Arma 3 Editor Tutorial - AddAction, RemoveAction

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 15 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 66

  • @BGLENN-dp4tx
    @BGLENN-dp4tx 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    It’s 2022 and still brilliant! Your presentations are the best of the best. Rare find. Thank you very, very much for sharing your expertise.

  • @Murdo132
    @Murdo132 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    i know a lot of us are a bit late to the scripting side of things in the game, but in 2020 this is super useful. Love your tutorials. Thanks

    • @Feuerex
      @Feuerex  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      good to hear. Honestly, some of these tutorials had to make it through tons of changes and updates of the base game, so it's good to hear at least some of them are still useful these days. Cheers

  • @RadicalEdward_115
    @RadicalEdward_115 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    still helping future eden editors lol, thank you my friend

  • @manuellabor2759
    @manuellabor2759 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    It's 2019 and this is STILL brilliant!! Thank you so much.

  • @boogiemanPSU
    @boogiemanPSU 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Just tried it this morning and now it works. I swear sometimes : ) Thanks

  • @misterdinner3648
    @misterdinner3648 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    holy shit, not even the god damn wiki could provide a decent explanation of what the _this select things did thanks.

    • @leightonthompson3629
      @leightonthompson3629 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      You say not even the wiki, like the wiki ever answers anyone other than an experienced developers questions.

  • @Alpinegremlin
    @Alpinegremlin 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey Feur, I`m revisting this video. I`ve got a question. Now my mission is for MP but maybe you can give me some advice regardless.
    I have an addaction tied to an officer that the players can access in order to bring up a dialog. I only want each player to be able to "ready up" once, after which I`d like the action disappear only for that player, but allowing others who havent had a chance to use the dialog to do so.
    Unit init: this addAction ["Confirm Mission Readiness", "scripts\createDialog.sqf"];
    The "ready" button in my dialogs.hpp: action = "closeDialog 0; _nul = execVM ""scripts\missionLaunch.sqf""";
    Is there a code I could potentially use to only remove the action for each player that has already confirmed their readiness?

    • @Feuerex
      @Feuerex  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      This is a pure multiplayer issue and I can't help, unfortunately. From the looks of it, it seems to me that you're making a mess of it by using an in-game object for the action. The wiki states that both addAction and removeAction have local effect, meaning they only run on the PC where they are executed, and aren't shared across the network, which to me sounds like if you give the action to each player, you can easily remove it one by one and have total control over who gets ready for the mission. But this is just a guess, nothing more.

    • @haroldmcbroom7807
      @haroldmcbroom7807 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      I've solved problems like this in my own missions... Here is pseudocode; the basic logic is that you need is to use a Global Variable as a flag to determine if a portion of code has already executed, and if so, then not to execute that code again. *(See Below Please)*
      At start of program global variables are initialized across computers using "publicvariable" command.
      ;Whenever you change the original value of a variable, and you want all computers to be reflective of those changes, you must use the publicvariable command to do so... Simply saying *P1HasExecuted = 1* does not broadcast the new value to all computers, which may still be using the old values.
      P1HasExecuted_flag = 0;
      publicvariable "P1HasExecuted_flag";
      ;At times you have to give the computer time to execute commands; BIS is ;not very clear on when to use and not...
      ;if the program has just started, execute the code, and set the flag from 0 to 1
      ? (P1HasExecuted == 0): Player1Ready = player AddAction ["Ready Option","Player1Action.sqs"];
      ;Broadcast new value across all computers
      P1HasExecuted = 1;Publicvariable "P1HasExecuted"
      ;If the code has already been executed, and the menu option exists, remove it?((P1HasExecuted == 1)&&(!(isnil ("Player1Ready")))): WestSlot2 removeaction Player1Ready;
      One issue you may encounter when dealing with AI in multiplayer is that the computer does not keep the identities of playable units that die, they respawn and their identifying attributes that defined them as who they are, are gone.
      I did find a way around that, but due to updates, they had rendered those commands obsolete with no clue as to what to use in their place.
      The old method was...
      I have 9 Opfor playable units, reserved for AI only, which means, if they die, they automatically respawn, and those units are group leaders underwhich I spawn in AI's and join them to the existing group leaders.The same issue with vehicles...Below is a snipped of code my program used. W1UnitAH1Wvar is incremented by 1 for every time I clicked an addaction ["spawn AH1 Helicopter"]
      If I clicked on it 5 times the result would be...
      W2HVEHAH5 that each vehicle had it's own identities and would not conflict with each other during game play.
      ;Add 1 to whatever value is currently stored in W2UnitAH1WVar W2UnitAH1WVar= W2UnitAH1WVar+1;
      _VarName1W2 = Format["W2HVEHAH1W%1",W2UnitAH1WVar];;
      Create the vehicle at designated marker position..._HVEH = "AH1W" createvehicle getmarkerpos "w1resptmp";Set it's direction... You must set the dir before you use the Setpos command,;or the setdir will not show it's change, ...that was my understanding back
      _HVEH setdir _tdir;
      _HVEH Setpos [_ux,_uy,_uz];
      ;With the newly created vehicle (_HVEH) I set it's name to something unique
      _HVEH setVehicleInit format["this setVehicleVarName ""%1""",_VarName1W2];
      This method no longer works, because when importing the mission into the Eden Editor, it commented out all of those lines, saying they are no longer supported! I do not know a workaround for giving AI units their identities.VBA is much more easier than this scripting language!

  • @izkh4lif4
    @izkh4lif4 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    im trying to do something very complicated and can't figure it out. I have 4 laptops. I have a script running on all four that is based on addAction. It triggers a "download" pop up message that has a download bar. What I want is for it to spit out a bomb defuse code at the end, but only on one random laptop out of the four. I have two scripts which work separate. One that creates the pop up download message, and another that creates the randomized defusal code. But i need them to work together. right now, I have two add actions. the download add action on all the laptops, and the single code which randomly pops up on one laptop, but I want the defuse code to be a result of the download and pop up after the download finished instead of both "download" and "defuse code" appearing simultaneously.

  • @noggian7200
    @noggian7200 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I would like to make an addaction on an object, when the player has used it, this addaction will no longer exist but a few seconds later another addaction will appear on the object (which is different from the first in its execution)
    Is it possible to do it only in the init of the object or do you have to code everything in a .sqf file?

    • @Feuerex
      @Feuerex  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      of course it is possible to do it only in the init. But you're writing a sqf code anyway, and anything beyond the most simple code will be unreadable in that little window, so you're limiting yourself, more than anything. But yes, it is possible, here's an example
      this addAction ["FirstAction", {(_this select 0) removeAction (_this select 2);sleep 3;(_this select 0) addAction ['SecondAction',{systemChat 'Second action activated!'}];}];

  • @falldmg6306
    @falldmg6306 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I’m trying to make an action attached to a player that executed another script when used, how would I make it so only the player it is attached to can use it?

  • @donkemp7231
    @donkemp7231 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I really enjoy your videos I have them all looking forward to the next keep up the good work.

  • @Twakmaster
    @Twakmaster 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thanks Feuerex for this in depth look at addAction. My issues always start when I want to use addAction in a MP environment on a dedi server. I always seem to screw something up due to locality and needing to transmitting the commands to the players.

    • @Feuerex
      @Feuerex  7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      hmm, yeah. Dedicated server is always a heap of fun to work with, keeps you on toes all the time. I believe the wiki has an example of how to use addAction on dedi with remoteExec, but that's about all I can do for you.
      But thanks for the comment - you're the first one talking about the video, it's nice to see someone's actually watching.

    • @Twakmaster
      @Twakmaster 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      No worries, I use remoteExec extensively. Even so, the method of thinking using remoteExec in a Dedi is completely different than in SP. Keep up the videos man, I have find them immensely helpful during my scripting.

  • @anormalloser
    @anormalloser 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks for the good tutorial, I have another question. If i were to have an addaction button that someone presses how could i make it so that it is infinitely repeatable, BUT with the exception of making the button disappear for two minutes, then reappear when the two minutes is up.

    • @Feuerex
      @Feuerex  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      pressing the button calls script A. script A calls two other scripts, script B and C. script B does whatever you need the action to do. script C moves the button (setPos) to [0,0,0] or other random position outside the playable zone, waits 2 minutes (sleep 120;) then moves the button back.

  • @Alpinegremlin
    @Alpinegremlin 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey again Feur! I hate to keep bugging you but I am still a bit of a newbie. I have two issues:
    In my mission I have written a few scripts which allow the players to place sandbags, trenches, etc... As an example, the player can build 2 trenches. If they try to build anymore trenches, they will get a hint informing them that they cannot build anymore and the action is removed. The addaction and script call is set up through each unit`s init field. All of this works perfectly, except if you approach a unit whose action has not yet been removed, in which case you get a new action and can access the script again.
    I also have a trigger set up to execute 15 minutes into the mission which activates the remove all actions command. This works well, however if the player respawns, he gets his actions back. Do you if I can do anything to fix this? (Mission is for SP or hosted server MP).

    • @Feuerex
      @Feuerex  7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      A bit of code would help a ton. We can theorize all day, but at the end we will have to discuss the actual code.
      But yeah, adding the action to a unit will enable others to use the action as well when they get close ... maybe you could add a condition at the top of the script, something like
      if (_this select 0 != _this select 1) exitWith {};
      that could at least prevent players from abusing the system, although it won't get rid of the popup when they do get close.
      About the trigger, I'd have to see how it's done. I'm guessing there's either a conflict between new unit init and the trigger, or it's just set up in a bad way. I'd think that
      {removeAllActions _x} forEach playableUnits;
      could do the job, but there may be more in play with the respawns and such.

    • @Alpinegremlin
      @Alpinegremlin 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Your first code worked exactly as described! If I`m understanding it correctly: You`re stating that if the object attached to the action is not the same as the caller, then abort the current scope, preventing the rest of the script from running, right?
      I actually worked out a solution for the second issue before I read your reply. I made an onPlayerRespawn.sqf and placed sleep = 0.5; removeAllActionsplayer; in it. This seems to have solved the issue.
      Thanks for the awesome assistance! Cheers!

  • @_RayDay_
    @_RayDay_ 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Man, can you explain the meaning of this button? I can't find any description of it anywhere.

    • @Feuerex
      @Feuerex  7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      not tested, but I think it's some weird pre-configured place for custom short sounds, to be used in multiplayer. I don't play or study multiplayer-related problems, but you can read a bit more over here:

    • @_RayDay_
      @_RayDay_ 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you, exactly what I was trying to find.

  • @professorchaos5065
    @professorchaos5065 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Is it possible to add more scripts code to adaction like fx,
    blackfoot1 setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED";
    Natohelipilot2 moveInGunner blackfoot1;
    [West, -80] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets;
    And RemoteExec
    My sqf file dont run right in my server 😢

    • @Feuerex
      @Feuerex  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      yeah, you can run any code you want inside there. However, I'd strongly advice against putting more than 3-4 commands in there, because it's very hard to read and adjust the code afterwards. For better readibility, sqf scripts are preferred. You can also use default parameters for caller, target, etc. An example:
      player addAction ["My action", { #insert your code here; command 1;command 2;command 3; # }];

    • @professorchaos5065
      @professorchaos5065 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you very much, I think you just solved one of my problems, I will test it and see when I get time

  • @dampiir8910
    @dampiir8910 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hello and thanks for these videos! How do you add an addAction to an object if the object was spawned via a script? For MP to run on a server.

    • @Feuerex
      @Feuerex  6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      An object spawned via script is created through createUnit command, so you just add the addAction in there.
      "Classname_F" createUnit [position player, group player, "this addAction ['My action', 'myScript.sqf']", 0.5, "private"];

  • @boogiemanPSU
    @boogiemanPSU 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Example mission links to a brown water mod. Can this be fixed? Thanks

    • @Feuerex
      @Feuerex  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      links seem okay over here, are you sure the issue is not on your side only?

  • @BeKoGaming
    @BeKoGaming 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Can you teach me or create a code to move and drop a box of weapons and other things and put them in a vehicle like Wasteland

    • @Feuerex
      @Feuerex  7 ปีที่แล้ว

      never played wasteland. you will have to elaborate a bit more, or describe it in a more general context.

    • @frankiebaby111
      @frankiebaby111 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Feuerex In wasteland, you can scroll on an object (weapons box, sandbag huts, building objects, ect), and choose to put them into a vehicles "storage" close by, and pull it out after you move to a safe location, and place the object where you would like it.

  • @rico_rama
    @rico_rama 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Do you think, you could to do a video for addaction with ace interaction?

    • @Feuerex
      @Feuerex  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      nah. I stay away from mods.

    • @rico_rama
      @rico_rama 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Feuerex ok thank's a lot, for all your videos and tip's

  • @angerneo4712
    @angerneo4712 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thx you for all u make !! it's very cool

  • @JohnSGam1ng
    @JohnSGam1ng 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    This might come in handy for my next video. :)

  • @bambibamartlover4405
    @bambibamartlover4405 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    many thanks

  • @CaptainSevenUp
    @CaptainSevenUp 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey good video bud! But can you help me with a little teleport addaction script?
    So first the description... I tried to make a teleporter where you land on a different small island... the island is an admin zone and there are more flags with more commands... but the other commands are not important. they work well.
    The only problem is the first teleportation to that Island zone....
    Well the script works.. but i wanna change it because its only runs for my own Player Name.. i wanna change it to my Player ID. Can you help me with it? would be nice.
    1. (ingame)
    I put a flag on the map, and gaved him the command : this addaction [">>

    • @Feuerex
      @Feuerex  6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You're probably looking for
      Props for still using .sqs, which has been marked by the devs as 'deprecated' about 14 years ago. But hey, whatever works for you.

    • @CaptainSevenUp
      @CaptainSevenUp 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      ok thanks. does it work for arma 1 too?

    • @Feuerex
      @Feuerex  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      does what work for Arma 1?
      the command? No, it's been introduced in Arma 2 1.02, as is written on the f****ng page I linked.
      sqs? works in all Arma titles.

    • @CaptainSevenUp
      @CaptainSevenUp 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Chill dude. I know that sqs works in all arma titles. I just wanted to know if the command works for arma 1 but ok

    • @Feuerex
      @Feuerex  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      it irks me when people don't try to discover things by themselves and would rather have me do everything, but this may not be such a case. okay, I overreacted. I take it back. no, the command doesn't work in Arma 1 since it's been introduced in Arma 2. Since there is no such other command that I know of, your next option may be to use, which does exist since Arma AA, but its use would be quite complicated. However, it is an option.

  • @Канал-о4о
    @Канал-о4о 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ну в целом я все понял. Возможность удаления конкретного действия через присвоение ему IDS наиболее применимо. Еще бы по русски говорил, цены бы не было =)

    • @sergirad
      @sergirad 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      через русские субтитры можно все понять что он говорит, попробуй )

  • @brianv1981
    @brianv1981 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you!

  • @Lakarak
    @Lakarak 7 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @alreadydoomed1700
    @alreadydoomed1700 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Well, like from Russia

  • @daytonstone7734
    @daytonstone7734 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hello very usefull thank you ! Can you make a video about, capture unit and play unit could be usefull for cinematics and stuff :) thank youuuu

    • @Feuerex
      @Feuerex  7 ปีที่แล้ว

      there you go.

    • @daytonstone7734
      @daytonstone7734 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Oh thank you mate ! Nice i really need this for my videos :)

  • @MrBlackScreen
    @MrBlackScreen 7 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @viktorh2147
    @viktorh2147 7 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @Dickie.D.Dickens
    @Dickie.D.Dickens 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Awesome guides Feuerex, Thanx ! c",)

  • @stewfly9227
    @stewfly9227 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Feuerex isBeast true;