More useful info, thanks. I have a plan to build 2 full weather station that would be powered by solar cells that I can have running permanently at home in the UK and at our apartment in Spain. I still need to make wind speed, wind direction and rain sensors to add to the temperature and humidity from the DHT11.
You can also offer a download link through the PICO web page to view the CSV data to avoid having to plug it into a computer to retrieve file. def read_csv_file(): try: with open('/test.csv', 'r') as file: return except OSError: return "Error reading the CSV file" Then, simply: content = read_csv_file() cl.send(content )
Hi Paul, Thanks for that add. Next time I am tinkering on the bench, I will have to give this a shot. In truth, it never crossed my mind, but I like the concept! Cheers Chris
More useful info, thanks. I have a plan to build 2 full weather station that would be powered by solar cells that I can have running permanently at home in the UK and at our apartment in Spain. I still need to make wind speed, wind direction and rain sensors to add to the temperature and humidity from the DHT11.
Wow, sounds like an awesome project, enjoy the process!
Thank you for your video, you are the best. 😊
Hi mihailemnaru8919,
Thank you very much for the kind words, GREATLY APPRECIATED!
You can also offer a download link through the PICO web page to view the CSV data to avoid having to plug it into a computer to retrieve file.
def read_csv_file():
with open('/test.csv', 'r') as file:
except OSError:
return "Error reading the CSV file"
Then, simply:
content = read_csv_file()
cl.send(content )
Hi Paul,
Thanks for that add. Next time I am tinkering on the bench, I will have to give this a shot. In truth, it never crossed my mind, but I like the concept!