In 29:43 you show 2 scripts, and say that is the one executed by the cron job. But, in crontab you reference another file "". How is this working?
Hi Maher - great video and blog. I am running vRA 8.2 in a lab getting ready for prod and having issues with cloud-init. Followed your video to the T (even started with same Ubuntu 18.04.2 ISO) but I cannot get vRA 8 to attach an ISO/OVF to the VM. It just makes no attempt and then in the guest cloud-init logs complain about no datasource. Have you had this happen?
Great Lab Video !! Thankyou.
Great Video!!! Really helpful. Thank you!
Great video!
In 29:43 you show 2 scripts, and say that is the one executed by the cron job. But, in crontab you reference another file "". How is this working?
Hi Maher - great video and blog. I am running vRA 8.2 in a lab getting ready for prod and having issues with cloud-init. Followed your video to the T (even started with same Ubuntu 18.04.2 ISO) but I cannot get vRA 8 to attach an ISO/OVF to the VM. It just makes no attempt and then in the guest cloud-init logs complain about no datasource. Have you had this happen?
make sure your template is not configured with an iso and it set back to default which i believe is client device
Please, do not clear the screen after each command :) Thanks.