a couple of things to note, after 15,000km on one in various conditions. I'll start with the nice things - I've never averaged less than 36km/l. Best efficiency I've gotten on a full tank was about 52km/l when really "grannying" the bike. The headlights, indicators, break lights and the high beams are great. seat is comfortable for short trips. Bike does handle very well on tarmac, I do agree its smooth and easy to ride - does lean very well. The speedometer display is great, during the day - with no way to turn it off or dim it, I've resorted to taping mine up with insulation tape so that I don't get flash-banged at night. The symmetrical braking system is my biggest gripe. Good luck trying to do any smooth braking. Its like for 3/4 of the rotation the brake is the strength you are trying to apply, then the other quarter suddenly bites way harder - all while keeping the same constant pressure on the lever. I understand that this is maybe done to make a safer braking experience for new riders, but this actually feels less safe than if each brake lever only controlled its respective brake system - either front exclusively, or rear exclusively. The gears have not gotten any less clunky, at first I thought I would just ignore it and maybe it will get better as the engine "breaks in", but it has not.
Hey.. was wondering if the extra 20000 is worth it for the 300? Im planning on using is as a commuter but also want something i could gou out on a small sunday drive with my wife
If you are looking to go across long distances (eg. 200km-300km) I’d recommend the 300 but if your looking for shorter distances I think a 200 is perfect 🙂
a couple of things to note, after 15,000km on one in various conditions.
I'll start with the nice things - I've never averaged less than 36km/l. Best efficiency I've gotten on a full tank was about 52km/l when really "grannying" the bike.
The headlights, indicators, break lights and the high beams are great.
seat is comfortable for short trips.
Bike does handle very well on tarmac, I do agree its smooth and easy to ride - does lean very well.
The speedometer display is great, during the day - with no way to turn it off or dim it, I've resorted to taping mine up with insulation tape so that I don't get flash-banged at night.
The symmetrical braking system is my biggest gripe. Good luck trying to do any smooth braking. Its like for 3/4 of the rotation the brake is the strength you are trying to apply, then the other quarter suddenly bites way harder - all while keeping the same constant pressure on the lever. I understand that this is maybe done to make a safer braking experience for new riders, but this actually feels less safe than if each brake lever only controlled its respective brake system - either front exclusively, or rear exclusively.
The gears have not gotten any less clunky, at first I thought I would just ignore it and maybe it will get better as the engine "breaks in", but it has not.
Hey.. is this bike too big for someone who's 5'10
perfect for your height i think
u almost 6' same with junior. of course it is not big.
I’m 5’4 and can almost flat foot on the bike. Might be a little to low for you perhaps?
I have the 300 its good the only negative is that there isn't great aftermarket so i can spend some to customize it 😂
Hey.. was wondering if the extra 20000 is worth it for the 300? Im planning on using is as a commuter but also want something i could gou out on a small sunday drive with my wife
If you are looking to go across long distances (eg. 200km-300km) I’d recommend the 300 but if your looking for shorter distances I think a 200 is perfect 🙂
save your money and buy a used KLR650, or a DRZ400.
for a 170cm tall rider, will he have a good footing on the ground?
I am a 165cm tall rider and I had very good footing.
@@MotomediaTradeNewsThanks man! Very helpful! Have a nice days!