You guys aren't thinking big enough. Have cursed blade equipped with an Unlicensed Apothecary on the board and then your opponent plays Brann Bronzebeard into Dirty Rat. That is the ultimate troll.
Wait, no. Chance of killing Mayor off a 4+ attack minion was higher that hitting exactly this card with Shield Slam (shield slam targets is chosen randomly as well)
I LEGIT RIGHT NOW WAS LOOKING FOR THAT THE WITCHER 3 SONG, didn't know the name, then i just thought "Fuck it, i'll just watch troldens new vid" and then BAM. What are the damn odds.
Good on that Dane guy. Most people (such as TB) would have immediately started mashing the concede button at that. He even gave such a defeated sigh (don't blame him), but fought on, and won the day regardless. /salute.
The fields of ard skellig
Unlicensed Apothecary may be the single greatest troll card Blizzard has ever made.
i disagree, dirty rat is a heartbreaker
The cursed sword at the bonus would like to have a word with you guys
ye but dirty rat can at least fucks other people up, unlicensed can really only fuck you up lol
And then there was Shadow Rager.
You guys aren't thinking big enough. Have cursed blade equipped with an Unlicensed Apothecary on the board and then your opponent plays Brann Bronzebeard into Dirty Rat. That is the ultimate troll.
Watching Dane pummel that rogue brought a tear to my eye
why do we need trolden if we have dane?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't he Shield Slam Mayor Noggenfogger to secure lethal there?
Shieldslam counts too
Wait, no. Chance of killing Mayor off a 4+ attack minion was higher that hitting exactly this card with Shield Slam (shield slam targets is chosen randomly as well)
3:00 Haha the Witcher 3 ost "skellige" so well just feels like home!
03:20 Witcher 3
Jan Ste and hearing a few seconds of the game soundtrack makes me want to reply the game again... brb lol
Yea, I think this music also plays in Gwent (which btw I find much better than HS already)
nagashbg seriously Gwent was a gem itself in witcher 3.
Yea it was cool but the standalone version is much better :P
First one really got me. Keep up the good work trolden!
That might be the most rage-inducing first clip I've ever witnessed on this channel.
Loved the witcher 3 music!! the skelige theme was my favorite too!!!
Nice the witcher 3 song
Soothes my soul.
Gonçalo Lopes Nice tune..
Ye i played the withcer today, so relaxing
Heheh, I sure am ;)
that witcher 3 soundtrack lmao
4:25 That guy just missed the possibility of shield slaming face FeelsBadMan
Also his own face ^^
if a card says minions only it will only target minions as well as cards that say enemys only will only target an enemy
It can't make you target an illegal target so no, he didn't.
Loving the Witcher music.
2:26 челендж от томата))
Witcher 3 music is bae 😍
the fields of ard skellig made my heart skip a beat.
Witcher music = like
Way better than last Episode
Love that Witcher 3 song FeelsGoodMan
Damn that warrior victory felt so good !
What a glorious comeback
3:20 witcher music omg
SparkTV, I love your channel man
OMG "fields of Ard Skellig" OST from the witcher 3 !
LOL dat witcher 3 music xD
Clips with Dane are always the best :D
Well done, trolden! Very good compilation!
2:50 I wouldn't even be mad losing against that
I dont usually comment on Trolden but when i do its only becouse i am grateful that people use chicken combos.
Wow Trolden uses The Witcher 3 soundtracks now ? nice !
Liked for the witcher song.
Hey what's up guys it's Scarce here with another DOUBLE UPLOAD.
I loved that warrior comeback
liked purely because awesome witcher 3 music is awesome
1:50 Best part FellsGreatMan, just favorited the video.
You made me want to play Witcher 3 again,I'll get right to it
OOOO YEAAAAAH. The witcher song. Like for this =)
in 5. video (3:05) was one song which isn't writen in links... :(
KoaFid CZ from Kill Bill I think.
It's cool how old that intro song is but it is so good that it can be used very well in a youtube video.
Such a good episode.
Skellige theme is sooooo goooood!
Woo, trolden decided to upload!
LOL best ep. ever ! Seriously
Woah,I'd make a "Last time I was this early" joke but I was never this early.
Witcher 3 music. Must... resist...
Aaaaand here we go; Skellige I'm coming!
I LEGIT RIGHT NOW WAS LOOKING FOR THAT THE WITCHER 3 SONG, didn't know the name, then i just thought "Fuck it, i'll just watch troldens new vid" and then BAM. What are the damn odds.
Song at 3:40?
Where are all the Rage Orc fanboys now LUL . Keep up the good work Trol !
тут и грув, и челендж от томата... красавцы
That opening, 10/10 GG NO RE.
that guy got so incredibly rekt is was beautiful
what last video teaches us, never CONCEDE
He wants to be faster than Rage Orc this time... *I like it*
Cool. Didn't know that Mesut Özil played Hearthstone!
Ok! Amazing episode in each clip! Really!
But... that double Hanco!!! Poor guy XD
witcher 3 music feelsgoodman
3:17 Disciples 3
Witcher 3 song, kreygasm. Thank you, Trolden, I'm going to play Witcher;)
Witcher's music
3:17 Omg, The memories of playing Disciples ;_;
2:20 Tomatos's challenge. Yey!
Witcher music
Best episode we've had in a while. :D
RageOrc. I'm your fan #1
What a powerful episode! :O
another great vid. kill bill sirens on point
That Sonic Mania music... Kreygasm
great episode
Особенно классный выпуск? Чем? Много Эпика, музыка подобрана идеально, короче
The Naz'jar clip is my favorite. I had NO idea that could happen.
I'm a simple man, I hear skellige music, I like the video.
THE WITCHER 3 FEELS, Be back in a few weeks.
Should've named this episode Funny and Lucky Plot Twists because thats what its all about
ооо, Грув подъехал
3:18 - 3:34 what is that music, its extremely familiar to me for some reason
wow, i just saw the music is in the description
Witcher 3 music!!!! YAZ GOD
0:42 cucked...
1:55 Skaaaaadoosh
3:05 RNJesus smiles upon ye
The first one... My heart broke...
Witcher 3 Musik trigger my sadness :(
Question: why are the interrogation points icons (when playing a secret) are different in Russia than in NA ?
Guile's theme fits all, even EXECUTE
Another Angry Chicken combo set to Epic Sax Guy. There oughta be a chicken version of the Epic Sax Guy for these.
Bok, bok b-b-bok bok bok.
Watching this in 2024 and baffled by Sonic Mania music being that old
2:50 that moment when the guy in the vid is called essence and my gamertag is darkessence lol :D
I was watching the video without sounds. When I saw that hand at 2:11 I had to check if there's playing the sax guy.
was that music from war band?
What that alarm song at 3:06
2:12 song?
Подскажите мелодию 2:15
Good on that Dane guy. Most people (such as TB) would have immediately started mashing the concede button at that. He even gave such a defeated sigh (don't blame him), but fought on, and won the day regardless. /salute.
Пора бы добавить новую аудио дорожку на все видео, не находите?
Nice Skellige music xD lol
Hey, transforming is not summoning okay?
I swear to god this is actually first clip where dane played out good
Nice clips
Dane best man 👍🏼
Еее, курица челенж от томата)
the warrior game was legendary
2:30 Chickeeeeeeeeeeeen Jenkins
Great music.