Hi Achok and friends. I have watched all your vlog's episode in Turkey, and I found a lot of fun being a backpacker. You guys are able to go anywhere and do anything such as riding a bicycle (that's my favorit part btw). I will have some conferences in Turkey insyaAllah, and this is gonna be my first time to go there. But it will be in Antalya, so I think we have a different starting point. That's why, I think it will be great if I visit the same places you guys have visited (Cappadocia and Istanbul). I would be so glad if you could share the itinerary that you guys listed :)
Assalammualaikum adik. Mak akk suka tngok video adik ni tp kdg2 music lg kuat dri suara sendiri. Sngt recommended utk pakai clip mic boleh dengar suara adik jelas sikit.. Moga sukses selalu adik 👏🏻
Teruskan Berkarya Achok..
Hi Achok and friends.
I have watched all your vlog's episode in Turkey, and I found a lot of fun being a backpacker.
You guys are able to go anywhere and do anything such as riding a bicycle (that's my favorit part btw). I will have some conferences in Turkey insyaAllah, and this is gonna be my first time to go there. But it will be in Antalya, so I think we have a different starting point.
That's why, I think it will be great if I visit the same places you guys have visited (Cappadocia and Istanbul).
I would be so glad if you could share the itinerary that you guys listed :)
Best tapi muzik terlalu kuat atau suara perlahan. Penat tekan remote. Hehe elok pakai mic bro. Anyway nice
MasyaAllah.... Best! Tgk Achok mkn baklava... Jd mengidam pl 😅
Hi!!!! Finally new video😆
Assalammualaikum adik. Mak akk suka tngok video adik ni tp kdg2 music lg kuat dri suara sendiri. Sngt recommended utk pakai clip mic boleh dengar suara adik jelas sikit.. Moga sukses selalu adik 👏🏻
sound mcm delay la dekat 9:20
Thank you bgitau ! Nnti saya edit 😓
skrg musim sejuk kat turki kan? turki bestnyer skrg duit da lbih rendah dri RM...dulu diorg lbih 50sen,,,skrg bawah rm1 nilai lira..
hair plantation tu mcm tanam pokok pulak...haha hair transplant hihi thanks for baklava free tips
Best nya.....pergi turki....suka tengok vlogs awk....harap2 ada rezeki pergi turki juga nanti...amin...Salam dr Sarawak 👍
Achok tinggal di hayyu berapa. Sewa kah atau di asrama negeri.
Saya tinggal di darosah, sewa rumah luar
rindu piramid sudah achok
Kita geng chok, suka benda free hehe
Acok, Acok.....nakalnya kamu. Asyik minta makan free baklava saja 😅😜 Anyway memang kamu sudah bersedia utk mula travel solo round the world. 😉
Nice vlog bro ada rezeki mau jugak kesana
pos la aku baklava satu!! balik balik juga makan teringin mau rasa hahaha
Sedih juga nda dpt tgk vid di turki lagi😢😂
Wahh last day
Tlg bg tahu sikit kalau dr malaysia nak ke turki berapa tambang nya ba..
klau dari malaysia saya x tau, sbb saya gerak dari mesir
Jap so total berapa lama pegi turkiye? Mcm lama sjak? Haha
Knp ada yg takde suara ?
Part mana 😭
@@achoktv6637 byk jgk,tp skejap je la takde.
@@wan_amira betul, sama
bukan takde suara, tapi delay
turki ada hubungan diplomatik dgn israel ke ? nampak flight ke tel aviv
Ya. Ada hubungan diplomatik
Best nya
Org pertama tengok dpat apa HAHAH
jangan share aurat org