Even though i only speak english, if anyone responds i can translate with google, does anyone know what is included with the switch version of the game?
im pretty sure you only get the base game, which includes one or 2 song pack, and there's a dlc which you can get, to unlock every song pack, which also includes special events, like this one
Even though i only speak english, if anyone responds i can translate with google, does anyone know what is included with the switch version of the game?
You again?
im pretty sure you only get the base game, which includes one or 2 song pack, and there's a dlc which you can get, to unlock every song pack, which also includes special events, like this one
エイプリルフールだといいんですけどねぇ、クソ課金したのにこれが本当だったら、相当やばいですね( ᵒ̴̶̷᷄꒳ᵒ̴̶̷᷅ )🥺