Fun Fact: Fleetway joined another Deviantart video, but with Silver awhile ago. And in that video, Silver was confident that there was not a ship between him and Fleetway, but he found some art near the end of the video that proved him wrong. So apparently SilverXFleetway actually exists.
@Fleetway Sonic Speaking of which, I have 2 questions: 1. Are you going to collab with Silver again soon? 2. You do know he already has a girlfriend, Blaze, right? XD (I know it was a joke, please don’t be mad.)
Same effect if you read the weird fanfiction (cough lemon cough cough) and then go onto Deviantart and see some stuff, you won't be affected anymore. Making this post as a fanfiction reader who discovered the fanart later on.
Uh oh, looks like Fleetway's getting a taste of his own medicine! Also could you bring WereSonic (Sonic in his Werehog form) as the next deviantart guest?
Tell Shadow its back its back its finally there's a part 2 up Sally. EXE animation remember the Sonic. EXE animation is back baby it's back finally I posted two days ago can you tell about the Shadow or I posted two days
@star gleam the hedgedragon For some reason,I don't know why is not doing a reaction. I've seen people doing reaction. Why Shadow, I think it's because of youtube. But still bring the reaction, people are waiting for the reaction .
fαntαѕч drєαmєr Fleetway lost his energy and memory after getting separated from Sonic in the comics so Ebony, a black cat lady, nursed him back to health. Back then, Fleetway actually tried to be a good guy.
Oh and shadow EXC is a knock off of Fleet way you gotta remember who came first and I’m pretty sure that the old British sonic comics came before the creepy pasta
I wonder what would happen if Shadow went on here with a certain chameleon, and found some ships of them? That'd be true hell for both, I'm sure! Mwahahahaha!
#shadowforsmash Shadow as an echo fighter makes sense cause: His nutural attack could be chaos spear His final smash could be chaos blast And one of his taunts could be him saying " I am the ultimate"
Why did this make me laugh so hard???? My favorite part is where fleetway screamed so loud that his mic couldn't handle it anymore lolol 😂😂
Fun Fact: Fleetway joined another Deviantart video, but with Silver awhile ago. And in that video, Silver was confident that there was not a ship between him and Fleetway, but he found some art near the end of the video that proved him wrong. So apparently SilverXFleetway actually exists.
@Fleetway Sonic
Speaking of which, I have 2 questions:
1. Are you going to collab with Silver again soon?
2. You do know he already has a girlfriend, Blaze, right? XD (I know it was a joke, please don’t be mad.)
IT EXIST?! the fandom is weird sometimes-
Please Let
Dread: sonic.exe
Darkness: dark sonic
Insanity: fleetway
I love how shadow has seen sonadow so many times he just desensitized and isn’t affected but everyone else is terrified
I still cringe when I see Sonadow, but it's not as bad as when I saw it for the first time. Also, the level of cringe depends on what I'm looking at.
Same effect if you read the weird fanfiction (cough lemon cough cough) and then go onto Deviantart and see some stuff, you won't be affected anymore. Making this post as a fanfiction reader who discovered the fanart later on.
@@that_one_strange_person ha thats funny I didn’t think that would work 🤣
3:10 The worst thing that could happen is having Knuckles as the crab singing “Under the See.” 😬
Uh oh, looks like Fleetway's getting a taste of his own medicine! Also could you bring WereSonic (Sonic in his Werehog form) as the next deviantart guest?
Shadow: Silver as a mermaid, simp simp simperhog
Says the one who is a simp to Rouge!
Victor Martinez you because you cared enough to reply to their comment.
Tell Shadow its back its back its finally there's a part 2 up Sally. EXE animation remember the Sonic. EXE animation is back baby it's back finally I posted two days ago can you tell about the Shadow or I posted two days
Can someone Tell shadow to watch lyuconberma comics?
I just wanna see a whole episode of just fleetway and Sonic.EXE just reacting to their ship 😂
Imagine getting cocktail bird in this video 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Shadow can you react to Black Panther vs sonic cartoon beatbox battles.
Everybody wants to see your reaction and bring sonic with you.
@star gleam the hedgedragon For some reason,I don't know why is not doing a reaction.
I've seen people doing reaction.
Why Shadow, I think it's because of youtube.
But still bring the reaction, people are waiting for the reaction .
i was just about to comment this
C'mon guys lest do this.
He needs to react this so badly
@@Ifuck-548 Poor Black Panther I feel bad for him.
Rest in peace Chadwick Boseman.
We love you.😭
5:57 "yellow sonic having a meltdown,, im dead
Fleetway sonic laugh is so hilarious😂😂😂
Shadow get your facts straight, Sonic.exe was inspired in part by Fleetway. Fleetway Super dates back to 1993
Awesome video as always shadow
LOL I’m not gonna lie this is perfect shadow
Hi Fleetway sonic and shadow 😘
Shadow your the beeeeeessssdtttttt I llllllllove your videos
they don't know that there is a ship between them
Silver's image as a mermaid must be Silvia .. and seriously is there a ship between fleetway and Sonic.exe ?hahaha😂😂
I was hoping for Knuckles and Shadow to do a Deviant Art video. Who’s with me?
5:22 Shadow, you should’ve made a comeback by searching Fleetway x Ebony. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
fαntαѕч drєαmєr Fleetway lost his energy and memory after getting separated from Sonic in the comics so Ebony, a black cat lady, nursed him back to health. Back then, Fleetway actually tried to be a good guy.
Awesome Video Shadow 👍
Hahahaha!! Yes! Let’s. Freaking. Go? Great work!
i love seeing fleetway suffer 💀
Nice video Shadow
9:08 their reaction is priceless
Nice new intro shadow
I won't buy the game until Shadow is a playable character. He deserves to be playable! He deserves to be more than an assist trophy!
Hey guys!! Awesome video!
Shadow please react with the blue hedgehog on cartoon beatbox on black panther vs sonic!!!!
I just helped this video get 2,100 likes!
ohh Haha fleetway x Sonic.exe hahaha I didn't even know it existed .. #Shadow4smash✌ Shadow deserves to be there !! is the 2nd most popular character!
Shadow can you react to Mario vs Sonic prank battle?
Shadow should do a Deviantart video with the Red Echidna (aka Knuckles). It would be VERY interesting. Thumb up if you agree.
Oh and shadow EXC is a knock off of Fleet way you gotta remember who came first and I’m pretty sure that the old British sonic comics came before the creepy pasta
Thanks for The video you're Awesome
The mermaid silver one is actually Silver’s mom name Sapphire from another dimension
4:46 now ladies and gentlemen those three are my favorite characters in my life uwu
Hi shadow
Nice intro dude
Silver: Is A mErMaId
Me: 😀🔫
Also me: hElLo DaRkNeSs My oLd FrIenD
Fleetway is crazy
This is why shadow is my most favorite sonic character
Hi fleetway Sonic and shadow
I wonder what would happen if Shadow went on here with a certain chameleon, and found some ships of them? That'd be true hell for both, I'm sure! Mwahahahaha!
Shadow as an echo fighter makes sense cause:
His nutural attack could be chaos spear
His final smash could be chaos blast
And one of his taunts could be him saying " I am the ultimate"
4:40 The alternate version of him has.
Hahahahahahahaha!!! I like fleetway! 🤣🤣🤣
My man shadow rocking the new intro
React to Black Panther vs Sonic Beatbox Battle
Can you and sonic react to sonic vs black panther in sonics beatbox thear is a surprise
Hey Shadow can you and Sonic please to the Cartoon Beatbox Battles Episode called Black Panther vs Sonic next episode?
Omg I love all the memes!! 😂😂😂
Shadow: happy Valentine’s Day fleetway!!
Me:’s September...
Pls react to sonic vs black panther of cartoon beatbox battles with sonic and also I subscribed
The new intro is cool 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
Hi feet way
Sounds like you got play time to play as feet way
Who's waiting for Shadow and sonic to react to Verbalase -Black panther vs Sonic REACTION
sonic and shadow react to sonic vs black panther cartoon beatbox battles.
Actually Shadow that is Silver's Alternate Universe female self and her name is called Sapphire
Shadow, fleetway was born before sonic.exe
Hey shad pleas react to black panther vs sonic beat box battle
Shadow the hedgehog the only one who can make deviantart videos interesting
React to Cartoon Beatbox Battles Black Panther vs Sonic with the the blue hedgehog for your next video
awsome dude!
This is so Funny!
ikr #shadowforsmash
Uhm flettway kinda sounds like my brother
React to Cartoon Beatbox Battles episode 12 Sonic vs Black Panther.
You and Sonic should react to Black Panther vs Sonic Cartoon beatbox battles by verbalase
It is my birthday today
Shadow when are you gonna react to cartoon beat box battles sonic vs black panther
When are you going to react to the new cartoon beatbox Battles?
Well you guys reacts Black Panther. Vs sonic cartoon beatbox battle
you should do a reaction to sonic vs black panther
Shadow react to infinite vs mephiles
Now I'm starting to wonder what would happen if Sonic.exe, fleet way,and dark Sonic met each other...
@Fleetway Sonic
You should watch Black panther Vs Sonic in big box battle
shadow for smash
Video idea: Shadow and Sonic the werehog visit deviantart
SHADOW! React to sonic vs black panther sorry for being mean at the start
You shouldnt pass in my universe, Fleetway, cuz im hero there!
Can you make a video about you and sonic reacting to cartoon beatbox battles black panther vs sonic
Shadow and fleetway sonic frends??????
When are you gonna react to sonic vs black panther
please react to black panther vs sonic cartoon beatbox battles
Do a deviant art video with Tikal!!
Shadow is the coolest
Shadow you are the best
Just in case you didn't know boom shadow wears lipstick I'm cracking up here
React to some vs black panther cartoon beatbox battle
Bring next time Mephiles the Dark.
Hi shadow can u reaction to black panther vs sonic cartoon beatbox battle please
React to black panther vs sonic beatbox battle
Shadow sonic vs black panther is out can you and sonic react to it please
React to cartoon beatbox battles !!
Sonic please play piggy with sonic
Me and shadow: ladys and gentlemen we got em
I watched this video on Fleetway Sonic’s channel