I have to say this. Your happiness is so contagious, it really makes me happy in a time when it’s hard. I hope you guys grow to be the best and I wish you both the best of luck. See you around!
I talk to developer and one of the develper said every platform has to be 1 person standing on the platform then it will summon a secret boss and if its not work kill 1 person on the platform at the same time
Ummmm I promise that I'm not lying but I got the order of them first is get a kill in the volcano second get a kill in the floating island that have an obby third the platform up the grey pipe fourth get a kill on the small version of the floating island with obby and fifth the won with some stone pillars and get a kill in the secret island and then kill the pumpkin boss and then stand beside the sword on the rock and say mighty and then go back on the secret island agen and say Challenge Complete Mighty and if your wandering how I found out my friend figure it out I just told him like did u know that there is a secret on saber SIM and he was like yeah I know that and I ask him how you did it and he told me how to do it and like a few hours ago I try it and it work and the prize was a pumpkin boss pet stats is strength:x20 coins:x20 crowns:X 20.25 Idk if it's random but hope it works and like sow Sabrina will see it😁😁😁😁😁
31:30 behind Dj there is lamp and on that gray stuff there is some letters Idk if I am right can you pls see it btw I know I am late but you guys need to see it
Btw my sis is LUCKKKKY cuzz she has the new pet with the moon and ITS SHINY and idk who she got it all we were doing was hopping form server to server and the I here from her the word" I GOT THE NEWWW PET OMGGGGG MY LUCK IS SOO GOOD AND ITS SHINY AND OP!" I was like WHATT then she showed me and I passed out then went to party with her cuzz she got the pet with the moon!
Hey sabrina i got a shiny angel and i got disconncted then its gone 😔😔😔😔 i hate it im grided 2million crowns plss like it when u got a shiny pet and its gone when it got disconneted
The platforms are gonna have flags. I don't know if you played hammer simulator, saber simulator is made by the same creator. You have to capture the flag and wait a couple of minutes until you get the rewards. If you play hammer simulator you'll understand. Hope this helps you :)
if they add crafting in the future they are probably make ultra pets, wich you can craft if you have 10 shinies, that would make sense, so i wouldn't be scared to delete the Volcano pet :D
I’m kinda thinking it has something to do with the people that are waving on the island. I’m not sure, because I’m very tired right now and I had a long day, but maybe the people up there are in the spots of the platforms, and you have to do the platform “area” that corresponds with the person waving? Idk
the pet with the moon symbol is a reaper. russo got it in one of his vidios i am not sure which one though. If you read this Plsss could you PIN this thx :) :) :) :) :)
I talked to the developer of the game and he said 1 person has to be on every platform to spawn a secret boss, If that does kill 1 person on every platform at the same time. Sorry for the late reply
If you guys did not know If you go inside the pipe and go left or i think rigth on the end of the pipe and you can teleport at top i swear it was on a public server and me and my Friend TRIED the think were you kill somebody in he platform okay so its in order DJ is right Its like this THE SWORD,THE VOLCANO,THE DIRT PLATFORM,THE TOP OF THE PIPE PLATFORM, AND THE SECRET PLACE. tell me if i missed something oh and what you get is a SECRET PET With over a Stats of x9.93 x9.93 x10 If it does not work well idk the name of the pet is "Secret Pet"
I just looked at the thumbnail and there was the one that DJ was holding out his hand a Sabrina was holding on to the bar I was so amused how good that is
Sorry for the late upload again, this video took longer than usual to make. Smash that like button on the video Brites! 💜💚
Do you guys like comments😕😕😕💙💙💙 love the hair
That color of hair you have is good i like it
The last pet there is dual reaper and russo has it
I have to say this. Your happiness is so contagious, it really makes me happy in a time when it’s hard. I hope you guys grow to be the best and I wish you both the best of luck. See you around!
3 weeks feels like 1 year to me...
Sabrina’s hair is absolutely amazing ❤️
Yes it is
You have a crush on sabrina
He dosent have a crush on subrina
Brite and her hair is beautiful
@@troysibal7614 STU
Sabrina dyed her hair! She looks amazing :D
As usual 🙂
*People say weird things for likes so...*
*Pineapple axes*
...your a monster
Did u just saw a mirror and saw a monster?
@@aruseyyy8085 yes
@@Alex-fq8ld u mad ? ;-;
@@aruseyyy8085 no
I’m still used to her with purple hair.
Who agrees.
Btw don’t like bc I’m not asking for it I just wanna see who else is aswell.
I am
I am
i am
I am
I talk to developer and one of the develper said every platform has to be 1 person standing on the platform then it will summon a secret boss and if its not work kill 1 person on the platform at the same time
You need a vip server todo that like terra brites do
@@h.u.g.sridersofficial9700 think u lied!!!
does it work on a VIP server ?
Ummmm I promise that I'm not lying but I got the order of them first is get a kill in the volcano second get a kill in the floating island that have an obby third the platform up the grey pipe fourth get a kill on the small version of the floating island with obby and fifth the won with some stone pillars and get a kill in the secret island and then kill the pumpkin boss and then stand beside the sword on the rock and say mighty and then go back on the secret island agen and say Challenge Complete Mighty and if your wandering how I found out my friend figure it out I just told him like did u know that there is a secret on saber SIM and he was like yeah I know that and I ask him how you did it and he told me how to do it and like a few hours ago I try it and it work and the prize was a pumpkin boss pet stats is strength:x20 coins:x20 crowns:X 20.25 Idk if it's random but hope it works and like sow Sabrina will see it😁😁😁😁😁
i gonna try it later xd
If it work
@@ranggaraya3560 did it work
@@ranggaraya3560 Did it work tho
I like the saber sim vids 👌🏼 I’ve been watching since 9 year old Jake plays Minecraft and your channel has grown a lot
31:30 behind Dj there is lamp and on that gray stuff there is some letters Idk if I am right can you pls see it btw I know I am late but you guys need to see it
Why why did u tell me this whyyyy now I’m going to play it after
Nikki Playz why did you watch it? exactly. it was in the title!
iCherryz Pop Yep
Sajida Shahab haha
Shari Kendall huh? xD
Your hairs blue! I didn’t realise u TIL your camera zoomed in, it looks amazing! Love u!!
when you are early and you dont know what to comment...
just say hi and edit it later
1:14 bakugo is here (anyone else realise???
I already found out about the sewers but not the floating island..
me too
me three
me four
Me five
Me sixed
Nice hair cut Sabrina!
DJ: *Final kill on platform
*Dies and loses killstreak*
You guys are awesome keep up with the great videos and great work!
Hey do you know how I could get more crowns like purchase more crowns
hm you can purchase some crowns with rubux I think and if you stand on the crown on top of the mountain and start training there you get crowns
First omg forth like I love ur vids and soon I’ll get ur merch,,,
Wow terabrite so beautiful today
I was crying 😭 before but this made me stop
There’s stil no comments about Sabrina’s awesome dyed hair
If you guys get a shiny reaper in the punkin egg it’s like the most powerful in the game it’s better than the punkin I think
This how many people struggle getting on the island
out of 12K only 10
Sabrina im not hater but can you change your hair to purple cus it's way better than blue
I still remember when you used to do pet simulator videos
Like or reply if you remember you watching them.
Your Hair is so Beatiful ❤️❤️❤️❤️
U cant tell if his a owl his like the sun
-Dj 2019
It's funny seeing this later and seeing beast was 2o back then
I’ve been known bout that but I still watched the whole vid
Btw my sis is LUCKKKKY cuzz she has the new pet with the moon and ITS SHINY and idk who she got it all we were doing was hopping form server to server and the I here from her the word" I GOT THE NEWWW PET OMGGGGG MY LUCK IS SOO GOOD AND ITS SHINY AND OP!" I was like WHATT then she showed me and I passed out then went to party with her cuzz she got the pet with the moon!
Why is there 1 view when the video has 79 likes xd
Shaurya gurung view means they watches the whole video. bruh
Sabrina! I like your look! Dj you better still be the top on the leaderboard.
early today because I love sabrina!!! Whos with me?!
About to explode of brite juice 14:39
Why won’t DJ show his face in real life
maybe hes shy?
Just write old school in youtube search and you Will see his face
True brites know his face -w-
@@justicecolili2497 you can see on they’re channels subscriptions and on one of the channels has djs face on it
Hey sabrina i got a shiny angel and i got disconncted then its gone 😔😔😔😔 i hate it im grided 2million crowns plss like it when u got a shiny pet and its gone when it got disconneted
Sabrina why does dj is not showing his face on camera
Some people may not feel comfortable showing their face, also maybe he just doesnt want to
@@mattydob4357 yeah i think so but i understand him
@@invograte45 long as u understand if he don't it all good
you can only go through the pipe in a vip server it works but in a public server doesn’t work I tried it
i haven't watched you in quite a long time and this vid o was amazing and i love your new hair color!
You stupid ask
You guys are so close to 1millon SUBSCRIBERS! I hope you get there :D
shiny iris*
** a girl in da class called Iris, that i like her lmao
Good luck confess to her my guy....
Make her your wife
Hey Sabrina and DJ! LOVE YOU GUYS 💙💜
Who else Is watching this in 2020 and saying wow only ×5 I have ×5000
im so poor in saber sim😂😂😂😂
Your hair! It’s beautiful I love it ♡ I’m am in brite juice
Not trying to brag but I found that the second the update cam out
How do you do it cuz I got in but never teleported
Can u play unboxing simulator again
Btw the platforms will become flags when u capture a flag u have to wait about 30 seconds and it will give u a bunch of crowns
At 31:35 look at the wooden light behind dj it looks like writing
Saber sim! Love it even tho I don't play it. Love the vid even more!!!
Also why you didn't get the pumpkin egg
7:47 who else saw the shiny pumpkin at the bottom of the screen
The platforms are gonna have flags. I don't know if you played hammer simulator, saber simulator is made by the same creator. You have to capture the flag and wait a couple of minutes until you get the rewards. If you play hammer simulator you'll understand.
Hope this helps you :)
Try getting 3 shiny reapers
You my foworite youtubers
I like youre blue hair
omg super early luv ya pls reply
OMG YOU ARE SO CLOSE TO 1.million subs good job!
20,097 views•Oct 20, 2019
Half of Saber Simuators income comes from just DJ and Sabrina.
Ooo maybe you have to do it in the update order platforms were added in different updates
Maybe you should Start Playing Magnet simulator again? it has Changed alot
Oooo! I love your new hair! 😍
Oh finally someone found a floating cycle thing
You look better with blue hair
And the pet with moon is a doul reaper
if they add crafting in the future they are probably make ultra pets, wich you can craft if you have 10 shinies, that would make sense, so i wouldn't be scared to delete the Volcano pet :D
i love dj and sabrina
I think if all players stand on the all of platform it will work
Do you guys play bloxburg????
Nice vid
I’m kinda thinking it has something to do with the people that are waving on the island. I’m not sure, because I’m very tired right now and I had a long day, but maybe the people up there are in the spots of the platforms, and you have to do the platform “area” that corresponds with the person waving? Idk
OMG ROAD TO 1 MIL!!! i haven't watched you guys for so long😭
Hey, I have some legendary BGS Halloween pets and you can showcase them if you want???::)
Djmonopoli russo plays has that moon star pet its the double reaper
If you are reading this Sabrina. This secret now works in public servers :P
Don't you think that sabrina is cute? BTW i rlly want to get in the island :3 so i'mma try it right :D Thx btw for the awesome content :D
Hey I know what dj looks like Sabrina ur good at singing and DJ ur good at guitar and drums
im a huge fan ..... wait what if you have to do the platforms from the smallest to the biggest... i hope i helped!
The moon name is double reaper or double alien
Terabrite your so beutiful with the blue hair ❤❤❤ hop you like it 😁😁😁
the pet with the moon symbol is a reaper. russo got it in one of his vidios i am not sure which one though. If you read this Plsss could you PIN this thx :) :) :) :) :)
I talked to the developer of the game and he said 1 person has to be on every platform to spawn a secret boss, If that does kill 1 person on every platform at the same time. Sorry for the late reply
hey DJ if you don't know you could buy the savior boost for saving your kill streak when you die so thats helpful for you.
I am really bad at bubble gum simulator but you inspire me to keep playing
love the blue hair it makes your eyes pop out
31:36 next to the sword in the rock there is a sighn that say some word on the torch on the tree like if you saw it
Hahahaha hi tera, this was made by another youtuber already 2 days ago
If you guys did not know If you go inside the pipe and go left or i think rigth on the end of the pipe and you can teleport at top i swear it was on a public server and me and my Friend TRIED the think were you kill somebody in he platform okay so its in order DJ is right Its like this THE SWORD,THE VOLCANO,THE DIRT PLATFORM,THE TOP OF THE PIPE PLATFORM, AND THE SECRET PLACE. tell me if i missed something oh and what you get is a SECRET PET With over a Stats of
If it does not work well idk the name of the pet is "Secret Pet"
Sabrina, I’m a little girl on this iPad BUT, I went to the island on a public server and there was another girl up there to, just to let you know!!!!
On the pole next to the sword there is words written on it and also those platforms might be a leak to capture points just like hammer simulator
I just looked at the thumbnail and there was the one that DJ was holding out his hand a Sabrina was holding on to the bar I was so amused how good that is
TH-cam is drunk again
Sksksk and I oop
That is OP OP EH EH EH...LOL
Nice hair color Sabrina :)
i discovered this island when no youtuber found it (i found it yesterday or something)
Lock It Lego it just says follow someone on Twitter 😂
You're shirt are cool and its like galaxy shirt :)