@@linustheloafofbreaddachshu7494 boi if this isnt one of those "acshually" type comments. Australian English is de facto official language, brought to you by Wiki. And I meant speaking in dialect, officer doggo.
And this girl handles these dangerous spiders as if they are butterflyes!! :) Great professional, and it is good to know there are people who cares and work toward having the anti-venom. Well done
Bless the reptile park for actually providing accurate information on these guys. Just about every other "Sydeny funnel web" video doesn't even show a Sydeny funnel web, it seems some morons can't seem to grasp that not every bulky black spider is a Sydney funnel web -.-
All I could think about was how parents are walking around with their little kids about 100ft from this nightmare of a spider. The fact that there are more than 1 spider on that continent that look like a funnel web is terrifying to me. If that was in my house I would 100% move to another country. You can keep all of that right there and I stay on the other side of the planet.
You do realise that this spider is only occasionally encountered and hasn't killed anyone for 40 years. Overreacting quite a bit to move to another country
I don't know where you live, but I am in Tennessee and have seen many black widow spiders around my home. They can be deadly, but rarely are. They say there are also brown recluses and even scorpions around here, but I've never seen one. I'm sure there are these types of creatures where you are as well, but we don't need to fear them.
@@griffinc3263 meanwhile 3 Aussies are killed in car accidents every day, so at about a 50 000 to 1 ratio compared to the Funnel Web. Maybe cars should be dressed up in large hairs and fangs to get people to pay due attention to that danger.
I have a captured a dozen or more funnel webs landscaping in my garden. They are being safely taken care (more will be found), and will be off to the reptile park or local hospital asp. I have some male and a lot of females. Some big some small. You can can feel the vibration of their bite through a screw driver.
They can bite through those thin take-away food containers, They have the strength to bite through a man's toenail. The more robust tupperware type of containers are fine. Remember , NOT thin takeaway type food containers.
Hey I got 1 in a jar. I dunno what it is , I'd say mouse spider , but it's fangs are not that huge .. there very very big thoe ... plus the shell is shiny black. Butt is brown. WTF is it
Always wondered, cant they just use a gas that puts it to sleep? Then a quick incision near glands and voila, venom. Do this to a bunch at a time and you have all the venom you need. Actually always wondered why they dont do this when getting any venom from any animal? Would the incision cause it to envenomate itself through the cut?
I wonder if it doesn't get dicey with such small animals - imagine the size and precision required by that cut - and yes the exposure to own venom besides the cutting tissue damage. A large snake you can squeeze from the outside, maybe the same can be carefully done to a medium size spider. But I'm not sure that there are safe tranquilizers for such small arthropods.
@@hide3reptiles365 Maybe a sealed gas chamber with gloves. You just put them in it and it knocks them out but doesn't kill them. Then you somehow attach a venom sucker with maybe electrical stimulation near whatever muscles pump the venom to the fangs or something, lol. If I wasn't working on other stuff and afraid of/hate spiders and snakes, I would try making something like that. Could be a lot of money in venom production.
Why will you start with a top 3 most poisonous spider in the world?? does not make any sense. You can start with a big spider less poisonous, there are plenty. Nobody wants accidents, but they happen.
Someone asked me which spider is more dangerous, the funnel web or the Brazilian wandering. I said the Brazilian wandering, but for two reasons. There are animals immune to the funnel web bites (cats and dogs that I'm aware of), and there's available anti venom for their bites. The wanderer, nothing is immune to their venom and there's no anti venom. Is this accurate?
Inaccurate. There is most certainly an antivenom that is widely used in Latin America for wandering spider bites. The reason that wandering spiders are more dangerous is that they come into contact with people more often
You gotta stay focused doing that, a bite from a funnel web would suck!! Although you would have anti-venom near buy I assume ... Thanks for the video!
This lady is not just so pretty, but has the courage to catch these creepy crawlies that some men are scared doing so. When I was young, we used to hunt spiders in Asian bushes for stick fighting and hobby. We would bring them to school and during lunch breaks, we will have competitions and see who's got the mightiest spider, then sell them for a nice profit. I miss those days...
You are brave😊 Its amazing how these little creatures excrete such poisonous venom although they never went to any chemistry classes. Almighty Allah has 99 names and one of them is Ed-Dar...the creator of harmful things. So this little creature is a reminder to us that it has been created by Almighty Allah.
The things I’d do to that spider…I’d love to try: Putting it in my freezer (maybe my fridge so it dies slower) Putting it in a teapot and putting the teapot in boiling hot water (so it can endure the heat of the surface of the pot, making it more agonising) Tape it to a bullseye and try some target practice (with a BB gun) Pour glue on one Put one in the microwave Bury it in caustic soda (and hope that it tries to eat it)
It's catching this spider that helps save lives. And they don't say go searching for it. If one shows up in your house, they say catch it and bring it in to the reptile park
Actually, there are pretty regularly seen in Australia and your really want to catch it when you see one or you don't know when it will pop up again and you might not see it.
I love the way they get pissed off
''OyE lad Fok off Ay??''
You definitely wouldn't love the way they bite!
you know its australia when an emu casually walks in the shot xD
"His name 's Warris! He's an asshole!"
Be pride
You also know it's Australia when they just let a funnel web loose in a park. It's only one of the worlds most deadliest spiders that's all....😂
I could imagine these spiders swearing in australian
"Australian", isnt a language.
@@linustheloafofbreaddachshu7494 boi if this isnt one of those "acshually" type comments. Australian English is de facto official language, brought to you by Wiki.
And I meant speaking in dialect, officer doggo.
And this girl handles these dangerous spiders as if they are butterflyes!! :) Great professional, and it is good to know there are people who cares and work toward having the anti-venom. Well done
That magpie looked like he wanted to eat the spider!
HazY Actually it could. The venom doesn’t do much to birds. Chickens, for example, will catch and eat them on sight.
How to catch a funnel web spider... My first thought, a shotgun and a vacuum.
Bless the reptile park for actually providing accurate information on these guys. Just about every other "Sydeny funnel web" video doesn't even show a Sydeny funnel web, it seems some morons can't seem to grasp that not every bulky black spider is a Sydney funnel web -.-
All I could think about was how parents are walking around with their little kids about 100ft from this nightmare of a spider. The fact that there are more than 1 spider on that continent that look like a funnel web is terrifying to me. If that was in my house I would 100% move to another country. You can keep all of that right there and I stay on the other side of the planet.
You do realise that this spider is only occasionally encountered and hasn't killed anyone for 40 years. Overreacting quite a bit to move to another country
I don't know where you live, but I am in Tennessee and have seen many black widow spiders around my home. They can be deadly, but rarely are. They say there are also brown recluses and even scorpions around here, but I've never seen one. I'm sure there are these types of creatures where you are as well, but we don't need to fear them.
@@griffinc3263 meanwhile 3 Aussies are killed in car accidents every day, so at about a 50 000 to 1 ratio compared to the Funnel Web. Maybe cars should be dressed up in large hairs and fangs to get people to pay due attention to that danger.
0:28 Magpie: *"Oi mate! Thats my lunch your stealing!"*
0:43 Magpie: *"Rightio! I will get him next time!"*
Yeah if I saw one of these in my yard..I’m busting out the flamethrower instead of a jar...
Death is the only solution
i would keep it as a pet lol
@@carsonweigle9454 They're actually good pets, I'm not even joking.
SM Nation I would pour acid on it I wanna see somebody do that
@@BugsandBiology then there's the wannabee edgy attention whores.
I have a captured a dozen or more funnel webs landscaping in my garden. They are being safely taken care (more will be found), and will be off to the reptile park or local hospital asp. I have some male and a lot of females. Some big some small. You can can feel the vibration of their bite through a screw driver.
"hey lets go to Australia"
Me: pls no
it looked so cute walking along in the grass, i would love a job like hers
What a great hobby for kids!
Can someone tell me why you don’t just step on it? That’s what we do in uk
I'd prefer to have a giant hornet beehive under my bed than a tiny spider outside on the balcony. Death to spiders
Is there a net gain of antivenom from this program or does it all go to treating the people who milk the spiders?
People who capture/milk the spiders barely, if ever get bitten. Funnelwebs can't climb or jump and their eyesight is poor, so bites are easy to avoid.
can they bite through plastic containers?
no i doubt funnel web spider can bite through
it could depend on how thick the container is
They can bite through those thin take-away food containers,
They have the strength to bite through a man's toenail.
The more robust tupperware type of containers are fine.
Remember , NOT thin takeaway type food containers.
Not the plastic jar, they are quite tough but funnel web does have one of the most powerful fangs in the world among spiders.
That one with the tiny legs can barely maneuver, it's hilarious. 😂
The Sydney Funnel Web spider is so cute but so deadly 💀
wtf Is wrong with you.....if that's your definition of cute....
That's one triggered spider! lol : P
Hey I got 1 in a jar. I dunno what it is , I'd say mouse spider , but it's fangs are not that huge .. there very very big thoe ... plus the shell is shiny black. Butt is brown. WTF is it
Butt? It's 'bum', mate.
Did you end up finding out what it was bobby?
Does it bite
The mouse spider looks so cute! : 3
Plan B: all you need is a brick or a rock.
That bird behind you was like: “dammit that was my lunch, now what am I supposed to eat?”
You just saved that spider from
They dont need airholes in the jar?
At the one minute point, that bird comes into frame like "THANK YOU FOR GRABBING THAT FUCKING THING!"
The bird can eat it?
You need signs up in the park “NO SPIDERS ALLOWED”.
Always wondered, cant they just use a gas that puts it to sleep? Then a quick incision near glands and voila, venom. Do this to a bunch at a time and you have all the venom you need. Actually always wondered why they dont do this when getting any venom from any animal? Would the incision cause it to envenomate itself through the cut?
I wonder if it doesn't get dicey with such small animals - imagine the size and precision required by that cut - and yes the exposure to own venom besides the cutting tissue damage. A large snake you can squeeze from the outside, maybe the same can be carefully done to a medium size spider. But I'm not sure that there are safe tranquilizers for such small arthropods.
@@hide3reptiles365 Maybe a sealed gas chamber with gloves. You just put them in it and it knocks them out but doesn't kill them. Then you somehow attach a venom sucker with maybe electrical stimulation near whatever muscles pump the venom to the fangs or something, lol. If I wasn't working on other stuff and afraid of/hate spiders and snakes, I would try making something like that. Could be a lot of money in venom production.
I'm thinking about getting a spider as pet, i think this is a good one to start with. I do have a concern about antivenom here in the netherlands...
There are many less poisonous spiders that can be a pet. This kind really should not be one plus I don't think it can do very well in Europe weather.
Why will you start with a top 3 most poisonous spider in the world?? does not make any sense. You can start with a big spider less poisonous, there are plenty. Nobody wants accidents, but they happen.
What is that song guys
As long as it’s not Godzilla showing up in your backyard you’re fine.
Someone asked me which spider is more dangerous, the funnel web or the Brazilian wandering. I said the Brazilian wandering, but for two reasons. There are animals immune to the funnel web bites (cats and dogs that I'm aware of), and there's available anti venom for their bites. The wanderer, nothing is immune to their venom and there's no anti venom.
Is this accurate?
If the wanderer lived in Australia, we'd have an anti-venom.
Inaccurate. There is most certainly an antivenom that is widely used in Latin America for wandering spider bites. The reason that wandering spiders are more dangerous is that they come into contact with people more often
I think wandering spiders are better climbers and more agile than Funnel web.
1 wrong move and you'll be seeing God in 75 minutes
Unlikely. I don't think anyone has died from a funnel web spider bite since the antivenin was developed.
@@BigRW No one has died from a funnel web since 1980
@@rolandb.1866 The antivenin was developed in 1981.
These spiders are not paying alot for a muffler
How to catch a funnel web spider:
I think you should if you see one. If you let it go, you don't know where it will pop up again.
Best spider ever.
She actually saved that Funnel Web spider from being eaten by that crow stalking it. It was when she put it in a container that the crow retreated.
People actually need this now.
That bird behind her didn't look very happy because she just stole it's meal!
they are deadly
You gotta stay focused doing that, a bite from a funnel web would suck!! Although you would have anti-venom near buy I assume ... Thanks for the video!
Nice spider
If I see a wandering spider, I think I cant capture them. And I would run
Wandering spider is more agile than this kind I think hence more dangerous. You don't want to get bit by either.
How to actually catch a funnel web:
1. Grab a shotgun
2. Aim at the spider
3. Fire
4. Repeat steps 1-3
“Don’t worry it can’t climb up the pot” 2 minutes later when milking the spider proceeds to not only climb the pot but jump over the edge aswell 👍🏼
They used the tongs to lift it out from underneath and it didn't really jump off it sort of dropped off the edge.
I'm scared this beast might bite through the jar
They are aggressive little buggers. Can come straight at ya if you provoke them enough.
"smh" indeed
Nice video, cute spidey
Also pretty woman
How to catch the deadliest spider in the world ? If I hear about it showing up in my city I'll move to another country.
Move to the UK, not even the mosquitoes bite people.
That magpie look hungry
Or move house
Why did that girl just take away that magpies launch.😂
This lady is not just so pretty, but has the courage to catch these creepy crawlies that some men are scared doing so. When I was young, we used to hunt spiders in Asian bushes for stick fighting and hobby. We would bring them to school and during lunch breaks, we will have competitions and see who's got the mightiest spider, then sell them for a nice profit. I miss those days...
That looks like me crawling there! But...without the Lightsabers. Bummer. (joke)
Darth Graggus XDDDDDDDDD
Darth Graggus XD
Catch it with a plastic container...Damn, I was having no luck using a crab pot...
It is extremely poisonous ah ??
Elvin_ music it is the world's most venomous
It‘s venomous, not poisonous. There is a difference.
the Phantom Troupe
Funnel Web Spider: >:(!!!
Atrax Robustus
I catch funnel web spiders with a 12 gauge...
You know it!
Has anyone ever seen any of these spiders in the U.S.?
just that one in your bathroom . . .
Funnel-web spiders may be sighted at the San Diego Zoo according to some dated info.
Probably not funnel web but they do have huntsman spiders moving in light speed.
or stamp on it 😂😂
Dean Davies did you not see the fangs on it? It could bite through the shoe.
Mate, it takes 8 milkings from these spiders to produce 1 dose of antvenine, that's the reason catching them is so important.
*Stomp* and you're not going to be able to stomp on a spider 💯😑
Dean Davies fuck yea
*irritate it with the tongs*
That would make it angry...
No, you use a brick and you pancake that bastard.
Feed it to the magpie
Why the he'll would I want to catch never alone play with Australia's most lethal spider😮😱
How about DON'T.
why would you want to catch it,BURN IT
I never want to see one though.
Hell to the nah nah nah
Smh my heD
how many times can someone say far in 44 seconds 😏
You are brave😊
Its amazing how these little creatures excrete such poisonous venom although they never went to any chemistry classes. Almighty Allah has 99 names and one of them is Ed-Dar...the creator of harmful things. So this little creature is a reminder to us that it has been created by Almighty Allah.
The things I’d do to that spider…I’d love to try:
Putting it in my freezer (maybe my fridge so it dies slower)
Putting it in a teapot and putting the teapot in boiling hot water (so it can endure the heat of the surface of the pot, making it more agonising)
Tape it to a bullseye and try some target practice (with a BB gun)
Pour glue on one
Put one in the microwave
Bury it in caustic soda (and hope that it tries to eat it)
Whos here cause of misfits podcast lmfao
Lmao me
And this is why I don’t really like Australia
The only reason why lmao
Not the venomous snakes, crocs, deadly heat or arid deserts?
Such beatiful girl,and she likes spiders.Married me :)
Xoicw so ur married to her? 😂 😂 😂
Unfortunately I didn't get answer :)
are you a spider?
Juulia Saarinen Ala ole arsittava
Ffffff that
If I caught one I would keep
It as a pet
Not a wise decision.
Shall I inform the hospital now or later lol
illumanati secrets just checking in on ya 10 months on... ya still alive mate?
Very irresponsible to encourage anyone to catch a deadly spider !!! Sheesh
It's catching this spider that helps save lives. And they don't say go searching for it. If one shows up in your house, they say catch it and bring it in to the reptile park
Actually, there are pretty regularly seen in Australia and your really want to catch it when you see one or you don't know when it will pop up again and you might not see it.
Funnel webs aren't venomous.
But the spider are!! Very!!
Stay woke
AbsoluteMonarchist it can kill you in minutes if it bites you
braylea colyer I think I caught 1
bobby anderson I would of screamed and ran from it
why da fck would youeven wants to catch it ? gosh
That mouse spider was kinda cute lol
I'd catch it. ON FIRE
It'd be catching my strap😂