Super episode. Both are very strong team dr. Sir also played super.among all lady players shamitha Shruthi ma'am played super.. Shruthi ma'am super actress I love her😘😘 both families are so sweet 😍 paapa Dr. Sir ge middle Alli tuff game sikthu bad luck 😔😔
Golden Star Ganesh is so super minute
Nice episode 😍
Shruti mam super
Shruti always superb
@@kamalaa8255 ooohooohhohoohohoohu9ohohohohoohooohoohooooohoooohooooohoohohooooooooooohooooohoooohoohoouoohiyiyuiiiiyoiuyhuigy out of the day utouit
ಸೂಪರ್ ಆಟಗಾರರು..ಶೃತಿ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಆಭಿಮಾನ.
Super episode. Both are very strong team dr. Sir also played super.among all lady players shamitha Shruthi ma'am played super.. Shruthi ma'am super actress I love her😘😘 both families are so sweet 😍 paapa Dr. Sir ge middle Alli tuff game sikthu bad luck 😔😔
Hatsappa dactare
Your work nice gani
Doctors are great and living God
Good shruti
✋ hand tech over
Good shrthi mom
Good shruti mam
Golden Star Ganesh super actor in super minute
vell reply
Plz can u upload super minute season 3
basavaraj mokashi