Good Morning Alison, want to thank you for this powerful, beautiful and insightful meditation. I do many of your meditations and love them all, but this one has touch me deplete and know that it has become my favorite. Light & Blessings, today and always. Rev. Rina A González
Good Morning Alison, want to thank you for this powerful, beautiful and insightful meditation. I do many of your meditations and love them all, but this one has touch me deplete and know that it has become my favorite. Light & Blessings, today and always. Rev. Rina A González
Thank you for this.
Great way to start my day everyday thank Allison.
I bet I have soul mates all over this planet and maybe elsewhere. May we make a network of light and peace.
Can anyone please send me prayers for protection and abundance. Please help.
I love you soul
Thanks. Will you please post the words and their meaning? I don't think this is "modeh ani," or is it? This is lovely.
The beginning prayer is the Ana Becho'ach
Ana bekoach,
g'dulat yemincha,
tatir tz'rura
Kabel rinat amcha sagveinu,
tahareinu nora
Na gibor
dorshei yichudcha,
k'vavat shamrem
Barchem taharem, rachamei tzidkatcha
Tamid gamlem
Chasin kadosh berov tuvcha,
Nahel adatecha
Yachid ge'eh le'amcha p'neh,
zochrei k'dushatecha
Shavateinu kabel ushma tza'akateinu,
yode'a ta'alumot
(Baruch shem k'vod malchuto
le'olam va'ed)
To learn more about the meaning and words, The Kabbalah Centre has several resources.