True as Shakespeare said in Merchant of Venice Jews can not be trusted. Who gave Jesus to the Roman Pilot to be crucified.yes Israeli can not be trusted
How do we live in a world where we negotiate with terrorists? Even if we swap a terrorist for an innocent hostage - 1 life for 1 life - How long until that terrorist takes another life and another life just because he was freed? Is that 1 hostage life worth the potential dozens that (by releasing the terrorist) are put in danger?
You are correct, in the "Gilad Shalit deal" (1 IDF soldier for 1027 terrorists) Yahya Sinwar , a hamas leader who was involved in 7.10 have been released.
@@kisskid7 they have to get their people back. They weren't prepared for the attack. I don't think they are going to make that mistake again for a long time!!!
@@Irfanulhaq95 stfu. The entire world apart from muslims and lunatic lefties know who the terrorists are. Hamas, Palestinians who support them and the nutjobs who support both of these such as yourself.
@@tzm1843 the Torah also clearly tells us that Jews are in fact still exiled and are waiting for the prodigal son, that they are not entitled to any particular land. That is coming from several actual real Jews, rabbis in fact. It can be argued that Israel is not a Jewish state, but a criminal Zionist state that seeks permanent war in the Middle East, funded by the US UK and many others. If Israel is indeed under existential threat, why doesnt it fund and supply its own wars?
إسرائيل منظمة إرهابية، مجموعة من المرتزقة من جميع أنحاء العالم، واستأجرت عصابات دولية تعمد ارتكاب الإبادة الجماعية، وتجويع الناس، وسرقة فلسطينan lands.
@@sstech5410 ah classic islamic hypocrisy. The entire world (apart from Muslims and lunatic leftists) calls Hamas and Palestinians who support them terrorists. Not Netanyahu or anyone else.
I think if it has been over a year, 40000 killed and not even 5 hostages rescued from a place that small, then you dont have the right to ask for more time or to kill more people. You suggest a million be killed so that 20 can be returned? Good luck trying to hide that monstrousity.
@@1Peter321 Let them go to Egypt? they weren't held hostage. They had their own government and have chosen to invade Israel don't start fights you can't win.
And Israel shouldn't.. It is an appalling deal. Why should any of Hamas' vile prisoners be released in exchange for dead bodies of Israeli hostages? It's absolutely shocking.
One bizarre aspect of this is that Shariah Law is supposedly vehemently Anti-Usury - which has deprived many Islamic countries from developing economically - but they seem to be okay with it when it comes to the hostages... 1 to 30. Creepy.
Way to go brainiac, you do know they got about 100 hostages back with the ceasefire they had near the end of 2023. Guess they didn't want them back that much.
I feel so sorry for Israel and its people. Shame on the UN, Red Cross, and all countries / individuals who accepted what occurred on Oct 2024. I wish all peoples to have peace, love and prosperity.
Bro ur getting the story wrong.. don’t say shame on every country in the world for not bowing to Izrae and broadcasting news they know for a fact is fabricated
Hamas started this. Hamas needs to surrender and return the hostages. Ceasefire means regroup and reload. No to that. Hostages for Prisoners - NO. Never again !
Palestine was already the world's largest "open air prison". At least try to understand the Palestine cause which has been in the UN for years. If you have a brain.
You don't want anyone taking shelter - That would make it harder to hunt defenseless "targets" like Hind Rajab, right? I'm an American and a veteran. Can you explain how Israel could "mistake" the USS Liberty's 40 square foot American flag and attack the ship for nearly an hour? See Candace Owens' interview with Liberty survivor Phil Tourney.
One of their leaders said exactly that during an interview with a local TV. They used UN money to build 500km of tunnels (cost $300k each 1/2mile) but zero shelters for their own. According to the H leader, the Palis aren't their responsibility because they're refugees. Let's not forget that Hamas is the official government of Gaza since 2007.
In a 2011 agreement between Israel and Hamas Israel released Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in exchange for 1,027 prisoners - so this in nothing compared to that.
Tragic for the Israeli families who have hostages but big sigh of relief that there is a pause. This current "deal" seemed very poisonous for Israel IMHO
There was never a deal, it was Hamas utilizing its agents and sympathizers in the global press. I think they are planning another assault. As an American, I’m pretty sure the fires in LA are Hamas but the situation is too muddy to make any attribution, as a civilian. However its inline with there martial doctrines, and they cannot shut up about something manifold more evil in the works throughout all there bot accounts on social media. I’m prepared to be surprised. This country is incredibly well trained, as a whole but California is clearly the one of the weak links and I’m certain something very wicked looms ahead for us.
Well, they have hostages, and they know they can twist the hand of the west using them. If hamas loses their hostages, nothing will stop the IDF from crushing hamas. Hamas wants to live another day, they have a great position of being a pain in the ass of Israel.
Trump said “if the hostages are not released, all hell will break loose” He did not say “some hostages” and he did not say “as soon as possible” Let’s see what happens..,
I didn't vote for trump or harris but I can tell you this: Hamas will be making the last mistake of their lives when they try calling Trump's bluff. Huge mistake. He'll be sworn in at 12:00 and the bombs will start falling at 12:05 and Iran can expect no less. And...Trump don't have a re-election to worry about. If I was Iran I would be looking for a way out.
@@alexandretessier3246 while Hamas continues to use foreign aid to dig tunnels under schools and hospitals to stockpile weapons? So-called Palestinians have self-labelled themselves as refugees for at least 3 generations already - very profitable for their shameless begging bowls, hey?
There never will be... and never has been. This will go on until the end of time. Israel is a small sliver of land amongst a sea of many hostile arab muslim nations. I'll just state what everyone is thinking and that is, Islam is a very violent religion and violence will follow it as long as it lives, unless there is a very big realization amongst muslims that they want to join the modern world and stop acting like barbaric terrorists. You can see how deep it runs when the muslims in the west won't publicly disavow hamas and terrorism. There were some cheering in America when 911 happened. Had a woman in NY tell me what she saw and it was mind boggling. They will fight tooth and nail for "palestine" and erupt in the streets... but the silence is deafening when it comes to condemning terrorism. I can't recall any protests where muslims got together in the streets to protest radical islam... that is concerning. When the rubber meets the road, I think we are going to find out all the "moderates" aren't really all that moderate. If they had the power to run the government and vote for conserving western values or bringing islamic and sharia rule into the west, what way do you think they would vote? ... and I am even talking about the "moderates" ... I would bet a lot of money they would all vote towards islamic rule. I can't even imagine what is being said behind closed doors across the western muslim world. People often get muslim conflated with arab and I want to be clear... I am talking about the religion and not the people. I have had many arab friends that are fantastic people, many of whom are actually christians. I am not even a big fan of christianity and think all religions have their issues, but I will take the morality of christianity any day of the week. It is what the west was built on after all. I just don't understand how western powers and so many of the liberal sheltered people in the west do not believe muslims when they literally say their goal is to take over and bring islam into every household... these stupid white leftists think "oh they don't mean that" and its and its all just kumbaya. If people don't get their heads screwed on things could look very different in 50-100 years. The damage is already done though and that scares me. For the muslims that actually ARE moderates in their beliefs and would support western values above islamic rule, then please please make your voices heard as you are incredibly important and should be leading the charge to bring a new age of islam into the modern world. Thats my rant for the day anyways.
And how should the Palestinians trust the Israelis after what happens ever since 1928 to them and with accelerating pace since December 1947 onwards culminating in today's gen.oc.ide????
@@jhingoorpatima237 maybe because they attacked Israelis both in the west bank and main land Israel? which causes an investigation, and a manhunt if needed. you can't expect to go scot free after committing a mass shooting in Tel-Aviv or attempting a vehicular homicide near Jerusalem just because you returned to your home/mosque/bed.
cut off the electricity ,fuels and food for a month instead doing negotiation with terrorists. All others are half measures Negotiations with terrorists is big defeat
@@Latestgenerationviews Have you seen the news - IDF have bombed the hell out of Gaza - so of course the hostages are killed in numbers. I have a problem with jews that do not get this - they must be stupied!!
Maybe show some proof. 191 violations by israel and only 65 by hamas. seems like statistically the ones who violate the most ceasefires is likely to again
They won’t respect any deal or treaty. Just look at the history of their so called prophet Mohammad. He broke the treaty when he was powerful. That’s what according to the teaching of Islam.
Israeli leaders that supported this bad deal are making a very terrible mistake that they will regret in future, if this deal is implemented then the Israeli soldiers died for nothing, this is not the Israel I know in the Bible
You are one of the people that do not understand G-d words. The jews only get a "homeland" if they can live in peace with other peolpe...but they cant so no G-d is rewarding the jewish killers!!
@ca-ku1ql nope! Show me the history of the land of Israel and Judah before the Islamic takeover, before Romans and before the Greeks? and up to present day?
@@clarkbowler157 Open air prison ?? That wall helped contain suicide bombings . Hamas & other armed groups are more responsible for the deteriorated state of Palestinians..
You must be an idiot taking about security - as Israel have never been secure!! And why - because the jews are a dark bloody people that do not listen to the wisdom or words to G-d, and fight all their neighbours all the time!! peace to all, norway
You mean to say that Israel should release all the innocent Palestinian civilians - which are well over 10'000! - which they hold in their dungeons? You're a brave person to demand this! Kudos to you!
@@ESO529 Show us the proof of these dungeons and Palestinians being held there. This is the 1st time I've heard this nonsense. I've never heard any Palestinians around the world calling for the release of +10,000 hostages being held in Israeli dungeons.
The hostages are not as important as the end of Hamas. Even if all the hostages were to be returned, and numerous terrorists released, Hamas would regroup and keep on fighting. They have only one goal in mind.
@ No need to tell us that the hostages are not important - the entire world got the msg by now. Honi soit qui mal y pense!! Where you make a thinking mistake is on 2 levels: 1) Israeli officials claim that Hamas has recruited more members since Oct 10, 23 than they ever had and 2) you can not kill the yearning of freedom which burns in all oppressed people - study history and you'll find plenty of evidence. Except ... if you drop a few nukes as advocated by some Na.zionists. Then you eradicate all of mankind and with them the yearning for freedom. Do you want to give it a try?
You go back to 2011 - try going back to the start 1948 and then count the dead on boith side!You are and idiot and must learn history! peace to all, Norway
So you can make a deal with a jew and a non-jew? The jew is allway going to try to over - because they belive they are spesial and G_ds choosen people!! Peace to all, Norway
I agree. But if you possessed some ability, or power, to effect an outcome in which those poor people kept hostage might be returned to their families, how could you sleep at night if instead you opted to pursue a course in which they would be forsaken? I think Israel's leaders usually get the terrible balance right, for the most part.
@@aclifford652 In this case they're making a mistake by agreeing to this deal. It's a tragedy for the hostages and their family, but if Israel agrees to this deal it will just drag the war on and on
"This is a very difficult decision for Mr. Netanyahu's parliamentarians, but I agree with Mr. Itamar Ben-Gvir. For the safety of the Israeli people, you can't make a deal with the devil but must squeeze the devil at his roots. God bless Israel. Am Yisrael Chai."
@@Qanitanita99 when you attack a country unprovoked and have a terrorist group launch assaults over there border thats war what do you expect? way to justify it to yourself. keep crying.
Netanyahu would sacrifice his own mother if it would keep him out of jail!! What are you talking about?? Think first and study this monster. The death of his brother in Entebbe is just a shield behind which this coward is hiding. He's despicable and rotten to the core! He has the blood of millions of innocent people on his hands - Afghani, Iraqi, Yemeni, Lebanese, Syrian and Palestinians. He is a pure evil monster!
Would that be the 'prisoners' they have been holding without trial? How do you know they are criminal if they haven't had a trial, or if they have had a sham trial?
@@bubblebath7225 You are kidding me, commit the most disgusting things on innocent people, as a result of generational terrorist indoctrinated hatred, so much so that *not even other Muslim countries want to know you or will accept you as refugees!!!* Because of your proven history and clearly state on numerous occasions that you want and will continue to try to wipe Israel off the map and then cry victim when reality - because of your actions comes back to bite you.
@@thomasformanek465 remember october the 6th! They even justify a broken ceasefire in their religion, no way can we ever trust these people again! I just hope that if one good thing comes from this it will be no , NOT A SINGLE ONE, palestinian will ever be given a work visa in Israel, no one will accept work done by them! And if they need to be treated in hospital they can talk to their friends!!
We in south Africa pray to God to perform a miracle. And let the hostages be free. Now that all eyes are on Israel. That the glory will be on no one else but GOD of Israel!!
Besides the Israeli citizens, Hamas is holding 2 million Palestinians hostage each acting as a human shield behind which the Israelis are held, and their Hamas foot soldiers are hiding.
Just wait till Trump is sworn in. This whole thing reminds me of when Reagan warned Iran "if the hostages aren't free by the time I take office". I didn't vote for him or harris, but I can tell you this....they really don't wanna call Trump's bluff. If Harris have won all the hostages would be dead right now.
Israel came this far. Don't screw it up with a terrible deal that allows Hamas to recover.
Maybe they want them all in one place??
Not surprised, bad deal.
@@kenkarish826 Half of them live in Europe and Canada....they have been allowed to build cells in universities to continue the Jihad till the end
@@jeffreyschwarz3699 Israel already missed up with the whole world shame shame shame
Why make a deal with those that cannot be trusted in this world
You can never trust the Israelis!!!
You're right - I would never ever make a deal with Israel either! Thank you for your clear statement!
@@ESO529 you love hamas, so you are not "very bright" 💩.
True as Shakespeare said in Merchant of Venice Jews can not be trusted. Who gave Jesus to the Roman Pilot to be crucified.yes Israeli can not be trusted
pissrael attack first but media dont show it
How do we live in a world where we negotiate with terrorists?
Even if we swap a terrorist for an innocent hostage - 1 life for 1 life - How long until that terrorist takes another life and another life just because he was freed?
Is that 1 hostage life worth the potential dozens that (by releasing the terrorist) are put in danger?
You are correct, in the "Gilad Shalit deal" (1 IDF soldier for 1027 terrorists) Yahya Sinwar , a hamas leader who was involved in 7.10 have been released.
Are one of them your daughter?
You are absolutely correct.
@@kisskid7 they have to get their people back. They weren't prepared for the attack. I don't think they are going to make that mistake again for a long time!!!
Can’t trust terrorists.
u sound dumb
You sound stupid asf
@@rudykadous4005you are dumb
Also its text on a screen, there is no sound.
@@Irfanulhaq95 stfu. The entire world apart from muslims and lunatic lefties know who the terrorists are. Hamas, Palestinians who support them and the nutjobs who support both of these such as yourself.
Don't negotiate with terrorists.
Exactly, never negotiate to seytanyahu and Idf. Once a liar always a liar once a thief always a thief!
not sure which side are you on, yet both parties are terrorists.
A land thieves is brother of liars😅
@@whitetiger3038 So true! Israel must never cave to terrorist elements like Hamas. Israel belongs to Israel, period.
growabrain, Netanyahoo IS the terrorist and Sky news is pro Zion.
The Torah tells us clearly, that one must never allow a murderer to live, let alone be released to redeem hostages.
Then Netanyahu needs to be removed.
Check the Torah to see what constitutes "murder".
Hmm, and does the Torah list the 10 Commandments?
@@tzm1843 the Torah also clearly tells us that Jews are in fact still exiled and are waiting for the prodigal son, that they are not entitled to any particular land. That is coming from several actual real Jews, rabbis in fact. It can be argued that Israel is not a Jewish state, but a criminal Zionist state that seeks permanent war in the Middle East, funded by the US UK and many others. If Israel is indeed under existential threat, why doesnt it fund and supply its own wars?
Well in that case... Every jew should be moving to Jonestown.
Do not believe Hamas for anything.
It’s not Hamas it’s the Palestinians government
Never never ever trust Hymauss.
@@georgedmello6028same same
@@georgedmello6028 aka hamas
As christian you should trust no circumcised anyhow.
Never trust terrorists.
That’s why I don’t trust Netanyahu
إسرائيل منظمة إرهابية، مجموعة من المرتزقة من جميع أنحاء العالم، واستأجرت عصابات دولية تعمد ارتكاب الإبادة الجماعية، وتجويع الناس، وسرقة فلسطينan lands.
@@sstech5410 ah classic islamic hypocrisy. The entire world (apart from Muslims and lunatic leftists) calls Hamas and Palestinians who support them terrorists. Not Netanyahu or anyone else.
U sound stupid asf
@@sstech5410 you can't compare him with terrorists that's ridicules
Would be stupid of Israel to agree with this deal! I hope the Jewish people whose family are held hostage would understand this critical decision.
The only stupied thing here is your comment - and showes to lack IQ and EQ as 80% of the jews in Israel - dumb people!! Peace to all, Norway
I think if it has been over a year, 40000 killed and not even 5 hostages rescued from a place that small, then you dont have the right to ask for more time or to kill more people. You suggest a million be killed so that 20 can be returned? Good luck trying to hide that monstrousity.
They understand.
What about the Palestinians who have been held hostage since before October 7th?
@@1Peter321 Let them go to Egypt? they weren't held hostage. They had their own government and have chosen to invade Israel don't start fights you can't win.
And Israel shouldn't.. It is an appalling deal. Why should any of Hamas' vile prisoners be released in exchange for dead bodies of Israeli hostages? It's absolutely shocking.
@Inger-LiseFeaver turns out Hamas has pulled back. Same old games. My comments stand.
Really stupid!
@@Inger-LiseFeaver Hey Norway, mind your own business😊
@@Ark-Angel44 I’m so thankful Israel is refusing this horrific “deal.” Hamas and their ilk can never be trusted.
One bizarre aspect of this is that Shariah Law is supposedly vehemently Anti-Usury - which has deprived many Islamic countries from developing economically - but they seem to be okay with it when it comes to the hostages... 1 to 30. Creepy.
Pliz Israeli🇮🇱, don't allow this deal
So you are a Hamas!!
They are forced by trump!!!!
Why do they still can demand more release of Palestinians as compared to handful of Israeli hostages?? This is a bad deal!!
We say no to that shameful deal
100% Agreed
Don’t think there is a choice . The diaper forces failed to achieve any of the war targets…. Review war targets
Agree - Zionists are the worst of all terrorists
@@kabagambe6600 keep saying no maybe this will free the hostages 🤷♂️
@@haithememam Generaly Negotiating with terrorists incentivizes taking more hostages.
Make NO deal with Hamas.
Crazy stupid deal. You don’t make deals with the devil.
Way to go brainiac, you do know they got about 100 hostages back with the ceasefire they had near the end of 2023. Guess they didn't want them back that much.
@@drbsd8024 is true because Nathanyaho is is the devil
Yes.....we are all sick of this w@r and we all know who the true ev!l is. And it's Bib!.
Israel is the devil lol
True. Just like with russia.
I feel so sorry for Israel and its people. Shame on the UN, Red Cross, and all countries / individuals who accepted what occurred on Oct 2024. I wish all peoples to have peace, love and prosperity.
And shame on Albo and Wong who give my hard earned money to Palestine. Sinwar wife's luxury bag was donated by the UN.
October 7, 2023
Bro ur getting the story wrong.. don’t say shame on every country in the world for not bowing to Izrae and broadcasting news they know for a fact is fabricated
@@iguessstypical "bro" youngster that doesn't have critical thinking skills
@@jf8608 it’s like ppl who didn’t pay enough attention in school think only bad things can be done by the poorer countries
What ever happened to "don't negotiate with terrorists." ?
Remember Sinwa, the one who was the leader on October 7 raid, was once a prisoner that was released in a trade "deal" with Israel
that's good
The devil himself as are the other Hezbolah and Hammas. One cannot trust them
@@Kim-eh2ov I remember the yanks invading a country that they knew had no weapons of mass destruction? And what now?
@@stevelozevski8151 remember the Ottomans invading Western countries and taking white slaves, raping and murdering. So What now!
Like Israel did when it was expelled from Germany.?
You spelt Israel wrong, there is no H or M.
Likewise Israhell
@@Sinchulawhy? You're talking nonsense sick puppet
I'm confused why people ignore hamas invading Israel and killing people in their own house
I totally agree with Netanyahu! Don’t go through with it!!
If you see this idiots on the news, how they are celebrating . No deal.
Never cave in to these bloodthirsty monsters.
Unfortunately, they will continue to butcher the Palestinian people.
@Mateo-s3n5w talking about Hamas
@@eflvinYou have destroyed it now😂
@@eflvin no its Israel - a dark country!!
Hamas started this. Hamas needs to surrender and return the hostages.
Ceasefire means regroup and reload. No to that.
Hostages for Prisoners - NO. Never again !
Israel started this 75yrs ago.
@brucenicolson6161 learn facts, you will be less likely to be fed lies.
How 7th of October happened? Where were idf?
@avalerie4467 what facts?
@@avalerie4467 They don't know this started very long ago because west media don't tell them the reality!! They lie to their audience!!!
It was a horrible deal. The US should be ashamed of their part in it!
Biden is devoid of common sense and critical thinking skills.
Trumps true colors is showing even before he takes office
@@happycamper47not only Biden but Trump also because of their own popularity 🤮🤮🤮
@@happycamper47 Can’t be soft on terrorists. Hasn’t anybody learned this?
And this is why people don't see main stream media anymore.
They used their tunnels for themselves not their people !!!!
Palestine was already the world's largest "open air prison". At least try to understand the Palestine cause which has been in the UN for years. If you have a brain.
You don't want anyone taking shelter - That would make it harder to hunt defenseless "targets" like Hind Rajab, right?
I'm an American and a veteran. Can you explain how Israel could "mistake" the USS Liberty's 40 square foot American flag and attack the ship for nearly an hour?
See Candace Owens' interview with Liberty survivor Phil Tourney.
@@bearcatXFIsrael compensated US after such mistake. Don't you know?
Meanwhile, the terrorists...
One of their leaders said exactly that during an interview with a local TV. They used UN money to build 500km of tunnels (cost $300k each 1/2mile) but zero shelters for their own. According to the H leader, the Palis aren't their responsibility because they're refugees.
Let's not forget that Hamas is the official government of Gaza since 2007.
@@bearcatXFHind Rajab? Working for Hamas Ministry of Propaganda has risks.
It's impossible to make a deal with a death cult.
And a religous cult as Israel and its jews!!
Both sides the same!!
You shouldn't talk this way about Zionism! (Maybe I should have stated that this is meant cynical)
@ESO529 you have no idea what you are talking about
Absolutely! Israel cannot be negotiated with!
Thank god, that was the worst made deal possible
I wouldn't let 100s of Palestinians for 33 hostages is outrageous! I wouldn't do it!
So you would rather kill the hostages in Gaza!! You must have lost your IQ and EQ as many jews have - stupied people of Israel!!
Especially since Hamas killed a lot of the hostages this is a bad deal for israel
I agree 💯
In a 2011 agreement between Israel and Hamas Israel released Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in exchange for 1,027 prisoners - so this in nothing compared to that.
How would you negotiate the release of the hostages? Israel is doing what they can to save these people.
Tragic for the Israeli families who have hostages but big sigh of relief that there is a pause. This current "deal" seemed very poisonous for Israel IMHO
Which hostages palestinians or Israelis?
I agree ☝️
Actually Israelis want everyone dead
What happened to the doctrine of not negotiating with terrorists?
There was never a deal, it was Hamas utilizing its agents and sympathizers in the global press. I think they are planning another assault. As an American, I’m pretty sure the fires in LA are Hamas but the situation is too muddy to make any attribution, as a civilian. However its inline with there martial doctrines, and they cannot shut up about something manifold more evil in the works throughout all there bot accounts on social media.
I’m prepared to be surprised. This country is incredibly well trained, as a whole but California is clearly the one of the weak links and I’m certain something very wicked looms ahead for us.
Too much public pressure right now, unfortunately
If Isreal can occupy Palestine then Russia can occupy Ukraine.
Well, they have hostages, and they know they can twist the hand of the west using them. If hamas loses their hostages, nothing will stop the IDF from crushing hamas. Hamas wants to live another day, they have a great position of being a pain in the ass of Israel.
It interferes with trumps ego.
I thought Netanyahu said Hamas leadership was defeated, so who are they negotiating with?
Some ragged goat-herder, I guess. Who's left?
Trump said “if the hostages are not released, all hell will break loose” He did not say “some hostages” and he did not say “as soon as possible” Let’s see what happens..,
He also said for everybody,if you listened,he knows it's bad for both sides
He said before he takes office. They were warned.
@ I really don’t understand your comment…
Absolutely agree BUT he is boasting about this deal, and I am so disappointed as he has always kept his word and now seems to have caved.
I didn't vote for trump or harris but I can tell you this: Hamas will be making the last mistake of their lives when they try calling Trump's bluff. Huge mistake. He'll be sworn in at 12:00 and the bombs will start falling at 12:05 and Iran can expect no less. And...Trump don't have a re-election to worry about. If I was Iran I would be looking for a way out.
33 out of 100 is not a good deal
You are absolutely right.....not deal but would be blunder
How many Palestinian hostages are in Israel prisons?
@@dalimwagore6871 0. Lots of terrorists though.
@@dalimwagore6871none they are terrorists
You are confusing cold blooded terrorists with innocent people.
Who really believes the Hostages are Alive?
Mysterious sudden death one of the hostages that was due to be released this Sunday 😢😢 reported on Tousi TV, TH-cam channel
Can't reason with terrorists!
Nethanayo is not a terrorist. Sure, he financed Hamas. But, terrorist? Are you antisemitic
Yes he is.
I pray for the hostages, but it’s a horrible deal for Israel.
et les otages palestiniens plus de 6000
That’s true. I pray for all of them too. But I’m against this deal ❌
@@marcellaagesilas3375 make up another figure why not 600,000 or 6,000,000? Hamas supplied figures.
No it's an very good deal for Israel. Any deal that will stop the war. Israel need to find ways to live on peace and stop beging money for wars.
@@alexandretessier3246 while Hamas continues to use foreign aid to dig tunnels under schools and hospitals to stockpile weapons? So-called Palestinians have self-labelled themselves as refugees for at least 3 generations already - very profitable for their shameless begging bowls, hey?
This is all deeply sadly heartbreaking 💔😢
You never negotiate with terrorists
That's what the US was saying during 20 years of murdering innocent Afghanis
That isnt a "deal", it's a joke.
Which is why Biden supports this deal, I hope Trump ain't using Biden's bad for Israel good for Hmz deals here...
The deal/joke just got canned
@@toasteroven6761 Trump should worry about his own country first. What happend to USA first in his campaign ?
@ 2 things can be true at once, just like the US can do 2 things at once.
It's a foolish deal that should be suspended.
Don’t make deals with evil.
This day of age...that can practically be anyone
In short retrospect...everyone is evil...God is the only good
Exactly... boycott Israel
@@EvoKeremidarovboycott your mother. Smelly street walker
How can there be trust after what happened on the 7 of October.
The same way we don't trust building more settlements
There never will be... and never has been. This will go on until the end of time. Israel is a small sliver of land amongst a sea of many hostile arab muslim nations. I'll just state what everyone is thinking and that is, Islam is a very violent religion and violence will follow it as long as it lives, unless there is a very big realization amongst muslims that they want to join the modern world and stop acting like barbaric terrorists. You can see how deep it runs when the muslims in the west won't publicly disavow hamas and terrorism. There were some cheering in America when 911 happened. Had a woman in NY tell me what she saw and it was mind boggling. They will fight tooth and nail for "palestine" and erupt in the streets... but the silence is deafening when it comes to condemning terrorism. I can't recall any protests where muslims got together in the streets to protest radical islam... that is concerning. When the rubber meets the road, I think we are going to find out all the "moderates" aren't really all that moderate. If they had the power to run the government and vote for conserving western values or bringing islamic and sharia rule into the west, what way do you think they would vote? ... and I am even talking about the "moderates" ... I would bet a lot of money they would all vote towards islamic rule. I can't even imagine what is being said behind closed doors across the western muslim world.
People often get muslim conflated with arab and I want to be clear... I am talking about the religion and not the people. I have had many arab friends that are fantastic people, many of whom are actually christians. I am not even a big fan of christianity and think all religions have their issues, but I will take the morality of christianity any day of the week. It is what the west was built on after all. I just don't understand how western powers and so many of the liberal sheltered people in the west do not believe muslims when they literally say their goal is to take over and bring islam into every household... these stupid white leftists think "oh they don't mean that" and its and its all just kumbaya. If people don't get their heads screwed on things could look very different in 50-100 years. The damage is already done though and that scares me. For the muslims that actually ARE moderates in their beliefs and would support western values above islamic rule, then please please make your voices heard as you are incredibly important and should be leading the charge to bring a new age of islam into the modern world. Thats my rant for the day anyways.
@@rubymostafa7771 You compare r*pe, murder and kidnap against building homes, grow up and realise you are in a cult
Where were idf on 7th of October?
And how should the Palestinians trust the Israelis after what happens ever since 1928 to them and with accelerating pace since December 1947 onwards culminating in today's gen.oc.ide????
Wise choice!! This “deal” was unacceptable from the start!!
This is a very Bad deal, Israel should not except this never
Pause is good! The deal is a disaster. Sinwar was one of thousands of prisoners released in a previous ‘exchange’.
Why you took their hostages from beds houses mosques streets etc?
@@jhingoorpatima237 maybe because they attacked Israelis both in the west bank and main land Israel? which causes an investigation, and a manhunt if needed.
you can't expect to go scot free after committing a mass shooting in Tel-Aviv or attempting a vehicular homicide near Jerusalem just because you returned to your home/mosque/bed.
@@jhingoorpatima237prisoners and hostages are 2 different things, buddy.
Exactly. And then October 7th happened.
Go back to the late great Maggie Thatcher: “We don’t negotiate with terrorists”
You cannot negotiate with terrorists
Terrorists can't negotiate with terrorists?
@@jhingoorpatima237 You're the only terrorists there, honey! So long!
I agree. Shouldn't negotiate with the zionists.
Why give more Palestinians for hostages. Refuse. Time to take a hardline.
Because they are more. They are thousands. Jews are only few
They were arrested with no specific charges or convictions!!!!
@@jhingoorpatima237 You're lying again, Mo.
@@MR-op3mo show proofs if I am lying!!!
cut off the electricity ,fuels and food for a month instead doing negotiation with terrorists. All others are half measures
Negotiations with terrorists is big defeat
God we trust you to come through for the innocent souls. The devil is the prince of darkness but YOU ARE THE KING OF KING. Hear our cries and prayers.
Amen 🙏
Are the hostages even still alive? God help Israel 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💙🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💙
seems more are dead
@@thevegandragon4676 fuck Israel
I question that too, hopefully they are but the likelihood of many of them being alive is probably pretty slim😢
Do not put G-d into this - he is shamed by the jewish people!!
@@Latestgenerationviews Have you seen the news - IDF have bombed the hell out of Gaza - so of course the hostages are killed in numbers. I have a problem with jews that do not get this - they must be stupied!!
Typical Hamas. Tell the World there's an agreement. Make unreasonable demands. Then accuse Israel of blocking the deal.
as Israel did - and the world knows it - since may 2024!! Peace to all; Norway
@@daisuke6072 u got that other way around dude 🤦♂️
i thought every demand is entailed in the pre-conceived proposal
Are you dumb or dunce??
Maybe show some proof. 191 violations by israel and only 65 by hamas. seems like statistically the ones who violate the most ceasefires is likely to again
They won’t respect any deal or treaty. Just look at the history of their so called prophet Mohammad. He broke the treaty when he was powerful. That’s what according to the teaching of Islam.
Hamas do this every time.
so do israel - and Israel says its a democratic country with human values and!!
Israel has never been caught telling the truth 😂😂😂
Israeli leaders that supported this bad deal are making a very terrible mistake that they will regret in future, if this deal is implemented then the Israeli soldiers died for nothing, this is not the Israel I know in the Bible
You are one of the people that do not understand G-d words. The jews only get a "homeland" if they can live in peace with other peolpe...but they cant so no G-d is rewarding the jewish killers!!
23 hostages for 23 jailed Palestinians, NO TERRORISTS
But there isn't a palestinain in prison how isn't a terrorist. Regardless thank you for supporting Israel
President Trump, please do not do a deal to the detriment of Israel.
He has learned a lot he knows the reality you don't know!!!!
Maybe you should have paid him more
He sure won't
Israel can not make a deal with the devil.
they allready have stealing others lands
@ca-ku1ql nope! Show me the history of the land of Israel and Judah before the Islamic takeover, before Romans and before the Greeks? and up to present day?
@@larrysamuelson2223 that's because they are the devil. You can't make deals with yourself
They've stole no ones land. The other way around. Learn history. @ca-ku1ql
How do you even look at yourself and carry on life 😂😂😂
Thank you, sky news, Australia you are the only credible news out there❤️
This hostage deal must and should be done in a military way and not a civilian way. Israel please stand tall.
Thank G-d. This is a terrible deal for Israel.
Thank you God....he is not G-d! Why are you afraid! to type His name in full in your writings!
lol bitchass "thank G-d" put in the o in there, pussy
They leave out the o in God out of respect. Do you have a problem with that?
@@annebezuidenhout9735 you sound like an unhinged antisemite and/or socialist.
@@lemongate4869 respect for what?
Trump.just sold out Israel with such a shocking deal with terrorists!!
October 7th was the result of the last swap of prisoners
Please don't try justifying occupying other's land and holding them in an open air prison.
@@clarkbowler157Spell greed. Spell jealousy. Spell evil ideology.
@@clarkbowler157open air prison 😂😂😂😂😂
It was the result of squabbling in the government and not listening to the young female border guards warning, and they still squabbling.
@@clarkbowler157 Open air prison ?? That wall helped contain suicide bombings . Hamas & other armed groups are more responsible for the deteriorated state of Palestinians..
Israel should reject this terrible deal!
??????? ISISreal ?????
Al you realize that pun will offend both sides
@@ALIKN1-1 blame others for what you do eh
😂 israeli astroturfing youtube
tell it to the familys of the hostages - you are an idiot!!
I’m amazed with the quality of the Israeli secret service that they can’t find where the hostages are being held.
Please people of Israel don't accept the deal for your safety.
You must be an idiot taking about security - as Israel have never been secure!! And why - because the jews are a dark bloody people that do not listen to the wisdom or words to G-d, and fight all their neighbours all the time!! peace to all, norway
A poisoned chalice! Reject it.
Don't drink from the chalice, Alice...
Wow! Fantastic guests and interview! I stand with Israel! ❤️❤️❤️❤️🇺🇸🎗️🎗️🎗️🎗️🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱💙🤍💙🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
And your group of friends is getting smaller and smaller
No ceasefire
Exactly right it's not going ahead
Then do something, we Muslims will wait.
@TiaraAngelina-co4sj mohammed was a pedo freak
@@TiaraAngelina-co4sjdestruction? Deal
Muslims do something everyone else will wait for as long as it takes
The war cannot end until all hostages are safe and accounted for!
You mean to say that Israel should release all the innocent Palestinian civilians - which are well over 10'000! - which they hold in their dungeons? You're a brave person to demand this! Kudos to you!
@@ESO529 There are no innocent Palestinians as they are all Hamas at birth!
@@ESO529 Show us the proof of these dungeons and Palestinians being held there. This is the 1st time I've heard this nonsense. I've never heard any Palestinians around the world calling for the release of +10,000 hostages being held in Israeli dungeons.
The hostages are not as important as the end of Hamas. Even if all the hostages were to be returned, and numerous terrorists released, Hamas would regroup and keep on fighting. They have only one goal in mind.
@ No need to tell us that the hostages are not important - the entire world got the msg by now. Honi soit qui mal y pense!! Where you make a thinking mistake is on 2 levels: 1) Israeli officials claim that Hamas has recruited more members since Oct 10, 23 than they ever had and 2) you can not kill the yearning of freedom which burns in all oppressed people - study history and you'll find plenty of evidence. Except ... if you drop a few nukes as advocated by some Na.zionists. Then you eradicate all of mankind and with them the yearning for freedom. Do you want to give it a try?
You cannot deal with the devil!!
Are you talking about Netanyahu
No deal, no deal, no deal, period. Remember what happened in 2011; they used some of those released ter...... on October 7... 12 years later.
Bib! knew that Oct 7 was going to happen.
You go back to 2011 - try going back to the start 1948 and then count the dead on boith side!You are and idiot and must learn history! peace to all, Norway
@@kassygendron3022 Yahya Sinwar ... 6 feet under
You can’t make any deals with Hamas. I thought that was clear for many years.
So you can make a deal with a jew and a non-jew? The jew is allway going to try to over - because they belive they are spesial and G_ds choosen people!! Peace to all, Norway
Its not a good idea making a deal with a terrorists
Terrorists meaning Israelis, right?
Israel was founded on terrorist acts
And yet Israel has made deals with the al-Qaeda grouo that now runs Syria. Unless you want to tell me that al-Qaeda isnt a terror group?
I agree. But if you possessed some ability, or power, to effect an outcome in which those poor people kept hostage might be returned to their families, how could you sleep at night if instead you opted to pursue a course in which they would be forsaken?
I think Israel's leaders usually get the terrible balance right, for the most part.
In this case they're making a mistake by agreeing to this deal. It's a tragedy for the hostages and their family, but if Israel agrees to this deal it will just drag the war on and on
"This is a very difficult decision for Mr. Netanyahu's parliamentarians, but I agree with Mr. Itamar Ben-Gvir. For the safety of the Israeli people, you can't make a deal with the devil but must squeeze the devil at his roots. God bless Israel. Am Yisrael Chai."
How many families will never have their sons back, having fallen in battle. Has their sacrifice bee been for nothing.
Hamas doesn't care about lives, only their goals. They know exactly what they're doing when they committed a surprise attack on October 7.
Like Israel cares about lives 😂😂😂 eeeh ok
@@Qanitanita99 when you attack a country unprovoked and have a terrorist group launch assaults over there border thats war what do you expect? way to justify it to yourself. keep crying.
@@Qanitanita99morons agree with you.
@@Qanitanita99 what more then terrorist leader, Mohammed Sinwar
@@Qanitanita99 Like Hamas cares about lives 😂😂😂 eeeh ok
Never trust the devil.
Jews are not to be trustred - as the word learns!!
Israe should stick on complete release of all Hostages not part by part. Also Israel should stay in Gaza. Don’t give it to Hamas or UN
I will be stunned if there are hostages still living :,( 💔
That unfortunately might be the truth.
Context for you on the outside. Netanyahu own brother died rescuing hostages. Remember that when criticizing the hard decisions he makes.
Yes! I applaud you PM NETANYAHU, I'm not a Jew! God protect and guide you and the citizens of Israel
There will be no hostages if Palestine was free.
Netanyahu would sacrifice his own mother if it would keep him out of jail!! What are you talking about?? Think first and study this monster. The death of his brother in Entebbe is just a shield behind which this coward is hiding. He's despicable and rotten to the core! He has the blood of millions of innocent people on his hands - Afghani, Iraqi, Yemeni, Lebanese, Syrian and Palestinians. He is a pure evil monster!
Am I surprised!!!! No not really. A leopard does not change its spots. Israel stand strong. May God bless you and give you wisdom.
i cannot imagine how 1000 criminal prisoners could be equated to 33 innocent civilians hostages 😢😮
Would that be the 'prisoners' they have been holding without trial? How do you know they are criminal if they haven't had a trial, or if they have had a sham trial?
These are not criminals. They were taken from their homes straight to prison. They were no charges, courts or judges. Just jailed without judgements.
Terroris no need trail.@@r1learner178
@Abraham-uk4xy oh please another one with a huge knowledge.
Administrative detentions are not random. Th. 3y r rushed processes based on people caught in the act
Sharri you got it spot on. Its a bad deal.
There's been so many times for cease fire, however Hamas always change the agreement Prayers to the hostages and the people of Israel
So whos life will be next because you are letting these monsters out !!!!
Better move to somewhere these illegal Jews,else their lives won't be guaranteed .
Israeli terrorist
And our hostage monsters are going to be released
You are right..
Should war criminal Nathanyahu face his summons and get incarcerated so the ME can have peace.
What do you expect when dealing with terrorists, who believe they won the war 😢
Terrorists v /s terrorists!!!!
@@jhingoorpatima237 Nope! Stop being Islam-crazy!
Do mean Israel 😂
Ask the families of f the soldiers who have been killed in this war if it is a good deal or not.
Free the hostages.
Over 17,000 innocent babies slaughtered 👶 and you’re worried about your 101 silly hostages 😂
Free palestine prisoners..
@@bubblebath7225Fabricated statistics. Those numbers come from Hamas officially. Do not play victim. The world don’t like you lot
@@bubblebath7225 Silly hostages? There are little babies and toddlers being held in unspeakable condition, not known whether they are alive or dead
@@bubblebath7225 You are kidding me, commit the most disgusting things on innocent people, as a result of generational terrorist indoctrinated hatred, so much so that *not even other Muslim countries want to know you or will accept you as refugees!!!*
Because of your proven history and clearly state on numerous occasions that you want and will continue to try to wipe Israel off the map and then cry victim when reality - because of your actions comes back to bite you.
Starmer will be making room in the he UK for them in 5 Star hotels.
Yip. Breakfast in bed, ready to go out on the streets with ma-ch-e-t-e-s just before lunch, back in the 5* hotel for afternoon tea. Welcome to the UK
Australia too
Praying that this deal will not go forward !!!!
Never mind, it was a terrible deal
It was probably a ploy to torture the families yet again.
30 "people" for one Isreali are you serious
30 demonic monsters for one Israeli.
Isreal killed a thousand Palestinians for one Jew.
Remember that cease-fire agreements with hamas last for about 15 minutes tops.
@@thomasformanek465 remember october the 6th! They even justify a broken ceasefire in their religion, no way can we ever trust these people again!
I just hope that if one good thing comes from this it will be no , NOT A SINGLE ONE, palestinian will ever be given a work visa in Israel, no one will accept work done by them! And if they need to be treated in hospital they can talk to their friends!!
With *Israel you mean 😊
@peterc.4143 Sorry, who started the war again? 😊
@@peterc.4143 yep we were sat enjoying a holiday, during a ceasefire, what a nerve to say that, but its not surprising though
@@metaljacket8128 well it for sure wasn’t the kids enjoying themselves at a party, shame on anyone who thinks differently
We in south Africa pray to God to perform a miracle. And let the hostages be free. Now that all eyes are on Israel. That the glory will be on no one else but GOD of Israel!!
Besides the Israeli citizens, Hamas is holding 2 million Palestinians hostage each acting as a human shield behind which the Israelis are held, and their Hamas foot soldiers are hiding.
Hamas cowards
There are no "Palestinians" they are all hamas
Palestinians believe in what Hamas is doing. They put themselves in this hell.
*It's an Horrible deaI. Please wait Mr Netanyahu.*
Greeting from indonesia
Im love israel❤❤
You will meet mr Netanyahu in hell :)
Trust the devil? God protect thy people Israel
Just wait till Trump is sworn in. This whole thing reminds me of when Reagan warned Iran "if the hostages aren't free by the time I take office". I didn't vote for him or harris, but I can tell you this....they really don't wanna call Trump's bluff. If Harris have won all the hostages would be dead right now.
So you will have more hostages killed in Gaza! You do not have a high IQ or EQ - as 80% of jews in the world!! peace to all, Norway