Jesus' Terms of Discipleship - Albert Martin

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ม.ค. 2025
  • Jesus sets forth the absolutely non-negotiable terms on which He will receive sinners as His true disciples, and we had better listen very carefully to His words, because apart from these terms, no one will be regarded by Him as a true believer who is truly attached to Him.
    It does not matter if you think you are Christ's disciple-the only thing that matters is if on the day of Judgment Christ Himself will own you as His disciple!
    Sermon text: Luke 14:25-35
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    1. It is impossible for you to be a true disciple apart from a relationship of supreme love and loyalty to the person of Jesus Christ (9:35)
    2. It is impossible for you to be a true disciple without bearing your own cross (23:10)
    3. It is impossible for you to be a true disciple without renouncing all that you have (29:00)
    Christ addresses 3 very tender relationships of love and loyalty, and He alone must hold the preeminence! (15:50)
    2 simple illustrations (40:50)
    "You and I have the obligation to respond to these words of Christ with the honesty with which we shall be forced to respond in the last day. You may say, 'No one's going to shake my confidence; I know I am a disciple!' All your claims to be a disciple will mean nothing if Jesus says, 'You cannot be Mine.'-whose word will prevail in death and in judgment? God grant that we shall say, by the grace of God, that Christ has captured me. If I must feel the sword with father, mother, brother, sister, any relationship, friends, peers, I don't care-Christ has become the pearl of great price to me, for whom I have sold all that I might have Him. He's the treasure in the field, and by the grace of God and the work of the Spirit, I've found Him! I've sold all I have, that having Him, I have all things. May God grant that that will be your experience now and in the day when He who searches the hearts will make all things known." - Albert Martin (46:30)

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