Old timer here used to go to the office when you went down the hill and then parked in the big lot or dirt parking lot right behind all the bars on the beach El Dorado is there now no more parking lol
@@EmptyNesterLife you can’t you have to UberX down there or be staying in one of the places right on the beach, V has used to be nice but they’re idiots and price pirates very bad people so I sold out
@@minetruther7365 thanks! It depends…if you’re coming from the United States, you have to get a special permit to take that trip. I’d also recommend making sure you go with a friend…not a good trip to do solo
Love it! We're empty Nesters too and loving it. Visiting cabo for first time next week thank God
That's fantastic! Let us know what your favorite restaurant in Cabo is...just subscribed so we can see your adventures, too ☀
Love the vibe. Such beautiful colors. Thats living! Tough day at the office! 🇲🇽
You nailed it. The vibe is so next level, and the locals are so cool.
Luna Italiana is a great restaurant with an amazing view. Check it out next time you're in town.
Will definitely check it out! Thanks for the recommendation Samuel 😎
We love to go to Maro's Shrimp House for a very relaxed seafood dinner , as well as Tres Isles. Order the Bulldog at Maro's.
Thanks Craig. Definitely putting this on our to-try list next time we're in town!
Old timer here used to go to the office when you went down the hill and then parked in the big lot or dirt parking lot right behind all the bars on the beach El Dorado is there now no more parking lol
We remember those days! It’s near impossible to get parking down there anymore
@@EmptyNesterLife you can’t you have to UberX down there or be staying in one of the places right on the beach, V has used to be nice but they’re idiots and price pirates very bad people so I sold out
Great Video,would ou guys reccomend a young man in his 20's drive to cabo san lucas via car.
@@minetruther7365 thanks! It depends…if you’re coming from the United States, you have to get a special permit to take that trip. I’d also recommend making sure you go with a friend…not a good trip to do solo
the office 🤢🤢🤢
We were there last week…food was great!