Gen 1 Suzuki Hayabusa Miss (Part 4) Magic Cam Timing?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 48

  • @BrockDavidson
    @BrockDavidson  2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Click MORE for additional information on VIDEO CHAPTERS and TIMESTAMPS. We EDIT our subtitles! - Select English for the best international translation. ** Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE and purchase parts from if you enjoy our channel!**

  • @williamwintemberg
    @williamwintemberg 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I love when you say "Don't ask me how I know that". Experience, experience, experience! LMAO! All for a watch. It doesn't get better. Can't wait for the next part. Thanks Brock!

  • @davidashton9580
    @davidashton9580 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Nice one Brock more quality info on the Busa and you did most of it one handed...WHAT A GUY 😃.
    All the best from UK Dave 🇬🇧 👍 🏁

  • @Nitrous_Busa
    @Nitrous_Busa 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Just finished part 3 today and boom. You drop part 4 🥹

  • @Da-wooley18
    @Da-wooley18 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Your still my favorite Brock keep it up we all appreciate everything your doing and showing us
    Thank you sir

  • @kenn9822
    @kenn9822 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Just did my chain on a 2003 a few months ago. When you said there was a washer behind the cam chain guide my heart sank!! Lol. Then I realized 2003 had the new style like yours was changed to. I almost cried for a second. 😅 Great video!!!

    • @BrockDavidson
      @BrockDavidson  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Lol, mine also. Glad you like our work, tell your friends.

    • @Apolloneek
      @Apolloneek 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I was about to do one on a 05 and was about to be looking for a mystery washer lol

    • @Apolloneek
      @Apolloneek 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@BrockDavidson hey Brock what was the tool you use when pulling the frame from the engine besides the torx or star bit

    • @BrockDavidson
      @BrockDavidson  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @Nick Levine - @motionpro makes a handy little tool that handles all of the castle nuts to remove the engine from the Busa (they also have a very handy shop-by-bike app to help you find it):

    @TEAMWRIGHTEOUS 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Alright... Went ahead and took the time to watch the entire video instead of just the short. So you spent the money and time many years ago to test exactly what I was just asking you earlier on the short.
    $375/day would be a good bit, especially back then. But it's also priceless info that you could apply forever more going forward. And it paid itself back many times over as now you apply that info to your business and product development, I'm sure along with the help of others as well, who've spent countless hours testing things to learn what does what.
    Engines are such a mysterious black art. The simple explanation is, that they're just an air pump. While true, they also require so much work to make power and make it work the best at the best rpm for what you're trying to do.
    Most people will just say, take these cams, put them at this and it'll make the best power. But if you ask them to explain why, and what happens if you do something different with them, they usually can't answer it... Because they honestly don't know. They just give you what worked for them with that combo and don't actually work to get better and make more power.
    Again, thanks for the videos. I make videos on my channel too and know how hard it is to be able to make them and edit them, and I mainly just do dyno and racing videos. Sometimes tech videos, but not many. This stuff is hard work... And you're making it harder by including multiple cameras and working one handed sometimes to try and include us in the process. So thank you and your crew for all the effort y'all put in to help us.

  • @SamRam-gv5sz
    @SamRam-gv5sz 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I bought my first busa and it seems like we have the same problem. My busa is miss firing when I’m on the highway my bikes won’t go past 110mph it starts to choke up and won’t go any faster it seems like your a true professiona! it’s awesome I see a video m from someone who knows what they are talking about.
    Btw I’m definitely subscribing to ur channel. I look forward to your next projects, a little suggestion don’t over talk keep it was short as you can because alot of times ppl watching ur videos are in the middle of doing the same project and they might be frustrated and are looking at you for answers asap you help us all with fixing our own bikes and save of thousands of dollars 😅thanks again you will be hearing from me a lot lol 😂

  • @chihuahuaverde425
    @chihuahuaverde425 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thanks for continuing this series.

  • @belgianbusa
    @belgianbusa 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Love it, love it, LOVE IT. More Gen 1 Busa maintenance/repair tips would be great

  • @davidelizabeth4933
    @davidelizabeth4933 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    We appreciate you as always, Mr. Davidson!

  • @michaelsmartin5388
    @michaelsmartin5388 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    the more videos you post , the more I am impressed and glad I'm LOW /SLOW hd GUY . 45 years ago i may have felt Different Oh Yeah, Great videos and one of my first jobs was putting slots in castle nuts Size from2.5 threads to 7 in threads I worked at GE and we made parts for large steam turbines

  • @JamesBrown-ux9ds
    @JamesBrown-ux9ds ปีที่แล้ว +1

    52:20 i found somebody in Berlin, Germany who changed the actualy spring of my 2001 Fireblade SC44 tensioner from standard spring rate to plus 20%, and it was alltogether just about 50 €. (I live at Nürburgring, Eifel actualy). And you are so right it makes for a clearly quieter engine/bike indeed. The two M5 of the tensioner are a little tricky to reach at the Blade. I built something custom for the job in the end. (Honda recommends to loosen/undo all engine bolts and lower the complete engine, i hadn't to that way. Time and money saved.)

  • @bikbildr.5186
    @bikbildr.5186 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Absolutely correct Brock it shifts the power from a tight set of numbers or a moderate or loose.
    I have a 82 gs1100 strip only and my web cams I degree them in at ex.106.5 and in.108 it works well for me.

  • @texasmotoworx1599
    @texasmotoworx1599 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Holy cow Brock this is awesome. I binge watched the entire series and learned so much I didn't know about the ' back into the one here today...early 2000 kinda stumbles at 3k rpm and below. Going to check out the TPS now thanks to you...
    Wow you really went deep in this bike. I have been saving and reconditioning vintage Japanese bike for many years and have known the BP name, but now I know who the man behind it is! Subscribing!! Keep up the great work.

    • @BrockDavidson
      @BrockDavidson  ปีที่แล้ว

      Glad you like. Tell your friends 😁

  • @gabrielayala1434
    @gabrielayala1434 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Este vídeo realmente me ajudou muito obrigado

  • @TL1000S97
    @TL1000S97 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The Gen2 chain tensioner is a bit more difficult to "prep" before installing IMHO (need strong grip to "lock" it before installing it). Why did they change this from the Gen1? Probably to avoid the cam chain getting "sloppy". Excellent video Brock! Keep'em coming! 👍👍

    • @BrockDavidson
      @BrockDavidson  2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I remember they had some tensioner-related failures in 1999, so they quickly (and smartly!) upgraded the early units and incorporated the revised design going forward....and the Hayabusa's legendary dependability began as a result.

  • @rockybalboa620
    @rockybalboa620 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I love Hayabusa !my first motorcycle 1999 Hayabusa

  • @vincentsonborn5832
    @vincentsonborn5832 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you

  • @codywichman213
    @codywichman213 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    shoulding the cam timing be set on all the bikes at the same position, because of stock cams, stock marks and sprockets. Im sure the stretch of the chain can influence it. Im curious..i guess you will explain more in the final episode. Cant wait!!

    • @kennethcarmack8031
      @kennethcarmack8031 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Cam timing moves your power. Just like velocity stacks. All depends on your application

    • @BrockDavidson
      @BrockDavidson  2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @Cody Wichman - that's what adjustable cam sprockets are for - but they are beyond the scope of this "fix it" video. We will handle this performance-oriented topic in more detail in future Tech Talk episodes.

  • @daveyt4802
    @daveyt4802 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I hear the stock auto tensioners can skip on high rpm decel? 🤔

    • @BrockDavidson
      @BrockDavidson  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      That's what we hear...but we simply don't see it anymore.

    @PANTYEATR1 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have a dumb questions about the cams. Are the intake and exhaust cams different or are they the same cam, but put in at different degrees? I couldn't tell if the cams were different or not. This was a great class. I bet my 929 needs a timing chain with 77k miles on the clock.

    • @BrockDavidson
      @BrockDavidson  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Great question! As a general rule...they are different. That said -- On the Gen 1 Busa, it was sizably restricted from Suzuki by reducing the exhaust cam lift and duration. A performance "trick" for these bikes is to install an OEM intake cam on the exhaust -- it netted close to 10 RWHP gain, all the way up the curve. Most bikes are about done with 77K miles, but Honda makes some amazing engines (if left alone/un modified) a quick trip to your local dyno can tell you if your performance has fallen off due to miles... or any number of other wear items.

      @PANTYEATR1 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@BrockDavidson nice! So the cams are marked intake or exhaust so they cannot be installed incorrectly? That intake\intake cam "trick" sounds cool. I'll look into seeing if that can be done for my bike. Thanks for responding💪

    • @BrockDavidson
      @BrockDavidson  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yes, they are clearly marked IN or EX. That trick does not typically prove worthwhile in smaller engines as they are typically not restricted in this means. You would be far better served with a proper selection of bolt-on parts and a tune that allows the parts to work in proper harmony.

  • @MrGsxrme
    @MrGsxrme 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hey Brock, thank you for making the video. But I have to ask...
    As easy as it is to pull the engine, why in god's name didn't you just pull her out to do all the diag & repair? I mean the age of the bike between wiring harness and engine, wouldn't it be easier to yank it vs save some money on fluids?

    • @BrockDavidson
      @BrockDavidson  2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @Thomas Hock - GREAT QUESTION! It basically boiled down to time and lack of help. It was already a PITA to do it this way, one-handed...a full engine removal would not have been possible. Additionally, the last time I did it - I didn't have the problem removing the bolt or "video camera set-up" so it took me a little over an hour to do the complete job. Filming triples the time required to do anything - as these long videos show. This is not something we normally do...I hate fixing broke sh*t. If it was a Brock's Project, the engine would have been removed, repaired, and returned MUCH FASTER than it was previously. But that's not what this project was about.

  • @nathanaeldiaz3695
    @nathanaeldiaz3695 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hi yes my name is nateI have a 2003 Suzuki Hayabusa for some reason it doesn’t turn on. I try everything new stater new starter new coils new hornist basically everything and he still won’t start.

    • @BrockDavidson
      @BrockDavidson  ปีที่แล้ว

      What do the dealer codes indicate?

    • @nathanaeldiaz3695
      @nathanaeldiaz3695 ปีที่แล้ว

      It’s not lights on in the dash for so I don’t know what is going what to do I don’t know anybody around here. I just moved here to Newport Ritchie and I don’t know anybody so they can work on my motorcycle but if I know any location of your Yum stores I can bring my motorcycle to see if you guys can fix it

    • @BrockDavidson
      @BrockDavidson  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Check out our dealer locator to see if we have a dealer near you:

  • @Wwheels10
    @Wwheels10 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Could of checked for timing chain strech could of just check tightness at first

    • @BrockDavidson
      @BrockDavidson  8 วันที่ผ่านมา

      The updated 'oil pressure backup' cam chain tensioner, did not allow the cam chain to have any additional slack, even worn out enough to create this problem.

  • @conservative-proud
    @conservative-proud 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The correct answer is ‘don’t use a manual tensioner’… use the OEM tensioner…

  • @nathanaeldiaz3695
    @nathanaeldiaz3695 ปีที่แล้ว

    Or anybody to work a motorcycle that I can bring my motorcycle so they can be a repair. I really appreciate any comments back.

  • @timfetters7471
    @timfetters7471 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    $375 a day. I would pay that just to learn from you while you work on a busa engine.

  • @stevewalden3814
    @stevewalden3814 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    This was not at the same high video quality as your other videos. You probably should have waited for someone to do the camera work for you. I gave up about half way through.