My heart is broken listening this .... why does the Tigrians hate we Amharas so much .... they are so hateful and full of hate .... my beautiful and wise Amhara people I love you all ... love each other , protect each other and care for one another ....when we are one they are scared .when we are one they hate us and they try to divide us .... my patriot Amahara people be strong and have faith you my Amahara people
B T 👎👎👎 even if I am not Ethiopian, it’s both boring and annoying to hear you guys complaining about Tigray and their leaders for everything. Wake up and work hard to help your people. Don’t you get sick of blaming Hwahat and Tigray, thanks to my hzbawignbar we are not part of you, Ahyoch Amhara
Enaa yamegrmgee why you peopleso woored about tplf they are not ethiopian .they dont like us they stell29 billon us from.ethiopia .they must face justice. We dont need them ..they went there home .let them.stay there ..we dont need them ...
Lemlem Kahsay it’s amazing how Amhara blame everything on Hwahat even if the rain stops, they are more likely to say yehwahat Ejj alebet. May the Lord help you Tigray people🙏
The so called ADEPA is the gathering of those living for their stomach with empty mind; they have no knowledge, skill how to handle political issue. Totally they are not competent to lead the Amhara people. They have to be eliminated through mass movement before the worst comes.
የጎንደር ክርስቲያኖች በሙሉ መስጊድን ጠብቁ ለሴርኞች ቦታ እንዳት ስጡ ሁሉም ሃብታችን ቅርሳችን ነውና አደራ አደራ ጠብቁ በየትም ያላችሁ አማራዋች መስጊድና ቤተክርስቲያን ን ጠብቅ
የአማራ ሀሜት
ወይ። አብይ። ለማን። እንጩህ። ሠላም ሠላም። አጣን ጌታችን። ሠላም ሠላም ለወገኔ ሠላም ለወገኔ። ናፈቀን።
አብይ ወሬ እንጂ ተግባር የለም አስመሳይ ነው
የአማራ ሙስሊሞች እስከመቼ ነው ግን እነዚህ በስመ አማራ እሚሸውድዋቹ። ያልባነናችሁትን ማለቴ ነው ይቅርታ የሁሉንም አማራ ሙስሊም አይመለከትም
Yemr feta deyliy stmechegn Fetari kekfu neger ytebkh bro kalat yelegnm sle ate meglest ketlbet bro🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊♥️
My heart is broken listening this .... why does the Tigrians hate we Amharas so much .... they are so hateful and full of hate .... my beautiful and wise Amhara people I love you all ... love each other , protect each other and care for one another ....when we are one they are scared .when we are one they hate us and they try to divide us .... my patriot Amahara people be strong and have faith you my Amahara people
tigraians doesn’t hate Amhara. We’re brothers from different mothers. The activities are lying to make their living.
B T 👎👎👎 even if I am not Ethiopian, it’s both boring and annoying to hear you guys complaining about Tigray and their leaders for everything. Wake up and work hard to help your people. Don’t you get sick of blaming Hwahat and Tigray, thanks to my hzbawignbar we are not part of you, Ahyoch Amhara
ወገን ቤተክርስቲያን እና መስጊዶችን በደንብ መጠበቅ አለባቸው
ሽብር ለመፈጸም የሚንቀሳቀሱ በለኮሱት እሳት ይቃጠሉ !!!!!
ውይ ህሉም ለህዋሃት ምን ኣደረገህ እሳድጎሃል እኮ
ትክክል ጎንደሮች መስጂዶችንም ቤትክረስትያኑንም መጠበቅ አለባቸው የኢሀድግን የህዋትን ሲራ ማክሸፉአለባችሁ
አላህ ሀገራችንም ሰላም ያድረግልን
Hewhat he is Gonder? I am bet confused I feel sorry for Amara media not all of them
የአማራ አሻባር ናቸው እነሱየሰውደም የሚጣፍጣቸውናቸው ሌቦች
በናታችሁጠላቻን አትስበኩን ልታሳብድን ነው እጭ
ewnatun satdala indih awegiz, GOOOOOOOODDDDDDD
ለመሆኑ የወያኔን ሌቦች ልክ የሚያሰገባ ጠፋ??? ወይስ የፌዴራል መንግሥት እና አዴፓ ይፈልጉታል
እግዚአብሔር ሆይ ፍርድህን ስጠን አሜን
Bichegnaw moyawin akibari kemidenk chilota tinbeya yalew gazetegna bilo zim🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️
teme you are our hero! yeethiopia amlak yitebkh
አረ እፈር ሁሌም ህወሓት እየጨፈራቹ ስታቃጥሉኮ ኣየናቹኮ ባታቃጥሉን ምናለ ገና የሞጣ ሰርተህ ታስረክባለህ
Info ayinakim
ሞት ለወያኔ ትግሬ ፀረ አማራ ፀረ ሰላም ፀረ ኦርቶዶክስ
ወያኔ ሶዶማዉያን ነው
አፍሽን ዝጌ እኔ አላየሁም እንደአማራ መስጊዶች እያቃጠሉ የሚጨፍሩ አማራ በጣም ጨካኝ ናቸው ሁሉም አይደለም ባይገረምሽ እኔ አማራ ነኝ ብሄር የለኝም እምኔቴ እንጂ የአማራ ክልል መንግስት እባብ ነው ለሆዱ ያደረ ነው
Kkkkkkkk mot lekomata ahya amara zer menzersh yilek
ከህውሃት እራስ ውረድና ስለራሳችሁ ጥሩ አውሩ የማትረቡ
እና የጎንደር ቅማት ሚደርስበት ግፍ ለማን አቤት ይባላል ደፈጫ አንገረብ ማዶ የቅማት ገበሬዉ እህሉ እየተቃጠለ ቤት ንብረታቸዉ እየተቃጠለ ከብቶቻቸዉ እየታረዱ ቅማት የሆነን ሰዉ ግደል በሚል መፈክር ገለዉ ሲጨፍሩ ለማን ይነገር ፍትህ ምትሉት ነጠር ካለ ሐቅማት ፍትህ
ቡሽቲ መለስ ቅዘናዊ ቀዝኖ የሞተውን ፕሮፉይል አድርገህ ደለ ቅማንት ያገባኛል ሰትል አታፍርም የባንዳ ልጂ ቅማንት አማራ ናቸው
@@ማርያምማርያም-ጰ6አ ስድብ እማ አደኛ እኔ ባገኘሁት አጋጣሚ የተሰማኝን እየፃፍኩ ነዉ ለአፍ ብቻ ቅማት እና አማራ አንድ ነዉ ትላላችሁ የለፋበት የገበሬዉ የህል ክምር ሲቃጠል ከብቶቻቸዉን ጥጋበኛ ሲዘርፍ አንድም አማራ ተዉ የኛ ናቸዉ አላለም ግርግር ለሌባ ይመቻል እንደሚባለዉ በጎን ከመስረቅ ዉጭ እስኪ ጎንደር ደፈጫ እና ከወይን ቤቱ ማዶ ምን እየተፈጠረ እንደሆን ለማወቅ ሞክሩ ይሔኔ ቦታዉንም አታቁት
🇪🇹🤔ክፉ ለራሱ ነው ታገሱ፡፡
@Getta hoy hageze እራስ ወዳድ
Enaa yamegrmgee why you peopleso woored about tplf they are not ethiopian .they dont like us they stell29 billon us from.ethiopia .they must face justice. We dont need them ..they went there home .let them.stay there ..we dont need them ...
Hwehat kalalachu biznes yelem endey are ydebral hwehat hwehat stlu sew ytazebenal ybalal a d a d
Minew ekidachew kedmo yifa mewtatu deberesh aydel
Lemlem Kahsay it’s amazing how Amhara blame everything on Hwahat even if the rain stops, they are more likely to say yehwahat Ejj alebet. May the Lord help you Tigray people🙏
May God destroy the enemy of Ethiopia because he knows who they're! Gondar my sweet home and where my mom is barred!
Stop being yegedel mamito!! Why don't you read your own stories??? Please stop stealing someone's work
እውነት ለመናገር ንግግር እና ቅንብር አትቻሉም የኢሃዲግ ደጋፊ አይደለሁም ግን ኢትዬፕያዊት ሙስሊም ነኝ የምዬን ላባዬ አትስጡ በብብታቹ አቅፋቹ የያዝችሃቸውን የፀረ ሙስሊሞች መርዝ ረጪዎች አትምከሩና በሌላ ጣት ቀስሩ ያከሆነ እውነተኛ ኢትዬፕያዊነት
Hiwehat gin endet jegna new endih miyakeznachu
Anchi ezaw madbetish kizegni enji.
@@haileselamawit00 Niftam
@@asterhailehruy1175 kizenam! yeken jib lij
@@haileselamawit00 shermuta
@@asterhailehruy1175 shirmutina ma yezeresh new, emseshinim afeshinem bedenb tatebi, effffffffffffff sitisheti 😷😷😷👊👊👎👎
Sle ewunet bcha stlu sru medlowu lemanm ayxeqmmna
Hwehat meche new mtfatwat
ተንኮል. ሴራ. ሓሶት ምስገደፍኩሞ
berachuh demozachuh hewahet eyalachuh ye ethiopian hezb atacheberbru ye pp keteregnoch nen belu weshetamoch
Awo enawkaline tenbete new. Weadamalike yechi. Ywatiaile
The so called ADEPA is the gathering of those living for their stomach with empty mind; they have no knowledge, skill how to handle political issue. Totally they are not competent to lead the Amhara people. They have to be eliminated through mass movement before the worst comes.
ውሸታሞች እጭ