My last name is Loya I am 38. I recently converted in 2017 now at first I called it Judaism like Sonya in this video. Today I have a better understanding and call myself a Natsarim. Judaism there is no Jesus. Natsarims were the first group after Yahusha died to continue to walk as he walked. I still honor feast days, Shabbat and the holy name of the Most High. In just recently this year I bumped into a Loya at Walmart that that I know is a cousin just never met him in person. I began talking to him and found out our family was persecuted in during the Spanish Inquisition and migrated to Mexico and was kicked out or drove out from there and relocated in Texas.
My uncle Ed lived and retired in New Mexico. This was unusual since his sister,my mother, lived in Montreal, Que. We always lived amongst Jews.
My last name is Loya I am 38. I recently converted in 2017 now at first I called it Judaism like Sonya in this video. Today I have a better understanding and call myself a Natsarim. Judaism there is no Jesus. Natsarims were the first group after Yahusha died to continue to walk as he walked. I still honor feast days, Shabbat and the holy name of the Most High. In just recently this year I bumped into a Loya at Walmart that that I know is a cousin just never met him in person. I began talking to him and found out our family was persecuted in during the Spanish Inquisition and migrated to Mexico and was kicked out or drove out from there and relocated in Texas.
Mr. Loya my e-mail is if you wish to continue this conversation. It would be great to see how or if we are related. Sonya Loya
Natsarim is Hebrew for Christian.
That woman is a fake.....