Very very very good yaaro dil khush kr diya ise kehte insaniyat salute karta hun aap sabko mai pori video mai yahi dekh raha thaa ki uski halat rone vali ho chuki thii anadr se
Hi Sneha mam Namaste mai Maharashtra se coment bhej rahi hun mam aap bahut hi dilse choti choti tips and tricks ke sath poori jankari baking ke bareme baya de rahi ho thank you very mach.
Aap bahut acche se sikhati hain aur sab ka reason batati hai. I wish I was staying close by so I could attend your offline classes. I love you very much. God bless you for your kindness
Wow wow n just wow itani aachi tarah se aapne bataya maam maine ek cake seminar me 3000 rupaye dekar thoda bohat sikha kyuki un maam ne itane acchi tarike se bataya hi nhi tha
Greetings from Sri Lanka 🇱🇰. The only problem is that I don't understand the luggage . Thanks 👌 for the demonstration . Big effort 👌 Thank you for sharing. Keep posting 📫 ✨️ 👌 Best regards.
ঘুঘু উচ্চ উচ্চ উচ্চ ঙ উচ্চ ঊঊঙূ উচ্চ উচ্চ উচ্চ উচ্চ উচ্চ উচ্চ ঙ উচ্চ উচ্চ উচ্চ ঙ উচ্চ উচ্চ উচ্চ এ উচ্চ এ ঘুঘু উচ্চ এ উচ্চ উচ্চ উচ্চ ঊঊঙূ উচ্চ ঙূঙূ উচ্চ উচ্চ উচ্চ উচ্চ ঊঙ উচ্চ ঊঊ উচ্চ ঊঊঙূ ঘুম এ উচ্চ এ উচ্চ ঙূঙূ ঙ উচ্চ এ উচ্চ উচ্চ এ উচ্চ ঙূঊ উচ্চ উচ্চ ঊঊএ উচ্চ ঊঙ্গূ উচ্চ এ উচ্চ ঙূঊ উচ্চ ঊঊঙূ ঙ উচ্চ ঙঙ ঘুঘু এ উচ্চ ূ উচ্চ উচ্চ ঊঊঙূ উচ্চ ঙূঙূ ঙঙ উচ্চ এ উচ্চ উচ্চ উচ্চ উচ্চ এ উচ্চ ঊঊঙূ ঊঙূ উচ্চ ঙঙূঊঙূ উচ্চ ঙঙূঊঙূ ূ ঙঙ উচ্চ উচ্চ ূঊ উচ্চ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ঙঙূঊঙূ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ঊঊঙূ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ূূ উচ্চ ূূঊ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ূঊ উচ্চ ূূূ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ঙঙূঊঙূ উচ্চ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ঙঙূঊঙূ ঙঙ ঙ্গ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ঙ্গঙ্গ ঙঙূঊঙূ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ূ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ূূূূ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ূূূূূূ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ূূুূঊূূূঊূঊঊউূূূূঊূঊূূূূ উচ্চ ূুূূূূঊূূূঢঊূ উচ্চ ূ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ূূূূঊূূুঊূূূ উচ্চ ূূুঊঊূূ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ূ ঙঙূঊঙূ ঊূূূঊূূঊূূঙ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ূূূূঊূূুঊূূূ ূঊঊঊূ ঙূঊ উচ্চঊূঊঊ উচ্চ ূূূঊূূূঊ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ুূবুুডূ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ূ উচ্চ ঊূ ূূূূঊূূুঊূূূ ূূ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ঙঙূঊঙূ ঊঊঊুঊূঊ ঊঊঙূ উচ্চ ূূউূ উচ্চ ূঊঊঊঘূঙূূঊু ঙূঊ উউঊঊবূূূ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ঙূঊ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ু ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ূূূ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ঊূঊউঊূ ঊঊঙূ ূূুঊঊঊূউূূঊু ঙূঊ ূউূঊ ঊঊঙূ ঙুউঊউঊ ূঊ ঊূঊউুউঊঙু উচ্চ ূউূঊ ঊঊঙূ ঙূঊউউুঊুঊুঊউঙুঊউঊউূঊ ূঊ ু ঊঊঙূ উঊুঊ উচ্চ উূূঊঊূূঊ ঊূূূঊূূঊূূঙ ূউঊুূঊ উচ্চ উচ্চ এ ঊঊঙূ ঙুূউঊঊূূউঊউঊউূ ঊঊঙূ ঊুউ ঊঊঙূ ঙ উচ্চ ঊঊঙূ ূুঊউঊুঊঊঊউঊুুূঊঊউঊু উচ্চ উউউুঊঊঊূু ঊঊঙূ উঊউঊঊুঊূঊঊ ঊঊঙূ ু ঊঊঙূ ু ঊঊঙূ ুউউঊঊউ ঊঊঙূ উুঊঊঊঊুূউূউুুঊঊউউূউউঊ ঊঊঙূ ঊউঊউ ঊঊঙূ ঊউঊঊউঊউু উচ্চ ঊউুঊঙুঊউঊ ঊঊঙূ উঊউঊঊউঊউঊঊউূঊউ ঊঊঙূ ঊঊউউুউউউউঊঊঊউঊুঊ ঙূঊ ঊঙঊঊঊূ উচ্চ উউঊুউঊঊূউুউূঊঊউউউউউউঊঊ ঙূঊ উউউঊউূউউঢ উচ্চ ুুউউুউউউউউউ ঊঊঙূ ঊউঊউ ঊূূূঊূূঊূূঙ ঊ ঊঊঙূ ঊঙূ ঊউউউঊঊঊঊুউউউউঊউঙঊঊউঊঊউঊূউূউুূুউউঊউউঊঊঊউ উচ্চ উউউঊউউউঊউউঊঊউউূঊউঊঊঊউঊউ উচ্চ ূুঊুঙুঊুঊূউউউঘঙঊঊঊ ঊঊঙূ ূূউঊঊউউউূউঊঊঊউঊঊউু ঙূঊ ূু উচ্চ ুূুুঊুউউউঊঊঊউউুঊউউউউঊউ ঊঊঙূ ুউউউঊউঊ ঙূঊ ঊঊউউূঊূ উচ্চ উঊউউউঊ উচ্চ ঙূঊ ুউউউুঊউ ঊঊঙূ উঊঊউঊউউউঊুুুউঊউউউ উচ্চ উঊউঘূউ উচ্চ উউুঊঊউঊঊঊউ ঊঊঙূ ূউঊউউউুউউুুউউউঊঊঊঊউউঊুউউউূউঊুউউউূউউু উচ্চ ঊঊঊঊূউউউুউুউঊউঊউূ উচ্চ ঊউূঊূউ উচ্চ উচ্চ ঊউউউউউঊঊউউূউউঊউউউুউউউঘূ ঊঊঙূ ূুঊুউুউউউউউুউউ উচ্চ ঊঊঊুউউউউউ ঊঊঙূ ূূূ উচ্চ উঊুউউউউুউউউউউঊঊউউউুউঊউউউউঊউঊউউউঊুুউউুউউঊঊউুঊ ঙূঊ ুুউউুউউউউউউ ঙূঊ উউউউঊ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ুউঊঊউউ ঊঊঙূ ঊঊউঊউউউউুউউঊউউুঙউঊউূউঊউঊউউ ঊঊঙূ ূউঊউউউউঘ ঊঊঙূ ঊুউুঊ ঊঊঙূ ুউঊউউ ঊঊঙূ উউউউুুউঊঙুউউউউউউঊঘুউউউউ ঊূূূঊূূঊূূঙ উঊউুউউ ঊঊঙূ উউু ঊঊঙূ ঊঙূ ঊউউউউউউউউউউুউউঊউঙূউউঙুুউূউুউউঊুু
Very good teaching video Ma'am I'm a pastry and bakry chef. i m looking for a job Agar koi seekhna chata h to me sikha sakta hu All cream cake and pastry items. And foundent designing cake many bakery items like crossent. Dennis. dry fruit cake cup cakes some cookies and dessert items like. chees cake mousse cake. Carrot cake. Brownee. Coffee walnut fudge. Choco lawa cake. Eclayers. Choco pie. banoffe pie. And many other things
Hello Sankari Das, glad you liked the video. Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe to our TH-cam channel. Download our Free App:
So nice of you madam. The way you teach and the way you explain simple and minute details about baking is just awesome. Once people attain the fame, mostly they tend to become money oriented. But ur free demo with full dedication shows your passion towards pastry making ....hats off to you.. wishing you best of luck..with warmest regards meenusashi 👍
Hello Meenakshi Rs, glad you liked the video. Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe to our TH-cam channel. Download our Free App:
Hello Usha Fifadra, glad you liked the video. Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe to our TH-cam channel. Download our Free App:
Hello Its vlog life 🤩, glad you liked the video. Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe to our TH-cam channel. Download our Free App:
Hello palwasha, glad you liked the video. Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe to our TH-cam channel. Download our Free App:
wow very beautiful and the presentation is so awesome...God bless stay happy always...your are very talented and so skillfull ...God bless you abunduntaly....🙏🙏🙋♀🙋♀..
Thankyou so much ☺ I have been searching for a good online banking class and I found this video and I really enjoyed and as you teach so carefully and clearly explained and I am going to learn a lot and really appreciate you mam and swad team 🙏
Healthy bhi tasty bhi ,khane ke bad meethe me best option hai aur as a breakfast bhi enjoy kar sakte hai .Nice class
Very very very good yaaro dil khush kr diya ise kehte insaniyat salute karta hun aap sabko mai pori video mai yahi dekh raha thaa ki uski halat rone vali ho chuki thii anadr se
Amazing awesome Innovative fantastic
Hi Sneha mam Namaste mai Maharashtra se coment bhej rahi hun mam aap bahut hi dilse choti choti tips and tricks ke sath poori jankari baking ke bareme baya de rahi ho thank you very mach.
This is one of the best vedio I have watched about baking.. very amazed and happy.. thank you so much
Aap bahut acche se sikhati hain aur sab ka reason batati hai. I wish I was staying close by so I could attend your offline classes. I love you very much. God bless you for your kindness
The best thing is your Hindi in gujarati style....we love it
Wow wow n just wow itani aachi tarah se aapne bataya maam maine ek cake seminar me 3000 rupaye dekar thoda bohat sikha kyuki un maam ne itane acchi tarike se bataya hi nhi tha
Awesome. Thanks
आप बहुत महान हो हम जैसे लोग कहां जायेंगे घर में ही बच्चों को बना कर खिला सकते हैं धन्यवाद 🙏
cảm ơn bạn quay video chia sẽ, chúc bạn làm được nhiều món ăn mới, hấp dẫn hơn
Thank u madam
This is really helpful video
1st video which is in so detail
Very help for people who can't go to baking class
Thank u so much madam
Mam aap bohut aache se samjhati ho Thanks for sharing.👍
Great team work with so much patience ..
Thank u so much Team..
im liking this chef...very calm and full focus on work...excellent skills....hats off
Bhahuch saras rite explain karochpo. 💕
Awesome. 👍 Thanks.
Asalamalikum I m from Pakistan Mashallah very well say.thnx
First time watching your video! Amazing chef! Watching from Bangladesh!
U are very honest in ur teaching . I like the way explain to the students. Thanks for sharing. God bless u. All the best in ur life.
Thank you for your kind words. 😇
@@swadcooking qpq+
Very nice way to teach
Greetings from Sri Lanka 🇱🇰.
The only problem is that I don't understand the luggage .
Thanks 👌 for the demonstration .
Big effort 👌
Thank you for sharing. Keep posting 📫 ✨️ 👌
Best regards.
Thanks for teaching detailed in free
Mam आप बहुत अच्छा सिखाते हो❤❤
I like this class and madam also. She is teaching very good.
Very nice. Behut achhe se sikhete ho mem .thank you mam.
Thank you Madam,your cack recipe demo is the best
Thank you so much 😃
@@swadcooking i
@@swadcookingketli fees che.cacke class mate?
Beautifully explained so many doubts I had but now I'm clear
I watch your video first time...after watching I like your explanation mam ...and subscribe your channel...iam so happy mam...
ঘুঘু উচ্চ উচ্চ উচ্চ ঙ উচ্চ ঊঊঙূ উচ্চ উচ্চ উচ্চ উচ্চ উচ্চ উচ্চ ঙ উচ্চ উচ্চ উচ্চ ঙ উচ্চ উচ্চ উচ্চ এ উচ্চ এ ঘুঘু উচ্চ এ উচ্চ উচ্চ উচ্চ ঊঊঙূ উচ্চ ঙূঙূ উচ্চ উচ্চ উচ্চ উচ্চ ঊঙ উচ্চ ঊঊ উচ্চ ঊঊঙূ ঘুম এ উচ্চ এ উচ্চ ঙূঙূ ঙ উচ্চ এ উচ্চ উচ্চ এ উচ্চ ঙূঊ উচ্চ উচ্চ ঊঊএ উচ্চ ঊঙ্গূ উচ্চ এ উচ্চ ঙূঊ উচ্চ ঊঊঙূ ঙ উচ্চ ঙঙ ঘুঘু এ উচ্চ ূ উচ্চ উচ্চ ঊঊঙূ উচ্চ ঙূঙূ ঙঙ উচ্চ এ উচ্চ উচ্চ উচ্চ উচ্চ এ উচ্চ ঊঊঙূ ঊঙূ উচ্চ ঙঙূঊঙূ উচ্চ ঙঙূঊঙূ ূ ঙঙ উচ্চ উচ্চ ূঊ উচ্চ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ঙঙূঊঙূ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ঊঊঙূ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ূূ উচ্চ ূূঊ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ূঊ উচ্চ ূূূ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ঙঙূঊঙূ উচ্চ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ঙঙূঊঙূ ঙঙ ঙ্গ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ঙ্গঙ্গ ঙঙূঊঙূ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ূ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ূূূূ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ূূূূূূ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ূূুূঊূূূঊূঊঊউূূূূঊূঊূূূূ উচ্চ ূুূূূূঊূূূঢঊূ উচ্চ ূ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ূূূূঊূূুঊূূূ উচ্চ ূূুঊঊূূ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ূ ঙঙূঊঙূ ঊূূূঊূূঊূূঙ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ূূূূঊূূুঊূূূ ূঊঊঊূ ঙূঊ উচ্চঊূঊঊ উচ্চ ূূূঊূূূঊ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ুূবুুডূ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ূ উচ্চ ঊূ ূূূূঊূূুঊূূূ ূূ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ঙঙূঊঙূ ঊঊঊুঊূঊ ঊঊঙূ উচ্চ ূূউূ উচ্চ ূঊঊঊঘূঙূূঊু ঙূঊ উউঊঊবূূূ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ঙূঊ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ু ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ূূূ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ঊূঊউঊূ ঊঊঙূ ূূুঊঊঊূউূূঊু ঙূঊ ূউূঊ ঊঊঙূ ঙুউঊউঊ ূঊ ঊূঊউুউঊঙু উচ্চ ূউূঊ ঊঊঙূ ঙূঊউউুঊুঊুঊউঙুঊউঊউূঊ ূঊ ু ঊঊঙূ উঊুঊ উচ্চ উূূঊঊূূঊ ঊূূূঊূূঊূূঙ ূউঊুূঊ উচ্চ উচ্চ এ ঊঊঙূ ঙুূউঊঊূূউঊউঊউূ ঊঊঙূ ঊুউ ঊঊঙূ ঙ উচ্চ ঊঊঙূ ূুঊউঊুঊঊঊউঊুুূঊঊউঊু উচ্চ উউউুঊঊঊূু ঊঊঙূ উঊউঊঊুঊূঊঊ ঊঊঙূ ু ঊঊঙূ ু ঊঊঙূ ুউউঊঊউ ঊঊঙূ উুঊঊঊঊুূউূউুুঊঊউউূউউঊ ঊঊঙূ ঊউঊউ ঊঊঙূ ঊউঊঊউঊউু উচ্চ ঊউুঊঙুঊউঊ ঊঊঙূ উঊউঊঊউঊউঊঊউূঊউ ঊঊঙূ ঊঊউউুউউউউঊঊঊউঊুঊ ঙূঊ ঊঙঊঊঊূ উচ্চ উউঊুউঊঊূউুউূঊঊউউউউউউঊঊ ঙূঊ উউউঊউূউউঢ উচ্চ ুুউউুউউউউউউ ঊঊঙূ ঊউঊউ ঊূূূঊূূঊূূঙ ঊ ঊঊঙূ ঊঙূ ঊউউউঊঊঊঊুউউউউঊউঙঊঊউঊঊউঊূউূউুূুউউঊউউঊঊঊউ উচ্চ উউউঊউউউঊউউঊঊউউূঊউঊঊঊউঊউ উচ্চ ূুঊুঙুঊুঊূউউউঘঙঊঊঊ ঊঊঙূ ূূউঊঊউউউূউঊঊঊউঊঊউু ঙূঊ ূু উচ্চ ুূুুঊুউউউঊঊঊউউুঊউউউউঊউ ঊঊঙূ ুউউউঊউঊ ঙূঊ ঊঊউউূঊূ উচ্চ উঊউউউঊ উচ্চ ঙূঊ ুউউউুঊউ ঊঊঙূ উঊঊউঊউউউঊুুুউঊউউউ উচ্চ উঊউঘূউ উচ্চ উউুঊঊউঊঊঊউ ঊঊঙূ ূউঊউউউুউউুুউউউঊঊঊঊউউঊুউউউূউঊুউউউূউউু উচ্চ ঊঊঊঊূউউউুউুউঊউঊউূ উচ্চ ঊউূঊূউ উচ্চ উচ্চ ঊউউউউউঊঊউউূউউঊউউউুউউউঘূ ঊঊঙূ ূুঊুউুউউউউউুউউ উচ্চ ঊঊঊুউউউউউ ঊঊঙূ ূূূ উচ্চ উঊুউউউউুউউউউউঊঊউউউুউঊউউউউঊউঊউউউঊুুউউুউউঊঊউুঊ ঙূঊ ুুউউুউউউউউউ ঙূঊ উউউউঊ ূঊঙঙঙূঙঙূূঊঊ ুউঊঊউউ ঊঊঙূ ঊঊউঊউউউউুউউঊউউুঙউঊউূউঊউঊউউ ঊঊঙূ ূউঊউউউউঘ ঊঊঙূ ঊুউুঊ ঊঊঙূ ুউঊউউ ঊঊঙূ উউউউুুউঊঙুউউউউউউঊঘুউউউউ ঊূূূঊূূঊূূঙ উঊউুউউ ঊঊঙূ উউু ঊঊঙূ ঊঙূ ঊউউউউউউউউউউুউউঊউঙূউউঙুুউূউুউউঊুু
Wow super class
Thanks 😊🙏
Superb maam, aapne each and every thing explain ki hai
I like this class and Madam also is teaching good
Thank you. Keep supporting us.
I like your videos thanks for sharing keep in touch thanks 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻😊😊
Sneha mam i love your way of speaking
If we listen to her carefully we will learn soon.... 👌
Very good teaching video
Ma'am I'm a pastry and bakry chef. i m looking for a job
Agar koi seekhna chata h to me sikha sakta hu
All cream cake and pastry items. And foundent designing cake many bakery items like crossent. Dennis. dry fruit cake cup cakes some cookies and dessert items like. chees cake mousse cake. Carrot cake. Brownee. Coffee walnut fudge. Choco lawa cake. Eclayers. Choco pie. banoffe pie. And many other things
It's really good with all information... thankyou ma'am....from a Gujarati to a Gujarati ❤️❤️🙂🙂😊😊👍👍💐
Where u frm ma'am, which city u conduct this class
Me Pakistan sehu very nice your video very helpful Thanks again ♥️♥️🍁🍁🍁
Excellent mam! Explained in details & very useful tips given.👍
Thanks mam. Ap k seekhany ka style bht acha gy. I m from pakistan.
Great workshop mam
Aapke yeh chef bahut safai se kaam kar rahe hein. ☺😊
Supper tips excellent work thank you ma'am
बहुत सुन्दर टैस्टी बना है❤🇮🇪 👏👌🙏...
Apne better gram me Kitna dala
Your cake recipe demo class is the best . very nice simple language used by this video shooting 👍👌👌🏻👍🤠🙏🏼🙏🏼😊🇮🇳😍 Keep it up.
Or other ki m or of one koii ok I am oo
Bahut hi shikhne wala video he..... Thank u mam
Very good and easy teaching method for beginners.
O ok olllol
Maja aaya dekh kr from Delhi ❤
Thank you. Subscribe our channel for more recipe videos.
Totally different recipe on internet about consistency I will definitely try it
Thank you mam aap bahut acche se samjhati Hain har EK chij ka measurement samjhati hai iske liye thank u offline sikhane ke liye thank u
Wow last wala cake to bahut hi achha lag raha hai great job mam thanks this class 😊😊
@Chandray Murmu
@@chandraymurmu563 😊
બહુ સરસ છે તમારી કેક રેસીપી ને સમજાવાની રીત પણ બહુ સરસ છે હું અમદાવાદ થી છુ રશ્મિ પટેલ
Your class is very usefull and your way of teaching is fantastic, pls try to come shivamoga(karnataka state) and take class we will definitely join
Wow i am learning..
Trying too
Great workshop👌👌
Wow Mam achhe tarah se explain kiya aapane thanks mam
Nice maam
Mam, you teach with full energy
Hi friends support me please 🙏
Wao... Superb🎉 love from.pakistan
Thanks for this lecture for cake 🍰🎂
Very nice.Love from Bangladesh
Excellent mam...very usefull tips ...
first comment Thank you Ma'am 👌👌👌🙏🙏🙏
excellent teacher pls, write Ingredients in description box pls thanks, beautiful way of teaching.
Itna achha se koi nehi batate hai mam thank you 👍
Hello Sankari Das, glad you liked the video. Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe to our TH-cam channel.
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Wanderfull class i learn more things in baking .I am a baker. Frome pakistan
Thank you mem,,u r very honest in ur teaching...u r so sweetly teached❤❤❤❤❤love you mem❤❤❤
Superb very useful tricks getting from you.. thank you.
6 bje
Institute run in highly professional manner.. Best opportunity for the students.
So nice of you madam. The way you teach and the way you explain simple and minute details about baking is just awesome. Once people attain the fame, mostly they tend to become money oriented. But ur free demo with full dedication shows your passion towards pastry making ....hats off to you.. wishing you best of luck..with warmest regards meenusashi 👍
Hello Meenakshi Rs, glad you liked the video. Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe to our TH-cam channel.
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Very nice.
True. . 😊. Just saw vd yesterday .really admired the way she taught
@@jayashreemohanty6215 l
Very nice sharing zabdast reaspe yummy tesy looks delicious
Great workshop. I always wanted to learn baking. This is such a great way of learning. You are a great Teacher n Chef Mam. 🙏
Thankyou 🙏 and visit me please
@@hokamlavavanshe8247 TK care poll ao
I loved your teaching style
You explained everything but is it possible to bake in pateela and condensed milk is compulsory
Aap cooker mai bna sakti hai or condense milk is not compulsory aap powder sugar daal sakti hai uski jgha ❤️
Amazing and very well explained mam.thaks alot.
Most welcome 😊
Interesting class... Thank u mam... 😊😊
Very good tutorial, explained in detail thank you friend❤S L 2:21:46
Very nice way of explaining. Love it.
Hello Usha Fifadra, glad you liked the video. Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe to our TH-cam channel.
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@@swadcooking i hv already subscribed in u tube channel
@@ushafifadra56 bbbn!!;!nb;!!!b!nbb!!b;nbb!!nnbnbbbb
6. . . Z .
😂. .. z. :31 . . . . Z. 6:31 Z. Z.
Aapke workshop is the best
Relley good teacher teaching 😊 in details ❤️
मेम बडा ही मज़ा आया आपकी क्लास ज्वाइन करके🙏🙏
Thank you very much for sharing the video bro, it's always been successful
Mam mujhe bhut kuch sikhne ko mila Thank You so much 🙏
Hello Its vlog life 🤩, glad you liked the video. Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe to our TH-cam channel.
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@@swadcooking you are already subscribe mam ❤
cảm ơn bạn quay chia sẽ, chúc bạn luôn vui vẻ😃
બહુજ સરસ રીતે સમજાવ્યું ❤️🌷🎉😘
wow thank you for sharing👍
Hello mam🙏
Beautiful cake's making
Superb sharing dear good ideas
Thank you so much 😊
Thank u so much mam💕💕💕🙏
App bahut acche se sikhate hai 👍
Do upload more videos like this the way you explained is amazing 👏 I m far from.your country and it is very easy to learn from you 😍
Hello palwasha, glad you liked the video. Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe to our TH-cam channel.
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Jay shree Krishna. સરસ રીતે સમજાવ્યું.
Nice presentation, you showed beautifully, keep sharing good content, it will help you. have a wonderful day, lk
Wonderful upload, the way you explained , is awesome 🥰🥰
wow very beautiful and the presentation is so awesome...God bless stay happy always...your are very talented and so skillfull ...God bless you abunduntaly....🙏🙏🙋♀🙋♀..
I was an amazing day. i got 2 gifts from swad 😍❤ workshop was fantastic as always 💟 Lots of love to Jenny Ma'am & Sneha Ma'am 💕
Kya mila apko gift me
Nako aahe
@@umabhosale3227 - i.e.1 navratri sari 2
@@umabhosale3227 c
Very nice way of explaining ☺️☺️ . Thanks
thanks for liking, keep watching & stay connected
Thankyou so much ☺ I have been searching for a good online banking class and I found this video and I really enjoyed and as you teach so carefully and clearly explained and I am going to learn a lot and really appreciate you mam and swad team 🙏
Thanku maim
Mam tmri method mst che smjawani
Great workshop.. nicely explained
Love from Canada
Thanks mam. Thoda language nahin samjha lekin baki bahut acche se samajh gaya vah aap kitne achcha batati Ho thankyou thankyou thankyou so Mach mam
Most Welcome!
Wonderful video clip of cake recipe.
Rubbish 😂 waste of time
@@krupajoshi5869oď tdtdttdoď st dads a stoats me
Big lk wowwww cake 🎂 veryyyyy tasty 😋😋😋😋
Thank you
Awesome ma'am 👍👍