[Hades] The family secret + credits

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 10

  • @viking114LPZD
    @viking114LPZD 4 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    It seems that supergiants have all the very best credit scenes in their games. There should be award for this or something

  • @alexandraguardian9840
    @alexandraguardian9840 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Hades: Persephone, I...
    Persephone: Cerberus! 😍

  • @pipedream2556
    @pipedream2556 4 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    There's something heartening about the fact both parents changed their minds at the same time, in dependant of knowing that the other had done so as well

  • @pipedream2556
    @pipedream2556 4 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    For someone who says she can't fix a broken family she's doing a damn good job of it with these two already XD

    • @Landis963
      @Landis963 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Well, she does have help from the both of them. They're both content to let her be the glue that keeps them together.

  • @the_dennator7723
    @the_dennator7723 ปีที่แล้ว

    oh,I remember when I got to thi point. I was so happy because my build at the time was absolute dogshit and I had like one dd left