Omg my baby Yuzuru,is perfec, have a very talentc...sorry for my english, I am Mexican; jeje sorry and i not speking japanes. Bye😍😍 Posdat: I love Yuzuru.
Dear Yuzu-Mami sama, I couldn’t help myself to translate Yuzuru’s words. They are so precious. ^ - ^ (Upon arrival at the Incheon Airport in Seoul on 4 Feb 2020, about the program change) I was surprised to find (the program details for 4CC) in my biography on the (ISU) site. And yes, I am planning to perform Seimei and Ballad No1. (0:41) The reason (why I changed my programs) is, actually I have so much to tell you and cannot explain at this instant... but I think I chose them because both Seimei and the Ballad No1 are the programs with which I can show what I aim for as my own figure skating. And also I felt from the bottom of my heart that I want to skate ‘with’ these dearest programs. In that sense, they are the programs that let me be myself. (0:46 At Japanese skaters’ Interviews after the open practice) It was the first time I did the full run through of the B1 in front of everyone, so I was very nervous but I felt once again the strong commitment that I am skating this program. The figure skatining I am aiming for is not just to perform difficult elements. It’s not my way of ‘breathing’. I was like a little boy who was following the footsteps of Johnny Weir san and Plushenko san. I could not help but think that I could not perfect those programs as my own. When I felt that way, I thought maybe they are not quite who I am. When I think about my own skating, both Seimei and Ballad have become my dear little kids (^ - ^) that have records which could be talked about as legends into the future, so I wanted to leave them in their comfortable beds, if I could. (^ - ^ Oh dear, Yuzu.) I really felt that I could stay as ‘me’ (when I performed these programs). So I thought maybe it might be ok to borrow the power of these little people a little longer. (1:52 About the quadruple axel...) I think I had a good practice for the last one month. I have not been able to land yet but it is somewhat taking a better shape. I want to show everyone what my figure skating is. It’s not about ‘I want to improve’ or ‘I want to win’, but I want to perform my own figure skating as competitive sport. (2:15 At the car park of the 4CC venue on 5 Feb 2020) What I want most is to skate as I am. I felt suffocated inside myself after the Japan thought hard about what figure skating actually was. It’s true that trying something difficult is fun, and challenging myself is fun, too. But it’s not just ‘having fun’ or ‘I want to succeed in something’. It’s actually that I am able to see/to feel the images of what I want to perform, or (to create) a fusion of music and jumps...those are what I liked about (figure skating). So Seimei and Ballad No1 are the programs that allowed me to do that, and I have not quite found better programs than these two that I can do that. (When did you decide to perform these two?) Hmmm (Ettooo = let me think) I think it was after the New Year. (3:08 After the SP at Fuji TV interview on 7 Feb 2020) Ettoo, so I am truly happy because I think I was finally able to put together my dearest jumps, steps and spins with which I am happy. Nanka ( = felt ‘this is it’...nanka... I am performing my own programs. (That is what )I felt once again... I did feel the pressure to not destroy the memory (of the Pyeongchang Olympics) but I sort of feel that I was able to perform in a way that creates a new memory? myself, that is. A sense of satisfaction? to say this...nanka...I really felt good... Now having performed Ballad No1 and being able to match all of my jumps with the music at exact moments, I feel that all the pain and efforts I have put in until now have finally come to fruition. Ah, nanka...For the first time in a long while, I felt so glad that I have kept skating. (4:41 After the competition during the Fuji TV interview on 9 Feb 2020) I really felt glad that I am skating...well, I did make mistakes but as far as the short program goes, I truly enjoyed performing, and (when I feel ) that sense of achievement, that special sensation, or that feeling of being able show who I am, I have nothing else but figure skating. I am so glad that I have been skating. (About the World Championships 2020 next month...) ...Ballad No1 is more like depicting the music but Seimei is...nanka...I want to show something more abstract, a kind of story? I will ganbarimasu (work hard) to be able to do that. (4:56 So...for regaining the World No 1 title?) Well, that... eventually maybe...but first I will make sure I do what I have to do. ( 5:07 After the FS at 4CC) To be honest, it took me a while to recover (since the Japan Nationals). (During that time) I have skated my old programs and felt the power that supports me and my feelings (passion?) were coming back without realising it. (5:23 About 4A) It’s nearly there. I am not sure how much physical damage I may still have after this ( I think he means ‘how quickly I can recover my physical strength after the competition’?), as soon as I recover I will start practising (4A). (5:26 Will you attempt 4A at the WC?) Yes, I intend to, at this moment...I cannot say with certainty because the hurdle (Yuzu calls it ‘the wall’) is quite high. (5:46) Seimei was the first program which I took part in choosing, editing the music and gradually shaping the image of what I wanted to do. And those kids ( ^ - ^ programs ) I have been performing after that, I have special feelings...They possess elements of what I myself want to show. (6:08) I think the emotion I convey (when skating Seimei ) is ‘smoother’ (than that of two years ago). (When performed Seimei at Pyeongchang) I imagined this Kekkai ( a devine zone ) and fighting against the driving them off. But this time, It was not that sharp...I had this ‘elevated view’ in a lot of sense while performing and ...It was because of the time I had not performed, it (Seimei) sort of matured? Maybe I was getting closer to the character of Abeno Seimei himself in the movie, Onmyoji. (6:38 Becoming a Super Slam titleholder) Well...let’s just forget about the FS for now...hehe...the SP was good (with the new world record)...and the Super Slam title comes on top of what the SP well...alll and all, it probably means good...yes. And also, this sense of relief is what I feel most. (6:57 About the 4A) I don’t think the direction is wrong...this is the direction that I want to skate. I like this direction. The 4A is not about the level of difficulty, but more like my pride. I would be trying to aim for the highest difficulty levels that I can possibly try, while producing a seamless (flawless) program like the Ballad No 1. this time. I am sure everyone holds an image of the Seimei at the Pyeongchang Olympics, and I don’t want to destroy it too much...I want it to light everything up...not just powerful, but somewhat brighter, and with a sense of elegance? It’s really scary to perform the same program...because it is me that I am compared the best ‘me’. I do feel fear. But I am always thinking to get higher...
Yuzuru decided to go back to Seimei and Chopin was a perfect move and with his new program Let me entertain you / Heaven and Earth are those masterpiece for generations to come.
ゆづマミ さま
MADがあがるのを待ってました🙆有り難うございます 羽生くんのやりたいスケートを全力で応援します✨最高のプログラムです❤️これこそが、フィギュアスケートって思える。健康で練習ができてますように🍀
@@ゆづマミ さん
Omg my baby Yuzuru,is perfec, have a very talentc...sorry for my english, I am Mexican; jeje sorry and i not speking japanes.
Posdat: I love Yuzuru.
@@ゆづマミ 様
@@ゆづマミ さ
Stay safe everyone,,corona virus everywhere..stay careful.
Dear Yuzu-Mami sama, I couldn’t help myself to translate Yuzuru’s words. They are so precious. ^ - ^
(Upon arrival at the Incheon Airport in Seoul on 4 Feb 2020, about the program change)
I was surprised to find (the program details for 4CC) in my biography on the (ISU) site. And yes, I am planning to perform Seimei and Ballad No1.
The reason (why I changed my programs) is, actually I have so much to tell you and cannot explain at this instant... but I think I chose them because both Seimei and the Ballad No1 are the programs with which I can show what I aim for as my own figure skating. And also I felt from the bottom of my heart that I want to skate ‘with’ these dearest programs. In that sense, they are the programs that let me be myself.
(0:46 At Japanese skaters’ Interviews after the open practice)
It was the first time I did the full run through of the B1 in front of everyone, so I was very nervous but I felt once again the strong commitment that I am skating this program.
The figure skatining I am aiming for is not just to perform difficult elements. It’s not my way of ‘breathing’. I was like a little boy who was following the footsteps of Johnny Weir san and Plushenko san. I could not help but think that I could not perfect those programs as my own. When I felt that way, I thought maybe they are not quite who I am.
When I think about my own skating, both Seimei and Ballad have become my dear little kids (^ - ^) that have records which could be talked about as legends into the future, so I wanted to leave them in their comfortable beds, if I could. (^ - ^ Oh dear, Yuzu.) I really felt that I could stay as ‘me’ (when I performed these programs). So I thought maybe it might be ok to borrow the power of these little people a little longer.
(1:52 About the quadruple axel...)
I think I had a good practice for the last one month.
I have not been able to land yet but it is somewhat taking a better shape.
I want to show everyone what my figure skating is. It’s not about ‘I want to improve’ or ‘I want to win’, but I want to perform my own figure skating as competitive sport.
(2:15 At the car park of the 4CC venue on 5 Feb 2020)
What I want most is to skate as I am. I felt suffocated inside myself after the Japan thought hard about what figure skating actually was.
It’s true that trying something difficult is fun, and challenging myself is fun, too. But it’s not just ‘having fun’ or ‘I want to succeed in something’. It’s actually that I am able to see/to feel the images of what I want to perform, or (to create) a fusion of music and jumps...those are what I liked about (figure skating). So Seimei and Ballad No1 are the programs that allowed me to do that, and I have not quite found better programs than these two that I can do that.
(When did you decide to perform these two?)
Hmmm (Ettooo = let me think) I think it was after the New Year.
(3:08 After the SP at Fuji TV interview on 7 Feb 2020)
Ettoo, so I am truly happy because I think I was finally able to put together my dearest jumps, steps and spins with which I am happy. Nanka ( = felt ‘this is it’...nanka... I am performing my own programs. (That is what )I felt once again...
I did feel the pressure to not destroy the memory (of the Pyeongchang Olympics) but I sort of feel that I was able to perform in a way that creates a new memory? myself, that is.
A sense of satisfaction? to say this...nanka...I really felt good... Now having performed Ballad No1 and being able to match all of my jumps with the music at exact moments, I feel that all the pain and efforts I have put in until now have finally come to fruition.
Ah, nanka...For the first time in a long while, I felt so glad that I have kept skating.
(4:41 After the competition during the Fuji TV interview on 9 Feb 2020)
I really felt glad that I am skating...well, I did make mistakes but as far as the short program goes, I truly enjoyed performing, and (when I feel ) that sense of achievement, that special sensation, or that feeling of being able show who I am, I have nothing else but figure skating. I am so glad that I have been skating.
(About the World Championships 2020 next month...)
...Ballad No1 is more like depicting the music but Seimei is...nanka...I want to show something more abstract, a kind of story? I will ganbarimasu (work hard) to be able to do that.
(4:56 So...for regaining the World No 1 title?)
Well, that... eventually maybe...but first I will make sure I do what I have to do.
( 5:07 After the FS at 4CC)
To be honest, it took me a while to recover (since the Japan Nationals). (During that time) I have skated my old programs and felt the power that supports me and my feelings (passion?) were coming back without realising it.
(5:23 About 4A)
It’s nearly there. I am not sure how much physical damage I may still have after this ( I think he means ‘how quickly I can recover my physical strength after the competition’?), as soon as I recover I will start practising (4A).
(5:26 Will you attempt 4A at the WC?)
Yes, I intend to, at this moment...I cannot say with certainty because the hurdle (Yuzu calls it ‘the wall’) is quite high.
Seimei was the first program which I took part in choosing, editing the music and gradually shaping the image of what I wanted to do. And those kids ( ^ - ^ programs ) I have been performing after that, I have special feelings...They possess elements of what I myself want to show.
I think the emotion I convey (when skating Seimei ) is ‘smoother’ (than that of two years ago). (When performed Seimei at Pyeongchang) I imagined this Kekkai ( a devine zone ) and fighting against the driving them off. But this time, It was not that sharp...I had this ‘elevated view’ in a lot of sense while performing and ...It was because of the time I had not performed, it (Seimei) sort of matured?
Maybe I was getting closer to the character of Abeno Seimei himself in the movie, Onmyoji.
(6:38 Becoming a Super Slam titleholder)
Well...let’s just forget about the FS for now...hehe...the SP was good (with the new world record)...and the Super Slam title comes on top of what the SP well...alll and all, it probably means good...yes. And also, this sense of relief is what I feel most.
(6:57 About the 4A)
I don’t think the direction is wrong...this is the direction that I want to skate. I like this direction. The 4A is not about the level of difficulty, but more like my pride.
I would be trying to aim for the highest difficulty levels that I can possibly try, while producing a seamless (flawless) program like the Ballad No 1. this time.
I am sure everyone holds an image of the Seimei at the Pyeongchang Olympics, and I don’t want to destroy it too much...I want it to light everything up...not just powerful, but somewhat brighter, and with a sense of elegance?
It’s really scary to perform the same program...because it is me that I am compared the best ‘me’. I do feel fear. But I am always thinking to get higher...
Thanks for the effort of having to translate all his thoughts..Appreciate that.
Thank you for translating! I am very grateful to you!
ゆづマミ Thank YOU for uploading!!! ありがとうございます😊 余計なお世話をしたかと少し心配していました。
Thank you so much. It's really helpful.
Yuzuru decided to go back to Seimei and Chopin was a perfect move and with his new program Let me entertain you / Heaven and Earth are those masterpiece for generations to come.
Thank you for watching 💕
Please stay 10 ft away from Yuzuru to keep him safe from the Covid 19
Yes pls. Keep him safe...