God bless Barry. He points out how many lives can be saved from that .223 pistol. What a wonderful voice he was to the gun community. I bet he never quite understood how important he was to people. He was just so damm cool.
We always hear from the leftist media and politicians how evil guns are. I would bet the VAST majority of Lawful and Responsible gun owners did NOT shoot anyone today, or ever. "Firearms stand next to The Constitution itself, in defense of an American's liberties" - George Washington....“The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent crimes, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.” - Thomas Jefferson....Looks as if the Father of our Country, and the writer of the greatest political document of all time, agree. Fools these days listen to Pelosi and Schumer....wise Americans heed the words of Washington and Jefferson !!!
Barry , you brought up a GOOD subject. We are about the same age: Do a video on the different phases of YOUR life as you went from one mind set and weapon carry to another, to show the younger guys how it all occurs. The weapons you carried, the holsters, the way of thinking AT THAT TIME that THIS was what suited you best. I have gone from a 22 , 38, to a 45 and stayed finally with my US Army Issue M1911. Preach it son Preach it!!LOL
I don't yet until I can get the alien gear holster and mag carrier I want. I have a holster for open carry but it's annoying to deal with some people that see it
@@loboguardian7875 when you get something snagged on the trigger while putting it down your pants and a round goes off into your leg, rupturing the femoral artery, you'll understand the importance of a holster. Too late, though.
I cleaned out my truck the other day. I found 400 rds of 223, 300 rds of 6.5 grendel 50 rds of 44 mag. 500 rds of 22lr. 150 rds of 380. And a box of 35 rem!
I found a gun one time in the bathroom at my previous job and I was just standing there for a minute or two, wondering if I should snatch that shit or call the cops. Just then my boss walked in and saw what I was looking at. He called the cops and they came and took it. It didn’t belong to anyone I worked with. To this day I wish I would’ve just grabbed it and not said a word.
"I have personally witnessed somebody killed with one of these" RIP Barry, but I know that man had some good stories. Anybody who has witnessed a shooting with a 22 magnum pistol has seen some stuff. I have learned a lot from him watching these videos tho, he was gifted and is missed.
I am surprised you didn't cover more 380's. The 380 compact guns seem to meet a threshold of consistent pocket carry for many many people. It seems like a see more new guns and designs in this caliber lately than just about any other. I carry a Colt Mustang myself and it has been great.
if you were involved in a self defense shooting and they asked you why you did not chose a 380 and you said. "because i dont want the smallest possible bullet to kill with" thats probably going to make things a hell of a lot worse for your case. if you would read my previous comment and get down off that high horse and look at the round i suggested. you will see it is better than a 9mm hollow point. even though it is a 380.
Taylor Martin Oh, I was under the misconception that even a 22 would kill, my mistake. Heck, I am going to go shoot myself a few times with my 22 right now, since it won't kill me.
Taylor Martin Well crap, all this time I have been carrying more than on bullet when I carry a 9mm. I am carrying all those extra rounds for nothing, because on shot will magically stop and kill anyone.
never said i use a 380, once again i advise you to look at the lehi defense 380 xtreme penetrator in gel. more damage and deeper penetration than a 9mm hallow point.
Great vid, guys. For the past 4 years, I've consistently carried an XD-SC 9mm (with a 16 rd mag) in the 5:00 position on my back and when wearing lighter clothing, a CW-9 either in my front pocket or in a belly band. Both weapons are so easy to carry that I'm not tempted to go without. You are 100% right about adapting a single carry system and just sticking with it.
@Chad K Whats to say it was a murder? Maybe Barry was in a gas station bathroom and a tweaker tried to molest him and Barry let the magnum bark. Just Saying.
Lately I’ve been carrying my CZ 75, and I’m not big-5’6”, 150. I love this gun, even though it’s big and heavy. I’ve gone thru a few holsters , finally settled on a leather iwb just behind my right hip. It doesn’t print, and I may be odd, but I find the weight sort of comforting, not bothersome. And the gun aims itself. But like these fellas , I also like small revolvers and Glocks. I agree with their notion of consistent carry. I wear my carry gun all day, every day, so my hand knows where it is and how it works. Thanks for a good video.
Funny story I carry Glock 17 everywhere I go and when they went to Home Depot and how to use the restroom. As I was sitting there I heard a Glock mags at the floor because it was by my feet I checked my gun and it was a wrong size caliber turns out an officer had walked in was using the stall next to mine and his mag fell out and slid underneath the stall. I gave it back to him underneath the stall and her distant thank you.
Wow! You guys are the 1st to talk about my 2 favorite handguns! I'm old and skinny and my CZ75-P01 was getting a bit heavy to carry comfortably, so I opted for the Glock 26. When I went to gun stores looking at the G26, and mentioned the CZ, all I got was blank stares - no one knew what a CZ75 was! Imo - and many other's - the CZ75 series are among the finest handguns ever made. Great video as usual, guys.
CZ seems to be the brand with the least recognition here, even though their designs are some of the most copied in the world. Love my SP-01 Tactical and P-07.
I was ALMOST carjacked last week...good thing I had my SW 642 ( the little revolver they showed in the beginning of the video) The 6 gentleman that thought I would be an easy target quickly reevaluated their decision to put their hands on my car door handles at 10pm at night in a shady area....
This makes me glad I live in an open carry state. I can wear a full-size duty pistol anywhere, and I don't have to worry about it. Great video, guys! Excellent points on everything, especially where carrying concealed is concerned. If I had to carry concealed everywhere I would certainly want something more compact.
Yes, and blow me. God bless 'Merica. Long live Publicans. Ya know the kind Jebus hanged, shit, I mean hung out with. Long live the Prostitutes as well. If it's good enough for the Son of Man it's good enough for me, and I don't even deserve it.
Finally Gun Gripes when guns are on the counter, good discussion. Regarding carry, rotate carry gun between CZ 75, Sig P6 both 9mm, and Ruger security six .357. Also own Colt Trooper III in both .357 and .22 - great shooting
33 round magazine, huh? Try that here in the Peoples Republic of NY! 7 round limit because Comrade Cuomo thus saith: "You don't need more than that for hunting"
After carrying for about 8 years, I keep going back to the revolver as my edc firearm. I just like the feel of them on the hip and the lightweight of the firearm loaded. I just recently changed my Taurus 605 to the 856 for the extra round and a kidex holster. My carry load is the Remington 125gr SJHP for now since i can't seen to find much variety during these covid times. I am more accurate from this little revolver than any other of my firearms. That said, if i need more fire power my safe has plenty of that to have me covered.
"You're not gonna want to go out to dinner with your wife and children with this on..." I have gone out to dinner with my wife with my big ass .45 revolver hanging off my hip many times. If we are out at camp and decide to run into town to grab dinner I ain't going to leave my hand cannon behind.
I am a police officer and I like the tought of people carrying cause if I get into trouble, I would hope that they would step in and help out. and now a days with all of the cuts to L.E. departments you need to protect your slef. Love the show keep up the good work.
I have a FEG PA-63 Hungarian 9mm Makarov with a Uncle Mike holster. I carry it in the woods and never had a problem with the magazine drop. I LOVE MY "MAKAROV"! Its design just fits to my hand. It's like the gun was make just for me! I would suggest it a PA-63 to any gun owner. It has size appropriate sights. They may seem small but I can drive nails with my PA-63.
I saw a video on the interwebs a while back, of a police officer shot with a .22 mag, who died. He shot the guy several times with a .357 mag, I believe, and he lived. I think the officer was hit around his armpit somewhere. I believe it was a single hit
I also read somewhere that 80% of the time a gun is pulled in civilian defense no one is shot it’s usually just like *click* HEY stop, and even if that isn’t enough.22 mag will probably get the job done
I conceal carry my Glock 23 in a Galco IWB EVERYWHERE I go in my home state. You gentlemen couldn't be more correct about consistency. Great gripe. keep up the good work.
I know this in particular show is 9 years old but I just want you guys to know that I carry my Kel-Tec plr 223 pistol as my second pistol for 10 years now. I think it's cool for everyday carry and I have just ensure that I can carry it everywhere I go as my second pistol or backup pistol by wearing the appropriate clothes and keeping it on the sling. You guys rock
the only reason i prefer a 1911 over a stock glock is because you cant shoot led out of a stock glock barrel. have to buy aftermarket. my opinion. and why is there so many haters on here hating on guns??? my question is if you hate guns so much why are you even watching gun videos?
I like the video. I carry a 1911 or LCP. The two work out well. I feel most comfortable with the 1911, and it's by far my favorite handgun. The LCP is great whenever the 1911 doesn't cut it like deep conceal where I simply cannot have anyone know I am carrying, or for quick jaunts to the corner store or back laundry room where it's not worth taking the time to get the 1911 setup concealed.
I'm a unique individual: whenever I hear that I can't or shouldn't do something, I double down out of spite. My EDC is a full-size, double stack combat pistol in 9mm.
Libidine the GI m9 has problems because they go through hundreds of thousands of rounds, and their parts are mixed up and reused. Civilian m9s are some of the best semi autos available
Great video, guys! Keep them coming, I take away something of value from each and every one of them. As you pointed out about consistent carry, any gun is better than no gun. To that, I'd add that the gun that you find the most comfortable is the one that will get carried the most.
Love the videos. I carry a Glock 19, and I carry about 95% of the time that I'm not either at work or at school. Of course, I did have to change my clothing style a little bit to fit around my choice, but I am a little bit bigger of a guy so it wasn't that big of a deal. When my clothes don't let me carry the 19, I have a Ruger LCP in a pocket holster. I agree that you should find what you can carry consistently and carry it religiously. Thanks for all the great videos.
I have 2 concealed carry guns. A Glock 30s if I'm wearing loose clothing, and a Kel-Tec PF-9 for tight fitting clothing or dress attire. I personally don't really like the Kel-Tec, but like the guys said, it sure beats nothing.
I favor revolvers myself. Short barreled snubbie in a pocket holster & 2 speed loaders on a belt pouch. When hikiing I carry a larger Ruger .357 with a 4" barrel on my back hip. Recently got a Bulgarian Makarov 9mm. Super dependable, accurate & easily concealed.
I got the CZ as my first gun and shortly after realized it was way to heavy for every day carry. This is a good video to push home the point of making sure the best gun for you is the one you will carry.
I have never understood that. Ever. If you're gonna carry you're GONNA CARRY. My dad and I both never struggle with this, and even when you have to "get up and go" its not a problem to holster your weapon, grab some ammo and go! Personally, a loaded revolver and a couple if speed loaders are almost always on me. If they are not it's because I am at home, where I am surrounded by firepower. But even then, why stop carrying (ya know, unless you're sleeping)?
CWG90, we're having a discussion, not a childish back and forth argument. You do not belong here if all you want to do is start such an argument. And I have a feeling you have never even read my comments. If you think I'm self righteous, paranoid, or a "gun nut" you must remember something: You don't know me. And I don't care what you think; your opinion is your own. MY way of going about carrying a gun is MY way ONLY. So shut up, grow up and keep up.
Great vid! I bought a glock 23 for cc and shortly realized it is not the easiest to conceal, nor the most comfortable. I love it and its a great firearm but just a little too much to cc everyday, especially in FL. I plan on getting a Kahr CM9 or the Taurus PT709 to resolve this issue.
For all the people who think it is crazy that people would carry a gun every day, a woman was decapitated by dogs this week in my area. I have been attacked by dogs 3 times in the last 10 years. I probably will never have to draw a gun on a human being, but I almost certainly will have to shoot a dog. The statistics show that police are 6x more likely to commit a serious crime than a licensed concealed carry holder. A non-concealed carry holder is 220x (not percent, times) more likely to commit a serious crime, and black males are 3000x more likely to commit a serious crime. We commit almost no crime, so what is your problem with us? It is you who shouldn't even be allowed in schools and out in public with those statistics.
I'm glad I grew up with guns involved in hunting. Seers do not get thrown back and blood is usually minimal. But once that bullet went down ranger, that was it and there was some finality to that reality. Consistency goes hand in had in all aspects of gun ownership whether its carrying, shooting, management, ammo and reloading, or introduction. My children will grow up respecting the several implements I possess.
I have always liked and believed in the statement: "I'd rather have a gun and not need it than not having a gun and need it." I think people should be able to equip themselves to a level where they can feel safe to live in the society they live in. Keep up the good work and great videoes.
your point about consistant carry with the same weapon is good. a couple of months again i bought a sig p238 and its always in my pocket as long as i have pants or shorts on.
My main carry gun is a 40cal. S&W Sidgma right now. As soon as I get my Sig P250SC that will be my EDC. The manual of arms is the same but the Sig I feel is a little more reliable to use as my EDC. I still love my S&W and may change off every now and then but The Sig wins out. They are both 40cal. and I will carry them exactally the same way. Peace guy. Another good one.
I carried a Beretta m96 40 caliber for a few years and then carried a friends 380 one day and realized concealed carry didn't have to be a chore so i recently purchased a ruger lcp 380 and absolutely love it
I wish Barry were still around. I just got my first pistol, a Taurus 9mm G2C this year. I now also own a Ruger SR9 and a Midland 12 gauge backpacker plus was issued my conceal carry license in Indiana. My next piece I’m wanting as a backup is a revolver, not sure what though. I’m admiring the Judge and the Governor but there’s just SO many options! You guy’s did excellent video’s. Straight and to the point.
I have never had that problem. Mine has always been like the AKM, it works every time. I ran a brand new gen 4 G23 out of the box 200 rounds and did not have one malfunction; even after dropping in a 9mm barrel, it was just as reliable.
I have a desert eagle and people ask me why I don't carry it... I tell them to go play call of duty and watch face off. Comfortable EDC is key. Whatever you're most likely to carry..small enough to conceal but big enough to fight with is key. In the winter, it's a walther PPQ 9mm with trijicon NS. LCP for ankle backup. LCP EDC during the summer months. There will never be enough videos on this topic. Great topic
One of my consistent carry is the taurus 605 poly protector 357 magnum great carry piece fully load with 5 rounds of hornady critical defense 125gr jhp 22.4 oz
I carry my SR9C everyday in the cooler months. I transition to the Bodyguard 380 in the warm months. I train extensively before I transition. Great video.
My wife and I carry a Glock 30sf and an M&P 40c during winter. We also carry a Kahr PM9 and the P380 during summer time. Different guns for different purposes and you'll always be armed.
Good video. Carrying consistently is something I can't always achieve but I try to as much as possible. It's something I think everyone should at least attempt to carry intentionally and consistently. Thanks guys.
I agree 100% G2 is a great concealed carry gun. Right after the Newtown madness happened, I went to buy a Glock 26. Couldn't find one anywhere. So I bought the G2. LOVE IT!
Ankle carry has the good default feature that you will never brush against it, pat it, touch near there to see if it is still there. And my glock 26 is just a quiet little hitchhiker down there, so comfortable I go my whole day and don't think about it. Doesn't alter my arm swing, stride or print at all. I always have my ankle with me.
The title of this video drives home a great point. It doesn't matter what you carry as long as you do it consistently. For years I owned two full size S&W semi-auto pistols. I never carried either one though because the size, and weight got in the way of my daily life. I recently traded one of those in on a Glock 42, and now I take the Glock with me as much as possible. My biggest challenge is my sole transportation is my motorcycle, so I can't carry when I go to work, because I don't have a car to store the Glock in during work hours. Taking the Glock inside my place of business is not an option as I would be terminated instantly if anyone found out, plus I couldn't secure it anyway, and that is not safe. So unfortunately I find I can only carry on my days off. While not ideal it is still better than my previous situation of not carrying at all.
With the recent advent of hybrid IWB holsters, it's quite possible to carry a CZ 97b concealed and do it comfortably for 16 hours a day. You just need a quality, double-thick and/or reinforced gun belt ($60-80) to go with the holster.
I at one time said I would never buy a Glock. I have also seen the light. I will have to agree that the Glock 26 is the best overall EDC gun out there. I tried every way to convince myself other wise but the 26 just kept rising back to the top. Great gun.....I love it.
Taurus' pt111 g2 is great! I am a woman and its not tiny but manageable. People need to remember you need to be ably to put your hand on the grip strong enough to fire immediately. Plus I like having 12+1 in the chamber. Those tiny/pink handguns don't do it for me.
I would just like to say that aside from learning a little something every time I watch,I enjoy the hell out of your vids!!! Thanks,and keep up the good work...........
When I bought my one and only handgun, a Glock 17 9mm way back in the 90's, I thought they were ugly too. But over the years, after seeing how good of a gun it is in so many aspects, I now see the Glock as a cool looking gun.
Good video, guys. Nice to hear some well stated opinions on good concealed carry weapons. I, personally, carry a Springfield XDS .45 IWB. Goes with me everywhere. Briefly carried a Glock 36, but found that a preferred the XDS. Nothing against Glock, jes my personal choice.
The CZ-82 is my EDC piece. It is a very well built pistol that carries a reasonable number of rounds and has one of the nicest DA/SA triggers I've ever used. The 9mm Makarov round is more powerful than the 380, and nearly as powerful as the 9mm Luger - and Hornady makes a terrific personal defense round in 9mm Mak. I believe the CZ-82 to be an excellend daily carry choice.
I carry a Ruger LCP. I like the smooth edges and the pocket holster is designed so when it is in my front pocket, it looks like a smart phone if you see it through my pants. I tried carrying my S&W M&P 9mm but it was simply too bulky and heavy. I am giving up some firepower but I am carry to prevent being mugged or attacked for whatever reason. I feel comfortable believing I will only have to unload 2-3 rounds to defend myself.
I'm kind like barry at my age, I've caried many firearms, i remember having a Mossberg 12, a Winchester 30-30, and a Marlin SS 22 semi auto rifle's on the rack in my pickup all the time.. and carried a S&W 44 mag in a sholder holster on my self... thies days you would get stopped at every corner displaying thies rifles in the back window of a pickup. I alternate my beretta 9 and my taurus pt-1911, I still use a shoulder (detective rig) holster because I use a cross draw method...
Great video guys. It used to be very easy for me to carry what I wanted. I relied on a simply .357 SW snub. Then moved up to a small Kimber .45. And of course as crime "expanded" I realized I would probably be outgunned. So I made it a point to Glock 17 my way around life. I have to admit I feel much more comfortable with the 17 rounds of good ammo opposed to my Kimber. I been kicking around the idea to get a Glock 19 but they have completely gone up by $200 here in Texas (see my gunshow video)
God bless Barry. He points out how many lives can be saved from that .223 pistol. What a wonderful voice he was to the gun community. I bet he never quite understood how important he was to people. He was just so damm cool.
Chebva Romero CUT SHELL TIME
Janusha good point.
Janusha correct, it's how many people were saved by the use of but that's just common sense. Isnt it?
We always hear from the leftist media and politicians how evil guns are. I would bet the VAST majority of Lawful and Responsible gun owners did NOT shoot anyone today, or ever. "Firearms stand next to The Constitution itself, in defense of an American's liberties" - George Washington....“The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent crimes, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.” - Thomas Jefferson....Looks as if the Father of our Country, and the writer of the greatest political document of all time, agree. Fools these days listen to Pelosi and Schumer....wise Americans heed the words of Washington and Jefferson !!!
I like that quote "the best gun in the world is the one in your hand"
I been going back and watching the gun gripes over again, they were very informative, but damn, I miss Barry, he was the greatest!
Anyone else miss Barry?
OperatorJohn hell yeah. He added so much to this channel.
Maybe because we miss the hell out of him. We love the man. He may have died but he will long live!
I do! :-(
Barry , you brought up a GOOD subject. We are about the same age: Do a video on the different phases of YOUR life as you went from one mind set and weapon carry to another, to show the younger guys how it all occurs. The weapons you carried, the holsters, the way of thinking AT THAT TIME that THIS was what suited you best. I have gone from a 22 , 38, to a 45 and stayed finally with my US Army Issue M1911. Preach it son Preach it!!LOL
You haven't had a like on this comment in ten years. So here you go. Lol
Just liking the vids with Barry I missed. Hope you're smiling down on us old man.
If you're gonna carry, please use a holster that covers the trigger.
That goes without saying....
And not some $9.99 nylon one
Nugrat1 but why :/ I carry without a holster everyday
I don't yet until I can get the alien gear holster and mag carrier I want. I have a holster for open carry but it's annoying to deal with some people that see it
@@loboguardian7875 when you get something snagged on the trigger while putting it down your pants and a round goes off into your leg, rupturing the femoral artery, you'll understand the importance of a holster. Too late, though.
6 mags in the car "Cause you never know when you may need to get out of trouble..." You are my new hero......Great videos!
I cleaned out my truck the other day. I found 400 rds of 223, 300 rds of 6.5 grendel 50 rds of 44 mag. 500 rds of 22lr. 150 rds of 380. And a box of 35 rem!
That is a LOT of trouble he could handle
lol every video I've come across where they bring up a Glock, Barry can't help but to mention the 30+ round extended mag.
Thanx Mr.E and Mr. B,. God bless America. Peace through strength.
I noticed that as well he seemed to be a big extendo fan lol
Guess they know good guns
Maybe because he carried a 7+1 1911 for 30+ years so he i's so amazed at 33 rounds he can't help but mention it.😂
Ryan McCullen yeah I could see that. Rip we miss him
I'm going to start checking restrooms everywhere I go. Maybe someday I'll get a free gun lmao
Hopefully there aren’t any bodies on it lol. Eh just sell it on armslist
I know someone who lost a gun taking a crap at a public party. Don’t get drunk and lose your iron at someone’s house lol
Always check under the hotel mattress
I found a gun one time in the bathroom at my previous job and I was just standing there for a minute or two, wondering if I should snatch that shit or call the cops. Just then my boss walked in and saw what I was looking at. He called the cops and they came and took it. It didn’t belong to anyone I worked with. To this day I wish I would’ve just grabbed it and not said a word.
"I have personally witnessed somebody killed with one of these" RIP Barry, but I know that man had some good stories. Anybody who has witnessed a shooting with a 22 magnum pistol has seen some stuff. I have learned a lot from him watching these videos tho, he was gifted and is missed.
I am surprised you didn't cover more 380's. The 380 compact guns seem to meet a threshold of consistent pocket carry for many many people. It seems like a see more new guns and designs in this caliber lately than just about any other. I carry a Colt Mustang myself and it has been great.
380 aint no joke with the lehigh defence xtreme penetrators. then penetrate like a fmj but do more damage than a hollow point.
if you were involved in a self defense shooting and they asked you why you did not chose a 380 and you said. "because i dont want the smallest possible bullet to kill with" thats probably going to make things a hell of a lot worse for your case.
if you would read my previous comment and get down off that high horse and look at the round i suggested. you will see it is better than a 9mm hollow point. even though it is a 380.
Taylor Martin Oh, I was under the misconception that even a 22 would kill, my mistake. Heck, I am going to go shoot myself a few times with my 22 right now, since it won't kill me.
Taylor Martin Well crap, all this time I have been carrying more than on bullet when I carry a 9mm. I am carrying all those extra rounds for nothing, because on shot will magically stop and kill anyone.
never said i use a 380, once again i advise you to look at the lehi defense 380 xtreme penetrator in gel. more damage and deeper penetration than a 9mm hallow point.
Great vid, guys. For the past 4 years, I've consistently carried an XD-SC 9mm (with a 16 rd mag) in the 5:00 position on my back and when wearing lighter clothing, a CW-9 either in my front pocket or in a belly band. Both weapons are so easy to carry that I'm not tempted to go without. You are 100% right about adapting a single carry system and just sticking with it.
i have personally witnessed a man killed with one of these jesus berry haha.
@Chad K Are you suggesting that a .22 magnum can't kill a person/ That's an outlandish claim.
@Chad K you need to read up on Barry from people who know him. Gun forums is a good start
@Chad K Whats to say it was a murder? Maybe Barry was in a gas station bathroom and a tweaker tried to molest him and Barry let the magnum bark. Just Saying.
I wouldnt doubt he seen someone shot back in the 50s or 60s in South Georgia no where
@Chad K He never said it was murder. Could have easily been an accident/ negligent discharge.
Lately I’ve been carrying my CZ 75, and I’m not big-5’6”, 150. I love this gun, even though it’s big and heavy. I’ve gone thru a few holsters , finally settled on a leather iwb just behind my right hip. It doesn’t print, and I may be odd, but I find the weight sort of comforting, not bothersome. And the gun aims itself. But like these fellas , I also like small revolvers and Glocks. I agree with their notion of consistent carry. I wear my carry gun all day, every day, so my hand knows where it is and how it works. Thanks for a good video.
Barry's seen some shit
I wouldn't recommend it.
reza man was a bad ass.
Just had to come back all of these years later for some Barry. He was a great foundation to what has become a huge channel.
Funny story I carry Glock 17 everywhere I go and when they went to Home Depot and how to use the restroom. As I was sitting there I heard a Glock mags at the floor because it was by my feet I checked my gun and it was a wrong size caliber turns out an officer had walked in was using the stall next to mine and his mag fell out and slid underneath the stall. I gave it back to him underneath the stall and her distant thank you.
Wow! You guys are the 1st to talk about my 2 favorite handguns! I'm old and skinny and my CZ75-P01 was getting a bit heavy to carry comfortably, so I opted for the Glock 26. When I went to gun stores looking at the G26, and mentioned the CZ, all I got was blank stares - no one knew what a CZ75 was! Imo - and many other's - the CZ75 series are among the finest handguns ever made. Great video as usual, guys.
CZ seems to be the brand with the least recognition here, even though their designs are some of the most copied in the world. Love my SP-01 Tactical and P-07.
I was ALMOST carjacked last week...good thing I had my SW 642 ( the little revolver they showed in the beginning of the video) The 6 gentleman that thought I would be an easy target quickly reevaluated their decision to put their hands on my car door handles at 10pm at night in a shady area....
This makes me glad I live in an open carry state. I can wear a full-size duty pistol anywhere, and I don't have to worry about it.
Great video, guys! Excellent points on everything, especially where carrying concealed is concerned. If I had to carry concealed everywhere I would certainly want something more compact.
I thought that was the second rule of a gunfight. The first rule of a gunfight is if you are going to a gunfight, don't go.
Yeah, avoidance is rule number 1
What if the gunfight is for life and liberty? Or you're Stephan willeford? Something to ponder.
fuck that if he desicrates your honor its dueling time
Yes, and blow me. God bless 'Merica. Long live Publicans. Ya know the kind Jebus hanged, shit, I mean hung out with. Long live the Prostitutes as well. If it's good enough for the Son of Man it's good enough for me, and I don't even deserve it.
Rule 1: bring a gun
Rule 2: bring all your friends who have guns
Rule 3: try to not get shot if you can help it.
Love Barry! RIP love listening to his tips and stories.
Remind me to check Walmart restrooms more often.
Finally Gun Gripes when guns are on the counter, good discussion.
Regarding carry, rotate carry gun between CZ 75, Sig P6 both 9mm, and Ruger security six .357.
Also own Colt Trooper III in both .357 and .22 - great shooting
It's been 10 years. This channel has grown and has become very successful. I wonder what Barry would think.
33 round magazine, huh? Try that here in the Peoples Republic of NY! 7 round limit because Comrade Cuomo thus saith: "You don't need more than that for hunting"
After carrying for about 8 years, I keep going back to the revolver as my edc firearm. I just like the feel of them on the hip and the lightweight of the firearm loaded. I just recently changed my Taurus 605 to the 856 for the extra round and a kidex holster. My carry load is the Remington 125gr SJHP for now since i can't seen to find much variety during these covid times. I am more accurate from this little revolver than any other of my firearms. That said, if i need more fire power my safe has plenty of that to have me covered.
"You're not gonna want to go out to dinner with your wife and children with this on..." I have gone out to dinner with my wife with my big ass .45 revolver hanging off my hip many times. If we are out at camp and decide to run into town to grab dinner I ain't going to leave my hand cannon behind.
Lucky you, you must not live in South Carolina, where open carry of pistols is banned
I am a police officer and I like the tought of people carrying cause if I get into trouble, I would hope that they would step in and help out. and now a days with all of the cuts to L.E. departments you need to protect your slef. Love the show keep up the good work.
Don't scroll down. Its a minefield of jimmy rustling.
ARMEXEEOS now I have to.
I have a FEG PA-63 Hungarian 9mm Makarov with a Uncle Mike holster. I carry it in the woods and never had a problem with the magazine drop. I LOVE MY "MAKAROV"! Its design just fits to my hand. It's like the gun was make just for me! I would suggest it a PA-63 to any gun owner. It has size appropriate sights. They may seem small but I can drive nails with my PA-63.
My EDC gun is an S&W SD9VE. Mainly because it is the only one I have. :(
This is one of my favorite TH-cam channels ! Thanks for all the information you guys provide .
I would like to hear the story where someone was killed with the .22 magnum. It sounds interesting.
Airsofter1999 When mafia members would perform a hit, it was not uncommon to see them use a little .22 LR pistol to do so.
I saw a video on the interwebs a while back, of a police officer shot with a .22 mag, who died. He shot the guy several times with a .357 mag, I believe, and he lived. I think the officer was hit around his armpit somewhere. I believe it was a single hit
Its in one of the gun gripe vids
It's all about shot placement
I also read somewhere that 80% of the time a gun is pulled in civilian defense no one is shot it’s usually just like *click* HEY stop, and even if that isn’t enough.22 mag will probably get the job done
I conceal carry my Glock 23 in a Galco IWB EVERYWHERE I go in my home state. You gentlemen couldn't be more correct about consistency. Great gripe. keep up the good work.
I wish Barry could’ve been my friend. He’s so freaking cool.
Just like always when i watch you guys, I learn something! Thank you
I know this in particular show is 9 years old but I just want you guys to know that I carry my Kel-Tec plr 223 pistol as my second pistol for 10 years now. I think it's cool for everyday carry and I have just ensure that I can carry it everywhere I go as my second pistol or backup pistol by wearing the appropriate clothes and keeping it on the sling. You guys rock
the only reason i prefer a 1911 over a stock glock is because you cant shoot led out of a stock glock barrel. have to buy aftermarket. my opinion. and why is there so many haters on here hating on guns??? my question is if you hate guns so much why are you even watching gun videos?
They're lonely. Long ago everyone they know stopped listening to them.
They may not have filled their rage quota for the day.
I like the video. I carry a 1911 or LCP. The two work out well. I feel most comfortable with the 1911, and it's by far my favorite handgun. The LCP is great whenever the 1911 doesn't cut it like deep conceal where I simply cannot have anyone know I am carrying, or for quick jaunts to the corner store or back laundry room where it's not worth taking the time to get the 1911 setup concealed.
I'm a unique individual: whenever I hear that I can't or shouldn't do something, I double down out of spite. My EDC is a full-size, double stack combat pistol in 9mm.
+chris alvarado Did Barretta fix the reliability issues with the a1? A lot of my Army buddies complain about the g.i. version.
Libidine the GI m9 has problems because they go through hundreds of thousands of rounds, and their parts are mixed up and reused. Civilian m9s are some of the best semi autos available
I use an xd 2.0 in .40 in as big as you can get it or close to it in this model and i love it. Feels almost weightless
Weak. If you really felt that way you’d carry something in .50 AE.
I carry a glock17, 2 magazines, and a knife. I also keep a 30rd mag under the seat in my car incase I need to get spicy with it
Great video, guys! Keep them coming, I take away something of value from each and every one of them.
As you pointed out about consistent carry, any gun is better than no gun. To that, I'd add that the gun that you find the most comfortable is the one that will get carried the most.
Eric: "Awww Bob Saget!!!! Piss!!!"
Love the videos. I carry a Glock 19, and I carry about 95% of the time that I'm not either at work or at school. Of course, I did have to change my clothing style a little bit to fit around my choice, but I am a little bit bigger of a guy so it wasn't that big of a deal.
When my clothes don't let me carry the 19, I have a Ruger LCP in a pocket holster. I agree that you should find what you can carry consistently and carry it religiously.
Thanks for all the great videos.
Barry lives on!
excelent video, not just about the guns but also a lot of good statement on the importance of consistent carry
I have 2 concealed carry guns. A Glock 30s if I'm wearing loose clothing, and a Kel-Tec PF-9 for tight fitting clothing or dress attire. I personally don't really like the Kel-Tec, but like the guys said, it sure beats nothing.
I favor revolvers myself. Short barreled snubbie in a pocket holster & 2 speed loaders on a belt pouch. When hikiing I carry a larger Ruger .357 with a 4" barrel on my back hip. Recently got a Bulgarian Makarov 9mm. Super dependable, accurate & easily concealed.
I carry my s and w m and p 40 every day openly.love from Louisiana
I got the CZ as my first gun and shortly after realized it was way to heavy for every day carry. This is a good video to push home the point of making sure the best gun for you is the one you will carry.
"Lets just face it. Sometimes there are days where we just don't feel like carrying our guns."
I said the same thing!
might be in a hurry, or have to wear certain clothing for the firearm you carrying.
I have never understood that. Ever. If you're gonna carry you're GONNA CARRY. My dad and I both never struggle with this, and even when you have to "get up and go" its not a problem to holster your weapon, grab some ammo and go!
Personally, a loaded revolver and a couple if speed loaders are almost always on me. If they are not it's because I am at home, where I am surrounded by firepower. But even then, why stop carrying (ya know, unless you're sleeping)?
CWG90, we're having a discussion, not a childish back and forth argument. You do not belong here if all you want to do is start such an argument. And I have a feeling you have never even read my comments.
If you think I'm self righteous, paranoid, or a "gun nut" you must remember something: You don't know me. And I don't care what you think; your opinion is your own. MY way of going about carrying a gun is MY way ONLY. So shut up, grow up and keep up.
I carry a 6" 686. I mean, there are just some days I don't wanna lug that fucker around. /s
Great vid! I bought a glock 23 for cc and shortly realized it is not the easiest to conceal, nor the most comfortable. I love it and its a great firearm but just a little too much to cc everyday, especially in FL. I plan on getting a Kahr CM9 or the Taurus PT709 to resolve this issue.
For all the people who think it is crazy that people would carry a gun every day, a woman was decapitated by dogs this week in my area. I have been attacked by dogs 3 times in the last 10 years. I probably will never have to draw a gun on a human being, but I almost certainly will have to shoot a dog. The statistics show that police are 6x more likely to commit a serious crime than a licensed concealed carry holder. A non-concealed carry holder is 220x (not percent, times) more likely to commit a serious crime, and black males are 3000x more likely to commit a serious crime. We commit almost no crime, so what is your problem with us? It is you who shouldn't even be allowed in schools and out in public with those statistics.
Lithus17 people who think concealed/open carry people are crazy or live in fear for carrying a gun is who he's talking about
Lithus17 On almost every comment, your trying to start shit. Grow the fuck up.
I'm a black cop that cc every day. What's my x (times)??? Oh yeah and I don't have a ccl because of Kansas law. I about forgot that one
Love Barry s southern boy accent. Barrys voice and guns go hand in hand. Wish he was still with us.
I conceal carry a 1911 govt model on weekends, a bersa on weekdays.
I'm glad I grew up with guns involved in hunting. Seers do not get thrown back and blood is usually minimal. But once that bullet went down ranger, that was it and there was some finality to that reality. Consistency goes hand in had in all aspects of gun ownership whether its carrying, shooting, management, ammo and reloading, or introduction. My children will grow up respecting the several implements I possess.
I have always liked and believed in the statement: "I'd rather have a gun and not need it than not having a gun and need it." I think people should be able to equip themselves to a level where they can feel safe to live in the society they live in. Keep up the good work and great videoes.
your point about consistant carry with the same weapon is good. a couple of months again i bought a sig p238 and its always in my pocket as long as i have pants or shorts on.
My main carry gun is a 40cal. S&W Sidgma right now. As soon as I get my Sig P250SC that will be my EDC. The manual of arms is the same but the Sig I feel is a little more reliable to use as my EDC. I still love my S&W and may change off every now and then but The Sig wins out. They are both 40cal. and I will carry them exactally the same way. Peace guy. Another good one.
Good videos guys. You seem like 2 very likeable fellows who make people comfortable learning about guns from you both.
I carried a Beretta m96 40 caliber for a few years and then carried a friends 380 one day and realized concealed carry didn't have to be a chore so i recently purchased a ruger lcp 380 and absolutely love it
It is good to see Barry! I miss him & his knowledge!
I really enjoy your insights and opinions on guns. it's fun to share experiences. thank you guys. very much appreciated.
I lived down there fore a while and many people i met still had something they were supposed to turn in...good on them!!! Cheers
Barry god rest your soul watch over me with your eyes I carry a sw 642 snubby and I love it gets the job done
I wish Barry were still around. I just got my first pistol, a Taurus 9mm G2C this year. I now also own a Ruger SR9 and a Midland 12 gauge backpacker plus was issued my conceal carry license in Indiana. My next piece I’m wanting as a backup is a revolver, not sure what though. I’m admiring the Judge and the Governor but there’s just SO many options!
You guy’s did excellent video’s. Straight and to the point.
B. W. Check out the Ruger LCR. Super light and fits in your pocket.
I have never had that problem. Mine has always been like the AKM, it works every time. I ran a brand new gen 4 G23 out of the box 200 rounds and did not have one malfunction; even after dropping in a 9mm barrel, it was just as reliable.
My favorite episode to date. Thanks.
Damn. I had a Bersa .380 and that gun was sweet. Super accurate and never had a problem at the range with it. Wish I still had it.
I have a desert eagle and people ask me why I don't carry it... I tell them to go play call of duty and watch face off. Comfortable EDC is key. Whatever you're most likely to carry..small enough to conceal but big enough to fight with is key. In the winter, it's a walther PPQ 9mm with trijicon NS. LCP for ankle backup. LCP EDC during the summer months. There will never be enough videos on this topic. Great topic
Really excited about Barrys carry video, cant wait. yall keep making great videos
I'm in MD too. I'm with you there brother.
One of my consistent carry is the taurus 605 poly protector 357 magnum great carry piece fully load with 5 rounds of hornady critical defense 125gr jhp 22.4 oz
I carry my SR9C everyday in the cooler months. I transition to the Bodyguard 380 in the warm months. I train extensively before I transition. Great video.
My wife and I carry a Glock 30sf and an M&P 40c during winter. We also carry a Kahr PM9 and the P380 during summer time. Different guns for different purposes and you'll always be armed.
Good video. Carrying consistently is something I can't always achieve but I try to as much as possible. It's something I think everyone should at least attempt to carry intentionally and consistently. Thanks guys.
GREAT topic! Looking fwd to the future installments.
I agree 100% G2 is a great concealed carry gun. Right after the Newtown madness happened, I went to buy a Glock 26. Couldn't find one anywhere. So I bought the G2. LOVE IT!
Ankle carry has the good default feature that you will never brush against it, pat it, touch near there to see if it is still there. And my glock 26 is just a quiet little hitchhiker down there, so comfortable I go my whole day and don't think about it. Doesn't alter my arm swing, stride or print at all. I always have my ankle with me.
The title of this video drives home a great point. It doesn't matter what you carry as long as you do it consistently. For years I owned two full size S&W semi-auto pistols. I never carried either one though because the size, and weight got in the way of my daily life. I recently traded one of those in on a Glock 42, and now I take the Glock with me as much as possible. My biggest challenge is my sole transportation is my motorcycle, so I can't carry when I go to work, because I don't have a car to store the Glock in during work hours. Taking the Glock inside my place of business is not an option as I would be terminated instantly if anyone found out, plus I couldn't secure it anyway, and that is not safe. So unfortunately I find I can only carry on my days off. While not ideal it is still better than my previous situation of not carrying at all.
With the recent advent of hybrid IWB holsters, it's quite possible to carry a CZ 97b concealed and do it comfortably for 16 hours a day. You just need a quality, double-thick and/or reinforced gun belt ($60-80) to go with the holster.
Your guy are the greatest,, the best info on the internet, you tell it like it is,,,
thank you very much and please keep up the great work
God Bless
I at one time said I would never buy a Glock. I have also seen the light. I will have to agree that the Glock 26 is the best overall EDC gun out there. I tried every way to convince myself other wise but the 26 just kept rising back to the top. Great gun.....I love it.
Great series of videos guys. Keep them coming.
Excellent video. As always there is some educational material with-in that is helpful for all provided they pay attention. Thumbs up guys
It does bring with it a unique set of challenges as well.
I'm a cop from Indiana and I'm heading down to Florida in a cpl weeks. I can't wait to stop in and say hey to Eric and Barry.
Taurus' pt111 g2 is great! I am a woman and its not tiny but manageable. People need to remember you need to be ably to put your hand on the grip strong enough to fire immediately. Plus I like having 12+1 in the chamber. Those tiny/pink handguns don't do it for me.
I would just like to say that aside from learning a little something every time I watch,I enjoy the hell out of your vids!!! Thanks,and keep up the good work...........
When I bought my one and only handgun, a Glock 17 9mm way back in the 90's, I thought they were ugly too. But over the years, after seeing how good of a gun it is in so many aspects, I now see the Glock as a cool looking gun.
Eric and Barry... Thank you for such a great video...
Good video, guys. Nice to hear some well stated opinions on good concealed carry weapons. I, personally, carry a Springfield XDS .45 IWB. Goes with me everywhere. Briefly carried a Glock 36, but found that a preferred the XDS. Nothing against Glock, jes my personal choice.
I carry my Glock 36 everyday
The CZ-82 is my EDC piece. It is a very well built pistol that carries a reasonable number of rounds and has one of the nicest DA/SA triggers I've ever used. The 9mm Makarov round is more powerful than the 380, and nearly as powerful as the 9mm Luger - and Hornady makes a terrific personal defense round in 9mm Mak. I believe the CZ-82 to be an excellend daily carry choice.
I carry a Ruger LCP. I like the smooth edges and the pocket holster is designed so when it is in my front pocket, it looks like a smart phone if you see it through my pants. I tried carrying my S&W M&P 9mm but it was simply too bulky and heavy. I am giving up some firepower but I am carry to prevent being mugged or attacked for whatever reason. I feel comfortable believing I will only have to unload 2-3 rounds to defend myself.
Thanx E and B. I know this is old but I forgot to thumbs up when it came out back in the Olden Times.
I'm kind like barry at my age, I've caried many firearms, i remember having a Mossberg 12, a Winchester 30-30, and a Marlin SS 22 semi auto rifle's on the rack in my pickup all the time.. and carried a S&W 44 mag in a sholder holster on my self... thies days you would get stopped at every corner displaying thies rifles in the back window of a pickup. I alternate my beretta 9 and my taurus pt-1911, I still use a shoulder (detective rig) holster because I use a cross draw method...
Great video guys. It used to be very easy for me to carry what I wanted. I relied on a simply .357 SW snub. Then moved up to a small Kimber .45. And of course as crime "expanded" I realized I would probably be outgunned. So I made it a point to Glock 17 my way around life. I have to admit I feel much more comfortable with the 17 rounds of good ammo opposed to my Kimber. I been kicking around the idea to get a Glock 19 but they have completely gone up by $200 here in Texas (see my gunshow video)
As always guys, Good Stuff!!. Glad to see you are getting soime good stuff together. Certainly have my anxious level up!!
Thanks for the videos! Learn something from each video.