11:00 This quest can turn out a number of ways. Whoever goes to the Termitary will die the next day. If you ignore the quest, Big Vlad and Young Vlad will both go, assuming they aren't infected. If you speak to Young Vlad first, he'll go to the Termitary if you take no further action. If you speak to Big Vlad after speaking to Young Vlad, only Big Vlad will go to the Termitary. The method I show (speak to Big Vlad first, then Clara in his house, then Big Vlad again) saves both of them with no drawbacks. 16:40 The Theatre dream for the Dream On achievement (9/10). You get it for sleeping at any time starting on Day 8. 19:30 For surviving to Day 8, you get the You Can't Hold to the Past achievement. 23:00 The seventh theatre performance for the Pantomimes achievement (7/10).
Very nice
11:00 This quest can turn out a number of ways. Whoever goes to the Termitary will die the next day. If you ignore the quest, Big Vlad and Young Vlad will both go, assuming they aren't infected. If you speak to Young Vlad first, he'll go to the Termitary if you take no further action. If you speak to Big Vlad after speaking to Young Vlad, only Big Vlad will go to the Termitary. The method I show (speak to Big Vlad first, then Clara in his house, then Big Vlad again) saves both of them with no drawbacks.
16:40 The Theatre dream for the Dream On achievement (9/10). You get it for sleeping at any time starting on Day 8.
19:30 For surviving to Day 8, you get the You Can't Hold to the Past achievement.
23:00 The seventh theatre performance for the Pantomimes achievement (7/10).