My wife is 8 months pregnant and as she was driving today, she got involved in a terrible head collision accident. Her car was pushed away 15 metres away while she was inside. I thank God she survived and the baby is okay. God is great.
Cece is beautiful both inside and out… There ain’t no doubt about it, she loves the Lord - it’s so obvious !!and I love the way she smiles while she’s singing!!
@@travondacockerham3958 me too!! What a beautiful family… All that laughter… !! I like the part where the kids laughed when CeCe said on Christmas morning we praise the Lord first and foremost… And the kids laughed… CeCe is so blessed to have children who follow the Lord such a young age❤️
Wow I really love CeCe and the Winans family. They actually stand for something and in this day and time that's huge. And CeCe is my favorite gospel artist!!❤
I just love this family. As im learning a lot from them, as for their music, its awesome. I love gospel music a lot and wish to sing someday. The Winans are really a blessing to a lot of people. May the Lord keep them, as their ministry is a bleessing to many.
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷😍
I love CeCe. She's an example of truly loving the Lord. Her incredible voice is filled with the Holy Spirit. That applies to when she speaks the word as well. God bless her and her entire family . Merry Christmas.
I was laughing with them at “we come together and give God praise” 😂😂😂. Felt like a classic moment of children clowning their parents. As a young adult child of parents, this type of dynamic felt familiar lol
The whole Winan Family is such an example of loving Christian s, CeCe is so lovely and love her music. Love that she lives in Nashville where my son lives. I visit often ✝️❤️
I really, really love the laughter and honesty from the kids, because we all love CeCe and I personally think she's a true believer and lover of Christ. She never needed to doubt that folks believe that about her for a minute. It was so real to hear the kids laughing about sounding scripted, cause we all know what they meant and it was great to see them all laughing. May the Lord bless you all always. Keep making those worship songs please. May YOU BE EXALTED ALWAYS JESUS, YOU ARE SO WORTHY!!!
I started listening CeCe's song at my very young age in Ethiopia, where English is not very popular in the country. I was referring from dictionary to listen the meaning of the song🙃 Amazingly, my three kids here in US, love you specially the youngest boy, 3years old. My birthday is on December 25, Christmas day, but I always exited celebrating Jesus birthday than mine. I love Jesus so much, so Christmas is my favorite season of the year. Thank you for bringing your family and discuss about this beautiful and special holiday of the year, Christmas. Merry Christmas to all.
Cece and her family exemplify the loved and joy of the Lord. She is a living example of the importance of training up our children in the Lord; to nurture our children as God first, and the love of God. God is God who is faithful to His Word. Love to all!
I never would have thought I'd be diagnosed with stage 4 cancer at age 44 with little family support and in a toxic relationship with a person on drugs to depend on. But God showed me he was there and all I had to do is stand on what his word said.... Now my relationship with Jesus is closer than ever 🙌 🙏
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷😍
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷🌷🙏
I love the Winans, period! God has truly blessed them to be raised by beautiful, appointed and anointed parents who were loving, caring and disciplinarians with Christian values. This is what is needed today!
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷🌷🙏
I thank you Jesus for the authentic, beautiful, Love family. That is their last name. (Smile), God has truly blessed them and they have blessed us. I remember a few years ago, I met CeCe at the Brooklyn Tabernacle, my home church. She led us into worship. You are the best CeCe. My life was never the same. Praise God for Wyatt, CeCe, I understand the love of a grandmother. Our grandsons can do no wrong. 😊 God continue to bless your entire family, for generations to come…..
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷😍
Thank you CeCe and family!! Beautiful and enjoyed it all. Happy Birthday Wyatt!! Mine is the 22nd. So I know how he might feel when he gets older. 😏 Every year I would hear. This is for Christmas And your birthday soooo not fair!! But really, do his birthday the day before or even after....let him understand that it's not the day that matters but the family together. I'm the baby of 7 and am the only one still here. Now my husband past 4 yrs ago on the 15 of December , mother the 6th of December and its hard to be alone and not do any family things 💔 But I will still praise God and His gift to us Jesus. Blessings to you All CeCe. Merry Christmas to you All. ❤ 🙏💜🕊💜🙏✝️✝️✝️ 🤶🎅🎄🎄
I just love CeCe like she was my own oldest daughter who would be the same age as she had she not gone to be with the Lord. She is still the epitome of a genuine Believer and has the sweetest spirit there is. Her parents raised a wonderful bunch of children and what a gift God gave her with that sweet spirit. I recall years ago when she and BeBe at the PTL Club with Jim Baker when she was only 18 years old. My friend and I asked to take a pic with her and she so quickly willingly obliged us. I still have that picture today. Although I’m about 20 years older than she she was and is relative to all generations and I’m happy to have meet her back the. She is blessed of the Lord. Trudy Mitchell ❤
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷😍
We never celebrated Christmas my parent believed Jesus was not born on Christmas day 25th December and for sure he wasn't and they made sure we understood that. Am forever grateful they did their best to train us up in the God's ways.
Hi Cece growing up I used to be inspired by you that led me to being a praise and worship leader. Then when you listen to negativity and he ignorant to follow the Holy Spirit I stopped completely listening to you.until before covid and one of my Sunday school students given me one of your songs to perform for our year end concert. I listened then asked pastor if it's ok as the previous pastor well God bless him😜 when could vid happened I started listening intentively as saw that passion in you that I have and just to say sorry for doubting you and I'm so grateful to God for an amazingly anointed woman who is a inspiration to woman of all race around the world even if we fifty we still can't be energized by the anointing of God. I love you and your family dearly continue doing what you do best.. your sister in Christ Samantha Shannon Chetty South Africa
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷😍
I listened to CeCe Winans gospel and classic songs during my lunch break in the workplace all the time! She's a walking bible in the heart of her loving Spirit when she speaks. I am retired now and have more time to enjoy Christmas movies, the music of Cece Winan and many other favorites. I'm truly enjoying the Freedom of God's blessings of the fruits of my labor. :)
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷😍
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷😍
Mrs. Beverley Pope ,I Just Want To Say,I Woke Up Each Morning Singing Your Songs. I Love You.Your Such An Inspiration To Me.My Son Supprise Me When You Came To Corner Stone Church In Toledo Ohio.We We're Right There In The Front Row. God Is So Good.He Pass Away On December 4,2020 A Year Know.I Cried ,I Scream,Each Day And Say.God Why My Child. But I Know He Alright.He Was A Praiser .Know He Dancing In God Spirit. Your Family Is So Beautiful.
This made me smile. It’s so nice to see that CeCe Winans and her family still love Jesus. They all seem really sweet. Wyatt is so precious. So your baby shares a birthday with the Savior of the world. Nice hearing your engagement story too. Being healthy and in your right mind is definitely a gift. And having a family that loves one another is such a blessing too. Yes. Honor folks while you can. Yes. My mom and sister who live across the country are able to fly and be here with my family. It’s the first time we’ve seen them in 2 1/2 years. Give God praise y’all!!!! I love It’s a Wonderful Life! I love the game show idea- door #1 or door #2. How fun that you guys have been together every Christmas. I still remember you and BeBe’s Christmas album. I used to sing it all the time. I love the Happy Birthday harmony. He’s so cute.
Hallelujah. This was such a beautiful generation’s episode. Wyatt, is so sweet. Continue to be an inspiration of Love, Love family 🥰🥰🥰. Merry Christmas, happy birthday Jesus, happy birthday Wyatt
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷🌷🙏
Smiled all the way through this video. Thanks for a lifetime of praising the Lord through music, and thank you for sharing your family. God bless you and yours!
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷🌷🙏
Thanks for both perspectives. I raised my children like CeCe was raised. We gave our children gifts at Thanksgiving, and birthdays and of course when they needed things, we met their needs. The greatest gift that I think we can give to Jesus, since it is proclaimed His birthday, is SOULS... that's what He came for... Loving People, winning them through the Love of Christ, and nurturing them into a health and wholesome relationship with Him. Now that's a real Jesus Birthday Gift!! Woooo Whooooo. Blessing to you and your family!! :)
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷🌷🙏
Beautiful family. I am from Detroit snd have lived here my entire life.It’s wonderful seeing a successful family from Detroit who genuinely loves God as well as being successful. So many claim to love God. But it’s very evident that you all truly love the Lord. God bless all of your family.
Christmas 🎄 greetings to you and your beautiful family. I am on the job but I have to watch your program. God’s riches blessings on you all 🎄🎄🎄🌹🙏🙏🙏🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
What an amazing family of God!!! I just experienced CeCe Christmas concert in Meridian Mississippi last Saturday and she was simply awesome. I had a beautiful worship experience
Thank you!! Dad 😂😂😂 Wow! I really didn't know this. The Jackson's/Winans slightly had somethings in common.....? I will leave this alone. Regardless we still love the Winans! Your music has stood the test of time. The Anointing was and still is rich to this day! When Cece and Bebe first came out. Their early material holds a special place in my heart! As the Circle of Life would have it. Most of my Family was alive then. No matter where I am at. Certain songs brings emotions for me! My heart gets full. Feeling like a Niagara falls.......! Of course I pretend something is in my eye! I know one day I will attend the Greatest Family Reunion assembled. By the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit! They said there are no tears in Heaven! Nobody said nothing about Happy tears.......! As I hug my Family necks. My eyes will over flow! We all never know. How we have affected others in this Earth realm! Much love to you All.........! In Jesus name.
My Little grandson Emerie loves to watch & listen to Cc. On the way to school in am we play his favorite song "Believe" he is challenged in his learning academic. He has a Beautiful spirit & Cc has definitely influences him! God bless u for your Beautiful spirit!
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷😍
Cece, just want you to know your not alone. I’ve been married for almost 33yrs. and my husband and two children start Christmas the exact way you talked about! Jesus is the reason for the season. So why not start this special day with him!! Thank you to you and your family for your beautiful ministry!!🙏🏽😇💕
Really enjoyed watching you all as a family. Love you all❤ Cece thanks for coming to Toronto! You were amazing and anoints by God. Hope you come again and thanks for an awesome time of worship❤🙏😊
Oh what a beautiful Christmas special from Ce Ce and her lovely family. You can just feel the love emanating from them, their love for God and each other, so precious to see, my heart is just rejoicing with them. Merry Christmas Ce Ce and family.
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷🌷🙏
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷🌲🌲
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷🌷🙏
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷🌷🙏
wow, so glad to meet this wonderful family for the first time. I love you Cece, you are my all time favorite . I pray for a double portion of your anointing in Jesus' name. Keep shining! Love ,love, love you so so much!
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷😍
What a beautiful family. Their collective spiritual, physical, and emotional beauty is breathtaking!!!!! God reigns Supreme in each one of them, and it shows. To witness the teachings of Christ that CeCe and Alvin instilled in their two children, play out in their own adult lives is a true testament to them. God is beyond well pleased with this FAMILY. Thanks to all of you for your love of Christ that you live out daily🙏🙌♥️
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷😍
We are here from Brazil , thrilled and feeling embraced by the presence of God in the life of Cece Winans, God come greatly bless your journey. May the peace of the Lord be in your life!
I love listening to Cece and Ashley, meeting the family is just awesome. Knowing that they love the Lord. It’s good to see the Younger Generation loving and serving the Lord.
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷🌷🙏
My wife is 8 months pregnant and as she was driving today, she got involved in a terrible head collision accident. Her car was pushed away 15 metres away while she was inside. I thank God she survived and the baby is okay. God is great.
I'm 13 years old, I grew up in a Christian family, I have 9 siblings. And I want to serve God until the end of my life !!!
Can some people help me appreciate Cece's husband for letting her shine so bright and for always supporting her🙏 thank you Sir🙏
I just love this beautiful.may God forever bless you all.
It’s a beautiful thing!
How encouraging,this is wonderful🙏🏻
Yes. Love it! LOVE THIS💪❤️
God bless you all.Thank you Sir .Halelujah . Amen .
Cece is beautiful both inside and out… There ain’t no doubt about it, she loves the Lord - it’s so obvious !!and I love the way she smiles while she’s singing!!
Yes she is beautiful God Bless you.
Cece I love your show merry Christmas to you and your family I can just fill the love of christ happy birthday wyatt 😍♥️🎄
@@travondacockerham3958 me too!! What a beautiful family… All that laughter… !!
I like the part where the kids laughed when CeCe said on Christmas morning we praise the Lord first and foremost… And the kids laughed…
CeCe is so blessed to have children who follow the Lord such a young age❤️
h hi‐‐‐--------‐-, Z
She makes me feel like she lives the life she sings about
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She does
Wow I really love CeCe and the Winans family. They actually stand for something and in this day and time that's huge. And CeCe is my favorite gospel artist!!❤
I just love this family. As im learning a lot from them, as for their music, its awesome. I love gospel music a lot and wish to sing someday. The Winans are really a blessing to a lot of people. May the Lord keep them, as their ministry is a bleessing to many.
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*I am 17 turning 18 this year and I am building my relationship with God. God loves us all let’s us all strengthen our faith!!!🥰*
Alvin definitely resembles those Winans brothers, the laugh and all. And, Ashley is just plain gorge! Love, love this family union.👏🏽
Yes, I could see Bebe in Alvin Jr.
Yes I said same to myself while watching this. I also think he looks like Bebe too
Father and son look like brothers 😊. Good genes.❤to you CeCe and the Family. Blessings😊
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷😍
Favorite part… Uncontrollable Laughter between the siblings… Alvin & Ashley😂😂😂
I went to church with them years ago at Born Again and Her family have always been sweet. Love them.
I love CeCe. She's an example of truly loving the Lord. Her incredible voice is filled with the Holy Spirit. That applies to when she speaks the word as well. God bless her and her entire family . Merry Christmas.
I was laughing with them at “we come together and give God praise” 😂😂😂. Felt like a classic moment of children clowning their parents. As a young adult child of parents, this type of dynamic felt familiar lol
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The whole Winan Family is such an example of loving Christian s, CeCe is so lovely and love her music. Love that she lives in Nashville where my son lives. I visit often ✝️❤️
So true
I live in Nashville and ran into her one time. ❤️
I don’t think there’s a person on the planet who doesn’t like CeCe Winans.
what you said!
Right, she is so likeable
Right, because how could anyone not? She’s absolutely amazing. And just as friendly in person.
Well said and so true!!
I really, really love the laughter and honesty from the kids, because we all love CeCe and I personally think she's a true believer and lover of Christ. She never needed to doubt that folks believe that about her for a minute. It was so real to hear the kids laughing about sounding scripted, cause we all know what they meant and it was great to see them all laughing. May the Lord bless you all always. Keep making those worship songs please. May YOU BE EXALTED ALWAYS JESUS, YOU ARE SO WORTHY!!!
I started listening CeCe's song at my very young age in Ethiopia, where English is not very popular in the country. I was referring from dictionary to listen the meaning of the song🙃 Amazingly, my three kids here in US, love you specially the youngest boy, 3years old. My birthday is on December 25, Christmas day, but I always exited celebrating Jesus birthday than mine. I love Jesus so much, so Christmas is my favorite season of the year. Thank you for bringing your family and discuss about this beautiful and special holiday of the year, Christmas. Merry Christmas to all.
I love watching her show I learn a lot about Christ with this family ❤🙏🏾
@@dionnenorman9567 she is the reason I wanted to seek Jesus. She was always smiling.
@Hiwot Bekele Happy birthday to you and Merry Christmas to you and your family
Just love when people are real about their love for the Lord. Beautiful!!
Cece and her family exemplify the loved and joy of the Lord. She is a living example of the importance of training up our children in the Lord; to nurture our children as God first, and the love of God. God is God who is faithful to His Word. Love to all!
Can you imagine how blessed you are to be engaged in Christmas and also your first grandchild born on Christmas Day. God blesses His own. 💕💕💕💕
I love that they have fun and they are centered with Christ.
I never would have thought I'd be diagnosed with stage 4 cancer at age 44 with little family support and in a toxic relationship with a person on drugs to depend on. But God showed me he was there and all I had to do is stand on what his word said.... Now my relationship with Jesus is closer than ever 🙌 🙏
Beautiful Family!!!❤️❤️❤️
Love their laughs and love.
The son Alvin looks like Pastor Marvin and BeBe.
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷😍
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When you said, "waking up knowing your name". That hit home for me because I always pray for a strong mind and mental health. Amen!
Such a wonderful family. Merry Christmas everyone!
Merry Christmas
You should not be celebrating Christmas.
What a beautiful family. Blessings
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷🌷🙏
I love you Cece Winans😫😘😘😘
I love the Winans, period! God has truly blessed them to be raised by beautiful, appointed and anointed parents who were loving, caring and disciplinarians with Christian values. This is what is needed today!
Very Nice Holiday Special - Such a Beautiful Family, Gotta Love CeCe Winans!
I had the pleasure to meet this lovely family some years ago. They represent the motorcity in the true sense of family and tradition.
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷🌷🙏
I thank you Jesus for the authentic, beautiful, Love family. That is their last name. (Smile), God has truly blessed them and they have blessed us. I remember a few years ago, I met CeCe at the Brooklyn Tabernacle, my home church. She led us into worship. You are the best CeCe. My life was never the same. Praise God for Wyatt, CeCe, I understand the love of a grandmother. Our grandsons can do no wrong. 😊 God continue to bless your entire family, for generations to come…..
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷😍
Thank you CeCe and family!! Beautiful and enjoyed it all. Happy Birthday Wyatt!! Mine is the 22nd. So I know how he might feel when he gets older. 😏 Every year I would hear. This is for Christmas And your birthday soooo not fair!! But really, do his birthday the day before or even after....let him understand that it's not the day that matters but the family together. I'm the baby of 7 and am the only one still here. Now my husband past 4 yrs ago on the 15 of December , mother the 6th of December and its hard to be alone and not do any family things 💔
But I will still praise God and His gift to us Jesus. Blessings to you All CeCe. Merry Christmas to you All. ❤ 🙏💜🕊💜🙏✝️✝️✝️ 🤶🎅🎄🎄
OMG...just listening to CeCe sing has me in tears, with goosebumps. It's something about that voice. Thank you God.
I just love CeCe like she was my own oldest daughter who would be the same age as she had she not gone to be with the Lord. She is still the epitome of a genuine Believer and has the sweetest spirit there is. Her parents raised a wonderful bunch of children and what a gift God gave her with that sweet spirit. I recall years ago when she and BeBe at the PTL Club with Jim Baker when she was only 18 years old. My friend and I asked to take a pic with her and she so quickly willingly obliged us. I still have that picture today. Although I’m about 20 years older than she she was and is relative to all generations and I’m happy to have meet her back the. She is blessed of the Lord. Trudy Mitchell ❤
I have enjoyed this special show with your family. I agree the true meaning of Christmas is Christ.
I don't ever remember seeing her husband and children.what an awesome treat. Merry Christmas and God bless you everyone 🙏💖🎉
Such a beautiful family 🥰
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷😍
We never celebrated Christmas my parent believed Jesus was not born on Christmas day 25th December and for sure he wasn't and they made sure we understood that. Am forever grateful they did their best to train us up in the God's ways.
I love 💕 you Cece you are sure a wonderful soul... God bless you
Hi Cece growing up I used to be inspired by you that led me to being a praise and worship leader. Then when you listen to negativity and he ignorant to follow the Holy Spirit I stopped completely listening to you.until before covid and one of my Sunday school students given me one of your songs to perform for our year end concert. I listened then asked pastor if it's ok as the previous pastor well God bless him😜 when could vid happened I started listening intentively as saw that passion in you that I have and just to say sorry for doubting you and I'm so grateful to God for an amazingly anointed woman who is a inspiration to woman of all race around the world even if we fifty we still can't be energized by the anointing of God. I love you and your family dearly continue doing what you do best.. your sister in Christ Samantha Shannon Chetty South Africa
It's amazing how both of their kids look exactly like them....that's so cool.
This was the most beautiful “Happy Birthday” song I have ever heard! I LOVE this family!!!
CeCe is my most favorite Female Vocalist of all time! ✨🏆✨
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷😍
I listened to CeCe Winans gospel and classic songs during my lunch break in the workplace all the time! She's a walking bible in the heart of her loving Spirit when she speaks.
I am retired now and have more time to enjoy Christmas movies, the music of Cece Winan and many other favorites. I'm truly enjoying the Freedom of God's blessings of the fruits of my labor. :)
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷😍
Wowww...what a beautiful family. Love you guys so much🤩😍🥰😘❤
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷😍
Mrs. Beverley Pope ,I Just Want To Say,I Woke Up Each Morning Singing Your Songs. I Love You.Your Such An Inspiration To Me.My Son Supprise Me When You Came To Corner Stone Church In Toledo Ohio.We We're Right There In The Front Row. God Is So Good.He Pass Away On December 4,2020 A Year Know.I Cried ,I Scream,Each Day And Say.God Why My Child. But I Know He Alright.He Was A Praiser .Know He Dancing In God Spirit. Your Family Is So Beautiful.
Cece is one of my favorite singers alongside my VERY special friend Sis. Vonnie Lopez.
This woman of God and man of God are simply incredible and Alvin and Ashley! They are shining role models to all christians everywhere.
Beautiful.. your Christ centered family .. your Love .. for one another .. flows to all around ❤️🙏🏻‼️🎁
This made me smile. It’s so nice to see that CeCe Winans and her family still love Jesus. They all seem really sweet. Wyatt is so precious. So your baby shares a birthday with the Savior of the world. Nice hearing your engagement story too. Being healthy and in your right mind is definitely a gift. And having a family that loves one another is such a blessing too. Yes. Honor folks while you can. Yes. My mom and sister who live across the country are able to fly and be here with my family. It’s the first time we’ve seen them in 2 1/2 years. Give God praise y’all!!!! I love It’s a Wonderful Life! I love the game show idea- door #1 or door #2. How fun that you guys have been together every Christmas. I still remember you and BeBe’s Christmas album. I used to sing it all the time. I love the Happy Birthday harmony. He’s so cute.
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Hallelujah. This was such a beautiful generation’s episode. Wyatt, is so sweet. Continue to be an inspiration of Love, Love family 🥰🥰🥰. Merry Christmas, happy birthday Jesus, happy birthday Wyatt
Beautiful family CeCe! I know you always try to stick to the script, but the laughter is wonderful. Ashley always bring the laughter...👍🏾😊💗
Cece you have a beautiful family! Your son looks like you and your daughter looks like her dad. What a wonderful bless family! Happy holidays.
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷🌷🙏
Smiled all the way through this video. Thanks for a lifetime of praising the Lord through music, and thank you for sharing your family. God bless you and yours!
I can watch this all day. They are a blessing to us all. Thank you Lord!!!
Merry Christmas CeeCee and family!! God's blessing always!!
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷🌷🙏
Thanks for both perspectives. I raised my children like CeCe was raised. We gave our children gifts at Thanksgiving, and birthdays and of course when they needed things, we met their needs. The greatest gift that I think we can give to Jesus, since it is proclaimed His birthday, is SOULS... that's what He came for... Loving People, winning them through the Love of Christ, and nurturing them into a health and wholesome relationship with Him. Now that's a real Jesus Birthday Gift!! Woooo Whooooo. Blessing to you and your family!! :)
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷🌷🙏
Beautiful family. I am from Detroit snd have lived here my entire life.It’s wonderful seeing a successful family from Detroit who genuinely loves God as well as being successful. So many claim to love God. But it’s very evident that you all truly love the Lord. God bless all of your family.
Christmas 🎄 greetings to you and your beautiful family. I am on the job but I have to watch your program. God’s riches blessings on you all 🎄🎄🎄🌹🙏🙏🙏🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
What an amazing family of God!!! I just experienced CeCe Christmas concert in Meridian Mississippi last Saturday and she was simply awesome. I had a beautiful worship experience
Alvin III is definitely a Winans. He favors BeBe so much. What a beautiful family. I am so thankful for their ministries.
Agreed 👍🏼100 percent
For sure. Bless you
Totally agree with that👍🏼
Well said!
This was a beautiful family Christmas 🎄 Celebration!!🎶🎷🎹🥁🎅🏾🤶🏾🎄☃️👑🌙😍
Thank you!! Dad 😂😂😂 Wow! I really didn't know this. The Jackson's/Winans slightly had somethings in common.....? I will leave this alone. Regardless we still love the Winans! Your music has stood the test of time. The Anointing was and still is rich to this day! When Cece and Bebe first came out. Their early material holds a special place in my heart! As the Circle of Life would have it. Most of my Family was alive then. No matter where I am at. Certain songs brings emotions for me! My heart gets full. Feeling like a Niagara falls.......! Of course I pretend something is in my eye! I know one day I will attend the Greatest Family Reunion assembled. By the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit! They said there are no tears in Heaven! Nobody said nothing about Happy tears.......! As I hug my Family necks. My eyes will over flow! We all never know. How we have affected others in this Earth realm! Much love to you All.........! In Jesus name.
My Little grandson Emerie loves to watch & listen to Cc. On the way to school in am we play his favorite song "Believe" he is challenged in his learning academic. He has a Beautiful spirit & Cc has definitely influences him! God bless u for your Beautiful spirit!
A beautiful family is an understatement. The love of Jesus shines through you. God bless you.
This is just what Heaven means to me.
Praise the Lord!
I celebrate y'all greatly
CeCe has a beautiful family..God bless each and every one of you.Merry Christmas family ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷😍
Cece, just want you to know your not alone. I’ve been married for almost 33yrs. and my husband and two children start Christmas the exact way you talked about! Jesus is the reason for the season. So why not start this special day with him!!
Thank you to you and your family for your beautiful ministry!!🙏🏽😇💕
Unless you dislike sincerity, Jesus and everything else good in the world, it would be impossible to dislike Ms. Winans!
Really enjoyed watching you all as a family. Love you all❤
Cece thanks for coming to Toronto! You were amazing and anoints by God. Hope you come again and thanks for an awesome time of worship❤🙏😊
What a beautiful family! Every time I see Cece smile, she makes me smile. Her smile is so beautiful!
I just love how CeCe always always make you God is front center. My favorite version of Oh Holy Night is song by CeCe.
I love CeCe and this show soooooo much....this needs to be on national television!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Oh what a beautiful Christmas special from Ce Ce and her lovely family. You can just feel the love emanating from them, their love for God and each other, so precious to see, my heart is just rejoicing with them. Merry Christmas Ce Ce and family.
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷🌷🙏
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I loved seeing all of you and Wow Alvin looks so much like his uncle Ronald. Thanks for remembering the Christ in Christmas.
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷🌲🌲
This was so sweet❤️ Such a beautiful Christ centered family❤️
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷🌷🙏
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Beautiful show I've enjoyed every moment ❤
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷🌷🙏
It's always good to reflect on our gracious Savior and the LOVE He gives to us daily.
wow, so glad to meet this wonderful family for the first time. I love you Cece, you are my all time favorite . I pray for a double portion of your anointing in Jesus' name. Keep shining! Love ,love, love you so so much!
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷😍
A little off topic but CeCe winans everlasting love album is one the greatest albums of all time! ALL TIME!!! 🙏✌️ ( had to speak my peace 😂)
Totally agree
And is!!!! 🔥🔥🔥
Agreed. 🔥
AWESOME album! Im still listening today. I didn't even know lauren hill had something to do with one of the songs on there too. ❤
I love this! I love that the kids are (respectfully) picking on Mom. A family that laughs together and prays together, stays together. Love this1
What a beautiful family. Their collective spiritual, physical, and emotional beauty is breathtaking!!!!! God reigns Supreme in each one of them, and it shows. To witness the teachings of Christ that CeCe and Alvin instilled in their two children, play out in their own adult lives is a true testament to them. God is beyond well pleased with this FAMILY. Thanks to all of you for your love of Christ that you live out daily🙏🙌♥️
I started crying at the beginning when Cece said, " do not feel lonely "
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷😍
I Love CeCe,, before i leave this earth or See i would love to meet her, i have loved her for YEARS!!!
Such a beautiful family. Wow, Alvin is a spitting image of his father 🖤🖤
We are here from Brazil , thrilled and feeling embraced by the presence of God in the life of Cece Winans, God come greatly bless your journey. May the peace of the Lord be in your life!
Merry Christmas Cece's family. You're family is a good example of Christian's family. I love you from Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Love CeCe. A true woman of God. What a beautiful family. So positive.
Y'all so silly! Love it. And how wonderful that God gets All the Glory.
What a beautiful family! A WHOLE LOT OF BEAUTY ON MY MONITOR! CeCe is my Son's favorite female gospel artist!! I love her and the Winans like family!!
Thank you much family of Christ for Sharing. Thank you for putting a smile on my face ❤️😊. Glory to our Lord Jesus
I love listening to Cece and Ashley, meeting the family is just awesome. Knowing that they love the Lord. It’s good to see the Younger Generation loving and serving the Lord.
Hey, it's my pleasure meeting you here. I must confess loneliness is very bad and it can killed so easily 🤷 listening to the lovely Christian songs remind me of my late wife. She cherish this most! Happy new year 2022🌷🌷🌷🌷🙏
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This is beautiful. Love you CeCe and family. Continue living and singing for Jesus. You are a true ambassador for Jesus. 👏🏽👏🏽🙏🏾😍
Amen….beautiful family! May God bless you all❤️
This family is the perfect example when God is the center of their lives. Thank you Lord for protecting this family
You all should do a toothpaste commercial...perfect smiles!!!!
She did. With Crest. You should check it out
I was thinking wow they all have beautiful teeth .
I guess we all could use an early Christmas gift, yeah?
Love this family!!
The most noticed aspect of this family is how understanding and open the head of the family their father is so loving🙏🙏🙏🙏
Faith, Love, Joy, Peace, & Giving Hope this holiday season & always. Beautiful Blessings to Ce Ce & Family. 🤗💗💗💙💙💙🎄🙏🏾
Praise God hallejuah amen blessings CeCe and your family. 🙏💙💙💙
You're such an Inspiration.