....YOU are the real Pilots for me !!! I'm a retired Airline- + Helicopterpilot (18'000Hrs) but I l like how exactli You can explain and tell .... how to correct to behave !!! wish You all of the crew in air and on ground a good , safe and accidentfree operation !!! Kinde regards from Switzerland !! here we fly ,,only,, with Helcopters ... most H125 about 1000ltd with the Super Puma up to 4000lts .... depending on density....
Five of those AT-802Fs from Dauntless Air in conjunction with a CH-54 Skycrane had a fire 3 miles from my house totally supressed and contained by the ground crew in steep terrain in less than an hour yesterday afternoon. It was AWESOMELY AWESOME to watch👍👍👍 Yeppers, Those five AT-802Fs made all the difference. 13+ mins between the first and second drops by the initial four ship AT-802F flight and 10 mins between drops two, three and four by them. Then the CH-54 ex Army Skycrane started working it too. 5 min turn around for him. It was an Wonderfully coordinated effort. 💯%👍🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Awesome sight to watch 3 or 4 of these from Conair in Abbotsford fight the Cameron lake fire on Vancouver Island this June. Like a swarm of angry bees! Incredible.
I love these planes. Live in BC where we don't have summer we have fire season and I'm certain that this airframe is absolutely the future of wildfire response, if I was a betting man I'd put money on there being a lot more of these in the future anywhere there's wildland fires.
It’s kinda too bad that nobody gave the company and crew at Whip Line floats a shout out. They are the folks that made this entire thing possible after all.
It was nice for a change Scott a happy story one that's productive the save lives and people's homes in their devotion to what they do sort of like you. Thanks for the entertainment I didn't even have to put my seatbelt on :-)
I watched a couple of videos about the larger water scoopers, and they said the same thing about the moment when you start collecting water. Seems to be the same as those guys doing low level supply drops from cargo planes. Five feet off the ground, and they have to time it perfectly to keep the plane level when tons of weight suddenly fall out of the rear door, and their control inputs are now completely wrong for the situation. Another great video. Thanks, Scott.👍🏼
Thank you for the video. You asked all the questions that I would have asked. The other plane I would love to have you do a feature on is the CL415 'cause between the twin engines and the scooping they have some other added variables. I was in a twin-otter once when we lost an engine. With 15 passengers we just continued to the destination. The pilot made it look like it was all in a day's work. I'll bet that that wouldn't be the case if a CL415 lost an engine while scooping a load, but I would love to hear what a pilot has to say about it.
Awesome video! We live in Millsap and drive by this airport all the time, and I’ve seen these planes. The first time I saw them I had to stop and take pictures. Thought it was so strange for crop dusters to have floats! I had never researched it but watched one of your Bonanza videos and this one came came up as a suggestion. ... Now I know their purpose!! Glad to have found your channel!!!
Today I read about the first ones arriving to Sweden at Stockholm/Skavsta. The two planes will be based there and will work together with other European planes and helicopters. AT:S and Canadairs.
I'm surprised that they extend the probes after they touchdown, which creates the very critical timing issue when adding the power for the pickup. On the CL-415, we'd extend the probes turning onto "final" for the lake. Then, you've only got two things to deal with - pitch and power. As soon as you touch down it wants to grab and pitch you forward. You check that with a short and brisk tug on the yoke (being careful not to overcontrol it and start a pilot-induced oscillation) and at the same time you're pushing the thrust levers full forward. Sounds easier than trying to do three things with two hands. Pilot not flying retracts the probes when the tank is full or you reach your gross weight of 47,000 lbs. You can pick up more water as you burn off fuel.
That's crazy that the floats only float the airplane empty. Meaning you have to be riding the air and have lift or you'll sink basically. Lol. Well not much margin. So I guess whence you're taking on water you do not ever come to a stop or slow down
Great job Scott please work on your audio its difficult to hear. I love your work and I want to hear ever word you say along with your guests. Keep the blue side up. Thank you
....YOU are the real Pilots for me !!! I'm a retired Airline- + Helicopterpilot (18'000Hrs) but I l like how exactli You can explain and tell .... how to correct to behave !!! wish You all of the crew in air and on ground a good , safe and accidentfree operation !!! Kinde regards from Switzerland !! here we fly ,,only,, with Helcopters ... most H125 about 1000ltd with the Super Puma up to 4000lts .... depending on density....
Five of those AT-802Fs from Dauntless Air in conjunction with a CH-54 Skycrane had a fire 3 miles from my house totally supressed and contained by the ground crew in steep terrain in less than an hour yesterday afternoon. It was AWESOMELY AWESOME to watch👍👍👍 Yeppers, Those five AT-802Fs made all the difference.
13+ mins between the first and second drops by the initial four ship AT-802F flight and 10 mins between drops two, three and four by them. Then the CH-54 ex Army Skycrane started working it too. 5 min turn around for him. It was an Wonderfully coordinated effort. 💯%👍🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
A sexy beast of a plane! Real pilots fighting the good fight!
Awesome sight to watch 3 or 4 of these from Conair in Abbotsford fight the Cameron lake fire on Vancouver Island this June. Like a swarm of angry bees! Incredible.
I love these planes. Live in BC where we don't have summer we have fire season and I'm certain that this airframe is absolutely the future of wildfire response, if I was a betting man I'd put money on there being a lot more of these in the future anywhere there's wildland fires.
You didn't ask if they had ever picked up a 🐠 or something like that... I really enjoy this. Thanks 👍😊
They've been flying a lot lately here in Fairbanks Alaska.
It’s kinda too bad that nobody gave the company and crew at Whip Line floats a shout out. They are the folks that made this entire thing possible after all.
It was nice for a change Scott a happy story one that's productive the save lives and people's homes in their devotion to what they do sort of like you. Thanks for the entertainment I didn't even have to put my seatbelt on :-)
Well said!
I watched a couple of videos about the larger water scoopers, and they said the same thing about the moment when you start collecting water. Seems to be the same as those guys doing low level supply drops from cargo planes. Five feet off the ground, and they have to time it perfectly to keep the plane level when tons of weight suddenly fall out of the rear door, and their control inputs are now completely wrong for the situation. Another great video. Thanks, Scott.👍🏼
Good stuff Scott.
Thank you for the video. You asked all the questions that I would have asked.
The other plane I would love to have you do a feature on is the CL415 'cause between the twin engines and the scooping they have some other added variables.
I was in a twin-otter once when we lost an engine. With 15 passengers we just continued to the destination. The pilot made it look like it was all in a day's work. I'll bet that that wouldn't be the case if a CL415 lost an engine while scooping a load, but I would love to hear what a pilot has to say about it.
Good overview. We used 11 in British Columbia this season.
Awesome video! We live in Millsap and drive by this airport all the time, and I’ve seen these planes. The first time I saw them I had to stop and take pictures. Thought it was so strange for crop dusters to have floats! I had never researched it but watched one of your Bonanza videos and this one came came up as a suggestion. ... Now I know their purpose!! Glad to have found your channel!!!
I'm glad you liked it! And welcome to the Channel!
Fascinating! How long does the runway need to be dry?
We are lucky to have them in to Wipaire KSGS all the time for maintenance..
Today I read about the first ones arriving to Sweden at Stockholm/Skavsta. The two planes will be based there and will work together with other European planes and helicopters. AT:S and Canadairs.
Sweden just bought two for keeping the forests intact! 👍🏻
That's awesome!
With an option for an additional two. They will also be part of the InterEuropean rescue collaboration.
Hey that’s crazy I’m from Mineral Wells!
Whats pay like for SEAT pilots?
That’s a nice bonanza you have there
I like the video. It's very good and informative. Unfortunately the audio is very bad :/ hard to understand what they said.
I'm surprised that they extend the probes after they touchdown, which creates the very critical timing issue when adding the power for the pickup. On the CL-415, we'd extend the probes turning onto "final" for the lake. Then, you've only got two things to deal with - pitch and power. As soon as you touch down it wants to grab and pitch you forward. You check that with a short and brisk tug on the yoke (being careful not to overcontrol it and start a pilot-induced oscillation) and at the same time you're pushing the thrust levers full forward. Sounds easier than trying to do three things with two hands. Pilot not flying retracts the probes when the tank is full or you reach your gross weight of 47,000 lbs. You can pick up more water as you burn off fuel.
That's crazy that the floats only float the airplane empty. Meaning you have to be riding the air and have lift or you'll sink basically. Lol. Well not much margin. So I guess whence you're taking on water you do not ever come to a stop or slow down
Awesome video!! Makes me wanna quit my current gig.
Great job Scott please work on your audio its difficult to hear. I love your work and I want to hear ever word you say along with your guests.
Keep the blue side up.
Thank you
we have these in australia
They're probably Gibbs Aviation birds!
Who came here from Cody's (Westernstar) channel ?
Nah I blocked that dude a long time ago.