The Girl Picking Mushrooms (采蘑菇的小姑娘 )

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 29 ม.ค. 2025
  • The Girl Picking Mushrooms (采蘑菇的小姑娘 )
    The Five Dehong Brothers -德宏五兄弟 -
    Choreographed Kenny Teh
    Description: 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner
    Music Video: • 德宏五兄弟 DeHong 5 Broth...
    Start dance on vocals after (After 4 counts)
    Section A
    1 2 3 4 Step R forward, lock L behind, step R forward, hold
    5 6 7 8 Rock L forward, recover R, step L back, hold
    1 2 3 4 ¼ right turn (6.00) step forward, hitch L, ½ right turn (12.00) step L back, hitch L
    5 6 7 8 Step R back, step L together, step R forward, hold
    1 2 3 4 Rock L to left, recover R, cross L over R, hold
    5 6 7 8 Rock R to right, recover L, ¼ left turn (9.00) step R forward, hold
    1 2 3 4 Making a ½ left turn for the next 8 counts, step L forward, hold, step R forward, hold
    5 6 7 8 Run LRL, hold (3.00)
    Tag: at wall 2, 5, 8
    1 2 3 4 Sway R, hold, L hold
    5 6 7 8 Sway R, hold, L hold
    Tag at Wall 6
    1 2 3 4 Sway R, hold, L, hold
    Ending: (Wall 9)
    1 2 3 4 Sway R, hold, L, hold
    5 ¼ Left turn step right and pose

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