Was waiting for this one cause I already saw a little heat between you guys during the Tournament match where gray played as breach. GRAY really is the best Raze Main.
Gray, you are my favorite valorant player, you are always so humble, and joyful. I just met Gumle few videos ago, I instantly sub also, you raze players are the great.
Hope you guys enjoyed
Super enjoyed!!!
Yes I did :)
0:43 "HUGE GUMLE" thankyou?
Moreeeee!!!! Different mapss
Yeah always
Gumle: Humiliating Radiant players with Raze jumps
Also Gumle:
Pretty Rusty at raze right there mate😂🤣
humble is insane
U were nervous, happens to everyone
YES I'm in math class but I NEEDED TO SEE THIS
It was night bruh
The earth is flat
@@bloxzy2892 😂😂😂
@@Jaduu047 the teory of conspiracy
@@Jaduu047 ok sure. It's oval
High-key wanna see Gray and Flights do one video together
gray and gumle : doing god level jumps
me: raze not even unlocked.
Your soo good, how hasn't your channel blown up yet?!
thanks man
I like how you guys are both so chill, get along well together, and compliment one another
known each other for a long time, just thankful he wanted to play the game of TRICK ❤
honestly speaking GRAY is much more patient with his satchels which makes him one shot raze king
You are definitely the king of triple boosts! 👑 👑
I love and need more of these kinds of collabs!!!
Hey skye bro xd
the legends here but didnt include flights
wheres flights
No the real gods is LO9IC
me looking to grey"s fps:500
me having a 50fps in game
You have 50? I get 30-40🙂
@@grayfps :)
Mid jump i sometimes have 7fps so its like no look
Was in my Online class. Just double satcheled my way to this video.💖💖
@Mr. StormXI had a break and then notif about gray's vid came. So i just hopped on.
this is what I've been waiting for ever since I was born
lol ❤
Was waiting for this one cause I already saw a little heat between you guys during the Tournament match where gray played as breach. GRAY really is the best Raze Main.
❤ there has been no heat between us, Ive known Gumle for about a year.
Bro is so humble , he still replies to every comment out here.
I try 😀
The two raze gods in a face off.. GGS
U forgetting flights
This was like sentinals vs 100t we thought it was gonna be close but gray just killed it 🤩🤩👍
When ever gray is like...eeezzz and gumle fails...gumle is like...why u bully me
Gray + Gumle = GG
thanks for putting the outro music in the description
I am new to this channel, he is so chill and like so humble as well puhlease I love his personality
thanks man, your comment made my day
Just the crossover we needed.
The video I never knew existed but needed
Atleast keep different knifes next time i was confused always had to look for webcam or not xDDD
Gray vs Gumle vs Flights
its way more fun to watch 💯🔥
my two fav raze vontent creators :)
GGS, sick matchup, but you were just too smooth with it, your movement is just too crystal clear fam ❤️💯
I think gray has the best raze movement out of everyone
@Daniel Falces naa i think Flights is the best Raze Player
@@HerthaFIFADankeAn100Subsright bro flights is ❤️
i agree with u dude and i think flight has better aim then gray but the movement gray better
@@HerthaFIFADankeAn100Subs its about the raze movement bro
I watch them all and I need to agree with you. Gray got a lot of move that i never seen Gumle and Flights do.
this dude is cracked n goated
GG Gray and Gumle
Gray, you are my favorite valorant player, you are always so humble, and joyful. I just met Gumle few videos ago, I instantly sub also, you raze players are the great.
Appreciate it my guy. gumle is brilliant also, we had a fun time in Copenhagen.
Gray you are taking Raze into next level bro ❤️❤️
thank you ❤
This mans movement is unparalleled. Great vid G! 🔥
thank you ❤
gray is the best raze player for sure❤️😁
Oo so u asked flights and gumle to do this but flights did not came sad 😭😭😭
stfu you are a Yoru main
why so mean
ur just soo smooth with it
finally gumle and Gary collaboration
Gumle, Flights, GrayFPS, Sick combination
Absolutely fun to watch💖
i was waiting for thisssss from a veryy long time
both raze legends together
hes the goat
9:43 Gumle Know's you are trolling him. he absolutely knows you are trolling him XD
Gray VS Gumle VS The Raze Jod
(ma boi flight)
true flights is the real one
The God
gumle is broken from inside whenever you say i believe you can do this xd
Lets go finally gray vs gumle but when gray vs flights it will be fun
probs never, asked him before
0:10 to 0:41 rule just like MOTIVATION 😂
I knew you will win ezzz though gumle is pretty good too. You deserve a lot of subs bro
gumle is the goat
this is what i've been waiting for.
Do the Double satchel no scope OP shot like Ladiff
A new raze GOD
I'm a raze player myself and I loved watching imo the best 2 raze players ever
thanks man
ur always smooth with razee....just a god...GGS
Wow, this Gumle guy is good at raze, he should main him!
He does xD
Sheesh, i was waiting for this vid. Raze god vs raze god (But grayfps is the true god ;p)
❤ gumle is the goat for playing
Best video ever made🔥🔥🔥With gumle👌🏻🔥🔥
best of luck bro
@@Mzxynk0777 Thanks bro
❤ but pass your exams aha
@@grayfps No worries bro the exam went really well :)
Let's make a Split battle jump!!! And the triple boost at Market to Mid just makes me Owa :O
Gray fps u are left handed omg me too 👁️👄👁️
Ah yes, ive been waiting for this video for soo long
Thats gray sensei for ya 😁
Nice one. Congratulation for both of you.
ur getting 100k pretty soon
I already knew who would win from the beginning >:D
That one letter was obiously a given Gary but nc sportsmanship from both of u
GRAY won no surprise there
@@grayfps 7w7
damn gray is so much great
You are literally the God of raze movements
Fire content as always :D
keep it up fam :>
you've swung that knife over 10000 times easily
ngl there is no better raze
u both are too good
Oh both did very well and the deserving won proud to be in gray army
If you want some more competition on the next game, you know who to call 😉😈🥶
move to eu :)
GGs, pog.
How there are people who dislike the video ,gray you are insane my friend
hey gray whats the crosshair? i been really trying to find it but i cant
1422 inner lines
GGs Gray and Gumle
Gray please tell me how to get on the top of the green box at top mid in Asent?
jump crouch
Thanks a lot, I shall give it a try for sure
Who says gumle has better movement than gray its for them XD
Gumle fails I'll take a h. Me:that's a T
Petition to make a gray vs flights video. That would be dope
it would be
Oh boiiii here we go fly high guys
yo this vid is fire. I wish i could battle with u as best raze in jp
Which mouse and keyboard you use
ducky one 2 mini & raze deathadder vv2 pro
Me : A level 28 starting to get some satchel ult plays around corners, comes across this video....
Fan from India again,nice commentry
Here comes the party
Do a "The floor is lava challenge" with Gumle with infinite satchels😅
would be cool
I knew you'd win🔥🔥
ez win gray
Oh it's TRICK, I srsly thought it was TRASH
Next time you should challenge Flights.
You beat his student, time to beat the master himself, am I right?
Gray showed flights how to satchel boost in a custom game
I challenged him, he didnt respond. I have been doing it just as long as him so not sure where the master comes from lol.
Well I think you're both amazing, doesn't matter who would win.
Can you make a guide on how to raze jump? That may be hard but I can't get it nearly as far as you can do
I have 5 guides, I dont have an in depth one but I think I will try one soon
gray, can u do more content like this with gumle flight n how to noodle again in every map? pleasssseeee
flights doesnt do content like this and i would if there was more to do with gumle and noodle
@@grayfps thanks gray
from a big fan from indonesa wkwkwk
When I saw the rules, dumb me was thinking why should some one receive a letter 💌 when they fail 😁
Gray u use left hand?
na my cam is mirrored
2 Legends🔥
we all saw it coming
aint nobody better than gary in raze movement