Thank you for the software and hardware, it’s been a life saver in the garden. I just ordered this new board of yours, what is the maximum number of sensors that can be looked up to this board? I have 16 raised beds I’d like to monitor individually. Once again thanks for all your hard work!
There are up to 20 digital inputs and 8 analog inputs where sensors can be wired. There is also the possibility to use the WiFi to add sensors wirelessly. I'm happy that my work useful, good gardening.
can this extend card take 6 stepper motors like nema 17 and 6 encoder ?
where buy this kit board?
Amazing! Thanks a lot for showing this! Minor remark: I found it in your shop but the link in the description does not work.
Thanks, I fixed the Link.
Cool stuff, no need to design ourselves.
Awesome !
Thank you for the software and hardware, it’s been a life saver in the garden. I just ordered this new board of yours, what is the maximum number of sensors that can be looked up to this board? I have 16 raised beds I’d like to monitor individually. Once again thanks for all your hard work!
There are up to 20 digital inputs and 8 analog inputs where sensors can be wired. There is also the possibility to use the WiFi to add sensors wirelessly. I'm happy that my work useful, good gardening.
@@hydrosys4raspberry19 thank you for the reply and your software, I can finally leave town during the gardening season again! more videos please.