와😍🥰, 감사합니다. 예전에 중국에서 합창단에 있으면서 이 곡 많이 불렀던 기억으로 연주 했답니다. 중국 친구들과 길에서 이 곡을 중국어로 외우면서 같이 버스 정류장으로 향했던 그 시절이 아직도 생생 하네요. 그 친구들은 다 특파가 되어 어디선가 다들 열심히 살고 있다는 소식에 행복해 했답니다. 저도 열심히 여기서 하루하루를 보내야 겠다고 다짐 해 봅니다. 💛🧡💛
Another beautifully played song to Jehovah ⚘ (Revelation 21:1-5) 1.Just see yourself, just see me too; Just see us all in a world that is new. Think how you’ll feel, how it will be, To live in peace, to be truly free. No evil one will then prevail; Rule by our God cannot ever fail. The time will have come for a new earthly start, The song of our praises will pour out from our heart: (CHORUS) “We thank you, our God, for all you have done. All things are new by the rule of your Son. The fullness of our heart overflows in our song; All glory and honor and praise to you belong.” 2.Now see yourself, and see me too; And look ahead to a world that is new. No sight we see, no sound we hear Will cause alarm or give rise to fear. All has come true, just as he said; Now over mankind, his tent is spread. He now will awaken those sleeping in death; Their voices will join ours with ev’ry grateful breath: (CHORUS) “We thank you, our God, for all you have done. All things are new by the rule of your Son. The fullness of our heart overflows in our song; All glory and honor and praise to you belong.” (See also Ps. 37:10, 11; Isa. 65:17; John 5:28; 2 Pet. 3:13.
우리 다 함 ㄱ게손 에 손 잡 고 새 로 운 세상으로 이사 갈 준비 할 ㄱ가요
부드러운 면서도 ~ 차분하게~~
여유로운 분위기에서 아름다운곡이
보는이의 마음을 꽉 채워 주군요 ~~🌹
잘~~ 들었어요
참~감동적인 노랫말에 가슴이 따뜻해짐을 느끼면서
하루 하루 보람있게 보내야 되겠다는 생각 💝
와😍🥰, 감사합니다. 예전에 중국에서 합창단에 있으면서 이 곡 많이 불렀던 기억으로 연주 했답니다. 중국 친구들과 길에서 이 곡을 중국어로 외우면서 같이 버스 정류장으로 향했던 그 시절이 아직도 생생 하네요. 그 친구들은 다 특파가 되어 어디선가 다들 열심히 살고 있다는 소식에 행복해 했답니다. 저도 열심히 여기서 하루하루를 보내야 겠다고 다짐 해 봅니다. 💛🧡💛
Another beautifully played song to Jehovah ⚘ (Revelation 21:1-5)
1.Just see yourself, just see me too;
Just see us all in a world that is new.
Think how you’ll feel, how it will be,
To live in peace, to be truly free.
No evil one will then prevail;
Rule by our God cannot ever fail.
The time will have come for a new earthly start,
The song of our praises
will pour out from our heart:
“We thank you, our God, for all you have done.
All things are new by the rule of your Son.
The fullness of our heart overflows in our song;
All glory and honor and praise to you belong.”
2.Now see yourself, and see me too;
And look ahead to a world that is new.
No sight we see, no sound we hear
Will cause alarm or give rise to fear.
All has come true, just as he said;
Now over mankind, his tent is spread.
He now will awaken those sleeping in death;
Their voices will join ours with
ev’ry grateful breath:
“We thank you, our God, for all you have done.
All things are new by the rule of your Son.
The fullness of our heart overflows in our song;
All glory and honor and praise to you belong.”
(See also Ps. 37:10, 11; Isa. 65:17; John 5:28; 2 Pet. 3:13.
연주자,상의가,,화려.햇ㅅ .으면.화이팅
참 아름다운 곡이네요.
제가 좋아하는 곡 중 한곡이예요. 러시아 친구가 추천 해서 연주 해 보았답니다. 주말 즐겁게 보내세요. 🥰
Thank you Kitty. That was just beautiful 💙
Dear Jane, thanks for your encouraging words. I also like this song. Jehovah provided us beautiful melody. Have a good day.