool to believe his lies!
Hell, yeah! I would have started with HIS less than desirable qualities starting with my pinkie (in a vulgar reference) and going 0 to 60 in less than 3 seconds. I would have added insult to injury and gone alphabetically on my listing. Then I would have told him HOW he let me down and HOW I'll pick myself up and go on WITHOUT HIM! I'll raise our daughter to look out for scum like him and have my parents help me raise her to be a better human being than him. How's that for passive aggressive?! I would have walked away while his jaw was still on the ground.
He is a gaslighter for sure.. her saying she didn't feel secure has nothing to do with money and the nerve to say he compared them and the other woman had advantages... Dude if you gotta choose then don't choose me😂
O cara é um palhaço. Imagino se fosse ela com outro homem... acho que ela nunca deveria voltar com ele, afinal ela não esqueceu dele ou fez comparação com outro no coração triste para um final.
E ele realmente não se envolveu com a outra porque ela foi embora, se tivesse ficado, ele não teria resistido
Meu Deus!! O cara diz que a amante tem qualidades que ela não tem, na comparação entre as duas, até idealizou como seria se separasse da esposa. E essa esposa ainda fica com ele,????? Dê um pontapé nele rápido.
Lo de gran final es broma, gran final si ella se amara a si misma y se valorase y le dijera adios a ese hombre
What is the name of this drama and the actors? Thanks
He’s back talking his wife round because his bit on the side is getting married. Wish his wife finds out. Something about those two I couldn’t take to. If she wasn’t getting married he would have cheated on his wife in a heartbeat a real piece of sh-t.
Infelizmente os escritores gostam de fazer as esposas de tolas.. humilhadas e depois perdoa e segue a vida junto 😢
Self esteem and self respect is an invaluable tool no woman should be without. Ditch the scumbag and don’t look back. You don’t want someone like that to be father to your children especially your daughters
I agree
Certa mulheres me fazem me sentir envergonhada por ser mulher, ela era sua segunda melhor opção! Eu mandaria ele catar coquinho, as mulheres não precisam mais depender dos homens, eu faria o mesmo com ele, o compararia com outro homem, ressaltanto todas as qualidades que o outro tem e ele não, será que ele engoliria? Aff.......
Escritores desrespeitosos com as mulheres.
Chinese dramas always end like this, with the wife taking the husband back. It' makes me wonder if their society is like this in real life, so toxic.
What a stupid ending. The wife was made to look stupid and gullible. If the other women didn't leave him first he wouldn't have stayed with his wife. Guess the wife has no issue being a doormat.
It's a c drama, there are mainly two endings, the wife takes the cheating /abusive husband back or she dies from some terrible illness.
Não acredito nisso... ele confessou e ela perdoou 😢 triste realidade de um casamento abusivo
Of course these writers wat us to know that its ok for men to cheat and be abusive and the wives are too forgive and take them back so the men can repeatedly do their shit again its so sad and pathetic
@@clairepocaigue4624 Exactly, it looks like he still get in touch with his woman Xiaobai in his computer while his wife is playing with their kid.
A cheater will always be a cheater.
Especially chinese
Depois de tudo que ele falou sobre a outra, eu não ficaria com ele mesmo, e ele só ficou com a esposa porque a outra foi embora e a esposa aceitou ficar com ele mesmo depois de tudo
Would he want her back if she did what he did??? I think not. Seriously these women need to love themselves more. If he can cheat and lie and be that extra he'll do it again cause he can.
ถ้าจะให้บทสนทนาเป็นแบบนี้จิงๆแล้วควรให้นางเอกแยกออกมาก่อนไปใช้ชีวิตโดยที่ไม่มีพระเอก แยกย้ายก่อนแล้วค่อยให้มีสถานการณ์เพื่อกลับมาทดสอบดูความรักของเค้าทั้งสองคนอีกครั้ง ....แต่ บทละครมักง่ายเกินไป
I did not appreciate it that she took him back after his confession. After all what she has gone through , she should reject him. What guarantee does she have that he will not cheat again? No, so why take the risk. A cheater will always be a cheater.
Cheating is not only physically but mentally and emotionally. He confessed to his woman that he likes her and he has her in his heart. He confessed to his wife also but I do not know that she still accepted him. Another doormat wife.😡
Sad that the writer did not make the wife a strong person who rejected the husband after what he did and say. Bad ending.
She wants emotional security. You didn't draw boundries with that other chixk and she know it! Had the roles been reversed...wonder how "understanding" and we are bounsd to face nonesense he would have accepted. You determin in your heart to be faithful, no matter who comes you set solid bounderies and don't cross them. It takes integrity and honor...things seemingly missing in a lot of these male cdrama characters.
Finalement cette épouse est un substitut de la maîtresse. Quelle horreur
He’s a dumbazz too sh was talking about emotional security and he was talking about money… EQ is ZERO. I think th mistress was lucky to escape him and I’m really sorry for the wife. He totally looks down on her and uses her for his own ego.
De verdad que locura ver una mujer ser tan patetica este hombre le dice que la otra mujer tiene mejores cualidades que ella se ve que no esta arrepentido nada que no la quiere y ella de tonta lo acepta de nuevo es un traidor asqueroso seguro que si vuele aparecer la otra mujer le va ser infiel nuevamente sigue pensando en ella ve sus cuentas por la computadora 😮que locura
What’s the name of this drama ?
Askimdan olsem bile ne kadar seversem seveyim kapattigim kapiyi asla geri acmam gitsin gidecegi yere kadar
Desculpas e promessas furadas. É só aparecer alguém jovem e saltitante na empresa q ele esquece a esposa e as responsabilidades.
After the husband confessed about having feelings about the other woman and comparing her to the wife, he was still accepted by the wife. This is bad ending. Wife should have been able to stand on her own with her daughter. Divorce the husband and let him live a lonely life alone.
Eu até ficaria com ele, mas com minhas regras, me redescobriria e nunca viveria mais em função dele, só ficaria somente para mostrar que posso ser muito poderosa, mas que ele nunca mais irá me alcançar, ai sim pediria o divórcio e falaria que comparado com outros ele deixa a desejar!
É inadmissível q esse cara tenha uma vida boa e um final feliz com a amante e uma criança depois de tdo q eles fizeram a esposa sofrer. Prova de q a perfídia compensa.
Esse pedido de retorno ao relacionamento foi fake, apenas pra aplacar a consciência pra lá de pesada.
Há tendência atual para a desconstrução dos relacionamentos e das instituições, dando mais valor ao q é fulgás e efêmero, assim a sociedade será cada vez mais manipulável.
As a man myself, I am proud of the women in this comment section who said that the wife was wrong in getting back with that scumbag husband. Had this been 30 years ago, women here would have celebrated their reconciliation thinking that peace between a wife and her snake husband is more sacred than the woman's own self worth. Amen?
In this drama, she chooses to share her scumbag husband, because he told his wife he loved another woman for years and was hoping wife will break up with him, so he could be with the other woman, and walla! wife took him back to live happily ever after with scumbag, biatch, and her. Yaay!
Ótimas atuações para um roteiro decepcionante...
Roteiro horrível
Ela não devia nem olhar para ele. Nem tão pouco conversar e muito menos perdoá-lo.Ela tola que não se valoriza. Homem desse tipo a gente manda passar.
Realmente, ainda mais depois do que ele disse, e se a outra não tivesse ido embora ele com certeza teria traído ela
Como pudo perdonar después de escuchar que la amante tenía mejores cualidades y que tenía revuelto el corazón??? Este es el peor final y ella una sometida
Exactamente pienso lo mismo que tú, yo me di e todo lo que le dijo a ella hasta última hora la humilló que era menos que la amante y que me lo quiten de las manos, jamás volvería ni querer verlo
He lies with a smile on his face, so disrespectful!!!!!
Типичный китайский сценарий. Измены, предательства в течение всего сериала и в финале за 5 минут до окончания сериала все всем ни за что прощают и все счастливы. Никаких жизненных уроков для предателей. Идиотизм. У жены как и всегда прощают всё. Никакого самоуважения.
O discurso do malandro não colou. Ainda disse q a amante tem mais pontos positivos q a esposa. Só pra cara dele. FICA COM A AMANTE ENTÃO seu sujeitinho sem qualidade.
Queria ver se fosse a mulher ter um caso se ele aceitaria ter ela de volta. Nunca! Pais machistas, onde só o homem pode tudo. Mulheres submissas 😢😢😢😢.
Vdd , machismo enraizado
Then we wait for his next dalliance 🙄🙄🙄
Some women love misery and deserve all the heartache and pain that go with their stupid choices. Cheating is a choice, they say. So is allowing it to happen.
No , don’t take him back. He is all talk and what he is said are all lies. He is full of crap. His mistress left him so he goes back to his wife. Please don’t take him back. … Move on, he still have his mistress in his heart. What is past is past, you can never get back.
What is the name of this drama? Thanks
What is the actual name?
What does all that BS he is sprouting have to do with being a good and faithful husband. Yes, we change as we grow older. We are suppose to become more wiser and knowledgeable. Cheating, mentally or physically, is about self control. You make a choice to cheat. It is naive to think that as a human being that we can't be tempted, can't be attracted or drawn to someone other than a spouse. We are not perfect, HOWEVER, we make the conscious decision to cross line. If you choose to, you deserve every negative consequence that comes to you. In regards to this drama, I hadn't watched it or seen too many clips so I don't know if they showed her being pursued by any man or her showing interest but I wonder if they would have showed him being like the typical cheating man. Showing him being jealous, possessive etc. Would they written this same tired ass explanation?
Omg why take him back? The mistress has advantages his wife doesn’t? And he’s daydreamed about leaving her and going to the mistress? No respect for women at all!! 😰🙀🤬😩😡
Once a cheater always a cheater and she is a fool to take him back! But this is a story- I’m talking real life‼️
If the woman goes back with the husband I will definitely said the writer is a man because no woman can take a man back who doesn't respect her. He is still comparing her to his mistress.
This guy is so pathetic actually both of them🤦♀️he has so many excuse then he starts to admite that he had feelings for his mistress went as far as telling his wife that he was compairing them and if they really do seperate he was going to be with her 🤦♀️she should let him go so he can be with her🤦♀️👊
Почему такое отношение к женщине!! Такие сценарии смотреть противно!!!
What happen before this espisole/. Why did he have to find her. I wish there were more clips. I wish I had the full episodes of this movie. At least I could tell what the sequence of events are. Even if they’re in another language.
I don’t agree with his logic.
Very² disappointed with this dramma.
So who did he end up with his wife or the other woman. Is that he and his wife with a baby????
if you really loved your wife no one else comes close.
Such a weak woman and let's him gaslight her again his a scumbag and know when to cry conveniently and once he cheats its easier for him to lie and cheat again it won't make a difference whose he with.
I hope she will not take him back. He is such a jerk and I hate his character. All he did is for himself not for his wife. Go back to your mistress and don’t ever come back. A cheater will always be a cheater. Once you divorce or left someone, just move on and never look back. Leave the past behind.
Siempre igual
que como mujer de comparen y encima te digan que son problemas (cuando es traicion) que se dan en la sociedad y que lo deben resolver juntos , es ridiculo En que mundo vive este hombre . Final pesimo faltando el respeto a la mujer
Tittle pls
I won't give him the second chance in the first place can people tell me how many times people can fall in love first he loved her then he realised that someone else is also there then what is the meaning of love. I don't want this kind of love who broke me and suddenly says I still need you.. sorry i don't want it.
Absurdo, inaceitável.
Finnaly...end story...woman always give much more tolerance n do it for her son n family or much more reason to reconcilation under name of love....woman still hurt heart...n not be for her self... unbelievable...
PLEASE don't cheat woman.. she is human.. not a almost plays woman emotional what ever is to got what he wants happy him self..
What’s the title? We all wanna watch too!
The moment he would have told me that he has her in his heart, I would have told him to go get his marriage certificate and meet me at the courthouse
He admitted he's attracted to the other woman and had to choose between you. If you take him back you deserve ea other 😢
why woman so weak.. he deserves to be alone untill dead..
ЭтКак можно не любить и неуважать себя? Его бывшая жена годится только быть прислугой для бывшег мужа и любовницы во время их любовных утех.
Меня тошнит от бесхарактерных
женщин, засунуаших себя в помойное ведро....
No idea how she can ever trust him again. He will just start this whole process again when he sees another woman he likes. Horrible man and husband
I don't want to go back to your past.
Pagale con oa misma moneda, ten un amante y luego ve y dile que te perdone, a ver si eso lo traga!!!
The wife should stop crying and just walk away.
No need to entertain this ruthless man who doesn't respect and appreciate you.
Tell him to go to be with his mistress.
Cheter will always be cheter, Lady go find better man, but good man there all taken.
Hes such a sweet talker😅
WHY the fish do these women take them back agh!!!!!!!!!
Поражаюсь я таким женщина нулевая самоотценка. Если он предал один раз предаст и второй и третий.
I think the emotional cheating is worse than physical. If he got drunk and slept with a woman one time i could see forgiving him, possibly. But to know that he has another woman still in his heart and compares you to her, how could you ever trust him? You can't compete with his heart so I would leave him for good in a heartbeat😂😂😂
Как называется дорама.
Es la tercera serie de este actor con perfil idéntico. El siempre actuando de hombre simpaticón con las "otra" mujer , quien es siempre mas hermosa que la esposa y envolvedora como una araña. A la esposa siempre la ponen como una mujer simplona, por no decir estúpida, crédula y que siempre lo termina perdonando, como si el galancito fuera un regalo del cielo!.....
Беги, девочка, не оборачиваясь от этого предателя. Предавший раз, остается предателем навсегда. Продажная шкурка. Будет верен ей до следующей денежной тети?
Что за дорама?можно название,пожалуйста
There is no excuse for cheating. Men can easily say that but when it comes to wife can they still say same thing
thats why most of chinese dramas are ridiculous.. the writer are really jerk
this mfr actually said that he would love to have time to spend with his wife but he can't because of life BUT he had all the time in the world to spend with his ex going out to eat drink hang out and have random conversations about their mutual feelings what a piece of 💩The writers did their best to make this unfaithful husband the tragic hero of the story trying to make us sympathize with him and his choices to continually lie to his wife How do you trust him now HOW And worse, after what he told her to her face how he feels about that side chick she chose to stay with him and have a kid pathetic, no self-respect He admitted that he loves his wife but that there's also another woman in his heart that he would be with if they ever separated WHY WOULD YOU TOLERATE THAT BS FROM YOUR HUSBAND??? - I have to say this actor owned his role as the fast talking hustler, he has a story for every situation and manipulates people quickly by just continuing to talk and talk and his facial expressions are on point, he did a great job with his role.
That guy really is a piece of work, she should have left him. He’s a weak man how could he say those things to her, then expect everything to be ok.
É uma besteira voltar com traidor ,quando tiver oportunidade se sentir descontente vai trair de novo
"Grand" Finale? I beg to differ. Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed...or in the wrong bed so they wrote this "grand" ending.
Просто ей деваться некуда, ребенок да и одной остаются не хочется , а тут сладкие речи , верит в то что сама хочет верить , это сущность многих женщин , жертвенность
Como ella cree en sus mentiras siempre, este desgraciado es un sinverguenza el final muy feo no tenia que perdonarlo ¿ Y esa mujer con 7n bebe al final, es la esposa o la querida ?
Could he be more insulting? Good God woman, ditch this loser and move on.
這個老婆都幾歲了 還長不大 那乾脆不要結婚了
Que tipo de mujer aceptaría algo asi primero el engaño la negación del hombre y todavía acusándola de que ella es la del problema, después quedarse con el aun sabiendo todo lo que le dice que la amante es mejor que ella ,es esto la sociedad machista ,y ella no puede ser mas estupida
he has a weird logic to justify himself. and she stupidly accepts this kind of man.
Ama nada... homem mentiroso... trabalhar duro... é se concentrar no serviço não em outra mulher
Pobre mujer. Unos padres indiferentes a sus sentimientos y un marido manipulador. Negando constantemente, su relacion de jugueteo con la asistente. Encima se lo confiesa. Lo que es equivalente a decirle que siempre le mintio cuando la trabaja de celosa y buscadora de problemas.
Un matrimonio se puede salvar a cualquier precio?
Wife should also tell him other man is better than him. These chinese writers wants to prove us cheating husband are good and shuld forgive them. Scumbags
Эмиграция и туристическая поездка это совершенно разные вещи. Любовники не имеют друг перед другом никаких обязательств, то есть мнусов нет, а есть сплошные плюсы- все время праздник. Нет бытовых проблем, только не отягощенная реальностью радость общения. Толкут воду в ступе в этой дораме, витает в облаках этот недотепа. Тяжело жить повседневной жизнью согласна, семья это труд и еще раз труд. Кто-то должен следить за порядком в доме, за наличием денег в семейном кошельке. Это не так уж весело, приходится по взрослому трудиться, а работать никто не любит. Жизнь во всей красе!
No entendí nada. Puedo creer que está mal traducido
Оба достойны такой жизни
He doesn’t deserve her he sucks and I don’t like him. What trash telling her all those things
all chinese drama most and the end husband put pity dog and stupid wife forget him🙄🙄after all the wife suffer whole drama and husband like a puppy with new owner she forget it😒🙄🙄🤣🤣🤣 by the way give the drama name
Вот не знаю как вам, но я смотрю на него и думаю: ну вот я его прощаю и..., его нужно обнять, не говоря о поцелуях. И мне стало так противно до тошноты. Просто ппц. Актёр играет легко и достоверно. Этот взгляд, сидение на корточках.
Kendilerini aldatan adamlara nasıl böyle hastalıklı bir bağlılıkları var tekrar nasıl güvenip affediyorlar
Good grief !!!!!!
Please tell me she doesn’t go with the sleaze
He want to be a selfish man which he still is by what he is saying, I met my boyfriend in college he ask to break up after a year came looking for me I went back quit my job but he never changed .We broke up again he keep phoning me I did go met up with him he said nothing I wanted to hear. His brother phoned me a few years later to tell me he was killed In a accident impaired & talking on his phone
Cómo se llama el drama