連 NBA 球星係機場都要等足六個鐘,各位計劃短期內到達多倫多嘅朋友,請留意及做好心理準備。 www.blogto.com/sports_play/2021/09/toronto-raptors-player-faces-excruciating-6-hour-wait-after-arriving-pearson-airport/
我們於今年一月份入境時,沒有被要求出示任何醫療保險文件。但我們於出發前已安排了醫療保險。 如果主申請人是學生身份,他所就讀的學校應該已幫他買了讀書期間的醫療保險。以安省為例,由於要等到埗後約半年先可以申請政府的 Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP),建議配偶及子女先自行購買最少半年的醫療保險。 到埗約半年後,如配偶已找到全職工作(假設他持有Spouse Open Work Permit),就可以叫僱主準備一封信(連同其他所需文件)去 Service Ontario 申請 OHIP。只要配偶合資格申請,全家人都會同時獲批。 OHIP 的官方網站(只適用於安省)。請參考 "Who qualifies" 的那一段: www.ontario.ca/page/apply-ohip-and-get-health-card 我之後會出片同大家講解申請 OHIP 的詳情及須注意事項。
根據 IRCC 有關申請 Stream B OWP 嘅網頁內容,佢係咁寫: "If you got your education abroad You don’t need an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) to apply if you got a degree (for example, associate, bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral) outside Canada, but an officer may request one later." www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/work-canada/permit/open-work-permit-hong-kong-recent-graduates.html 即係你申請 OWP 時可以唔攞 ECA 住,但係審批官員有權係審批 OWP 時要求你提供。 到咗正式申請 PR 時,IRCC嘅內部審批指引係咁寫: "Stream B: Canadian work experience Education requirements Applicants must have graduated in the 5 years before they apply with one of the following: - a post-secondary degree (for example, associate, bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral) That credential (in any field of study) must have been obtained from one of the following: - a learning institution abroad Applicants must provide an educational credential assessment (ECA) to show that their foreign degree, diploma, certificate or credential is equal to one of the above-mentioned Canadian post-secondary credentials. The ECA must be less than 5 years old on the date they apply." www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/permanent-residence/non-economic-classes/pathways-hong-kong/assessing.html#s621 照字面睇,你用一個 Master Degree 申請 PR 就已經符合要求。當然,審批官員幾時都有權要求申請人提交更多證明文件。 由於我唔係行 Stream B,建議你可以去 Peter 神嘅「楓之谷」網頁搵嗰邊啲 Stream B 谷友問吓。 facebook.com/maplegroupcanada/
請留意:由 2022年10月1日起,入境加拿大已不需要使用片中所提及的 ArriveCAN 程式。
很有用的分享, 謝謝您.
請問我太太攞住SOWP仲洗唔洗exemption letter 入境加拿大?因為佢冇job offer letter
Exemption letter 係當時加拿大因疫情封關,所以先有呢樣嘢。依家出入境無限制,同埋 SOWP 係 open work permit,係唔洗要有 job offer。係預咗持有人入咗境先搵工。
@@HK2CA 感謝回覆
連 NBA 球星係機場都要等足六個鐘,各位計劃短期內到達多倫多嘅朋友,請留意及做好心理準備。
據聞, 入境時, 官員有權要求出示有效的醫療保險, 若未能出示, 可被拒入境! 即使有買醫保, 亦要覆蓋整個逗留期, 否則會被批出較短期的permit! 請問: 1. 入境時有無被要求出示醫保? 2. 可否分享一下, 你和家人的醫保安排? 謝謝.
如果主申請人是學生身份,他所就讀的學校應該已幫他買了讀書期間的醫療保險。以安省為例,由於要等到埗後約半年先可以申請政府的 Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP),建議配偶及子女先自行購買最少半年的醫療保險。
到埗約半年後,如配偶已找到全職工作(假設他持有Spouse Open Work Permit),就可以叫僱主準備一封信(連同其他所需文件)去 Service Ontario 申請 OHIP。只要配偶合資格申請,全家人都會同時獲批。
OHIP 的官方網站(只適用於安省)。請參考 "Who qualifies" 的那一段:
我之後會出片同大家講解申請 OHIP 的詳情及須注意事項。
@@HK2CA 明白了, 謝謝您! 期待其他的分享!
關於sp批出既年期,正常如果係DLI list PGWP Yes 既話係咪多三年work permit?咁拎到個張年期係咪total 5年?(假設本身讀2年書)
學簽 (SP) 同畢業生工作簽證 (PGWP) 係分開的。假設係讀兩年 Diploma,你申請學簽時係只會批到你預計畢業日期加多兩至三個月左右。PGWP 係要係畢業時另外再申請,如讀兩年合資格課程,最多可批出三年工簽。
@@HK2CA 明白、咁如果另一半入境時申請sowp,到時候都要一齊去再申請延長wp?
@@kelvinyung43 一般 PGWP 的方法是這樣,但有了港人救生艇政策後,未知會否不同。要再等吓多啲行救生艇取得 PR 嘅朋友分享,先知實際應該點做。
多謝分享, 有個伏位, 真係要請教一下你們, 如果我用Master Degree去申stream B的OWP, 我ECA要唔要做晒Master Degree和Bachelor Degree(開始讀Master Degree前五年內完成的Bachelor), 定係拿著OWP做夠一年工作, 到時只需要看Master Degree的ECA, 而只需要看Original Bachelor Degree和其Transcript? 感激不盡!
根據 IRCC 有關申請 Stream B OWP 嘅網頁內容,佢係咁寫:
"If you got your education abroad
You don’t need an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) to apply if you got a degree (for example, associate, bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral) outside Canada, but an officer may request one later."
即係你申請 OWP 時可以唔攞 ECA 住,但係審批官員有權係審批 OWP 時要求你提供。
到咗正式申請 PR 時,IRCC嘅內部審批指引係咁寫:
"Stream B: Canadian work experience
Education requirements
Applicants must have graduated in the 5 years before they apply with one of the following:
- a post-secondary degree (for example, associate, bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral)
That credential (in any field of study) must have been obtained from one of the following:
- a learning institution abroad
Applicants must provide an educational credential assessment (ECA) to show that their foreign degree, diploma, certificate or credential is equal to one of the above-mentioned Canadian post-secondary credentials. The ECA must be less than 5 years old on the date they apply."
照字面睇,你用一個 Master Degree 申請 PR 就已經符合要求。當然,審批官員幾時都有權要求申請人提交更多證明文件。
由於我唔係行 Stream B,建議你可以去 Peter 神嘅「楓之谷」網頁搵嗰邊啲 Stream B 谷友問吓。 facebook.com/maplegroupcanada/
@@HK2CA 感謝你的回應,好詳細🙏🏼🙏🏼